HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 11/22/1999 4 CITY OF � �``J V11VICTX Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (253) 856-54541FAX(253) 856-6454 James P Harms,Planning Director LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing November 22, 1999 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Ron Harmon at 7 00 p m. on Monday, November 22, 1999 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall. LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS PRESENT James P Hams, Planning Director Ron Harmon, Chair Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Terry Zimmerman, Vice Chair Kevin O'Neill, Sr Planner Brad Bell Matthews Jackson, Planner/GIS Steve Dowell Diana Nelson, Planner Jon Johnson Tom Brubaker, Deputy City Attorney David Malik Pamela Mottram, Admm Secretary Sharon Woodford APPROVAL OF MINUTES Brad Bell MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED to approve the minutes of September 27, 1999. Motion Camed. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA #ZCA-99-2 Billboard Regulations Amendment Update COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Director, James Hams stated that the Land Use and Planning Board would hold a public hearing Monday, November 29, 1999 to complete the hearings for the 1999 comprehensive plans. 1999 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OVERVIEW Planner Matthews Jackson explained the procedural process for hearing comprehensive plan applications He stated that the City of Kent received ten applications with nine applications submitted by private citizens for changes to the land use plan map and one request from the City of Kent Finance Department to update their Capital Facilities Element. Mr. Jackson stated that the City of Kent Finance Department has requested withdrawal of their application CPA-99-3(J) due to changes to the City budget because of Initiative 695 passing He stated that this Item would be • brought back to the Land Use and Planning Board later in the year as an emergency Item. Mr Jackson stated that each amendment Is reviewed based on the standards of review in the Kent City Code, 220 4th AVE SO, /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (253)856-5200 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 t Page 2 CPA-99-3(B)/CPZ-99-2 TNS AMENDMENT Planner, Diana Nelson described this submittal as consisting of two tax parcels, 2.37 acres in size and located at 25835 116 Ave SE The site is zoned single family residential with 8 units per acre and a land use designation of single family, 8 units per acre. Ms. Nelson stated that the site currently consists of a single-family residence with accessory buildings. She stated that a stream which transverses the middle of the site is identified on the City's wetland inventory Ms. Nelson stated that the areas to the northeast and a portion of area south of the subject parcel, have land use and zoning designations of medium density multifamily and is currently developed as multifamily apartments or condominiums. Ms Nelson stated that the majority of the rest of the area south of the property is zoned single family residential, 8 units per acre and has a land use designation of single family, 8 units per acre. She stated that across 116th, the land is zoned SR-6 with a land use designation of single family, 6 units per acre and is currently developed with single family homes on large parcels Ms.Nelson stated that the applicant is requesting that the comprehensive plan designation be changed on this property to low density multifamily and that the zoning be changed to the new MRT Multifamily Residential Townhouse which requires townhouse development only This designation does not allow multifamily stacked apartment units She stated that this zone was recently adopted by the City in response to community need for townhouse homeownership options • Ms Nelson stated that the current zoning of the property would allow approximately 20 additional single family dwelling units if no changes were made to the comp plan designation or the zoning Ms Nelson stated approval of a rezone and comp plan amendment from SR-8 to MR-T16 would result in a potential density of 37 total dwelling units, a potential increase of 17 units over what would currently be allowed She stated that the new designation would allow for attached townhouse units, which is better suited to the long and narrow configuration of this parcel Ms Nelson stated that potentially this parcel would not be developed to the maximum density due to the parcel configuration, the location of the street and the need for two residential parking spaces per unit. Ms. Nelson stated that the site is accessed by 116th and with the completion of the 272nd/277th Street Corridor project, this site would likely be reclassified as a residential collector as identified in the City of Kent's Year 2000-2005 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. Ms Nelson stated that there is no additional mitigation required in order to develop this site as proposed. Ms Nelson stated that the proposed site is located in an area of mixed multifamily and single family residential She stated that this proposal is consistent with the existing neighborhood and this site would act as a transitional area between higher density multifamily to the north and single family to the south. Ms. Nelson stated that the additional traffic to I I6th would be minimal. Ms. Nelson stated that staff recommends approval of the applicant's request to low density multifamily residential and MR-T 16 zoning • Chair, Ron Harmon submitted two letters for the record; one letter from Daniel W. Symonds as Exhibit 1 and one letter from Mr and Mrs Yadon as Exhibit 2 which addressed police protection, schools, traffic improvements, wetlands and ground water runoff City Engineer, Gary Gill stated that 116th Avenue serves as a residential collector arterial He stated that 116th Avenue is going to be improved as part of the 277th Corridor and turning lanes and related Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 3 improvements will occur right at the intersection Mr. Gill said that the improvements between Kent Kangley and Southeast 256th Street are listed as part of the six year transportation improvement program which will include widening of SE 256th from 116th Just east of 132nd to three lanes minimum and five lanes at major intersections. Board member Terry Zimmerman asked how the effects of I-695 would influence the plans for 116th Avenue Southeast Mr Gill stated that the impacts at this point are speculative He stated that there could be difficulty in obtaining grants from State or Federal Government levels in the future. Mr. Gill stated that development of this site as proposed would probably show only a mild increase in traffic flow based on the site's developmental constraints