HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 11/30/1998 • CITY OF Zwr"A SV IT
0 Jim White, Mayor
Planning Department (253) 859-3390/FAX(253) 850-2544
James P Harris,Planning Director
Public Hearing
November 30, 1998
The continuance meeting from November 23, 1998 of the Kent Land Use and Planing Board was called to
order by Chair Brad Bell at 7 00 p in on Monday,November 30 1998 in Council Chambers of Kent City
Brad Bell, Chair
Sharon Woodford, Vice Chair
Steve Dowell
Ron Harmon
Jon Johnson
David Malik
Terry Zimmerman
James P Hams, Planning Director
Fred Satterstrom,Planning Manager
Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner
Matthews Jackson,Planner/GIS Coordinator
Linda Phillips,Planner
Pamela Mottram,Administrative Secretary
Approval of the November 23, 1998 minutes has been deferred to the January 26, 1999 meeting.
Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to open the public hearing Motion carried.
Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated that a tax parcel number for CPA-98-2 (D)/CPZ-98-4 Costanzo
Amendment had been transposed during data entry resulting in notification of the wrong property owners
Fred Satterstrom apologized to the Board and public for staff s error Fred Satterstrom stated that as the
public needs to be properly notified he recommends that the Board add this amendment to the agenda for
the December 14, 1998 public hearing
Jon Johnson MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion for continuance of the hearing on this item
to December 14, 1998 Motion carried
220 4th AVFNUE SOLTH / KENT,WASHfN61 ON 98012-5895
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
Page 2
Planner Sarah Bradley said this amendment is a request to change the land use map designation from Low
Density Multifamily Residential to Commercial and the zoning map designation from MR-G, Garden
Density Multifamily Residential/16 units per acre to CC, Community Commercial District The property
is located south of Kent Kangley at 12809 Kent-Kangley Road The property consists of one tax lot 15,264
square feet in size and contains one single-family residence.
The property to the west is zoned Office and SR-6 and is encumbered by a wetland that would need
buffering The property to the east is zoned Community Commercial with a single family residence, a
chiropractic and realty office
Ms Bradley submitted a report for the record as Exhibit#1, generated by the Washington State Department
of Transportation Ms Bradley said the report indicates over 100 accidents have occurred at the intersection
between 128th and 132nd Avenue on Kent Kangley Road She stated the accidents from January 1994
through December 1996 Ms Bradley said that there is one entrance to the property off of Kent Kangley
Road and that the Public Works department is concerned that development in this area could create a higher
vehicular accident rate Ms Bradley said staff recommends denial of this application
Board member, Ron Harmon inquired of Sarah how many trips are generated under the present zoning of
• MR-G, Garden Density Multifamily Residential District as compared to Community Commercial Ms
Bradley stated that the property has a single-family residence generating approximately two daily trips
City Engineer, Gary Gill responded to the comparison factors for trip generation between MRG and
Commercial. He stated that most multifamily trips generate six p in peak hour trips per unit Gary Gill
stated that commercial development could potentially generate 19 to 60 peak hour trips per 1,000 square
feet of actual building construction.
Dana Mower,DBM Consulting Engineers,502 16th Street Northeast, Suite 312,Auburn stated that he
represents the owner/applicant He stated that there are geometric considerations that make this property
unique in support of changing zoning from MRG to Commercial and he stated that he would like to see
zoning that is contiguous and homogenous to the property
Mr Mower stated that this parcel of land is too small to be developed as MR-G He stated that if the
area were to be developed as multifamily, the adjoining parcels would have to be developed along with
this parcel Mr Mower said the parcel fronts Kent Kangley Road for 231 feet with the property to the
east and west zoned Community Commercial and Office He stated that one third of the property is
zoned Community Commercial and two thirds MR-G, Garden Density Multifamily Residential District.
Mr Mower said he received data from Pat Fulley with the Department of Transportation indicating 18
accidents have occurred at this intersection since 1994 He stated that he spoke with Ed White,City of Kent
Transportation Engineer, about the possibility of closing off main access from 128th for this parcel and
creating access availability from Kent Kangley Road and that Mr White concurred with this Traffic
currently wraps around the intersection and necessitates a hard right turn of 180%to enter the site.
