HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 12/14/1998 CITY OF J$rSSV
Jim White, Mayor
partment (253) 859-3390/FAX(253) 850-2544
James P Harris, Planning Director
Public Hearing
December 14, 1998
The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Brad Bell at 7 00 p in.
on Monday, December 14, 1998 in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall
Brad Bell, Chair
Sharon Woodford,Vice Chair
Steve Dowell
Ron Harmon
Jon Johnson
David Malik
Terry Zimmerman
James P. Harris,Planning Director
• Fred Satterstrom,Planning Manager
Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner
Matthews Jackson, Planner/GIS Coordinator
Pamela Mottram, Administrative Secretary ;
Approval of the November 23 and 30 minutes have been deferred to the January 26, 1998 meeting
Planning Director,James Harris announced that a workshop will be held Monday,January 11 and the public
hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 26, 1999
Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill stated that a public hearing was held on this item on November 23 Mr.
O'Neill stated that subsequent to that hearing, staff discovered that the initial notification had not gone out
to the correct group of surrounding property owners He stated that the hearing could proceed tonight as
proper notification had been completed Mr O'Neill extended apologies to the Board and the applicant for
the inconvenience that had been caused
Mr O'Neill stated that this application relates to two parcels at 11733 and 11715 Kent Kangley Road He
stated that the land use designation on the parcel to the west is currently commercial and is zoned NCC,
Neighborhood Convenience Commercial Mr O'Neill stated that the parcel immediately to the west of that
parcel went through the comprehensive plan amendment process in 1997. It was approved for a land use
change to Commercial and a zoning of NCC with a condition that adequate property be dedicated for right-
220 4th Ab ENUE SOI.TH / KENT WASHINuTON 98032-5895
Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
December 14, 1998
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Kevin O'Neill stated that he had indicated through his staff report and at the November 23 hearing that the
rezone had not yet been formally executed as the condition had not been satisfied Mr O'Neill announced
that as of this afternoon, December 14, conditions has been satisfied and an agreement had been drawn up
between the property owner and the city of Kent with regard to dedication of the right-of-way He stated
that even though an ordinance has not been adopted to approve changing the land use to commercial all
conditions have been met thereby clearing the way for approval
Mr O'Neill extensively defined the land uses for the other parcels surrounding the subject property.
Kevin O'Neill stated that the intersection of 116th Avenue Southeast and Kent Kangley Road is the northern
terminus of the 277th Corridor project and from this point the corridor will proceed south down 116th and
eventually connect through the valley to Central Avenue Mr O'Neill stated that as a result of this project,
the 116th Avenue intersection will be substantially improved due to the addition of road widening and turn
City Engineer, Gary Gill spoke at length regarding the standards that would need to be met regarding right-
of-way as it relates to the subject property Gary Gill stated that if the subject property was developed for
residential purposes, the intent would be to widen 264th Street and create access to the property from that
street. Gary Gill stated that if the property were developed as a commercial use, all access to the property
would be from Kent Kangley Road with no access allowed through the internal residential street
• Gary Gill spoke at length on trip generation He stated that if the property were developed as residential,
15 evening peak hour trips could be generated He stated if the property were developed as commercial, 300
or 400 evening peak hour trips could be generated Mr Gill calculated trip generation based on the Institute
for Traffic Engineers trip Generation Manual that estimates differences in traffic characteristics of
developments and land uses He stated that all TTE trip values are calculated based on each 1000 square feet
of building improvements on a site
Mr. Gill stated that there are many factors that figure into determining trip generation He stated if a
commercial establishment is located on a arterial roadway, many trips could be defined as "pass-by trips"
(people stop in and leave as they are driving by), "diverted trips" (someone is diverted from their normal
course), or"new trips" (customers are attracted to the area from a distance)
Gary Gill stated that the traffic count on Kent Kangley runs around 34,000 trips per day Mr Gill stated that
many of the plats within the corridor area were developed and subdivided in the 1990's and has subsequently
been developed He stated that the lots were conditioned to deed right of way for the corridor as a condition
for receiving utility service.