as well as the potential road widening He stated that development from a typical townhouse or multifamily units tend to generate 60% less trips than from single family residential developments. Brad Bell MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED to open the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED. Tom Sharp, 25801 116th Ave Southeast stated that he is the applicant and owner of the two parcels submitted for future development He stated that the stream running through this parcel is not a salmon bearing stream and that it will be enhanced as part of the overall design in developing this site He stated that even though the potential build-out for the property would hold 30 units per acre, he said that the actual development could possibly accommodate 13 25 units per acre. • Jon Johnson MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Brad Bell MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED to accept Planning Staff s recommendation for MR-T16 on #CPA-99-3(B)/CPZ-99-2 TNS Amendment MOTION CARRIED unanimously. #CPA-99-3(C)/CPZ-99-3 CLASEN AMENDMENT Matthews Jackson stated that the Clasen property is located at 13602 SE 282nd Street with 132nd located to the west. He stated that SE 282nd Street is an unimproved road The site consists of approximately 11 25 acres Mr Jackson stated that the applicant requests a change in the land use designation from SF-3 Single Family Residential, 3 units per acre and change in the zoning from SR-3 to SR 6, which would allow approximately 6.05 units per acre of single family residential. Mr. Jackson stated that this application came forward to the Board last year under the name of the Bumdge Amendment. He stated that at that time planning staff recommended approval and the Board, after taking public testimony and deliberating, recommended denial of this application, which was upheld by the City Council Mr. Jackson stated that the plans for the current request is similar to last year's application with information added based on questions raised by the Board at their workshops He stated that the site is currently unoccupied by existing single family residences and out houses. Mr Jackson stated that the property to the east of the site is largely undeveloped and heavily treed as well as partially encumbered by a substantial wetland area . Mr. Jackson stated that this site is next to the approved South Ridge Development, which will bring 153 lots to the vicinity, He stated that the South Ridge property abuts the proposed site on the East Side and will bring sewer and water facilities from Soos Creek to serve the site. Mr. Jackson stated that the density of the property is 3.71 units per acre under existing zoning. Mr. Jackson stated that Planning Staff received an addendum to this application with additional information from Baseline Engineering stating that it is likely that about 30% of the site will not be a.4 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 4 developed due to wetlands and buffer requirements. He stated that existing zoning would allow for about 40 units on the site and the applicant indicates that with the 30%reduction in buildable area as well as a rezone to SR-6, a maximum density of 48 units would be possible Mr. Jackson stated the properties located to the north and east of the site are currently zoned SR-6 and Comped SF-6 He stated that property to the south is designated as SF-1 in the comp plan and to the west of the site there are areas that continue with the SR-3 and SF-3 designation. Mr Jackson stated that planning staff recommends approval of this application as this property will be transitioning to more typical suburban type lots and capital facilities such as sewer and water will be moving into the area He stated that a condition of development on the proposed site will include improvements to Southeast 282nd Street and the Southndge Development has been required to develop through access between 14th and Southeast 132nd Street. Brad Bell MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED to open the public hearing. Motion Carried. Joel Kwakenat, 13639 Southeast 282nd Street stated that his property is located directly south of the proposed site. He stated that the wetlands on the eastern portion of the proposed site was surveyed in the summer revealing an inadequate picture of how much water stands on the property and stated that the wetlands need to be delineated better He inquired how far a setback is from a designated wetland to buildable soil and questioned if some of the wetlands are incorporated as part of the lots . being proposed for development Mr. Kwakenat stated that 282nd Street is unimproved and has two 36-inch culverts running under the street east of the site He stated that these culverts are scarcely able to handle the current volume of water runoff from surrounding developments Mr Kwakenat stated that he would like to know what specific road improvements are planned for Southeast 282nd Street Alan Stuckey, 13456 Southeast 282nd Street stated that his property is located directly west of the proposed application boundary Mr Stuckey submitted a letter addressing his concerns, for the record, as Exhibit#3. Mr Stuckey stated that the proposed development would be inconsistent with the character and use of adjacent and nearby property He stated that the applicant's property would be difficult to develop due to steep hills and ground water drainage problems, as well as the way homes are facing in relation to the road. Mr. Stuckey stated that the staff report discusses the wetlands but does not mention other water located in the area and how much of the drainage of one property depends on the lay out of another property. He stated that some of the lots have drainage systems that handle both rainwater run-off and water from underground streams from adjacent properties Mr Stuckey stated that his property has a man made pond that captures drainage from the pasture area of the property as well as water runoff from the uphill properties to the west Mr Stuckey stated that water is funneled to the edge of the property proposed for rezoning and then works its way along . Southeast 282nd to the wetlands He said that changing the zoning to 6 units per acre rather than 3 units per acre could impair the drainage system. Kim Adams Pratt, 555 West Smith, Kent, WA stated that she is the Clasen's attorney. She stated that her office represents Don and Barbara Clasen in their efforts to have their property rezoned and the comprehensive plan changed to that affect Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 5 Ms. Pratt stated that the Clasens went to the expense of having Baseline Engineering look at the drainage issues. She submitted a letter from Terrell Ferguson with Baseline for the record as Exhibit #5. Ms Pratt stated that Mr. Ferguson explains in his letter that