HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 07/24/2000 f J PLANNING SERVICES Fred N Satterstrom,AICP, Manager Phone 253-856-5454 K E N T Fax 253-856-6454 WASHINGTON Address 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent,WA 98032-5895 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing July 24, 2000 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Acting Chair Brad Bell in the absence of Chair Jon Johnson at 7.00 p in on Monday, July 24, 2000 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS PRESENT Brad Bell, Acting Chair Fred N. Satterstrom, Planning Manager Steve Dowell Harry Hardey, Asst Bldg Official Sharon Woodford Mike Evans, Asst Fire Marshall Terry Zimmerman Pamela Mottram, Admm Secretary LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT Jon Johnson, Chair, Excused Ron Harmon, Vice Chair, Excused David Malik, Unexcused APPROVAL OF MINUTES Steve Dowell MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to approve the minutes of April 24, 2000. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Manager, Fred Satterstrom stated that the August 1, 2000 City Council meeting will be held at 5.00 PM due to the Council's participation in the "National Nig / ht Out" event "� 41CA-2000-4 SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS IN MULTIFAMILY ZONES • Mr Satterstrom spoke for Charlene Anderson, Planning Services new long-range senior planner Mr Satterstrom stated that a proposal earlier in the year resulted in a recommendation to City Council and adoption of Ordinance #3508 This ordinance changed density limits and minimum lot size for single family development in Kent's multifamily zoning districts with the exception of the MR-D zone. The ordinance did not address minimum lot width or setback issues c� Land Use and Planning Board Minutes July 24, 2000 Page 2 Mr Satterstrom outlined the following options: Option 1 decreases the minimum lot width for single family development in multifamily zones to 25 feet and allows a reduction in the side yard setback to three feet Mr. Satterstrom stated that fire code requirements would be implemented in conjunction with Option 1; to include placing fire hydrants a minimum of three hundred feet in separation, requiring 1500 gallons per minute fire flow and provide for emergency vehicle access which includes an improved road within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior first floor. Option 2 changes the minimum lot width to 30 feet and allows for a reduction in the side yard setback to three feet, allowing for five feet of landscaping at both the front and back of the property as well as including the additional requirements noted in Option One. Option 3 retains the existing five foot setbacks on both sides of the property but allows for a reduction in lot width to 25 feet which would not affect construction standards as they relate to the building or fire code. Option 4 retains the existing lot width of forty feet, allows a reduction in the side yard setback to three feet with the additional requirements noted in Option 1. Option 5 is the no action alternative. . Mr. Satterstrom stated that staff recommends Option 2 and believe this option to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Mr Satterstrom stated that Option 2 allows for further flexibility in building design within multifamily zoning districts for single family housing. Furthermore, Option 2 assists in maintaining distinction between lots by providing landscaping at the front of the property to prevent paved areas from running together. Mr Satterstrom stated that if the Board accepts staffs recommendation, staff would like this information to be noted in the SR-8 Single Family Zoning District in order to take advantage of the same setback and minimum lot width requirements. Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to open the public hearing. Motion carried. Paul Morford, P O Box 6345, Kent, WA 98064 stated that a minimum lot width is required that he would favor a 25 foot lot width while retaining the development standards as they currently stand He encouraged staff to retain the five-foot side yard setbacks for ease of development Mr Morford stated that in reducing the side yard set backs to three feet, eave overhang between homes would be too close together and create difficulty for Fire Department personnel to access property with their equipment. Tom Sharp, 24254 143rd Ave Southeast, Kent, WA cited a development created in 1890 at Seventh and J Street in Tacoma on 25 foot lots with 2.5 foot setbacks, constructed as two story buildings He stated that people live in this viable community currently under redevelopment. Mr. Sharp stated that lot size widths should not be restricted but determined jointly between the . developer and the City Mr Sharp stated that he believes setbacks should be reduced to three feet between structures including all encroachments Mr. Satterstrom stated that staff recommends Option 2 to allow for a reduction in side yard setbacks to three feet with an allowable one foot of overhang for the eave as indicated in the Uniform Building U I USERDATA I UPB I INUTES1000724mn doc Land Use and Planning Board Minutes July 24,2000 Page 3 • Code. Mr. Satterstrom stated that it has come to staff s attention since this recommendation has been made that if this Option were adopted, it would be necessary to complete an amendment to the UBC in order to adopt language to change the Uniform Fire Code. Michael C. Evans, Assistant Fire Marshall, City of Kent, 220 4th Ave S., stated that in order to extinguish fires in the community there must be accessibility to water, adequate staffing and efficient timing to produce a favorable outcome Mr. Evans stated that to decrease response time additional fire stations