Terry Zimmerman asked Gary Gill if it was his intention to allow for left hand turns off of this property
across Kent Kangley heading west, if it were developed as commercial. Gary Gill responded that it would
depend on where the end of the double left turn pocket is located
Mr Gill, in response to Steve Dowell, stated that long term trip forecasts were predicted through the year
2020 He stated that the Public Works department estimates that the current level of travel on the Kent
Kangley corridor will be maintained.
• Gary Gill stated that 256th Street is designated as a minor arterial and is designated for design
implementation and construction improvements from 116th easterly past 132nd within the next two years
He said that the State Highway department has identified 256th Street as a future on and off ramp link to
Highway 18
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December 14, 1998
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David Malik asked Gary Gill what fees the developer would be assessed for peak hour trips if the site were
developed as a supermarket Gary Gill stated that the current value is about $l 500 per p in peak hour trip
for new trips David Malik asked if this indicates that the developer will pay the City of Kent about
$650,000 Gary Gill concurred
David Malik asked Gary Gill where curb cuts would be placed on Kent Kangley to accommodate left turns
from the site Gary Gill stated that curb cut locations would depend on the orientation of the buildings on
the property He stated that Public Works would look closely at determining the most feasible circulation
pattern for this site and place curb cuts accordingly Gary Gill said that Public Works would attempt to move
the driveway cuts as far east of 116th as possible
Ron Harmon asked Gary Gill how much frontage on this site would need to be used to expand Kent Kangley
Road Mr Gill said that the current assessor's maps indicates that the most westerly parcel already includes
50 feet of right-of-way from the center line of Kent Kangley Road along the entire frontage Gary Gill said
that Public Works would require an additional seven feet from that parcel Mr Gill indicated that the parcel
to the east shows 30 feet of existing right-of-way with Public Works requiring an additional 27 feet
Brad Bell asked Gary Gill if he supports staff's recommendation on this issue Gary Gill stated that the
primary concern of Public Works was just to present facts that would assist the Board in their decision
making Kevin O'Neill said that staff's two major concerns with this request is traffic hazards and the
placement of commercial development to close to existing residential properties
Kevin O'Neill said that the applicant expressed an interest in integrating his parcels and developing them
jointly as commercial Mr O'Neill stated that an integrated development would allow for better control of
ingress and egress to the site and subsequently buildings could be placed on site in a way that would
minimize impact in the area Staff voiced concern that the parcels would be developed independently
creating high traffic generation in an already highly congested corridor. Staff recommends denial
Ron Harmon MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED a motion to open the public hearing Motion
Ron Remmer, 11733 Kent Kangley Road,Kent,WA voiced concern that the lack of lighting creates low
visibility and high traffic volume on the road creates safety issues He stated that even though his home sets
back from the road 80 to 90 feet, the volume of noise is excessive Mr.Remmer said his home is located
furthest east of the site
Karen Rehkop, 11715 Kent Kangley Road,Kent,WA stated that she has owned the Shortstop Market for
twenty years Ms Rehkop stated that the market is located on the second parcel of property from the
intersection and that she also owns the adjacent property located between Mr. and Mrs Remmer's property.
Ms.Rehkop stated that as Kent continues to grow, she would like to see her property developed in a way that
would be attractive to the surrounding neighborhood and be a positive and viable development She stated
that she would like to see all four parcels of land developed jointly
Terry Zimmerman asked Ms Rehkop if she had an agreement with the property owner to the west for joint
development Ms Rehkop said that a written agreement did not exist, rather that they have a mutual
understanding to develop their properties in a way that would benefit the community
. Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
December 14, 1998
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Richard Costanzo, 24310 Crystal Lake Place, Woodinville, WA said that he was the applicant Mr
Costanzo stated that traffic has increased to the point where health, safety and welfare have been
compromised He stated that developing this property as residential would not be desirable.