• Mr Mower stated that he spoke with John Bond,City of Kent Traffic Specialist who voiced concerns with
traffic in the area but rated safety of the 128th Street intersection at below the 200th most dangerous
intersection in the city with the occurrence of three accidents within one year Mr Mower stated that he
completed an independent study with the Department of Transportation regarding traffic volume at the
intersection of 128th Street The resultant report indicated four accidents had occurred within one year
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
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Mr Mower stated that the data Sarah Bradley received from the Department of Transportation described a
corridor area of SR-561 from milepost 9.15 to 12 18 that runs from 128th Place SE to Southeast Wax Road.
Nguyen Huy, 12819 Kent Kangley Road,Kent,WA stated that as the applicant he would like to see the
property rezoned commercial as there is commercial development located to the east and west of his
property He stated that he would like an entrance to the property directly off of Kent Kangley Road
In response to Board member Sharon Woodford Mr Nguyen stated that he would like what he would like
to see developed on his property if it were zoned commercial He responded that he would like to develop
his property as a professional office development as he was advised by Planning staff that his property was
best suited for commercial use.
Planner,Matthews Jackson stated that this is a request to change the land use designation from MHP,Mobile
Home Park to commercial and a zoning change from MHP.Mobile Home Park to Community Commercial
The property is located at 15386 South 272nd Street(also known as Kent Kangley Road)and consists of 3 28
acres Mr Jackson stated that the property is located between two existing mobile home parks
Mr. Jackson stated that the applicant asked for General Commercial in their application and erroneously
• stated that the property south of the site was zoned General Commercial Mr Jackson stated that zoning
along Kent Kangley Road and elsewhere on East Hill is Community Commercial. He stated that the lot is
landlocked from the street with a lot situated in front of the site that fronts Kent Kangley Road Mr Jackson
said that there is an easement which provides access to this site
Mr. Jackson stated that an MHP zoning is unique in that multifamily-zoned property must exist to create a
mobile home park Mr Jackson stated that the City does not favor zoning vacant properties for MHP zoning,
as mobile home parks are a principally permitted use and make up an insignificant number of the total
housing within the city
Mr. Jackson stated that the property is long and narrow with very little frontage and exists between two
existing residences. He stated that Planning staff reviewed the applicant's request to use the property for a
mini-storage facility and staff concurred Staff is recommending approval to change the land use to
Commercial and the zoning to Community Commercial
Mr. Jackson stated that mini-warehouses are allowed as a conditional use in the Community Commercial
zone which requires a public hearing Planning staff could place conditions on the site to mitigate for
potential impacts to the neighborhood.
Harold Peterson,Peterson Consulting Engineers,320 Second Avenue South, Kirkland,WA stated that
he is speaking on behalf of Mr Gusa Mr Peterson reiterated that the original application erroneously
requested a change from MHP to General Commercial instead of a change to Community Commercial Mr
Peterson stated that Mr Gusa supports a Community Commercial designation and is aware that a conditional
use would be required for a mini-warehouse facility which he favors.
Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill said that this is a request to change the land use designation from mixed use,
limited multifamily to medium density multifamily and a zoning change from Office Mixed Use to Medium
Density Multifamily Residential The property consists of 4 8 acres and is L-shaped Mr O'Neill stated that
the property consists of three parcels, one of which extends from Kent Kangley Road to Southeast 260' Street
. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
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with the other two parcels located at the comer of 108'h Avenue Southeast and 260`h Mr O'Neill stated that
there is 200 feet of frontage along Kent Kangley Road.
Mr O'Neill stated that the surrounding property consists of differing land use and zoning designations such
as commercial to the north,multifamily to the west with an MRM zoning,multifamily to the south with MRG
zoning while the property directly to the south is zoned Single Family/8 units per acre Mr O'Neill stated that
the area to the east is predominantly single family residential, although it is zoned office Mr O'Neill
submitted photographs from the applicant(showing the surrounding land uses)for the record as Exhibit# 1
Mr O'Neill stated that under the existing zoning, 75% of the overall floor area of any development placed
on this site could be residential He stated that within an Office,Mixed-Use zone,multifamily residential use
is permitted within a Mixed-Use overlay with the condition that at least 25% of the overall floor area of the
development must be developed for commercial usage Mr O'Neill stated that this property is located in the
mixed use overlay area and Planning staff concurs with the applicant that this location is well suited for
residential use Mr O'Neill stated that multifamily residential zoning as well as commercial use and zoning
is located close to this site Mr O'Neill said that staff recommends denial of this proposal
Mr.Dowell asked Mr O"Neill what unit density could be constructed on the site under the current zoning
Mr. O'Neill responded that under the mixed-use overlay zoning,there is more potential for multifamily build-
out than for commercial Mr O'Neill stated that the Floor Area Ratios (FAR)are higher for residential than
• commercial development and that a residential build out of 15-25 units per acre would seem allowable under
the FAR in that zoning district.
