HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 02/22/1999 CITY OF)rKA1.1� • Jim White, Mayor rX V ICTA Planning Depamnent (253) 859-3390/FAX(253) 850-2544 James P.Hams,Planning Director LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing February 22, 1999 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Ron Harmon at 7-00 p.m. on Monday, February 22, 1999 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall. LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS PRESENT James P Hams, Planning Director Ron Hannon, Chan- Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Terry Zimmerman, Vice Chair Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney Brad Bell Pamela Mottram, Administrative Secretary Steve Dowell • Jon Johnson David Malik Sharon Woodford APPROVAL OF MINUTES Terry Zimmerman MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to approve the minutes of January 26, 1999 Motion earned. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None ZCA-99-1 CENTRAL AVENUE DESIGN GUIDELINES AMENDMENT Planning Managct, Fred Satterstrom represented Linda Phillips Mr Satterstrom stated that this board has had some familianty with the Central Avenue Design Guidelines in terns of having held a couple of workshops. The rationale for having the Central Avenue Guidelines came from the downtown strategic action plan adopted by the Council one year ago 2204th AVENUE SOUTH I KLNr WASHING rON 98032-5895 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 22, 1999 Page 2 Mr. Satterstrom stated that the downtown strategic action plan proposed that specific guidelines be adopted for the development of all seven downtown districts This is the first downtown district to undergo a study of urban design and this is the first study area to have proposed design guidelines. Mr Satterstrom stated that the City intends to use the design guidelines as a prototype for future design phases in the downtown district and to use the guidelines as a collaborative effort between city staff and the developer. Mr. Satterstrom said that the portion of Central Avenue area under consideration is between James Street on the North, Willis Street on the south, south of Jason Avenue and one side of Gowe Street. He stated that the two zoning designations within this area are GC (General Commercial) applies to the area north of Smith Street between Smith and James and south of Gowe Street to Willis. Between Gowe and Smith Street the designation is DCE (Downtown Commercial Enterprise). Mr. Satterstrom stated that the GC zone is hospitable to vehicular oriented uses while the DCE zone is more pedestrian oriented by its intent Mr Satterstrom stated that the City of Kent's design review process was established in 1992 and is comprised of a committee of administrative officials, chaired by Jim Hams,Planning Director who • oversees the downtown design review Mr Satterstrom explained that the downtown design review process was developed at the same time the (DCE)Downtown Commercial Enterprise zone was created He stated that the (DC)Downtown Commercial zoning underwent revisions as the city moved away from development standards to the design process utilizing design guidelines in lieu of regulations. Mr Satterstrom stated that the parameters of each site development went through a design review process and was adjudicated by the Downtown Design Committee. Mr. Satterstrom stated that the design review process has been successful. He stated that approximately twelve proposals have undergone design review Mr. Satterstrom stated that City staff works collaboratively with developers to reach mutually agreeable design compromises Mr. Satterstrom stated that the downtown design review has not been site specific in relation to proposed development, which has been problematic for Planning staff in coordinating design qualities for downtown. Mr Satterstrom stated that the Central Avenue Design Guidelines are designed to specify and promote the uniqueness of an area through the design review criteria for that area. Mr Satterstrom stated that staff recommends approval of the Central Avenue Design Guidelines. He stated that the guidelines would be referenced in the zoning code as a design document applicable to Central Avenue if adopted by City Council Mr Satterstrom said that once the guidelines are adopted, development greater than $20,000 will be reviewed pursuant to the design guidelines. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 22, 1999 Page 3 Mr. Satterstrom stated that 195 public notices were mailed out along with a detailed summary of the proposed design guidelines He stated that the Planning staff had a low return rate from the mailing John Owen, Maker's stated that he was the City of Kent's consultant on this project He stated that the guidelines are intended to augment the zoning ordinance and provide guidance specific to Central Avenue He stated that staff recognizes Central Avenue as a thoroughfare with numerous automobile oriented businesses. Mr Owen stated that methods to heighten the appearance of Central Avenue is being considered as well as ways that would attract further pedestrian oriented uses Mr Owen defined Central Avenue as a Class B street He explained that a Class B Street does not mandate that businesses must face