Mr Costanzo spoke at length on peak hour trip generation and diverting of traffic specifically from 104th
Avenue Mr Costanzo stated that in 1991 a post-opening traffic impact study was completed for the Lake
Meridian Market Place The study was completed after the opening of the center in the belief that results
would indicate an increase in traffic generation to the west thus increasing traffic impact fee mitigation costs
although results of the study actually indicated a decrease in traffic impacts on the west side of that site
Mr Costanzo stated that he believes trip generation would decrease as a result of consolidating the four
parcels as one commercial use He stated that the development would serve as a diversion as customers
would not be forced to head west from 116th to shop for services
Mr. Costanzo said that the five existing driveways on Kent Kangley would be reduced to not more than
two access points as a result of new development Mr Costanzo addressed the topographic problems by
stating that as part of any development, the roadway would be smoothed out creating easier ingress and
egress He said that any commercial developer would resolve the lighting and security issue as well as
create a means to buffer noise from the residences on 264th
. Mr. Costanzo stated that he has a contingent cross-access agreement with the corner property owners and
that the property owner, Ms. Rehkob has not signed the agreement.
Mr. Costanzo entered a letter for the record dated 11/23/98 from Village Properties NW as Exhibit# 1.
Terry Zimmerman asked Mr. Costanzo what type of commercial development he would consider if the
four properties were combined Mr Costanzo stated that the use would be service related in nature
Mr. Costanzo responded to David Malik's concerns about traffic congestion by stating that at the time
the 277th Street Corridor bypass is complete, a large majority of traffic will use the bypass and travel up
to 116th, lessening the impacts on Kent Kangley and 104th Avenue He stated that by providing a
commercial development on 116th,people would have an additional option for their services other than
Lake Meridian Market Place
Martin Durkan,Jr.,330 SW 43`d St.,Suite 357,Renton,WA stated that the four parcels of property
would be best served by commercial development Mr Durkan said that an agreement exists with
Village Properties for a cross access and cross parking easement He stated that two accesses exist on
116th Street but believes that will be reduced to one access
Terry Zimmerman MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing.Motion
Ron Harmon voiced concern that no neighbors to the south of the development showed attended the
hearing Mr Harmon stated that he was concerned about impacts to the neighbor to the east,He stated
• that his desire is to see adequate buffering for this neighbor as protection from noise, lighting and traffic.
Mr Harmon stated that he supports commercial development.
Jon Johnson and Steve Dowell voiced support for commercial development on the property
Chair, Brad Bell stated that he strongly supports neighborhood commercial He stated that he resides at
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
December 14, 1998
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Lake Meridian and by having commercial services on 116th, would decrease traffic flow towards the
other shopping centers. He reiterated safety concerns for the residents within the area and noted that the
property is not suited for single family use Mr Bell stated that the developer would pick up the cost
associated with increased traffic He stated that he hoped the city, developer and property owner would
work out an agreement that would benefit both the property owners, and homeowners
Sharon Woodford voiced her support for commercial development but voiced her impression that as the
neighbors to the south had not attended the hearing; they must not be concerned with the development on
this property.
Terry Zimmerman supported staff s recommendation to deny rezoning the property to commercial She
stated that she empathizes with the neighbor to the east who is not in favor of this property being
developed as a commercial site Ms Zimmerman voiced her concern that agreements would actually be
implemented between the various property owners and would like to see the property developed jointly.
David Malik voiced support to rezone the property for commercial.