Mr. O'Neill further stated that MR-M zoning allows for 23 units per acre and the MR-G zone to the south
allows for 16 units per acre Mr O'Neill stated that similar type of densities for at least the residential
component of a mixed-use development on that site would be possible.
Mr Dowell asked Mr O'Neill if the developer would gain bonuses by placing residential development on
that site Mr.O'Neill stated that the floor area ratios(FAR)for stand alone commercial and mixed-use overlay
is .4. He said that on a 10,000 square foot site, this equates to a 4,000 square foot building The FAR for
residential use in the mixed-use overlay is 10, a one to one relationship between the lot area and the floor
area Mr O'Neill stated that this is very large lot and it is not unreasonable to assume that this amount of
build out could happen on the lot, given the underlying parking requirements Mr O'Neill stated that the
overall build out allowable could potentially reach 23 units per acre.
Mr. Dowell stated that the topography of that site dips down as you move south and asked if there were
wetlands on this site Mr O'Neill stated that there is a slight drop off and indication that a wetland could be
located at the south end of the property
Dana Mower,DBM Consulting Engineers,502 16th Street NE,Suite 312,Auburn,WA stated that he was
the applicant and would speak on behalf of the property owner,Mr Hebert He said that he concurred with
staff on the need for higher density residential on the property. Mr Mower stated that Mr Hebert's concept
is for two-story townhouse condominiums to be occupied by homeowners Mower said that a change in
zoning to multifamily has been requested to allow for a 16 unit per acre density for garden unit townhouses
• on this property He stated that the property adjoins a 1.5-acre parcel, which would be developed together
Mr Mower stated that he feels Kent has accomplished their mixed-use goals on both a regional scale as well
as on a localized scale Mr Mower stated that he felt this property is too small to be used for a mixed-use
development, as there is only 125 feet of width along Kent Kangley Road
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
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Mr. Mower stated that if the corner parcel of property was included as part of the development, the joined
properties would make more sense developed commercially.
Mr Mower referred to the City of Kent's Mixed Use Development Code, Section 15 02 260 and Section F,
15 04 150 He spoke at length on his interpretation of development standards and cited three examples for
the usage of floor area ratios.
Terry Zimmerman asked Mr Mower if there were wetlands on his property and if he felt it would be difficult
to develop the dense southeast comer of the lot at 260th Street Mr.Mower stated that a critical area analysis
has not yet been completed
Mr Dowell asked Mr. Mower if he understood that there is no allowance in the code for conditioning the
property to be developed specifically as owner occupied buildings on this site Mr Mower responded that
to his knowledge his client has only developed two story garden townhouses and not multifamily
William Robinson,25854 108th Avenue Southeast,Kent,WA said that he resides on the comer of 260th
and 108th across from the parcel proposed for rezoning He spoke at length on the high ratio of accidents at
that intersection as well as the high volume of noise generated in this area Mr Robinson stated that traffic
backs up for hours in the evening Mr Robinson stated that he did not support zoning of the property for
• single family residential development
Hugh Leiper, 815 Reiten Road,Kent,WA stated that he has been a commercial real estate consultant for
over 40 years He stated that the Growth Management Act was implemented by the State to accomplish
development of communities that are compatible
Mr Leiper stated that he worked with the U S Postal Service to develop a market analysis that utilized Kent
zip code boundaries as well as the Kent School District boundaries in providing a total number of resident
deliveries within Kent's city limits Total deliveries for residential, apartments and condominiums equaled
84,787 of which 9,517 deliveries were to condominiums and 22,209 deliveries were to apartments
Mr. Leiper stated that the developer,Roger Hebert intends to develop condominiums in a manner that will
function compatibly with the surrounding community He stated that by developing a condominium on this
site, it would provide a convenient location whereby residents will be able to walk to their shopping instead
of driving as the site backs up to Albertsons
Mr. Leiper submitted the statistical postal report for the record as Exhibit#2.
Planner, Linda Phillips said this application is a request by William Ruth to add a policy to the
Comprehensive Plan under Land Use Goal 9 or Land Use Goal 10 The policy would read as " allow and
encourage single family townhouse style attached condominiums in the single family residential zones that
permit residential densities of 6 units per acre or higher"
. Ms Phillips submitted a letter dated November 19 from Mr Ruth for the record as Exhibit#3 Ms Phillips
said that Mr.Ruth states that under Kent's present comprehensive plan,many proposed detached single family
developments are uneconomical She stated that Mr Ruth believes that land can be utilized in a more
affordable and efficient manner by incorporating attached units within developments with innovative land
use designs that would take advantage of unusual topographical features.
. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
Page 6
Ms Phillips stated that by allowing attached units within developments,more view and open space can be
saved and more economical housing can be provided Ms Phillips stated that Planning staff considered both
the individual property owner and developer concerns regarding economical housing and environmental
effects in their review of the application She stated that Kent strongly opposes disruption of the single-family
character of single family zones
Ms Phillips stated that Planning has received numerous requests of this nature over the past five years and
that the nature of this request would provide for flexibility and innovation within a single family design
Ms Phillips said that it is the belief of staff that there may be validity for attached units even though not all
developments with attached units have maintained the character of single family neighborhoods She stated
that several developers have successfully built attractive units that have been accepted in the community.
Ms.Phillips stated that Planning staff recommends delaying a decision on this request to allow time to set up
a work program for 1999 to study the effects of allowing attached units within single family zones The study
would include recommended processes, criteria and conditions for inclusion of policies to recommend
attached units in single family zones in the comprehensive plan.
John Kastien,20609 94th Avenue South, Kent, WA stated that he has resided in South King County for
• 53 years with 10 of those years in Kent He voiced his believe that a blanket proposal should be approved
allowing multifamily development within residential zones of 6 or higher units per acre He stated that each
request should stand on its own ment as well as allow the property and homeowners opportunity to speak for
or against this type of project
Diana Woodward,9623 South 203rd Street,Kent,WA agrees with Planning staff s recommendation to
deny this proposal Ms Woodward referred to news items in the Kent Reporter's November 25 issue
referring to a study by King County's Council Member, Dwight Pelts titled "Distribution Disparity and
Disproportionality" The results of the study showed Kent as one of five cities and two unincorporated areas
in King County that contains 72% of the total public and subsidized housing within King County Ms
Woodward stated that the report indicated that these areas are characterized by a high number of human
services and lower property values.
Ms Woodward stated that the scope of the proposal is tcobroad, and if the proposal were passed, single
famil�?esidential areas would suffer lower property values and every piece of land existing within single
family residential zones of SF-6 and higher would be open to eventual development of multifamily housing
Ms Woodward asked that single family residential areas be honored by not opening them to integration of
attached side by side clustered multifamily housing.
Howard Woodward, 9623 South 203rd Street, Kent, WA stated that he has reviewed Kent's
comprehensive plan and cluster housing was not included Mr Woodward voiced his believe that clustered
housing is no more than glorified apartments and as the proposal stands, there are no restrictions in place to
control the type of attached dwellings that could be constructed.
• Mr Woodward stated that he is aware that property owners wish to maximize their profits by developing land
in a way that will return the most financial gam Mr Woodward stated that developers typically do not reside
in these types of developments He stated that if they resided in their developments, perhaps they would
reevaluate allowing attached units within a single-family zone Mr Woodward would like the Board to deny
approval of this proposal
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
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Bill Ruth, 12410 SE 248th,Kent,WA stated that the market is what drives development and Kent's market
calls for attached housing Mr Ruth stated that Planned Unit Developments that have been constructed over
the past 8 to 10 years that have fit well within the community. Mr.Ruth stated that Kent needs an ordinance
that will meet the market demand for clustered housing
Mr Ruth stated that the southwest corner of 260th and 108th would work well for clustered housing. He
stated that the property is approximately 3 acres in size,with a pond in the corner of the site Mr Ruth stated
that the property owner is only able to sell his property for a price based on the density of the development.
Mr Ruth stated that he would like to see that a study analysis be provided by Planning Staff in an expedient
time frame so that possible acceptance of this proposal would not be delayed indefinitely.
Financial Planning Manager,Cliff Craig stated that the Finance Department is requesting approval of the draft
update to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan along with any changes that the Council
may approve when they adopt the budget on December 8
Mr. Craig stated that the Capital Facilities element reflects changes in the six year plan resulting from the
1999 budget development process and that the changes are summarized in Draft Tables 8 1 and 8 2 showing
the plan as it was presented in the 1999 preliminary budget document.
