HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 01/22/2001 PLANNING SERVICES Fred N Satterstrom, AICP, Manager Phone 253-856-5454 KEN T Fax 253-856-6454 WA 511NGTGN Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5995 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing January 22, 2001 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair, Terry Zimmerman at 7 00 p in on Monday, January 22, 2001 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT PRESENT Terry Zimmerman, Chair Mike H. Martin, Deputy Chief Admin Officer Sharon Woodford, Vice Chair Fred N Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Mgr. Brad Bell Charlene Anderson, AICP Steve Dowell Eileen Hams, Planner Ron Harmon Bill Osborne, Planner Jon Johnson Kim Adams-Pratt, Asst City Attorney David Malik Pamela Mottram, Administrative Secretary *APPROVAL OF MINUTES David Malik MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED to approve the minutes of November 27, 2000 Motion tamed ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA Planning Manager Fred N Satterstrom introduced Eileen Harris in her new position as long-range planner and introduced Bill Osborne as a new long range planner Mr Satterstrom introduced Kim Adams-Pratt as the new Assistant City Attorney to represent the Land Use and Planning Board on items of a quasi-legal nature Mr Satterstrom introduced Mike Martin as the new Deputy Chief Administrative Officer in charge of both Community Development and Public Works functions COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Manager Fred N Satterstrom stated that City Council has forwarded the Year 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the Planning Committee for discussion at their February 5, 2001 meeting He stated that City Council would consider at their February 6, 2001 meeting the Planning Committee recommendation on CPA- 2000-1 Urban Separator Amendment #CPZ-2000-6 DLM TO DCE (KIVA#2004622) Senior Planner. Charlene Anderson stated that staff is recommending a change of zoning whereby the (DLM) Downtown Limited Manufacturing zoning district would be eliminated and replaced with (DCE) Downtown Commercial Enterprise, currently existing in the vicinity Ms Anderson stated that the north boundary of the DLM district is James Street, to the south is Temperance Street(north of Smith Street), with Railroad Avenue forming the east side boundary She stated that the Regional Justice Center forms the end of the boundary on the west side r y Land Use and Planning Board Minutes January 22,2001 ^'te 2 Ms Anderson stated that the uses included in the DLM district are the Regional Justice Center, Kent Commons and the Kent Commuter Rail Station She stated that there are some remnant DLM uses that still exist in the northeast corner of the district These uses are comprised of a cold storage facility and the "105 Building" which is a multi-tenant use involving some manufacturing, warehousing and a printshop Ms Anderson stated that those uses would become nonconforming with this change in zoning Ms Anderson stated that the Borden plant is located in the center of the DLM district and although the staff report states that the City of Kent has purchased this site, the purchase transaction has not closed yet She stated that the Borden property would become nonconforming if it remained in its current location Ms Anderson stated that once the city has purchased the Borden property, they envision it becoming a mixed-use community Ms Anderson stated that this mixed-use designation is identified in the Downtown Strategic Action Plan as well as in the Commuter Rail Station Area Study Ms Anderson stated that the Regional Justice Center and Kent Commons would not experience a change in status as they are allowed in either the DCE or DLM district Ms Anderson referred to her staff report regarding some of the consequences of being nonconforming She stated that expansion of those uses could occur by a conditional use permit However, if those uses are discontinued for a period of six months or if they change to a permitted use and wish to revert to their former use, it would not be allowed Terry Zimmerman declared the Public Hearing open. Jerald A. Klein, 823 Joshua Green Building, Seattle, WA 98101-2236 stated that he represents Leo Brutsche who owns a number of parcels in the area although none within the DLM zone He stated that the DLM and DCE one replaced a zone allowing manufacturing in the downtown area Mr Klein asked the Board to consider the consequences of creating nonconforming uses by changing the zoning from DLM to DCE by citing examples Mr Klein stated that he recommends that the Board consider a zoning district that would expand allowable uses achieved by merging the DLM and DCE zoning districts so as not to create nonconforming uses Mr Klein stated that providing a broader zoning district would allow the market to dictate what type of facilities would best serve the community rather then permitting City Council to decide what is best for the property owner Mr Klein further recommended merging the GC with the DLM and DCE zone Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to close the Public Hearing Motion CARRIED. In response to Mr Malik, Mr Satterstrom stated that there are limitations on parking but no height or setback limitations in the DCE zone Mr Satterstrom stated that the DCE zone is flexible in terms of use and development He stated that when development standards were set aside, the city adopted a design review process whereby development over $100,000 would undergo a thorough design review Mr Satterstrom stated that through the design review process, the developer and the city would collaborate on criteria intended for the downtown area. Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to approve #CPA-2000-6 DLM to DCE as recommended by staff Motion CARRIED unanimously. AJOURNMENT Terry Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m Respectfully Submitted, F d N Satterstrom, AICP, Planning Manager ecretary \\NY\USA\PLANNING\PMOTTRAMVUSERDATA\LUPB\MINUTES\010122=doc