HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 05/29/1996 CITY Of ILIRI)rIT Jim White, Mayor LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing May 29, 1996 The meeting of the Interim Kent Land Use & Planning Board was called to order by Interim Chair Leona Orr at 7:00 p.m on May 29, 1996, in Chambers West of Kent City Hall INTERIM LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Leona Orr, Chair Tim Clark Jon Johnson INTERIM LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Matt Jackson, GIS Planner Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: Roger Lubovich, City Attorney Bill Wolinski, Water Quality Engineer Supervisor APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board member Clark MOVED to approve the minutes from the March 26, 1996 meeting. Board member Johnson SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None COMMUNICATIONS None. 220 4th AVE SO /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes 19, 1996 PG 2 NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS The Interim Land Use and Planning Board may not meet again depending on any continuations from the meeting tonight. The new Land Use and Planning Board members are tentatively meeting on June 17, 1996 for an orientation session. The new board members will not receive agenda items until after that date. Chair Orr clarified the difference between the Interim Land Use and Planning Board, and the new Land Use and Planning Board. #ZCA-96-4 STREAM BUFFER REQUIREMENTS (Matt Jackson) Planner Matt Jackson explained that the Soos Creek drainage system had a separate set of regulations regarding stream buffer setbacks under King County prior to the Meridian annexation These a regulations are different than what exists in the City of Kent Zoning Code On December 20, 1995, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 3259 to adopt interim zoning controls Effective January 1, 1996, this ordinance continued the County's development standards and provisions for the Meridian area for a period of six months. The Planning Department is proposing three alternatives in the stream buffer regulations for the Meridian area Alternative#1 • Extend the current interim zoning controls for one year, in order to conduct a city wide study and potential revisions to the current hazard area development standards. Alternative#2 Extend the existing standards of the Kent Zoning Code to the Meridian area which would result in a reduction in some stream setbacks Alternative#3 Establish a separate set of standards for the Soos Creek drainage system as outlined in the King County Code, and, therefore, amend the Kent City Code. Staff recommends Alternative No. 3 which would establish permanent separate standards for the Soos Creek drainage system. Water Quality Engineer supervisor, Bill Wolinski, explained that in preparation for the annexation the City started working with King County, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife for a better understanding of the development of the buffer requirements. Engineer Wolinski contracted the services of Harza Northwest, Inc., in order to conduct an independent assessment of existing stream and habitat conditions. Senior Fisheries Scientist, Brian Ali, from Harza Northwest Inc. presented a slide show and a report entitled "Meridian Annexation Area, Fish Habitat and Fish Population Survey" He spoke about Land Use and Planning Board Minutes 19, 1996 Pu 3 the habitat in the Soos Creek drainage system and what can be done to enhance the fish health in the system. Bob Firstenberg Principal Fisheries Scientist, from King County Surface Water Management, stated that the Surface Water Management Division would like to see the City retain King County's regulations in the Meridian area. He explained that stream buffer requirements not only protect wildlife but the public as well Phil Schneider from the State Department of Fisheries expressed the State's concern that these recommendations become approved. The State's regulations are very similar to King County's. The Department would like to see the City of Kent adopt the County's regulations in the Meridian area. Karen Walters of the Muckleshoot Tribe Fisheries spoke in support of the 100-foot buffer regulations for the Meridian area The Soos Creek drainage system is the major tributary for the Green/Duwamish river system which accounts for 60 percent of the Muckleshoot's commercial catch. Ms. Walters submitted written comments regarding her testimony,and a study by Dave Evans and Associates prepared for the 132nd Avenue SE and 140 Avenue SE roadway projects Ms. xi • Walters concluded that there are locations in the Meridian annexation area that do not have adequate habitat to sustain salmon, and the remaining stream buffers need as much protection as possible. In addition, the degraded areas need restoration. The Muckleshoot Environmental Division urges the Board to approve 100-foot buffer regulation for the Meridian annexation area. Chair Orr opened the public hearing. Board member Johnson MOVED to close the public hearing. Board member Clark SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Board member Johnson MOVED to make the Department of Fish and Wildlife letter, Muckleshoot Indian Tribe letter, and the Meridian Annexation Area Fish Habitat Population Survey a part of the record. Board member Clark SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. Board member Johnson MOVED to adopt the Planning Department's recommendation to approve Alternative No. 3 from the memorandum dated May 29, 1996, and to recommend a three month extension to be forwarded to the Full City