• Mr Craig stated that the Council could suggest some changes to the Capital Facilities element between now
and adoption of the plan on December 8 Mr Craig responded to Brad Bell's concerns about the plan
changing prior to going to Council December 8 He stated that the Council is in the process of finalizing the
1999 budget including the 1999 portion of the Capital Plan Mr Craig stated that the six-year Capital
Facilities plan is listed in detail in the 1999 preliminary budget document.
Mr Bell stated that he speaks for himself and the Board in that he would have a problem recommending
approval of something that the Council could potentially change Mr Craig stated that Finance does not
expect the Council to make any changes to the plan as presented in the 1999 preliminary budget.
Planning Director, James Harris stated that he believes that Cliff Craig is asking the Board to approve the
framework within which the Council might make some minor changes at the December 8 final public hearing
for the 1999 budget
Planning Manager, Fred Satterstrom stated that this is a proposal to amend Kent's Comprehensive Plan by
implementing a mixed use designation for the area called North Park located between Fourth and Fifth
Avenue Mr Satterstrom stated that Planning staff submits this recommendation and if the Board recommends
approval of a mixed-use designation and Council approves the request,Planning staff will proceed with the
development of a special zoning district for this area.
Ron Harmon asked Linda Phillips what proposal was indicated in the downtown strategic action plan Ms
Phillips stated that the plan indicated zoning this area as limited office combined with residential She stated
• that the original action was to implement a land use of commercial,than later rezone the property for limited
office with a conditional use for combining residential and office Ms Phillips stated that Planning Staff
reviewed the new land use designations available and felt that a mixed-use designation would be appropriate.
Linda Phillips indicated that the comprehensive plan originally anticipated a limited office zone with mixed
use residential within a mixed-use overlay. She said that implementing a mixed use designation and limited
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
Page 8
office zoning with a mixed use overlay would cut the cost and time by not having to proceed with a
conditional use permit.
Mr Dowell asked if a workshop had been held with the Northpark residents concerning this proposal Ms.
Phillips concurred and stated that there were no outstanding objections from the neighborhood She stated
that several of the residents complained about the activities at the Commons Park
Ms Phillips stated that the intent for this proposal is to create an area compatible with the park as well as
create residential access to the park She stated that this could be accomplished by combining multifamily
mixed use with office Implementing this change would provide more office space in the downtown area Ms
Phillips stated that if the park is master planned,provisions could be provided for setting up shared parking
Ms. Phillips submitted a letter addressed to the Council for the record as Exhibit # 4 from a group of
neighbors within the Northpark area She stated that the letter is relevant to this issue but indicates
misperceptions in relation to the proposal Ms Phillips indicated that the area under question has not been
rezoned as the neighbors indicated in their letter The neighbors indicated that they believed that as
landowners,rezoning would force them from their homes Ms Phillips stated that no master plan or proposal
exists to condemn the homeowner's property and if a developer were interested in purchasing a residential
property, they would have to make an offer and the homeowner has the right to decline or accept an offer
iMs Phillips stated that the Strategic Action Plan dictates improving sidewalks and streets south of James
Street as well as the intersection at James and Fourth Avenue to improve pedestrian use and had no
connection with the property north of James Streets
Mr. Malik asked Ms Phillips how many peak hours trips would be generated if zoning were changed from
single family residential to mixed use with limited office zoning Ms Phillips stated that she could not project
peak hour trip generation at this time Gary Gill responded that single family residential typically generates
1 peak hour trip per unit and multifamily generation generates approximately 60 percent of that figure
Mr Harmon questioned if proper notification was mailed to the Northpark residents, as no one was present
at the hearing Mr Satterstrom stated that a 200-foot radius was mailed out within the appropriate time frame
Mr Harmon stated that the lack of representation indicated to him that no one residing on 1 st,2nd, 3rd or 4th
Avenue objects to this proposal and that the only objections are from residents on 5th Avenue
In response to Mr Dowell,Mr. Satterstrom stated that a series of focus group meetings were held over the
period of a year with citizen groups on the Downtown Strategic Action Plan He stated that Northpark was
divided on zoning Mr Satterstrom said that the residents on the eastside lobbied hard to maintain single
family zoning He stated that early on in the planning process, options were looked at to designate a mixed
use are along James Street from 5th Avenue eastward to the railroad tracks Mr Satterstrom stated that the
Council denied rezoning the area and that the Downtown Strategic Action Plan still indicated the area east
of Fourth Avenue as single family zoning and the Northpark area between Fourth and Fifth Avenue remained
as a mixed use designation
In response to Mr.Malik,Mr Satterstrom stated that there were no plans at this time to widen Fifth Avenue
in the Kent Commons area He stated that although there was a recommendation for the Commons play field
to be master planned at the drop off point to provide safer access to and from the field, the master planning
process has not occurred Mr Satterstrom stated that access issues will be addressed at the time master
planning happens.
