HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 03/05/1996 CITY OF • Jim White, Mayor LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing March 5, 1996 The meeting of the Interim Kent Land Use& Planning Board was called to order by Interim Chair Leona Orr at 4.00 p in on March 5, 1996, in Chambers East of Kent City Hall. INTERIM LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Leona Orr, Chair Tim Clark Jon Johnson INTERIM LAND USE& PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager • Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Matt Jackson, GIS Planner Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 29. 1996 MINUTES Board member Tim Clark MOVED to approve the minutes from the February 20 meeting. The motion was SECONDED by Board member Jon Johnson. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None. #ZCA-96-3 DRIVE-UP BANKING IN THE DC ZONE - (K. O'Neill) Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill described the background of the Downtown Commercial zone. This zone was originally established in an effort to create a mixed use,pedestrian-oriented area,providing for higher-density development 1 #ZCA-96-3 Allowing Drive-up Banking to the DC zone 220 4th AVE SO /KENT W ASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 Land Use & Planning Board Minutes March 5, 1996 Mr. O'Neill presented the following three alternatives for the Land Use & Planning Board to consider. 1. No action. 2. Allow banks with drive-through facilities as a principally permitted use (throughout the DC zone) 3. Allow banks with drive-through facilities as a principally permitted use, but only on those parcels which abut Fourth Avenue. Staff recommends that the Board consider Alternative 3 if they recommend approving an amendment to the zoning code to permit drive-through banking in the Downtown Commercial zone. Chair Orr opened the public hearing. Mr. Charles Turner, 604 West Meeker 4204, Kent, WA 98032. Mr. Turner is the President of the Kent Downtown Partnership Mr Turner voiced the Downtown Partnership's support for the zoning code change as staff recommended However, Mr Turner voiced the following concerns. 1. Drive-up banking is not the best use of that site. Retail business would better enhance the downtown plan. 2. Curb cuts on Meeker and Fourth Avenue. 3. Project negotiation is not finalized with land owner and Cascade Community Bank. 4. What could happen with the parcel when the land-lease expires. Mr. Ted Knapp, 612 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 201, Bellevue, WA 98004 Mr Knapp is working for Cascade to negotiate the land-lease with the property owners They have received a letter of intent and are presently negotiating the lease documents. Cascade selected this site as a positive opportunity for the community by cleaning up an "eye sore." Mr. Knapp explained that the bank is still in the preliminary planning stages. The plans thus far would allow an entrance from both Meeker and Fourth Avenue and an exit only onto Fourth Avenue. Mr. Don Lisko (President, Cascade Community Bank), 25 - 16th Street NE, Auburn, WA. Mr Lisko thanked the Downtown Partnership for their support and asked the Board if they had any questions. • Board member Tim Clark asked for clarification that bank was seeking access from Fourth Avenue 2 #ZCA-96-3 Allowing Drive-up Banking in the DC zone Land Use & Planning Board Minutes March 5, 1996 as well as Meeker. Mr. Lisko explained that the bank would like to have access to the bank from both Fourth Avenue and Meeker and the most logical place for an exit from the drive-up business would be Harrison Street. Clark informed Mr. Lisko that one of the objectives for the downtown design was to reduce traffic where people walk; specifically Meeker and Harrison Street. He questioned if it would be feasible in the bank's design to limit the entry and exit to Fourth Avenue only Mr Lisko explained that limiting the traffic to Fourth Avenue would limit the stacking space for the drive-up Mr. Pete Curran, 300 Scenic Way,Kent, WA 98031. Mr. Curran stated that he has been involved ` in the past with developing the downtown focus in promoting a pedestrian orientated downtown. Mr Curran voiced his concern with rushing to approve a zoning code amendment when there is still a chance Cascade Bank may not to go through with their plans for any number of reasons. It was Mr. Curran's opinion that retail would be a more appropriate use for this site. He asked the Board to carefully consider protecting Meeker Street and the downtown focus. Mr. Knapp informed the Board that Cascade Community Bank regards Meeker Street access imperative to the bank design. He asked the Board to consider this issue before recommending a zoning code amendment. • Board member Clark questioned the different design options Mr. Lisko referred to previously and the Meeker Street access Mr Lisko explained that although there are several designs being reviewed all plans thus far include access into the bank from Meeker Street Clark explained that access from Meeker Street may not be an option and questioned whether the bank could be designed without a Meeker Street access. Mr Lisko stated that at this time the bank feels Meeker Street is critical in the design and if this is not available he would have to re-evaluate the bank's options to determine if it would still be feasible. Board member Jon Johnson MOVED to close the public hearing. Board member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion carried. Planning Director Jim Harris explained that access on or off Meeker would be unacceptable. Mr Harris stated that Cascade Community Bank needs to be very creative with their design in order to work through the constraints of the downtown design review requirements Board member Clark voiced his concern with accepting a change to the zoning code amendment that goes against the focus of the Downtown Commercial district. He emphasized the need to stick with the plan for the downtown area Board member Johnson explained his difficulty in deciding this issue The bank is offering a viable • way to clean-up the existing site now or do we take a chance at what may come in the future. 