a street and allows for the inclusion of parking lots Mr Owen stated that stores located closer to streets provide better visibility for the business area and that some areas of Central Avenue could be enhanced with in-fill. Mr Owen stated that the design guidelines address appropriate lighting as well as parking lot configurations that would provide adequate security and safety Mr Owen cited Seattle's University Place where sidewalk and parking design configurations with pedestrian-oriented street fronts have dramatically increased retail business in that area • Mr. Owen spoke at length on the design guideline aspects concerning architectural scale and quality. He stated that developers have transformed unattractive buildings with the use of Styrofoam panels as well as including window treatments and enhanced signage. Mr. Owen stated that the guidelines are designed to encourage property owners to ultimately improve their property with simple architecture and wise utilization of their sites that will increase retail business The guidelines will establish a historical character and style for the community. Mr Owen stated that the guidelines strive to improve the overall appearance and quality of Central Avenue with the incorporation of design features to hide unsightly storage and service areas and mechanical equipment on buildings Mr Owen elaborated upon the features of the design guidelines relating to pedestrian-oriented storefronts and the use of pedestrian weather protection. Board member, Steve Dowell voiced concern over the use of the word"must"within the context of the sentence on page 1 indicating that"Alany of the guidelines set requirements and standards that must be met Mr Dowell stated that the use of this word is dictatorial, making this document a set of rules instead of guidelines. Mr Owen stated that many of the design guidelines are governed by the zoning code required by ordinance Mr. Dowell stated that on Page 2 of the design guidelines it states that"the guidelines are intended to revise and supplement the design standards in the City of Kent zoning ordinance Some of the guidelines state that the City may relax or modify zoning ordinance standards if, in the City's determination, the guidelines are met" Mr Dowell asked Mr Owen to clarify if the City has the option to modify the zoning ordinance standards if they meet guidelines. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 22, 1999 Page 4 Mr. Owen concurred that the City has the option to modify the zoning ordinance standards specifically if the applicant can show that he or she met the intent of the guidelines Planning Director, James Harris stated that Kent's Zoning Code envisions allowing the Planning Director to modify design review plans pertaining to off-street parking and landscaping He stated that incorporation of this stipulation in the design guidelines would allow for development flexibility and not place developers in situations that could lead to variance requests Mr Owen responded to Mr Dowell's request by stating that a street wall is defined as a building facade facing the street. Mr. Owen stated that Central Avenue is a Class B street which does not require a full street wall as expected on a Class A street such as Meeker Mr. Owen stated that parking and setbacks could be expected in certain areas along Central Avenue although by having buildings face the street in close proximity to the street right-of-way gives a sense of enclosure to the street creating pedestrian ambiance and character Mr Satterstrom stated that some streets within the Central Avenue design guideline areas are non- classified streets whereas the expectations for a Class A or B Street would not apply Mr. Satterstrom stated that street walls are not development regulations but guidelines as Class A Streets • will have breaks in the buildings where Class B Streets may have a 40% to 60% street wall Mr Satterstrom stated that the frontage along Kent Junior High is a Class B Street and zoned DCE with GC zoning across the street. He stated that existing developments along Central Avenue closely correlates to a Class A Street, particularly on the West Side Mr. Dowell asked if a building could be constructed on more than 50% of the property Mr. Satterstrom concurred with Mr Dowell and stated that when a development is proposed, the expectation would be for 50% development of the property Board member Terry Zimmerman voiced her concern over the additional cost developers could incur on development that may be currently proposed on Central Avenue once the design guidelines are adopted Mr Owen stated that the results of studies conducted to look at cost overages indicated an approximate one half percent increase in cost to the developer for project add-ons. Board member Sharon Woodford questioned the discrepancies noted regarding upper story setbacks on page 33 and 35 of the guidelines. Mr Owen stated that this exemplifies that setbacks are not specific requirements but options • Ms Woodford asked Mr. Owen if setbacks depend on whether development is pedestrian oriented or architecturally oriented Mr. Owen concurred with Ms Woodford Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 22, 1999 Page 5 Board Member Brad Bell voiced concern that adoption of the design