he has worked extensively with the South Ridge development. Ms Pratt stated that it would be premature at this time to have specific drainage designs and plans in place for this site She stated that the engineer indicates that the City would require that onsite drainage capacity issues be specifically addressed at the time of development. Ms Pratt stated that the engineer indicates that the drainage concerns would also be addressed when street improvements are made. Ms Pratt stated that as part of the development of South Ridge, public water would be brought in. She stated that the Clasen property will not be hooked into the community well when the property is developed, thus the water levels will not be reduced nor would the water quality be jeopardized. Ms. Pratt stated that Southeast 282nd Street is going to be improved to address traffic concerns She stated that this site is in an urban growth area where the intent is to make intensive use of land for location of building structures and impermeable surfaces Ms Pratt stated that growth is to be encouraged in the urban areas so that we do not have the rural sprawl She stated that the South Ridge development to the east is currently zoned SR-3, three units per acre, and those neighbors will get three units per acre rather than the two houses they see on the eleven acres right now Ms. Pratt stated that the Clasen need this change to develop the parcel consistent with an urban growth area, provide more affordable housing as well as protect the wetlands Ms Pratt said that the Clasens need the SR-6 designation to develop the property cost effectively with approximately 4.36 lots per acre. Ms Pratt stated that the neighbors concerns have been addressed in regard to public health safety and welfare and that this amendment is consistent with the Kent Code, the King County Policies on Growth Management and the Growth Management Act Ms. Pratt responded to Board member Terry Zimmerman's concerns regarding water runoff onto neighboring properties if development takes place on the proposed site. Ms Pratt stated that the neighbors would have recourse through the developer of the property after plat approval. She stated that neighbors would receive notification of any preliminary plat development and have opportunity to analyze the plans and bring their concerns to another public hearing where they can have their issues addressed in a specific manner. Don Clasen, 136 SE 282 St., Kent, WA stated that he is the applicant and owner of the property proposed for rezone. He stated that the property has been in his family for over 50 years and they have seen dramatic changes in this area from a rural to a suburban community over the years and continued change is inevitable. Mr Clasen spoke at length on the drainage concerns of his neighbors. He stated that he has made the effort to speak to all of his neighbors and stated that the source of their concerns was lack of • information where upon he attempted to explain the application process to his neighbors. Charles Burridge, 27001 114th Ave SE, stated that he is the developer of the 148 lot South Ridge development He stated that the water retention system was enlarged to address water run off issues in the area. Mr. Burridge stated that 282nd Street is being improved with sidewalks on both sides of Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 6 the street in addition to a 12-inch water line,which will run from 132nd to 144th Street. He stated that sewer will be available along 282nd Street and to the Clasen's property Curt Newell, 28110 134th Place SE, stated that his property is located to the west of the Clasen's property He stated that the 40'x40' man made catch basin abutting the rear of his property reached capacity over the veterans holiday with the water overflowing into the low point at the back of his property then existing across Mr Clasen's property Mr.Newell stated that what staff has determined to be a stream through the Clasen property is actually a low spot in the field He stated that his primary concern is with drainage and the impact on the surrounding areas with the potential for flooding due to increasing density. He stated that last year four out of seven board members voted to deny approval of this rezone to SF-6, single family six units per acre after viewing the site. Mr Newell questioned how wetland setbacks would be determined and cautioned staff to look at the plans carefully to assure that all issues would be addressed prior to any development occurring. He voiced his support of the improvements along 282nd Street Mr Newell voiced concern that his well is 35' from the edge of the existing road surface and questioned which direction the road would be widened, as he fears he would be forced to shut down his well and hook into city water. Mr. Newell questioned who would pay for the water running to his property. • Mr Newell stated that he lives about 600 feet up the road on 134th Place and stated that he favors sewer lines being brought in to the area but questioned when he would be forced to shut down his septic system Mr Newell stated that he feels with a careful drainage plan that the rezoning could be put into effect efficiently, however, he stated that he prefers that the zoning remain as it is and would like to see decreased density on this site. Mr. Newell encouraged the Board to consider the water flow as it exists all times during the year and not just during the summer during their deliberations. Mr Jackson stated that the wetland buffers for this site are part of the Soos Creek system and would likely be given a 100 foot wetland buffer delineation with an additional 100 foot buffer extension beyond the wetland delineation areas Mr Jackson stated that no individual lots would be a part of that wetland or buffer area. Mr Jackson stated that the Cities typical storm water standard is to maintain or decrease the water flow on property. He stated that the City's stringent construction standards for storm water facilities provides for on-site detention and treatment of storm water as well as requiring downstream analysis. Mr Jackson stated that Mr Newell's well would have to be evaluated by the City but that he could retain his septic system unless it failed, then the City could mandate a connection at that point Mr Jackson stated that the Sees Creek Sewer & Water District serve this area Mr Gill concurred. Mr. Jackson stated that regardless of rather this amendment is approved for higher density, road improvements will occur along 282nd St with the addition of curb gutters and sidewalks. City Engineer, Gary Gill stated that once sewer and water is available in an area, system hookup is regulated by each junsd1ction's mandates for connection He stated that the City of Kent is governed by Seattle King County Health department's regulations which stipulates when a public