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
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Ms Zimmerman stated that sixteen people have signed the letter but that about 27 units exist on the parcel
of land in question She said that this indicates that a high percentage of residents have indicated their
disapproval of changing this area from single family residential
Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing Motion carried
Brad Bell stated that this is a request to change the land use map designation from Low Density Multifamily
Residential to Commercial and the zoning map designation from MR-G, Garden Density Multifamily
Residential/16 units per acre to CC,Community Commercial The property is located at 12809 Kent Kangley
Ron Harmon voiced concern that if the parcel were rezoned commercial, additional property owners would
request commercial zoning leaving less property available for MR-G development Mr Harmon concurs with
staff s recommendation for denial
Jon Johnson stated that to rezone only one parcel to CC, Community Commercial is not sensible He
concurred with staffs recommendation for denial
Discussion ensued between Matthews Jackson and the Board members concerning the zoning designations
• as illustrated on the official zoning map that was distributed to the Board with the staff report for this
proposal. Mr Jackson assured the Board that the map they received was an official zoning map of the City
of Kent and that the copy of the map handed out by the applicant was taken from the Planning Department's
Kroh Book
Mr. Jackson stated that the Kroh Book has a disclaimer on the front stating"zoning boundaries in this book
are not to be used as official zoning maps " Mr. Jackson stated that as far as the assessor's data is concerned
and Kent's records are concerned, the property is zoned MR-G He stated that the Planning Director has
authority to shift a property boundary 50 feet each way based on administrative authority
Mr Dowell stated that he would like to see the property rezoned CC, Community Commercial.
Sharon Woodford stated that rezoning a single parcel of property would not generate a great increase in traffic
and therefore supports a rezone to Community Commercial
Terry Zimmerman supports staff s recommendation for denial as she voiced concern with traffic and access
to the property.
David Malik voiced concern with high traffic volumes and supported denial of this request.
Brad Bell felt the site has commercial potential. He stated that rezoning this small parcel is not sensible
specifically due to ingress and egress problems He supports staffs recommendation for denial.
Ron Harmon MOVED and Steve Dowell SECONDED a motion that CPA-98-2(F)/CPZ-98-6/Mower/Nguyen
• Amendment is denied Motion carried.
Brad Bell defined this as a request to change the land use designation from Mobile Home Park to Commercial
and the zoning map designation from Mobile Home Park to Community Commercial The property is located
at 15386 Southeast 272nd Street,north of Kent Kangley Road and east of 152nd Way Southeast
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
Page 10
Ron Harmon supports staff s recommendation to approve this request and would like this property to be used
for storage warehouse not a dumping ground for abandoned cars,trucks or heavy machinery.
Terry Zimmerman stated that she does not believe that General Commercial is appropriate for Easthill She
supports Community Commercial with an agreement that the property be used specifically as a mini-storage
David Malik voiced concern that the easement width from Kent Kangley to this site would not accommodate
navigation of a truck onto this site from Kent Kangley Road Mr Jackson stated that the typical width of an
easement is 20 to 30 feet Mr Malik supports denial of this proposal
Steve Dowell stated that he supports staff s recommendation for Community Commercial.
Brad Bell supports staff s recommendation to approve this request.
Terry Zimmerman MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to accept staffs recommendation for
approval of CPA-98-2 (G)/CPZ-98-7 Gusa Amendment Motion carried
Brad Bell defined this as a request to change the land use map designation from Mixed Use Limited
• Multifamily to Medium Density Multifamily Residential and the zoning map designation from Office/Mixed
Use Professional and Office/Mixed Use to MR-M, Medium Density Multifamily Residential/23 units per
acre The property is located at Kent Kangley Road and 108th Avenue Southeast
David Malik supports Planning staffs recommendation to retain mixed use. Ron Harmon concurred with
David Malik that the property should be retained as multifamily, mixed-use development In response to Mr
Harmon,Kevin O'Neill said that Mr Mower was correct in saying that the mixed-use development definition
states that at least 25% of the total floor area must be commercial Mr O'Neill stated that Mr Mower
referred to sections of the zoning code relating specifically to floor area ratio and site coverage
Mr O'Neill stated that the maximum floor area ratio for stand-alone commercial is.4 and the floor area ratio
for residential is 10 Mr O'Neill stated that if the property is developed as stand alone commercial, site
coverage is 40%and if a mix of residential and commercial development occurs,you can get up to 60% site
coverage Mr O'Neill stated that this property could not be developed as stand alone residential
In response to Mr Dowell, Mr O'Neill stated that a townhouse is defined as a multifamily dwelling
connected with sidewalls He stated that this zoning district allows for multifamily dwellings constructed in
several different configurations Mr. O'Neill said that townhouse developments currently exist in MR-G
zones with height and setback limitations.