guidelines would create a nonconforming status for existing structures and Mr Satterstrom stated that this would not occur. Mr Bell asked if the expansion of sidewalks would increase public right-of-way and if property owners would be compensated for the additional sidewalk dedicated for the public right-of-way? Mr. Satterstrom stated that staff is proposing 12-foot pedestrian sidewalks for Central Avenue due to the high volume of through traffic with a minimum of 10-foot sidewalks. He stated that staff had theorized that the city would not pay for the additional property required for the public right-of-way but would require that buildings set back further with a paved area along the front of the property in addition to the existing sidewalk width Mr Satterstrom stated that it was staffs belief that benefits would accrue to the businesses along the Central Avenue corridor if the property owner were to provide the additional distance between the edge of the sidewalk and the actual building line Mr Harris stated that the property owner would be responsible for maintaining their property between the sidewalk and the building line for removal of ice, sleet and snow • Mr. Bell stated that many of the lot sizes in the Central Street area are small and an increase in six to eight feet in the sidewalk could prevent development of those parcels Mr Satterstrom stated remodeling of existing developments in this area would not necessitate setting a building back and the sidewalks would remain at its present width He stated that a wider sidewalk configuration pertains to new development on vacant parcels. Mr Dowell referred to a chapter on page 5 of the guidelines that used the term "required" in dictating where supermarkets and multi-department businesses must locate sections of their businesses Mr. Dowell voiced concern that using this terminology seemed authoritarian and took flexibility away from the design guidelines Mr Owen concurred with Mr. Dowell and suggested using the term "encourage" in place of"required". Mr Harris concurred that "encourage" is in keeping with staff s desire to accommodate both the city and the developer. Mr Dowell noted scrivener errors on page 11 of the design guidelines. Mr Harris assured Mr. Dowell that scrivener errors throughout the design guideline document would be corrected. Mr. Dowell voiced his opposition that dictated the use of specific shades or colors on buildings as indicated on page 39 of the guidelines Mr. Owen stated that the reason color samples are given is so the city will not end up with buildings painted in bold or high vibrancy colors Mr Dowell stated that the "use of colored mortar"with concrete blocks should be changed to reflect"use of colored mortar with colored blocks". • Mr. Dowell noted that the use of metal siding was discouraged as a covering for existing facades and asked Mr. Owen what alternatives were available Mr Owen stated that materials used to cover existing facades is less durable than maintaining the original facades made of brick or masonry r Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 22, 1999 Page 6 materials. Mr. Owen suggested rephrasing the guideline title IV.E (1) from "Retain existing facades" to "Restore existing facades" Chair Ron Harmon voiced concern that he did not see provisions in the guidelines for a free walk cycle on Central Avenue as it is the city's intent to facilitate traffic movement as well as provide for safe and efficient pedestrian walkways Ron Harmon suggested implementation of a longer walk cycle. Mr Dowell stated that future development needs to ensure that buildings are not placed next to streets with solid walls. He stated that buildings need to incorporate pedestrian oriented features such as windows and entranceways Mr Owen stated that this issue is of paramount importance and is addressed on page 24, 33 and 40 of the guidelines Mr Dowell stated that page 24, Section ILD (2) c should be changed from "pedestrian oriented space" to read"retail-oriented space". Steve Dowell MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED a motion to open the Public Hearing. Motion Carved. Linda Johnson, Executive Director, Kent Downtown Partnership, 16605 SE 264th, Kent,WA • stated that her design committee has worked with John Owen and Fred Satterstrom. She stated that Central Avenue is a good starting point for implementation of design review guidelines as many new residents to Kent believe Central Avenue to be downtown Kent Ms Johnson stated that she has gone through the design review process for the Kent Downtown Market Place and that the guidelines allowed for flexibility in development and has not added to the cost of the project She stated that she was in favor of incorporating color standards. Ms. Johnson stated that the design committee and Kent Downtown Partnership supports adoption of the design guideline and hopes that Central Avenue will begin to experience in-fill. Hugh Lieper, 815 Rieten Road, Kent, WA stated that he is a commercial real estate consultant. Mr Leeper stated that Mr Benaroya built Boeing's first space center. He stated that Mr. Benaroya developed a first class million square foot facility setting the tone for future development in the Kent Valley Mr Lieper suggested that the city form an architectural