HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 01/24/2000 CITY OF Tp4 �T • i Jim White, Mayor 7lVVICTA Planning Department (253) 856-5454/FAX(253) 856-6454 James P Harris,Planning Director LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing January 24, 2000 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Jon Johnson at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 24, 2000 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall. LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS PRESENT Jon Johnson Chair Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Ron Harmon, Vice Chair May Miller, Director of Finance Brad Bell Pamela Mottram, Admm Secretary Steve Dowell David Malik Sharon Woodford Terry Zimmerman APPROVAL OF MINUTES Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to approve the minutes of November 23 and 29, 1999 Motion carried. Ron Harmon commended staff for the succinct and accurate interpretation of the November meetings ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA Ron Harmon requested an update to #ZCA-99-2 Billboard Amendment. COMMUNICATIONS Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated that the joint Public Works/Planning Committee will be divided into two committees beginning February 2000 He stated that the new Planning Committee will meet the first Monday of each month at 5 00 p in NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None ( kCPA-99-3 M CITY OF KENT FINANCE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Finance Director May Miller explained the history behind the development of the year 2000 to 2005 Capital Improvement Program portion of the Comprehensive Plan She stated that the Growth Management Act was adopted in Washington State mainly to insure that the City would plan for future growth Ms '_Miller stated that the City's Comprehensive Plan must include capital planning for all City departments concurrently for a six year period and stated that the City is required to show funding accountability Ms Miller stated that the City's six-year budget is $175,922,000.,wluch equates to $29,000,000 per year for all City functions. Ms Miller stated that funding for the City is provided through the following sources- CIP Fund, Grants, Water Fund, Utility Fund, Sewer Fund and Drainage fund 220 4th AVE SO, /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895 I TELEPHONE (253)856-5200 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes January 24, 2000 .Page 2 Ms Miller stated that money is set aside for the Tacoma Inner Tie. She stated that dedicated gas tax and registration fees are used for funding street improvements Ms Miller stated that the City utilizes Council Manic bonds and voted bonds which allows citizens to vote on whether they want a project to proceed Ms Miller said that if a project is voted in, it generates tax money and that additional revenue is generated through donations for construction of major projects such as the Performing Arts Center Ms Miller stated that Utility Funds account for about 25%of the budget, Transportation 20%, Public Safety 17%, Parks 20% and General Government 18% and said that the general government portion is primarily debt services for the City. Ms Miller spoke at length on how transportation budget funds are employed and explained that these funds are primarily dedicated money. Ms Miller described both the City's Arterial and the Corridor projects of 196th, 272/277th and 228th Street Ms Miller stated that funding is used for intersection improvements, asphalt overlays, sidewalk rehabilitation, shopper's shuttle and street tree maintenance. Ms Miller described some of the City's Capital Improvement projects and how these funds are divided for expenditure and that the these funds are primarily used to clear up the City's approximately 71 percent debt ratio on existing parks, City facilities remodels and the City's computer system She stated that a portion of the funds goes towards public safety and land purchases for future parks. Ms. Miller spoke Ms Miller spoke at length on how General Government funds are used and explained how funds are appropriated through bonded projects She deferred to the list of future bond issues and stated that these types of projects are defined as long term projects Ms Miller described the City's long term, future Public Safety bonds Ms. Miller spoke at length on the City's debt issues and anticipated payoff dates. Ms. Miller stated that the sewer and drainage fund are combined by ordinance and the revenue generated from these funds is pledged to help one another Board member Ron Harmon spoke at length on the City's corridor projects, as well as their affect on SR- 167 He questioned when the projects were scheduled for construction and completion. Ms Miller described the corridor projects at length and explained that completion of these projects is contingent upon funding availability. Mr. Harmon questioned if the notification time lines have been rectified in order to reach surrounding property owners near the corridor projects and spoke on his concerns regarding how funds will be acquired by the City for acquisition of property along the corridor projects Mr Satterstrom stated that he would contact Mr Harmon after consulting with the Public Works Department. Ms Miller stated that this amendment is scheduled to go to City Council February 15. She stated that the Planning Department will prepare a major update to the Comprehensive Plan next year, which will include the City's inventory, Parks Department and Finance Department Ms Miller stated that the City has grown considerably through annexations and that the City's levels of service will need to be evaluated based on this growth. Steve Dowell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to open the public hearing Motion Carried. As there was no public testimony Steve Dowell MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to close the public hearing. Motion Carried Land Use and Planning Board Minutes `January 24, 2000 Page 3 Steve Dowell MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to send #CPA-99-3 (J) City of Kent Capital Facilities Amendment to City Council without a recommendation. Motion Carried. ✓ #ZCA-2000-1 SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT IN MULTIFAMILY