Ron Harmon reiterated his concern with the neighbor to the east and hopes that the Planning staff will
take this into consideration
Ron Hannon MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED a motion to recommend approval of CPA-98-
2 (D)/CPZ-98-4 Costanzo Amendment Motion carved six to one
Kevin O'Neill stated that this is an amendment to the Shoreline Master Program He said that the City of
Kent has had a Shoreline Master Program since 1974. He said that Kent's Shoreline Master Program is
governed under the provisions of the Washington State Shoreline Management Act which was passed in
1971 The shoreline program regulates development within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of
shorelines of the state
Mr O'Neill stated that when the Shoreline Management Act was passed and when Kent developed its
first shoreline master program,the only shoreline of statewide significance in the city was the Green
River Mr O'Neill said that back in 1996,the city annexed two shorelines, Lake Meridian and a portion
of Big Soos Creek from Kent Kangley Road to the southern portion of the city limits, which affects 10
Mr O'Neill said that these shorelines are still regulated under King County's Shoreline Master Program
He said the City of Kent has been using the County's program on an interim basis since annexation,but
has been aware of the need to update its shoreline master program to bring these two shorelines into
Kent's shoreline program
Kevin O'Neill said that the other reason Kent has proceeded with updating its Shoreline Master Program
is that back in 1995 the Washington State Legislature adopted the regulatory reform act or ESHB 1724,
requiring that Kent change their regulatory procedures He stated that the State law governing shorelines
. mandates that the goals and policies of the local shoreline master program become part of the city's
comprehensive plan and that the regulatory portion of the shoreline master program be incorporated as
part of the city's overall development regulations
Based on this law, the goals and policies in the shoreline program are now defacto part of Kent's
comprehensive plan Kevin O'Neill stated that Planning staff wanted to go through existing policies and
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December 14, 1998
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add in policies that are relevant to the new shoreline areas for Lake Meridian and Big Soos Creek Mr.
O'Neill stated that updating the shoreline's goals and policies would bring them into compliance with the
remainder of the comprehensive plan
Kevin O'Neill said that the City of Kent wrote a grant to the State Department of Ecology (DOE)
because of the need to update the shoreline master program He said that the DOE is helping to fund the
project and has reviewed preliminary drafts of the proposed document Mr O'Neill stated that after the
Board makes its recommendation to the City Council and the Council takes final action to adopt a locally
adopted shoreline master program, it will be sent to the State Department of Ecology, He said that the
DOE will complete their own review and could respond with their own recommended changes.
Kevin O'Neill said that shoreline management is different than other regulatory and policy documents in
the City in that the DOE as well as a number of State laws dictate how shoreline programs should be
outlined and how shoreline development should be regulated.
Kevin O'Neill stated that as part of the city's grant,Planning staff put together a citizen's advisory
committee last spring made up of several residents of Lake Meridian as well as other people in the
community familiar with the existing shoreline master program Mr O'Neill said the committee was
helpful in helping to formalize issues that should be addressed in the update He thanked the committee
for their help in assisting the city in drafting a proposal He stated that two open houses were held this
summer to address the Lake Meridian and the Green River shoreline issues
Kevin O Neill submitted a letter dated 12/14/98 for the record from John Nason,Architect as Exhibit#2
and a letter dated 12/11/98 for the record from Jill Clifford,Meridian area resident, as Exhibit#`3
Brad Bell asked Mr O'Neill that since the State has the authonty to dictate how shoreline regulations
should be implemented, would this preclude the City from making any changes that the state requires
regardless of the Board's input on those issues.
Mr O'Neill stated that there are mandates within the Washington State Administrative Code regarding
how shoreline terms are defined as well as what areas should be regulated For example,Mr O'Neill
stated that Kent would not be permitted to regulate only the first 100 feet of a shoreline area
Mr O'Neill stated that the DOE has prepared a model shoreline master program with recommended
language to assist local governments in the implementation of their own program
Mr O'Neill stated that Lake Fenwick was not within the shoreline management area and he assured
Steve Dowell that any existing nonconforming development within 200 feet of the shoreline for Lake
Meridian, Green River or Big Soos Creek would continue to be a legal nonconforming use as long as the
development was legal at the time it was established
Steve Dowell asked how people were notified of this issue Mr O'Neill stated that for the open houses
and the public hearing, people were notified within 200' of Green River, Big Soos Creek and Lake
Meridian Kevin O'Neill stated that portions of Mill Creek outside the city limits are a regulated
shoreline but the portion within Kent is not considered a shoreline. Mr O'Neill explained that streams
are considered a shoreline when the mean annual flow reaches a certain threshold Steve Dowell asked if
streams and creeks leading into the Green River were considered shorelines
Mr O'Neill said that Section 5 7 states that"200'of the creek areas leading into the Green River where
salmon habitats exist would be subject to shoreline management"
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Nancy Eklund, Berryman and Henigar, Seattle,WA stated that she was a planning consultant
assisting the City in this project She confirmed that 200' of the tributaries or creeks leading into the
Green River are governed under the Shoreline Management Act and would be part of Kent's shoreline
Ms Eklund said that the Department of Ecology has reviewed the draft Shoreline Master Program for the
City of Kent and will require a technical formal review as part of the approval process
Ms. Eklund referred to the Shoreline Master Program draft at length in defining a jurisdiction's
regulatory area. She stated that regulations are tailored to the body of water they are centered on and that
the City of Kent need's to adjust their regulations to fit Lake Meridian and Big Soos Creek as well as the
Green River area
Ms Eklund stated that the City of Kent's new Shoreline Master Program draft has added policies and
regulations pertaining to over water structures and residential setbacks She stated that these additions
are two of the most significant changes Ms Ecklund stated that the draft document has included
language changes to comply with State Law.