Council of the existing interim zoning controls pertaining to stream buffer requirements in the Meridian annexation area as implemented by Ordinance No. 3259. Board member Clark SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes Njft�PVW4 1996 w 4 CPA-95-2(A)&CPZ-95-3 PREFERRED PROPERTIES&INVESTMENT COMPANY and CPA- 95-2(B) & CPZ-95-4 GRUBE AMENDMENT(Kevin O'Neill) Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill explained that the Comprehensive Plan adopted April 1995 can be amended on an annual basis and that the city accepts amendment applications to be reviewed by the Land Use and Planning Board and then the City Council The hearing tonight is regarding two of six applications received by September 1, 1995. Mr. O'Neill reported that the Growth Management Act requires consistency between the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the zoning map This is why these items are listed as both a comprehensive plan land use map amendment and a zoning map amendment. Preferred Properties & Investment Company, the applicant for the area north of James Street between 1st and 5th and south of Cloudy Street, has proposed to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from SF-8 to Mixed Use and change the current zone from the existing SR-8 to NCC, Neighborhood Convenience Commercial and CC, Community Commercial. Mr. O'Neill displayed a map with the parcels subject to the application The only parcels included in this recommendation are the shaded parcels on the map These were the only property owners that signed. It is the staffs • recommendation that this action be deferred until the completion of the Downtown Subarea Action Plan to be completed by June 1997 Board member Johnson asked what area was included in the Downtown Action Plan. Mr. O'Neill pointed out the area on the map The Grube amendment, located at the southwest corner of 108th Avenue SE and SE 260th, is currently zoned SR-6 and the applicants are proposing to change it to SR-8. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation is SF-6 The applicant is proposing to change it to SF-8. Mr. O'Neill displayed a map with the subject parcel. It is the staffs recommendation that the Board recommend approval of the Grube amendment and forward this recommendation to the Full City Council. Chair Orr opened the public hearing. Alden Eld,43510 192nd Avenue SE, Enumclaw, and Bernie Baker represent Preferred Properties and own property in the North Park area. Mr Eld is requesting the zoning change from Single Family Residential to mixed use. Mr. Eld displayed a map showing the properties that do not conform with current zoning for the area along the James Street corridor. He addressed some concerns about the safety of residents living on James Street Mr Eld stated he would have received more signatures had he been able to reach the property owners Pam Newcomer, 839 3rd Avenue South,agreed with Mr.Eld on the deterioration of the homes along • James Street but does not support the North Park zoning change Ms Newcomer said that some Land Use and Planning Board Minutes 19, 1996 PW 5 property owners on James Street made improvements on their homes. Ms Newcomer said North Park is a quiet, affordable neighborhood that provide housing for elderly and families alike. The completion of the Regional Justice Center, although an attractive structure. will impact the City enough without adding more commercial use in the area. Ms. Newcomer expressed her concerns about the parking problems that already exist on her street. Cloudy Street may be reopened causing more traffic in the area. She also noted that there are five mini-mart/gas stations within walking distance from her home. Sandy and Russ Swarringim, 733 3rd Avenue N. of Kent, agreed with Ms. Newcomer's statement regarding the North Park zoning change and stated that this action would only benefit the applicant. Jerry Prouty, 27608 114th Ave SE of Kent, supports the Grube amendment. Most of the area is already zoned other than single family residential, making the smaller density consistent. Linda Johnson, 11209 SE 219th PL of Kent, from the Kent Downtown Partnership, stated they support the staff s recommendation regarding the North Park area to wart until the completion of the Downtown Subarea Action Plan in June 1997. • Fred Schmale, 13408 SE 182nd of Renton,owns rental properties on Cloudy Street between 4th and 5th. He is not in support of the North Park zoning change Philip Piscupo, 752 5th Avenue N. of Kent, expressed his concerns regarding the North Park zoning change. He was concerned about the traffic impacts and public safety for the Kent Commons and Commons play field pedestrian traffic. Mr Piscupo also said that the playground area at the end of 5th and Cloudy Street is used to airlift serious injury victims and would be impacted by the increased traffic flow. He was also concerned that the playground would be changed to a parking lot. Mr. Piscupo was concerned about taxes and the decrease in single family residential areas in the downtown area. Mr. Piscupo went on to say there was no need for commercial in this area, and that there is a sufficient commercial area just a short walk away. George Plemmons 753 3rd Avenue N. of Kent,talked about the efforts already being taken by the North Park residents to keep the current zoning. He admits other property owners neglect their property. Mr. Plemmons talked about the traffic problems already existing in the area He does not support the zoning change. Bonnie Jones'Mother-in-law,714 5th Avenue N,of Kent, stated that she does not remember signing the petition to support the North Park rezone as indicated on the map. Ms. Jones was concerned about the children in the area and their safety. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes 9, 1996 P 6 Mr. Robinson, 108th Avenue SE and SE 260th Street of Kent spoke against the Grube amendment. Mr. Robinson was concerned about the traffic in the area. Debbie Napp, on behalf of her Mother who resides at 715 3rd Avenue N of Kent, spoke against the rezone of the North Park area. Ms Napp wondered why the North Park area was not included in the proposed downtown study Her concerns about the rezone were the increased traffic, parking overflow,breaking up the neighborhood, and the effect this rezone would have on the elderly people in the area. She also asked about what tax change might happen. Chair Orr stated that the taxes were decided by the King County Assessor. Ms. Napp went on to say that the Tot Lot on Cloudy Street was nice but there were more such facilities needed. Paulette Heese, 722 3rd Avenue N. of Kent, said that the previous owner of her home signed the petition but she would like her name to be removed from the list. Her concerns about the North Park rezone were the increased traffic, safety of the children playing in the area, and parking overflow. • Board member Clark MOVED to close the public hearing. Board member Johnson SECONDED the motion. Motion earned. Chair Orr, in response to Mr. Plemmons' statement, stated that the Growth Management Act allows for continued changes as requested by property owners on an annual basis. Chair Orr asked Senior Plainer, Kevin O'Neill,to clarify what the study area will include and if that area can be expanded. Senior Planner,Kevin ONeill, explained that the study is for the downtown area primarily, and the land use in the areas all along the edge of the downtown study area includes the North Park area. The impacts of any proposed changes would be looked at for the study area and the areas around it. Mr. O'Neill pointed out, in response to the statement of Bonnie Jones,that there was not a signature obtained from Ms. Jones' mother-in-law as indicated by the application. City Attorney Tom Brubaker, in response to a question by Chair Orr, stated that the Board must consider the application as originally submitted; however, this Board has the authority to make a modification to the proposal in order to take their request into consideration tonight Board member Clark talked about the traffic problems that are unavoidable, but the two new arterial projects will help the traffic situation. Chair Orr requested a motion for the Preferred Properties and Investment Company proposal,#CPA- • 95-2(A) and #CPZ-95-3. Board member Johnson MOVED to deny the request to change the Land Use and Planning Board Minutes 19, 1996 P y Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation from SF-8 to Mixed Use,and the Zoning Map from SR-8 to NCC and CC. Board member Clark SECONDED the motion. Board member Johnson said the application should be denied to allow the study to be completed and to include the North Park area to be included in the study. Board member Johnson spoke about his reasons for the recommendation of denial Board member Johnson MOVED to amend the main motion to continue the downtown study and include the entire North Park area. Chair Orr concurred with Board member Johnson's remarks Motion Carried. Board member Johnson MOVED to make the letter from Frederick and Diana Wright a part of the public record. Board member Clark SECONDED the motion Motion carried. Chair Orr requested a motion for the Grube amendment proposal, #CPA-95-2(B) and#CPZ-95-4. Board member Johnson asked Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill what the increase in the potential amount of residential lots as a result of this application. There was some discussion about single family development standards . Board member Johnson MOVED to approve the Grube Amendment#CPA-95-2(B)and#CPZ-95-4. Board member Clark SECONDED There was some discussion regarding affordable housing Chair Orr was concerned about the increased traffic that would occur with such a development Motion carried with Chair Orr dissenting. #CPA-96-2 MI-C DISTRICT POLICY AMENDMENT (Kevin O'Neill) Senior Planner Kevin ONeill explained that a policy regarding permitted uses in the Mr-C zone was presented to the Planning Committee on April 4, 1995, during the Committee's hearing on the draft Comprehensive Plan, and was forwarded to the full City Council to be included in the Comprehensive Plan. The policy was inadvertently left out of the Comprehensive Plan adopted in April of 1995 by the full City Council. The Planning Department recently received a rezone application that depends on the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan regarding the Mr-C zone. On May 7, 1996, the City Council adopted a resolution declaring an emergency to prepare a comprehensive plan amendment to add this policy to the plan. It is the staff s recommendation to add policy LU-16.4 regarding the M1-C zone to the Kent Comprehensive Plan Chair Orr opened the public hearing. There was no public testimony on this matter. Board member Tim Clark MOVED that the public hearing be closed Board member Jon Johnson SECONDED. Motion carried. • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes 1R9, 1996 PG V Jon Johnson MOVED to approveY #CPA-96-2 MI-C District Policy Amendment and forward to the full City Council for adoption Board member Tim Clark SECONDED Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9.25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, -Z9 4ording P Hams Secretary C 1USERSIDOCILANDUSE\MINUTESIPCMIN05 29 •