committee made up of highly qualified architects with expertise in design review. He stated that Central Avenue's design guideline development should serve as an example for upcoming development Mr. Lieper stated that Central Avenue is a busy arterial that supports daily traffic flow of 30,000 automobiles He stated that when the 277th Street corridor is complete, northbound traffic would increase substantially on Central Avenue. Mr. Lieper stated that future development along this corridor needs to be attractive and accessible to both pedestrians and motorists • Tom Lobb, 304 Scenic Way, Kent,WA said that he has resided for 12 years a half block east of Central Avenue on Titus Sti-ect He voiced concern with a landscaping project at the northeast corner of Central and Titus Mr. Lobb questioned the rationale for additional landscaping when existing landscaping was adequate He said that the landscaping included the use of water intensive Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 22, 1999 Page 7 plantings without an imgation system in place to adequately maintain the area. Mr Lobb stated that it is not cost effective for the city to conduct a landscaping project of this scale. He stated that this type of landscaping should not be allowed within the provisions of the design guidelines. Mr. Lobb stated that over the years, he has witnessed deaths on Central Avenue as a result of automobile collisions and pedestrians crossing Central Avenue He said that it is unconscionable that the design guidelines do not include provisions for a pedestrian underpass or overpass for Central Avenue. Mr. Lobb stated that residents east of Central Avenue need to have a safe pedestrian crossing available in order to use alternate forms of transportation such as the train or bus. Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion carried Ms. Zimmerman asked Fred Satterstrom how the City of Kent intends to partner with property owners to improve Central Avenue. Mr Satterstrom stated that the city is designing and implementing the Gateway Projects at Meeker and Central, and at Smith and Central These projects will include unique and special landscaping, • signing and gateway treatments intended to impart special qualities to enhance the pedestrian crossings Mr Satterstrom stated that over$600,000 have been set aside over the next five years for the gateway projects which will include pedestrian crossing improvements. Mr. Satterstrom stated that staff would look at various features which could be implemented to improve pedestrian crossings such as the use of better lighting, longer walk cycles and different paving materials He stated that separate grades or elevated crossings would not be considered Mr Satterstrom stated that the cost to construct these type of crossings are exorbitant, particularly since they require ramping for ADA accessibility as well as large areas of land for development Mr. Satterstrom stated that a study is underway to determine where economic development opportunities exist within a thousand-foot radius of the commuter rail station He stated that staff would look at improving pedestrian connections between and across the streets located within that radius. Jim Harris stated that the gateways are funded but may not be built until 2000. Mr. Satterstrom stated that citizens interested in involvement with the Gateway process should contact Linda Phillips at 859-3390. Brad Bell MOVED and Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to recommend approval of #ZCA-99-1 Central Avenue Design Guidelines with the following amendments: • Page 5, Section I B (1) Paragraph h• the addition of the phrase "it is recommended that" supermarkets and similar multi-department businesses.. and replacing the word "jwquirec#" with "be encouraged"to place these sections next to ... • Page 24, Section I1 D (2): Add the term"retail-oriented'in the following areas; Change the Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 22, 1999 Page 8 Subsection title"Provide pedestrian friendly building facades"to read "Provide pedestrian friendly retail oriented building facades", Delete `p " in the first paragraph to read "retail oriented" street front facades, rephrase the terminology where indicated from 'Pedestrian-oriented space"to read "Retail-oriented pedestrian space"in sentence "c ". • Page 39, Section IV.E (2)• Soften the specific colors and shades used but delete the references to specific colors " "and "barn red ., • Page 39, Section IV E (2). Change the "Use of Colored Mortar" to read"Use of Colored Mortar with Colored Blocks". Motion Carried. Board member Jon Johnson stated that he favors implementing design guidelines for Central Avenue and approves of the amendments He shared his concern about the need for safe pedestrian crossings. Mr Malik concurred with Mr Johnson and Mr. Dowell Sharon Woodford and Terry Zimmerman voiced their support for the inclusion of color guidelines. Ms Zimmerman stated that the colors described in the guidelines seem to be schematic colors that coordinate well with other City of Kent efforts currently under way ADJOURNMENT Steve Dowell MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED a motion to adjourn. Motion carried The meeting adjourned at 8 45 p in. ;Respe fully Submrtte P arris ary