Jon Johnson stated that this property has a history of rezone requests He stated that land use has not changed
significantly nor has the need for additional multifamily housing increased substantially to warrant a policy
change by the City Council and ultimately the zoning that was adopted in 1997 by the City Council Jon
• Johnson stated that he recommends denial of this request.
Terry Zimmerman voiced her support of the applicant's request to change the zoning to medium density
multifamily. She stated that this property has a narrow frontage along Kent Kangley Road and she can not x
see a commercial development built on this site as ingress and egress would be difficult
Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
Page 11
Sharon Woodford concurs with Ms Zimmerman in supporting the applicant's request to change the zoning
to medium density multifamily.
Brad Bell stated that a commercial development would not be conducive for this property and that there is
no market for the existing zoning He voiced support for the applicant's request to change the zoning to
medium density multifamily
Ron Harmon stated that staff has reassured the developer that height limitations is not a problem and that he
should be able to build the number of units that he desires as well as enjoy a commercial at a ground floor
level He stated that he supports denial of this request
In response to David Malik, Gary Gill addressed how development of multifamily versus mixed use would
affect the traffic flow in the area. He stated that multifamily development would generate less peak hour trips
than a combination of multifamily and commercial and that a commercial development on Kent Kangley
would compound the traffic problems Mr Gill stated that if circulation moved through 260th, this could
relieve traffic congestion depending on how the project was sited on the property
Steve Dowell stated that he recommends denial of this request and supports retaining the current zoning.
Jon Johnson MOVED and Ron Harmon SECONDED a motion to support staff s recommendation to deny
• CPA-98-2 (I)/CPZ-98-9 Mower/Hebert Amendment Motion carried four to three.
Brad Bell defined this as a request to amend the land use element Goal LU9 and Goal LU10. Brad Bell said
that he agrees with Mr Ruth that property exists that is not developable under single family home standards
and that affordable housing is a problem Mr Bell concurred with Mr Ruth that Planned Unit Development
ordinances exist and that the City of Kent has not met the growth management goals they have set
Brad Bell said that the Snyder attached units are as nice as any single-family home development that he has
seen Mr Bell said the properties Mr Ruth pointed out have not devalued the neighboring properties He
stated that multifamily housing provides for open space that is attractive to neighbors He stated that he
would not oppose this type of development in his neighborhood.
Brad Bell stated that he agrees with Planning staff that a study evaluation should be completed immediately
to determine how multifamily housing could be developed within single family residential areas and that a
townhouse ordinance needs to be implemented in support of these types of development in the community
Jon Johnson said that he supports Planning staff s recommendation to study this issue He stated that only
certain properties would be suitable for multifamily housing within single family developments He stated
that well planned developments blend well with surrounding single family homes and increase property
Steve Dowell asked Mr Harris how a zoning ordinance could be implemented that would protect single
family zones with the inclusion of attached dwellings Mr Harris stated that this issue would be included in
• the study and recommendations would be brought back to the Board at a later date Mr Dowell supports
staff s recommendation for further study
Terry Zimmerman said she supports Planning staffs recommendation to review allowing townhouses in
residential areas She suggested that neighborhood traffic patterns should be looked at Ms.Zimmerman said
that she lives in a townhouse development situated between a large apartment complex to the east and a
Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
Page 12
single-family neighborhood to her west with$250 to$300 homes She stated that the entrance to her home
is off of 277th Avenue, which is heavily traveled Ms Zimmerman suggested that positioning townhouse
developments closer to main arterials would be less disruptive to traffic in single family residential areas.
Terry Zimmerman stated that she takes exception with Mr and Mrs Woodward about declining property
values and the fact that she doesn't use many social services even though she is a social worker She stated
that she purchased her townhouse for $96,000, which is what she could afford as a single parent, and the
neighboring properties are well maintained. Ms Zimmerman stated that she feels that there are many people
like herself who could use a more affordable place to live in a great city like Kent.