sewer system reaches within 200 feet of a person's property, the property owner can be required to connect to public sewer Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 7 Mr. Gill stated that normally if a resident sells his property and the lending institution is aware that public sewer is available, they would in all probability require hookup at that point He stated that if a resident is served by a public or domestic well that functions without compromising public health issues, then the well can continue to operate until surrounding property is further developed at which time the well system will be shut down. Mr Gill stated that the Public Works department is attempting to develop systems that will enhance ground water infiltration, in order to discourage individual well systems that pump ground water from the local aquifers. Mr Gill stated that the two drainage courses on the subject property drain into the Soosette Creek tributary, a salmonid stream, which flows into Big Soos Creek He stated that the wetland associated with that stream is a highly classed, forested wetland with a 100' minimum setback required from the edge of the delineated wetland. Mr Gill stated that he was unsure how the wetlands on the proposed site would be classified. He stated that the wetlands do not appear to be forested, so they would be assigned a lower classification of 2 or 3 which requires a 25 or 50 foot minimum setback plus the addition of a building setback. Mr. Gill stated that the wetlands would need to be delineated by a qualified wetland biologist prior to setting actual setback requirements. . Mr. Gill stated that the City enforces storm water detention requirements defined as the Soosette Creek standards He stated that these standards would not allow the runoff rate from a development to exceed 70% of what preexisting run off rates were for a two-year storm, a 25-year storm and up to 100 year events He stated that engineers would analyze existing runoff conditions on the site based on geology, drainage characteristics and vegetation. Mr. Gill stated that based on Public Works department calculations, the developer would have to provide adequate water detention ponds as well as employ methods to provide treatment of the storm water before it is released into the open drainage course and affecting Soosette Creek. He stated that the use of wet ponds or biofiltration swells could be utilized. Mr. Gill stated that the developer will be required to complete an engineering analyze from a minimum distance of a quarter mile down stream from the storm water's natural outlet from the site Mr. Gill stated that the South Ridge developer would be reconstructing the South Ridge drainage system after obtaining hydraulic project approval from the State of Washington and obtaining improvement permits through the State Department of Fish and Wildlife. He stated that the South Ridge developer is required to obtain a 404 permit through the Corp of Engineers as some of the wetlands on that site is categorized as jurisdictional and controlled by the Corp of Engineers which involves a lengthy regulatory process Mr Gill stated that roadway improvements on Southeast 282 would include the area fronting the South Ridge Development with curbs, gutters and sidewalks on both sides of the street Mr Gill stated that the off site road improvements will reach 132nd He stated that the road width will be increased to a minimum of 24 feet and the shoulder will be widened by six feet minimum to provide a walking area. Mr. Gill stated that the typical connection costs that property owners would be assessed for hooking up to city water or sewer system ranges from $10,000 to $12,000 per household. He explained that Land Use and Planning Board Minutes . November 22, 1999 Page 8 the cost of reconstructing an on-site septic system (specifically the mound or pump type systems required by the Health Department) can run as high as $15,000 and require extensive maintenance Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED to close the public hearing. Motion carved Ron Harmon acknowledged staff s diligence and expertise in presenting their recommendation. He stated that he does not support staff s recommendation to allow SF-6, Single Family, six units per acre, but that 4.5 units per acre is better suited for this site based on existing wetlands on the site. Terry Zimmerman stated that although the extensive wetland areas will challenge how lots are placed on this site, PP she supports staff s recommendation for SF-6 and stated that the Cityof Kent is mandated to develop buildable land within the City's boundaries per the Growth Management Act. Sharon Woodford stated that by understanding how the South Ridge development is progressing, she believes that the City will diligently monitor development of this site and voiced her support of staff s recommendation David Malik stated that he is confident that the City of Kent's Public Works Department will work to protect the river and surrounding land by providing for adequate storm water drainage, retention and safeguarding water quality as well as acknowledging the surrounding neighbors rights Mr Malik voiced support for staffs recommendation Brad Bell stated that upon his recommendation, the applicant, Mr Clasen, took the initiative to minimize the concern of his neighbors by speaking with them He voiced his assurance that Mr Clasen, a 50 year Kent resident, would continue to work with his neighbors u1 the development of this site. Mr. Bell stated that Public Works has worked closely with addressing the neighbors concerns and voiced his approval of staffs recommendation. Steve Dowell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to approve CPA-99-3 (C)/CPZ-99-3 Clasen Amendment as recommended by the Staff Motion CARRIED. CPA-99-3 (F)/CPZ-99-6 TOLLES/FOX/BRAUN AMENDMENT Planner Diana Nelson said that the proposed site is located at southeast 244th west and east of 108'. She stated that the site consists of four tax parcels approximately 9 12 acres in size north of 244'. The site is currently zoned Single Family Residential, 3 units per acre, with a land use designation of SF-3. Ms. Nelson stated that three single family residences as well as accessory buildings occupy this property. Ms. Nelson stated that wetland areas exist on the property She stated that the applicant has requesting leaving the first row of houses designated as SF-3 with the remainder of the parcel retained as low density multifamily. She stated that the applicant is looking to retain the SR-3 zoning on a portion of property on the north side of 244th, with a proposed zoning of MR-D, Multifamily Residential Duplex zone on a 120 foot strip of property located directly north of that portion of property. • Ms. Nelson stated that the zoning requested for the remainder of the property is MR-G, Low Density