are needed for close proximity to fire locations He stated that Kent's Fire Department has requested placing hydrants closer together to reduce response time Mr Evans stated that the Kent City Code requires a minimum water flow of 1000 gallons per minute at 20 P.S.I. for a single-family residence; a larger single family home might require as much as 2500 gallons per minute. Mr Evans stated that staff is proposing increasing water flow to 1500 gallons per minute when structures are spaced closely together. He stated that the Kent City Code has adopted Appendix 3A of the Uniform Fire Code requiring the increased fire flow. Mr Evans stated that when houses are spaced as little as three feet from the property line this inhibits fire fighters from easily accessing the back of these lots with their equipment. He recommended that the side yard setbacks be at least five feet between property line and foundation. • Mr Evans stated that in order to reach a location with fire equipment adequate access needs to be provided so that a 150-foot fire hose could effectively reach all portions of an exterior first floor. He stated that vehicular turn around points need to be placed in closer proximity to each other to allow fire personnel to quickly respond to each call Mr Evans stated that the Uniform Fire Code presently requires turnarounds and allows for road width and turnaround modifications. He stated that the control of turnarounds is left up to local jurisdictions Harry Hardey, 1914 S. 222nd Street, Des Moines, WA stated that the Uniform Building Code allows buildings to be located within three feet of the property line. A one-foot overhang is allowed and typically constructed with 5/8" exterior gypsum board with the under side of the overhand protected for one hour construction He stated that if construction occurs closer than three feet from the property line, the type of construction for exterior walls increases to one-hour construction. Mr. Hardey stated that construction consists of 5/8" exterior gypsum board on the exterior and 5/8" gypsum wallboard on the interior. The overhang on the eaves would be limited to a point within two feet of the property line. Mr. Hardey stated that theoretically, a developer could build up to the property line while complying with the code. He stated that if the City of Kent wished to implement modifications to the Uniform Building Code, Fire code, Mechanical Code or Plumbing Code, (the portion impacting single family or multifamily residences with four units or less) these modifications would have to be approved by the State Building Code Council Michael C. Evans, Assistant Fire Marshall, City of Kent, 220 4th Ave S., Kent, WA stated it is his iunderstanding if the City adds requirements for single family residences within the Uniform Fire Code, these changes would require State approval He stated that additional requirements such as the implementation of fire sprinkler systems would likely apply to single family residences closely spaced with lots of 25 or 30 feet intervals Mr Evans stated that sprinkler systems are not currently a requirement in the UFC nor adopted by the City of Kent. U I USERDATAWPBIMINUTESI000714mn doc Land Use and Planning Board Minutes July 24, 2000 Page 4 Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Steve Dowell spoke in favor of Option 3 offering a 25-foot lot width minimum and retaining a five- foot side yard setback. Sharon Woodford spoke in favor of Option I to allow developers more flexibility. Ms. Zimmerman spoke in favor of Option I as she would like maximum flexibility for the builder as well as a way to encourage them to build single family homes in multifamily areas that are appealing to the public. Steve Dowell MOVED to accept the Option 3 recommendation to keep the existing five feet setback requirements and allow reduction in lot size widths to a minimum of 25 feet with no changes to existing construction requirements Motion FAILED for lack of a second Mr. Satterstrom reiterated that the Board could elect to accept a side yard setback decrease to three feet if fire code requirements are incorporated into the Board's proposal and the necessary language written in order to seek the State's approval. If the State does not approve of this change, then this option is not available. Acting Chair Brad Bell noted that an amended motion would be necessary to specify the need for the • State's approval for decreasing the setbacks to 3 feet. Sharon Woodford MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED to accept Option 1 to change the minimum lot width to 25 feet and allow for a reduction in the side yard setback to three feet, as well as incorporating additional fire code requirements. If developers choose to retain five-foot setbacks, they will not be required to implement additional fire safety requirements. Motion DIED. Further discussion was called for. Terry Zimmerman MOVED to accept Option 1 to • change the mimmum lot width for single family residential development in all multifamily zoning districts to 25 feet, and • allow a reduction of the sideyard setback to as much as 3 feet. The developer still has the option of following the five-foot setback, which is currently specified in the City of Kent Code If the developer elects the three-foot side yard setback option, along with the lot width and setback reduction • would be requirements for 1500 gallon per minute fire flow, • a minimum distance between fire hydrants of 300 feet and emergency vehicle access that provides for an approved road within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior first floor and an approved turn around. No exceptions are allowed. Uniform Fire Code, Appendix 3A, as adopted by Kent City Code, already allows reduction of fire flow when the building has a sprinkler system. The minimum cost for the added single family residential construction requirement is estimated to be less than $100 for the hydrants and $150 per square feet for sprinkler system when needed. Motion DIED for lack of a second. Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to accept Staff s recommendation for Option 3 to • decrease the minimum lot width for single family development in multifamily zones to 25 feet and U 1USERDATAILUPRIMINUTES1000724mn doc Land Use and Planning Board Minutes July 24, 2000 Page 5 . • retain the existing five foot side yard setback • give the developer the option to reduce the side yard set back to no less than three feet with the following requirements: include. fire code requirements to place fire hydrants a minimum of three hundred feet in separation, require- 1500 gallons per minute fire flow, provide for emergency vehicle access, which includes an improved road within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior first floor. Motion CARRIED unanimously. ✓#ZCA-2000-5 MINIMUM LOT SIZE IN MR-D ZONE Mr Satterstrom stated that a private applicant who approached the Planning Department about a 7200 square foot lot that had been purchased south of Willis Street generated this request The south of Willis area is zoned MR-D, duplex zoning for the most part, requiring an 8000 square foot lot size in order to be developed This is an area of Kent that was rezoned MR-D from MR-M ten years ago and lies within walking distance of downtown Mr Satterstrom stated that this area is an older single family area and is spoken of in Kent's Comprehensive Plan as a good infill area for a slightly higher density. Mr. Satterstrom stated that the applicants approached the City Council's Planning Committee and explained that they wished to redevelop their 7200 square foot lot with a duplex dwelling but that the lot was short by 800 feet. Mr Satterstrom stated that a code amendment would be needed, as a variance only pertains to sideyard setbacks, front setbacks or other dimensional requirements He stated that he approached the Council's Planning Committee who agreed to look at this issue and send it to the Land Use and Planning Board where it was discussed at the July 10 workshop session. Mr. Satterstrom stated that most of the south of Willis area is zoned MR-D with lots ranging between 7200 and 8000 square feet with a majority of those lots developed with single family dwellings. He stated that there are 29 MR-D lots in Kent that would benefit by this amendment. Mr. Satterstrom stated that in Option 1 staff looked at reducing the minimum lot size to 7200 square feet. He stated that staff discovered that the maximum permitted density would change from 10.8 units per acre to over 12 units per acre. Mr. Satterstrom stated that Option 2 would retain the minimum lot size of 8000 square feet but allow duplexes on nonconforming lots of record with a minimum lot size of 7200 square feet He stated that lots in the south of Willis area can redevelop with a duplex under this nonconforming clause Mr Satterstrom stated that staff does not recommend Option 3 as it affects no change Mr. Satterstrom stated that staff is recommending Option Two which will result in no gain in the maximum permitted density in the MR-D zone Sharon Woodford MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED to open the public hearing. Motion carved. A U I USEPDATAILUPBIMINUTES)000724mn doc Land Use and Planning Board Minutes July 24, 2000 Page 6 Dan Hoyt, 22831 92nd Ave S, #P104, Kent,WA stated that we were informed by Planning Staff that we could apply for a variance early in February so proceeded with completing the application process. At the time of submittal, I was informed that I could not get a variance for redeveloping the newly purchased property with a duplex. Mr. Hoyt stated that he supports either Option 1 or 2 and does not wish to increase density in this area. He stated that he and his partner own just the one lot and intend to build a duplex as their personal residence. Bart Schram, 535 4th Avenue South, Kent, WA stated that he is Mr Hoyt's partner and bought the lot in order to redevelop it with a duplex as their residence He stated that he would favor either Option 1 or 2, as his plans do not include developing a group of lots but rather this single lot. Mr. Schram stated that none of the lots are significant enough in size where 12.4 units per acre could be developed in this zone and stated that he is simply requesting an 800 square foot reduction in lot size. Tom Sharpe, 24254 143rd Ave. SE, Kent, WA stated that currently the MR-D zone requires an 80- foot lot width, which an 8000 square foot lot allows for Mr Sharpe stated that the City of Anacortes has 7500 square foot lots with setbacks of five and eight feet He cited this information to illustrate that reducing lot size is workable and creates more affordable housing. Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Ms Zimmerman stated that a gain in density is not a significant matter in this case as lots are scattered and there is not a chance of grouping several lots together to create an acre. She voiced her support for Option 1. Ms Woodford stated that she does not have a preference between Option 1 or 2 but believes that City Council would favor Option 2 Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to accept Option 2 as recommended by staff which maintains a progression of densities and yet provides for infill development on nonconforming lots of record. Motion CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to close the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8.15 p in. Respectfully Submitted, ed N. Satterstrom, AICP ccretary to F� U IUSERDATAILUP11IMLNUTES1000724mn doc