3 #ZCA-96-3 Allowing Drive-up Banking in the DC zone Land Use & Planning Board Minutes March 5, 1996 Chair Orr expressed her concerns with allowing a use that goes against the integrity of the downtown plan. This hearing was continued to Tuesday, March 26, 1996, in the Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers West at 5:00 p.m. The public hearing adjourned at 5.00 .m. P g J P Respectfully Submitted, Ja es P Harris ecording Secretary f • r _w C\USERS\DOC\LANDUSE\MINUTES\PCMIN03 05 • 4 #ZCA-96-3 Allowing Drive-up Banking in the DC zone CITY OF N Jim White, Mayor LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing March 5, 1996 The meeting of the Interim Kent Land Use&Planning Board was called to order by Interim Chair Leona Orr at 4:00 p.m. on March 5, 1996, in Chambers East of Kent City Hall. INTERIM LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Leona Orr, Chair Tim Clark Jon Johnson INTERIM LAND USE&PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Matt Jackson, GIS Planner Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 29. 1996 MINUTES Board member Tim Clark MOVED to approve the minutes from the February 20 meeting. The motion was SECONDED by Board member Jon Johnson. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None. #ZCA-96-3 DRIVE-UP BANKING IN THE DC ZONE - (K. ONeill) Senior Planner Kevin ONeill described the background of the Downtown Commercial zone. This zone was originally established in an effort to create a mixed use,pedestrian-oriented area,providing for higher-density development. 1 #ZCA-96-3 Allowing Drive-up Banking in the DC zone 220 4th AVE.SO, /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 1 TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 Land Use &Planning Board Minutes March 5, 1996 r Mr. O'Neill presented the following three alternatives for the Land Use & Planning Board to consider: 1. No action. 2. Allow banks with drive-through facilities as a principally permitted use(throughout the DC zone). 3. Allow banks with drive-through facilities as a principally permitted use,but only on those parcels which abut Fourth Avenue. Staff recommends that the Board consider Alternative 3 if they recommend approving an amendment to the zoning code to permit drive-through banking in the Downtown Commercial zone. Chair Orr opened the public hearing. Mr. Charles Turner, 604 West Meeker#204,Kent,WA 98032. Mr. Turner is the President of the Kent Downtown Partnership. Mr.Turner voiced the Downtown Partnership's support for the zoning code change as staff recommended. However,Mr. Turner voiced the following concerns: 1. Drive-up banking is not the best use of that site. Retail business would better enhance the downtown plan. 2. Curb cuts on Meeker and Fourth Avenue. 3. Project negotiation is not finalized with land owner and Cascade Community Bank. 4. What could happen with the parcel when the land-lease expires. Mr.Ted Knapp, 612 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 201,Bellevue, WA 98004. Mr. Knapp is working for Cascade to negotiate the land-lease with the property owners. They have received a letter of intent and are presently negotiating the lease documents. Cascade selected this site as a positive opportunity for the community by cleaning up an "eye sore." Mr. Knapp explained that the bank is still in the preliminary planning stages. The plans thus far would allow an entrance from both Meeker and Fourth Avenue and an exit only onto Fourth Avenue. Mr. Don Lisko (President, Cascade Community Bank), 25 - 16th Street NE, Auburn, WA. Mr. Lisko thanked the Downtown Partnership for their support and asked the Board if they had any questions. Board member Tim Clark asked for clarification that bank was seeking access from Fourth Avenue 2 #ZCA-96 3 Allowing Drive-up Banking in the DC zone Land Use & Planning Board Minutes March 5, 1996 A as well as Meeker. Mr. Lisko explained that the bank would like to have access to the bank from both Fourth Avenue and Meeker and the most logical place for an exit from the drive-up business would be Harrison Street. Clark informed Mr. Lisko that one of the objectives for the downtown design was to reduce traffic where people walk; specifically Meeker and Harrison Street. He questioned if it would be feasible in the bank's design to limit the entry and exit to Fourth Avenue only. Mr. Lisko explained that limiting the traffic to Fourth Avenue would limit the stacking space for the drive-up. Mr.Pete Curran,300 Scenic Way,Kent,WA 98031. Mr. Curran stated that he has been involved in the past with developing the downtown focus in promoting a pedestrian orientated downtown. Mr. Curran voiced his concern with rushing to approve a zoning code amendment when there is still a chance Cascade Bank may not to go through with their plans for any number of reasons. It was Mr. Curran's opinion that retail would be a more appropriate use for this site. He asked the Board to carefully consider protecting Meeker Street and the downtown focus. Mr. Knapp informed the Board that Cascade Community Bank regards Meeker Street access imperative to the bank design. He asked the Board to consider this issue before recommending a zoning code amendment. Board member Clark questioned the different design options Mr. Lisko referred to previously and the Meeker Street access. Mr. Lisko explained that although there are several designs being reviewed all plans thus far include access into the bank from Meeker Street. Clark explained that access from Meeker Street may not be an option and questioned whether the bank could be designed without a Meeker Street access. Mr. Lisko stated that at this time the bank feels Meeker Street is critical in the design and if this is not available he would have to re-evaluate the bank's options to determine if it would still be feasible. Board member Jon Johnson MOVED to close the public hearing. Board member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion carried. Planning Director Jim Harris explained that access on or off Meeker would be unacceptable. Mr.Harris stated that Cascade Community Bank needs to be very creative with their design in order to work through the constraints of the downtown design review requirements. Board member Clark voiced his concern with accepting a change to the zoning code amendment that goes against the focus of the Downtown Commercial district. He emphasized the need to stick with the plan for the downtown area. Board member Johnson explained his difficulty in deciding this issue. The bank is offering a viable way to clean-up the existing site now or do we take a chance at what may come in the future. 3 #ZCA-96-3 Allowing Drive-up Banking in the DC zone Land Use&Planning Board Minutes March 5, 1996 a Chair Orr expressed her concerns with allowing a use that goes against the integrity of the downtown plan. This hearing was continued to Tuesday, March 26, 1996, in the Kent City Hall, City Council Chambers West at 5:00 p.m. The public hearing adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, J es P. Harris ecording Secretary C:\USERS\DOC\LANDUSE\MINUTES\PCMIN03.05 4 #ZCA-96-3 Allowing Drive-up Banking in the DC zone