Multifamily that allows stacked multifamily residential housing apartments Ms Nelson stated that retaining the duplex zone allows for development of two-unit attached duplexes on individual lots. Ms. Nelson stated that the majority of the area to the north of the site is zoned CC, Community Commercial with a mini-warehouse located east of the vacant wetlands area. Ms. Nelson stated that Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 9 the property located near the northeast comer of this site is zoned medium density multifamily residential and is developed with multifamily apartments She stated that property located to the south and east of the site are single family residential, 3 units per acre with a land use designation of SF-3. Ms Nelson stated that this proposal leaves a narrow strip of property, one lot wide directly to the west, which would remain SR-3. She stated that adjacent to this strip of land, the property is zoned as Community Commercial/Mixed Use. She stated that the property has one single family dwelling unit on it with conditional use approval for mini warehouse storage on all but the first 200 feet of property along 244`h Street Ms. Nelson said that existing zoning would allow for development of 30 single-family units with no changes to the current zoning or comp plan designation Ms Nelson stated that rezoning this property from SR-3 to a MR-D and MR-G zone would allow development of two additional single family residences in the two lots along 244th and development of 10 duplexes in the MR-D zoning area Ms. Nelson stated that the remainder of the property could be developed with 107 multifamily apartment units for a potential increase of 99 dwelling units above what current zoning would allow. Ms. Nelson stated that it might not be possible to construct all of those units due to the wetlands and parking requirements. She stated that multifamily housing is more likely to meet the density allowances however, as they can stack units and are not required to meet the standards for individual lot requirements. • Ms. Nelson said that the property abuts commercial and multifamily zones on the north side but on the other three sides you are abutting single family residential zones and uses She stated that MR-D zone is intended to function as a buffer between the single-family residential units along the road and the multifamily units within an area 120 feet wide. Ms. Nelson stated that this portion of property would only provide enough room for construction of one row of duplexes with minimal buffering. Ms Nelson stated that staff believes that the proposal does not allow for a very cohesive or easily managed zoning pattern. Ms. Nelson stated that the applicants based this zoning proposal on the assumption that 108`h Street would not be continued on through to 244th She stated that Public Works staff has informed planning staff, that 108"' will eventually be completed and if this property were developed, roadway improvements would be required from the developer Ms. Nelson stated that 108th Street has a 30-foot nght-of-way and would require that an additional 30"of nght-of-way be dedicated as part of any development in this area. Ms. Nelson stated that when 108"' is put through, it will be considered a residential collector like southeast 244' Ms. Nelson stated that several wetlands exist on this property which would likely require a 50-foot buffer which would be determined upon completion of wetland delineation. She stated that although staff recognizes that higher density single family residential or townhouse development may be appropriate in this area, they feel that this proposal results in small fragmented zones not compatible with efficient management of City development. • Ms. Nelson stated that staff recommends denial of this proposal but offered the Board consideration of alternate proposals such as SR-6 or SR-8 zoning She stated that SR-6 or SR-8 would allow for a higher density single family development and SR-8 could allow for a rezone to townhouse zoning in a subsequent year. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes • November 22, 1999 Page 10 Ms Nelson stated that if the Board considers the alternatives, Staff recommends that all parcels dividing single family residential with community commercial be rezoned for consistency as part of this proposal. Ms Nelson stated that if the Board chose the alternative proposal, a public notice would need to be mailed to the additional property owners impacted by this proposal and an additional public hearing would be required beyond the November 29 meeting Sharon Woodford MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED to open the Public Hearing. MOTION carried. Rachel Neilsen, 10824 SE 244 St., stated that their residence is located east of the proposed site and looked at the potential for subdividing when they purchased their 1 3 acres four months ago She stated that when City sewer is made available in the area, that they would consider hooking into the system as a positive selling point. Ms. Neilsen stated that she would not oppose development of single family homes in this area but voiced her opposition to development of multifamily in the narrow strip of property behind her property. She stated that development of apartments would generate high volumes of vehicular travel through their private neighborhood. Ms Neilsen spoke at length on traffic impacts in the area and voiced her opposition to this proposal. Mike and Jackie Marchetka, 10615 SE 244" St., stated that high volumes of water run under 244' • Street and cross the Bruan's property each year He stated that he has resided in his quiet neighborhood since 1981. Mr. Marchetka stated that he does not oppose development and would like to see only single family development occur as too many apartment complexes already surround them and the area is rapidly increasing with commercial uses. Mr. Marchetka stated that the applicant, Mr Bruan does not maintain properties that he develops and therefore has no respect for him. Mrs Marchetka stated that Mr Bruan's developments are typically rentals and voiced her concern that if these properties are not maintained, the rat population would increase and wildlife, which abounds in the area, would diminish She questioned if the developer would be required to replace trees that are destroyed as a result of development She stated that documented wetlands exist on the Brewer Plat behind their property that begins approximately 600 feet off of 244"' and crosses the Bruan property Mrs Marchetka stated that the property is wet nearly 12 months of the year from the stream on the property that buffers their property. Mrs. Marchetka voiced her concerns with increased vehicular traffic with the addition of 99 units of development. Gena Lovell, 24428 109" Place SE stated that her street dead ends at the water park that the City of Kent put in three years ago Ms Lovell stated that she is primarily concerned that if this area were developed with apartments that r h hdevelopmenth her st eet would be used as the primary access to e park for the residents from the She stated that an increase in littenng of beer bottles and other refuse would occur as a result of teenagers using the park for their partying grounds and children walking through the area to Sequoia and Daniel . Elementary School Ms Lovell stated that wetland issues and the protection of wildlife in the area need to be addressed. She stated that accepting this proposal would alter the character and tranquility of their neighborhood. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 11 Ms. Lovell spoke at length on traffic concerns including the increase in congestion at the major intersections that would occur as a result of development Ms Lovell requested that this property remain single family, three units per acre Robert Lovell,24428 109`h Place submitted a petition for the record as Exhibit 7. He stated that the petition has the signature of fifteen residents opposing this proposal and requesting that the current zoning of three houses per acre be retained. Mr Lovell stated that traffic, wetlands and compromising quality of life are major issues for concern. He spoke at length on traffic concerns. Mr Lovell stated that the wetlands needs to be defined more accurately as existing apartments have been engulfed by water and therefore, a detention wall has been erected to prevent water from flowing into the lower apartments He stated that the majority of the property is wet and that a tributary that flows into Garrison Creek becomes a salmon-bearing stream further down in the Valley. Mr Lovell stated that development of an additional 99 units would damage the surreal quality of life in this area, increase traffic and cause dangers for the children who play along 244`h Mr Lovell voiced opposition to the proposal. Sandra VanNieuwenhuise, 10625 SE 244`h St. stated that she concurs with the neighbor's statements She stated that she purchased her home September 1 and loves the peaceful tranquility of the area, which would diminish if apartments were, developed as well as lower the value of her . home. Ms. VanNieuwenhuise stated that her children attend Daniel Elementary where she works and that the school is fully staffed and already have more children in attendance then the school's capacity can handle adequately. She stated that development would highly impact Daniel Elementary as well as Sequoia Junior High. Darryl VanNieuwenhuise, 10625 SE 2441' St., stated that his children walk down 244' Street each day to and from school with no sidewalks. He voiced concern with the high volume of traffic that could be generated as a result of the development of apartments in the area. Brad Bell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED to note that additional signatures could be added to the submitted petition. MOTION carried. Robert Thorpe, 705 2°" Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104 stated that he is a certified planner with Planners and Landscape Architects He stated that he prepared a packet of materials, which he would present to staff He stated that their firm was approached by the property owners to evaluate the property. Mr. Thorpe offered a third alternative for the proposed site that combines the desires of staff and what the neighbors have requested He stated that the SR-3 zoning is an important transition to this neighborhood in order to protect development east of this site. Mr. Thorpe said that there is an existing storm water and sanitary sewer in this area. He stated that • the wetlands are based on inventory provided by a wetland biologist and compared to the City's wetlands map, therefore, the information before the Board should be reasonably accurate Mr Thorpe read a letter for the record from Marathon Senior Living Services as Exhibit#8 He stated that Marathon Senior Living Services is completing construction on the Arbor Village Assisted Living Center located at 240°i and 116°'a""is interested in pursuing related adult senior housing for the more Land Use and Planning Board Minutes • November 22, 1999 Page 12 independent residents in our area Mr. Thorpe stated that their goal would be to develop for sale, condominium housing duplexes with a six-point configuration and with a density of 12 to 18 units per acre on the proposed site. Mr. Thorpe stated that his staff feels that 108' Street could provide a route for senior citizens to walk to shopping, parking and the transit system. He stated that an access road could be developed to direct traffic to 108"' from the senior housing project. Mr. Thorpe stated that a landscape buffer exists with an open area to preserve trees and the drainage swale that runs through the property and that this proposal is compatible with the City's comprehensive plan and is located within the City's growth management area Mr Thorpe stated that there is a demand for senior housing as indicated in Marathon's request and stated that their staff believes SR-3 to be appropriate for this area. Mr. Thorpe indicated that his staff has held discussions with the City's senior planning staff to assist them in determining what development would be appropriate for the proposed site He stated that discussion covered the history of the area as well as what requirements would be necessary to develop senior housing while protecting the neighborhood through mitigation measures Michael Robinson, 10635 SE 244'h St., Kent, WA stated that his property is across from the proposed development He stated that water runs across his property over ten months of the year into a culvert on the northwest corner of his property and down into the northwest portion of the site • proposed for zoning changes and pools in the horse pasture proposed for development He stated that further development could cause the water to continue to back up and flow back on to his property Mr. Robinson voiced his concern over the increased traffic congestion in the area and stated that he would like to see zoning remain SF-3. Mike Houston, 10805 SE 244' St., Kent, WA stated that he resides across from the proposed site and indicated that apartments exist on adjoining properties as well as commercial properties which consists of mini storage facilities which are relatively quiet. Mr Houston stated that trees and wetlands substantially buffer the apartment complex mentioned earlier He stated that the remainder of the neighborhood is a basically rural farming community with horses and cattle. Mr Houston stated that he would like to see this area remain the same so as not to diminish quality of life or property values. Laurie Houston, 10805 SE 244" St., Kent,WA concurred with Mr Houston's statement concerning property valuation She stated that if duplexes or condominiums were developed in this area, there would be a significant change in neighborhood compatibility and character She stated that homeowners would find it difficult to sell their properties. Robert Bray, 10604 SE 244'h St., Kent, WA stated that completing 108' Street would draw traffic through their neighborhood and create safety risks. He voiced concern with drainage issues concerning the creek that runs through the property. He stated that he opposes this proposal and voiced his discord with the applicant, Mr. Braun • Noelle Rogerson, 10637 SE 244'" St., Kent, WA stated that it is her understanding that the City of Kent has a new zoning policy that allows for development of townhomes and questioned if a comprehensive plan was in place for where townhomes could be built Ms. Rogerson said that she would like to see the proposed site remain residential. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 13 Jim Fox, 12622 Old Snohomish Monroe Rd,Snohomish,WA stated that his grandfather purchased the Fox property in 1912 He stated that his folks had endeavored to develop this property in the sixties and had platted out 7,200 square foot lots and a path road off of 108" Mr Fox stated that the plat was never filed and his folks sold two lots. Mr. Fox stated that his proposal did not include completing 108r' Street and offered to meet with the neighbors over their concerns. Mr Fox felt that if the site was developed off of 108' with traffic funneled to a stop light at 240", traffic concerns could be eliminated. Mr. Fox said that if senior housing were developed on this site,the residents could walk to community facilities, they could be provided with affordable housing that would be an asset to the neighborhood Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to close the Public Hearing. Motion CARRIED. Diana Nelson stated that the wetlands map provided by the applicant differs somewhat from the City's inventory of wetlands. She stated that the City's wetland inventory was completed ten years ago and is only an inventory Ms. Nelson stated that this property would require wetland delineation by a wetland biologist,which would be reviewed by the City's experts Ms. Nelson said that the inventory does not imply that additional wetlands do not exist and indicated that the applicant's report simply reveals what he has currently identified • Ms. Nelson reiterated that no site-specific plan is proposed at this time and when a plan is submitted, the developer will be required to provide storm water drainage as part of that project. Ms. Nelson stated that if a multifamily project were developed on this site, a multifamily design review would be required as part of the development process, whereas staff would look at building design, site layout and buffering Ms. Nelson said that senior living facilities can be developed on single family zoned property as a conditional use and if the proposed use of this property is for the development of senior living facilities, a rezone is not required. Ms Nelson stated that the applicant would have to go through a Hearing Examiner hearing with a public notification sent to the surrounding neighbors as part of the conditional use application process. Ms. Nelson spoke at length on the zoning options that the applicant could pursue,including the MR-T zone, which allows for development of townhome type units with a density of 16 units per acre Ms. Nelson stated that the City Council is encouraging the connectivity of streets within the City, and discouraging cul-de-sac street designs. She stated that not connecting 108" Street could be contrary to what the City is attempting to accomplish with connectivity of neighborhoods Gary Gill stated that the City took possession of the East Hill Community Well in the 1980's and rebuilt the water system throughout that area He stated that it is his understanding that the aquifer is a deep well that goes down several hundred feet and based on the geology of this area, the soils are not very permeable. Mr Gill stated that approximately four to six feet underground, glacially compacted soils exist that inhibits water from infiltrating quickly He stated that development should not impact the public water supply as it is fed from aquifers that stretch out over many miles Mr Gill stated that the City Council is currently enlisting Public Works, Planning and other City departments in reviewing road standards He stated that connectivity is encouraged. .4 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 14 Mr. Gill stated that 244' Street is classified as a residential collector street He stated that as the mini storage and the short plats on the south side of the street develop, the developers would be required to construct street improvements along their frontages Mr Gill stated that eventually the road would be 36 feet in width from curb to curb with sidewalks and provisions for two through lanes with a center turn lane. Mr. Gill stated that the concerns voiced over 108' Street with increased vehicular traffic through the residential neighborhoods are an ongoing problem throughout the city. Mr Gill said that the City has a Neighborhood Traffic Control Program managed by Joe Mitchell which works with neighborhood groups in an effort to analyze methods for slowing traffic down. He stated that the City is being encouraged to revise our construction standards to provide measures to slow traffic down on streets that are being constructed Mr. Gill stated that if 108' Street were to be completed, the roadway would be designed with provisions that would discourage vehicular cut through and speeding He stated that it is necessary to provide alternatives for exiting neighborhoods. Mr Gill stated that many times, residents could bypass congested intersections. Mr Gill stated that 104th and 244th would likely have traffic signals erected in the future Mr.Gill stated that with developments on the West Side of the Benson Highway, Public Works has been required to execute agreements for participating in erecting a signal at that intersection in the future. Mr Gill stated that the Public Works Department is working with the Kent School District in developing a better sidewalk system, which would protect the neighborhood children walking to and from school Steve Dowell stated that he does not believe that the issues concerning this proposal have been adequately addressed and therefore supports staffs recommendation to deny this amendment. Jon Johnson concurred with Mr. Dowell and stated that he feels this area is not ready for the type of development proposed at this time and stated that even though commercial development exists to the north, this site is more conducive to single family development. Mr Johnson stated that he supports staff s recommendation to deny this amendment Ms. Zimmerman