ZONES Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated that this proposed zoning code amendment would increase the density of single family development on areas that are zoned for multiple family dwellings and that this item had been covered at the January 10 workshop. Mr. Satterstrom stated that the density for single family development is 5,000 square feet in all of the City's multifamily districts. He stated that this proposal utilizes development regulations, which apply to SR-8, Single-Family Residential/8 units per acre, which equates to the old R1-5000 zoning district Mr. Satterstrom stated that the density of multiple family districts is increasing in the following zoning districts MR-D/12 units per acre, MR-G/16 units per acre, MR-M/23 units per acre and the MR-H/43 units per acre. He stated that the City established a new zoning district of MR-T/12 or 16 units per acre with density increasing in those districts as well Mr Satterstrom stated that the standard for single family density remains at SR-8, which allows for a minimum lot size of 4000 square feet Mr Satterstrom stated that an acre consists of 43,560 square feet and when divided by 5000 square feet equates to 8 71 units per acre which is the maximum permitted density for single family development in multifamily zones. Mr Satterstrom stated that staff recommends retaining a 4000 square foot minimum lot size per acre in multifamily zoning districts which equates to a maximum permitted density of 10.9 units per acre. Mr. Satterstrom stated that staff evaluated other jurisdictions design controls in single family development and discovered that the few controls that prevailed were primarily in cluster or attached planned unit developments and that Kent has not implemented design controls in single family residential zones. Mr. Satterstrom stated that it is staffs believe that with the density controls, minimum lot size and impervious surface restrictions would tend to preserve a compatible, open quality within single family developments. Mr Satterstrom extended an apology to the Board, as he had not had opportunity to follow through with contacting the two individuals interested in this amendment in a time frame that would allow them to attend the hearing He stated that one of the individuals was not interested in single family development in multifamily zones but rather interested in developing an SR-6 plat on office zoned property Mr Satterstrom stated that he would like this code amendment to be carried over to the February 28 meeting of the Land Use and Planning Board. Mr. Satterstrom stated that in single family zones 20 percent of the available acreage must be dedicated for roads and storm water retention areas He stated that generally a maximum build out density of 8 71 units per acre is attainable after subtracting the 20 percent dedication ratio Mr Satterstrom stated that in the areas where interest has been expressed for development of single family homes, much of the right-of-way has already been dedicated and that storm water can be retained with an underground vault system so that detention ponds are not always necessary. Ms. Zimmerman stated that she visited the Rainier Valley development of New Holly in Seattle. Ms. Zimmerman stated that in traveling to this development she observed some residential developments that consisted of single family homes two or three stories in height with small building footprints She stated that although these homes were fairly close to each other, there was shared open space that imparted a sense of distance from the neighbors. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes January 24, 2000 +Page 4 Ms. Zimmerman stated that the New Holly development consists of a mix of low-income apartment rentals, large single family rentals placed too close to each other (presenting a crowded feeling) and single family homes for ownership. Ms. Zimmerman stated that she supports the developer's desire to build single family homes in multifamily zones and would favor the 4000 square foot lot size She stated that plats should be evaluated closely in relation to the size of units developed on property in order to mitigate any negative impacts on the community. Steve Dowell MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to open the public hearing As there was no public testimony Brad Bell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to close the public hearing Motion carved Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to table#ZCA-2000-1 Single Family Development in Multifamily Zones and carry it forward to the Land Use and Planning Board meeting of February 28 Motion carried five to two with Sharon Woodford and Brad Bell opposed ADDED ITEM #ZCA-99-2 BILLBOARD REGULATIONS AMENDMENT Fred Satterstrom stated that the City Council has elected to hold a public hearing on billboards at their February 1 meeting He stated that the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation was brought before the City Council at their January 18 workshop He stated that billboard discussions covered alternate approaches for regulating billboards and that the Council packet held two proposals attributed to two of the Council members and one proposal based on the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation Mr. Satterstrom said that Council did not approve the Land Use and Planning Board's initial recommendation as well as a second modified alternative. The third proposal incorporated some major changes, which differed dramatically from the Board's recommendation. w Mr Satterstrom stated that the most crucial change in the proposal is that it does not discourage relocation of billboards He stated that the proposal allows for tri-vision (three sided rotational)billboards as well as double faced billboards on a stationary board with the potential for tri-visional use on both sides of the board. Mr. Satterstrom stated that the original billboard issue was initiated in an attempt to protect the corridors However, with the new proposal, corridors will not be exempt from billboard relocation ADJOURNMENT Brad Bell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to close the meeting. Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7.55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ja P Hams ecretary