Sharon Woodford supports Planning staffs recommendation to pursue a study that would implement a new
zoning area for townhouses She stated that the Board has heard amendment requests to build townhouses
and have been in favor of this type of development, however, conditions could not be placed on these
amendments to assure that townhouses would actually be built.
He said that he believes there is a market for single family attached dwellings but does not believe they should
be placed in single family residential areas Ron Harmon voiced concern that at one time a townhouse
ordinance existed in Kent and now is no longer in existence
Mr Harris stated that although King County and other junsdictions have a cluster or attached housing zone,
• Kent has never had this type of zone Mr Harris stated that Planning is experiencing an upsurge in submittals
for attached dwelling developments because many properties are constrained by wetlands or steep slopes Mr
Harris stated that at one time,Kent allowed Planned Unit Developments throughout the city The regulations
were changed to allow these developments on a minimum of 100 acres
Mr Hams stated that Planning staff is requesting that the Board recommend a study for multifamily housing
in a single-family residential area as well as amend the Comprehensive Plan policies
Ron Harmon voiced his desire for a detailed study to be completed by Planning staff within the next couple
months and that study results will be heard by the Board after single family neighborhoods have been notified
to allow them opportunity to attend a hearing and provide testimony if desired.
Steve Dowell MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to approve staff s recommendation to amend
the Comprehensive Plan policies as well as recommend to the Council that a work program be set up for early
1999 to study the proposal allowing attached units in single family residential areas Motion carved
Brad Bell said this is a request to amend the Capital Facilities Element. Sharon Woodford asked if it were
possible to defer to the Council for their decision Assistant City Attorney, Laurie Evezich stated that the
Board could choose not to make a recommendation and defer to the Council.
Ron Harmon MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED a motion to not make a recommendation and
defer this to the City Council. Motion carved.
Brad Bell defined this as a request to change the land use map designation from SF-8, Single-Family
Residential/8 units per acre to Mixed Use Commercial The property is located north of James Street between
Fourth and Fifth Avenue South Brad Bell asked Linda Phillips what the motivation was that generated this
request Linda Phillips stated that this action came about as a result of the Downtown Strategic Action Plan
Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
November 30, 1998
Page 13
Linda said that as discussion progressed with the neighborhood, it appeared that there were a number of
people both in private and in public hearings who favored rezoning mixed use office to strictly office usage
Linda Phillips stated that this recommendation came from the consultant,Makers Linda submitted a letter
dated 8/30l98 from a group of citizens surrounding 4th and 5th Avenue North for the record as Exhibit#5
Terry Zimmerman voiced concern about the potential for loss of affordable housing in the community She
said her concerns are generated by the neighbors concerns She stated that if folks wish to change the zoning
from single family residential to mixed use zoning,more work needs to take place with the neighborhood and
it is her impression that the neighbors do not favor this change.
David Malik voiced concern over the lack of safety for the children who play in the Kent Commons Park and
that peak hour traffic would increase if zoning change was implemented
Sharon Woodford stated that when this issue was discussed at prior public hearings with no public opposition
towards rezoning She stated that many of the neighbors indicated the desire to move from the neighborhood
and allow an office or commercial developer to purchase their property Ms Woodford stated that there needs
to be more public involvement at this time She said that she feels the proposal is an excellent use for this
property and that the neighbors are not mandated to sell their homes.
Brad Bell stated that there was no community representation from Northpark at the hearing and voiced
concern that perhaps the 200 foot radius notification may not have encompassed a large enough area Terry
Zimmerman reiterated that there was a letter signed by 16 of the 27 residents indicated as existing on this
parcel Steve Dowell and the other Board members voiced concern that the mailing radius was not large
enough to encompass the entire neighborhood which includes First, Second and Third Avenue
Mr.Hams admonished the Board for defemng to the public at this point. He stated that it is the responsibility
of the Board to analyze the material presented and make a decision Brad Bell voiced disagreement with Mr.
Hams by stating that he believed that citizens play a vital role in the public hearings and the ultimate decision
process Mr Bell stated that the Board can not defer to the public but are servants of the public and are here
to listen to their input Mr Hams stated that the public has been properly notified and that it is not the
responsibility of the Planning staff to physically bring them in
Jon Johnson MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED a motion that CPA-98-2(L)City of Kent Planning
Department's request to change the land use map designation from SF-8, Single Family Residential/8 units
per acre to Mixed Use Commercial be denied. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 10 00 p in.
Respectfully Submitted,
James P Hams