expressed her appreciation to the citizens in expressing their feelings about their neighborhood She stated that she would like the seller and developer to do more specific planning for this property utilizing the input from the neighbors. Ms Zimmerman stated that the proposal for this site was not specific. She stated that the Board needs a specific recommendation on the table, in order to form an appropriate recommendation to be sent on to the City Council Ms Zimmerman stated that she supports staff s recommendation to deny this amendment Sharon Woodford stated that she concurs with the Board members and supports staffs recommendation to deny this amendment Ron Harmon stated that he supports staffs recommendation to deny this amendment and was • encouraged by the citizen input. Sharon Woodford MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED to accept staff s recommendation to deny the applicant's proposal on CPA-99-3(F)/CPZ-99-6 Tolles/FoxBruan Amendment Motion CARRIED unanimously Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 15 #CPA-99-3(H)/CPZ-99-8 FLOWER COURT AMENDMENT Planner Kevin O'Neill stated that the property is located at the southeast corner of 102nd Avenue and SE 236th Street and consists of approximately 2.5 acres. He stated that the parcel is currently designated in the Comprehensive Plan as mixed use and is zoned Community Commercial Mr O'Neill stated that the site is located within the mixed-use overlay, which allows residential development only in conjunction with commercial development. Mr O'Neill defined the zoning on the surrounding properties that abut this site. Mr O'Neill stated that this parcel was placed in the Mixed Use Overlay because it is a transition area between commercial development to the east and residential development to the south, north and west Mr O'Neill stated that the applicant was primarily looking at creating a development that conforms to existing mixed use regulations and combines residential and commercial uses. Mr. O'Neill stated that the only way that mixed use development could occur on this site is if 25 percent of the floor area is used for commercial purposes He stated that the applicants feel that this site is not conducive to commercial development, as they do not have direct frontage to 104'hAvenue SE. Mr O'Neill stated that the applicant is requesting a comp plan designation of low-density multifamily and a zoning designation of MR-T 16,new townhouse zoning adopted by the City Council two months ago. Mr. O'Neill stated that the 2 5-acre parcel would allow for full build out of approximately 40- townhouse condominium style units under the proposed MR-T16 zoning He stated that no significant environmental constraints appear on this property and that Garrison Creek is located north of the site and does not directly abut this parcel Mr O'Neill stated that one of the issues in developing this parcel for any use would be traffic access. He stated that 102nd Street is open and in speaking with the Public Works Department, it could be advisable to open a segment of 236' Street upon development of this parcel. Mr O'Neill stated that typically residential zoning creates less traffic impacts than commercial zoning as retail development particularly generates a higher volume of trips per square foot then residential development Mr O'Neill stated that this proposal would actually generate less trip traffic to the site than the existing zoning would allow Mr O'Neill stated that staff recommends approval of this application. Ron Harmon spoke at length on concerns with the traffic patterns through that area and the need for sidewalks to alleviate safety concerns for the children. Gary ill stated Works D regarding G ry G tad that the Public Wo s apartment Traffic Division has noted the concerns eg ding the narrow strip of 102nd Street as it approaches 240°i or James Street. He stated that the City typically requires frontage improvements along the entire property, which will include curb gutters, sidewalks and half-street improvements. Mr Gill stated that in the case of 236th, the City would require both frontage and off site improvements all the way to the Benson Highway. Mr Gill spoke at length on road improvements and right-of-way requirements as they relate to development of this site. Ron Harmon stated that he supports staff s recommendation for approval of this amendment. Steve Dowell MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED to open the Public Hearing. Motion CARRIED Land Use and Planning Board Minutes November 22, 1999 Page 16 Ron Fernley, 923 Powell Avenue, stated that he is associated with the applicant, Pacific West Development He spoke at length on traffic issues in connection to development of this site Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to close the Public Hearing. MOTION carved Terry Zimmerman stated that she believes this property is well suited for MR-T zoning and supported staffs recommendation to approve this amendment Terry Zimmerman MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED to accept staff s recommendation to approve CPA-99-3(H)/CPZ-99-8 Flower Court Amendment. MOTION carried unanimously. #ZCA-99-2 BILLBOARD REGULATIONS AMENDMENT Diana Nelson said that the billboard amendment was removed from the last City Council agenda due to I-695 budget related issues She stated that this item would be rescheduled as a City Council agenda item in January 2000. Ms. Nelson stated that Councilman Yingling has made an alternative proposal to the original recommendation She stated that this proposal would allow existing billboard structures to have a 300 square feet surface area per side versus the 300 square feet surface area per structure that is currently P q P Y allowed and that all billboards can convert to tri vision on both sides. Ms. Nelson stated that billboards could be relocated anywhere in the city or at least not limited to placement only in the M-1 through M-3 zones She stated that even if billboards were limited to M-1 through M-3, the artenals would not be protected as two of the new corridors partially run through the M-1 through M-3 zones Ms. Nelson stated that the new proposal would expand the billboard square footage over what is currently allowed and in staff's opinion would be a step backward. Ms Nelson stated that a public hearing has not occurred on the proposed changes to this amendment. She stated that she mentioned this to the City's legal department and the City Attorney, Roger Lubovich has not conclusively responded as to whether or not a new public hearing will be necessary. Ms Nelson stated that the newly proposed amendment has significantly changed from what the original public hearing was held on and would recommend a new public hearing,preferably at the City Council level ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, a j s P Hamstary