Ms Eklund stated that the SMP draft has included protective regulations within the section titled
"Shoreline Stabilization"concerning salmon habitat She stated that the inclusion of regulations in this
section would position the city better for future endangered species act regulations Ms Eklund stated
that some administrative aspects of the shoreline master program have been restructured to reflect new
regulatory reform changes in the city's local regulations.
Brad Bell asked Ms Eklund to indicate the new changes that would affect property owners Ms Eklund
stated that the areas of primary interest to many folks pertain to Lake Meridian and are included in King
County's shoreline master program which the city has been governed by Ms Eklund stated that even
though King County has implemented changes in their shoreline master program, Kent has continued to
apply those regulations in force at the time of the annexation
Ms Eklund referred to Section 6,page 11 of the draft in reference to the allowance for covered moorage
She stated that under the shoreline program Kent has been administering, covered moorage has not been
allowed. She said that under the new King County Shoreline Master program, adjustments have been
made to allow for covered moorage Ms Ecklund stated that the draft proposal includes two options
Alternative F—to not allow covered moorage and Alternative G—to allow covered moorage She said
that Planning staff is recommending"F"to not allow covered moorage Ms Eklund deferred to Mr
Mr O'Neill said that Planning staff typically like to retain preexisting county regulations unless there are
compelling arguments to change them When Kent annexed Lake Meridian, covered moorage were not
allowed under the County's master program. Mr O'Neill stated that since that time, King County has
changed their regulations to allow for what they define as"mechanical boat lift covers"' He stated that
the county's shoreline master program now allows these covers, but Kent is obligated under state law to
implement shoreline regulations in affect at the time of annexation Kevin O'Neill explained that two
• alternatives were included in the draft as a means to show how boat lifts have been regulated in the
county and how they are currently regulated He stated that several members of the citizens advisory
committee were in favor of allowing covered moorage under certain conditions as well as a number of
people who attended the open house meetings He reiterated that Planning Staff recommends"F".
Nancy Ecklund spoke at length on residential setbacks, which are of primary interest to the public She
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December 14, 1998
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stated that the proposal suggests that residential structures shall be set back using an averaging so that
new development will be sensitive to preexisting buildings and homes on the lake
Terry Zimmerman voiced concern that a statement in Section 4 0 of the Shoreline Element was
contradictory in regards to setbacks and shoreline restoration Mr O'Neill stated that these statements
are policies and not regulations and that this proposal sets a policy framework for future regulations.
Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to open the public hearing Motion
Donald West,25866 136"Avenue Southeast,Kent,WA said that he has resided on Lake Meridian
since 1958 He voiced concern that existing structures should be grandfathered so that piers, floats and
docks would not have to be removed He voiced concern about the definition of a "float" as written in
the proposed draft Mr West stated that when the county park was reconstructed,the water level of the
creek was raised at least 1 5 feet He asked if consideration has been given to restructuring the culvert
for the outflow from the creek as his dock is under water at times.
Victor Page, 14607 Southeast 267`h Street,Kent,WA stated that his property is located at the shallow
end of the lake Mr Page said that his dock is 30 years old and extends beyond the maximum dock
length of 80 feet in order to reach a depth of six feet of water in the summertime He said that he would
. like to see pre-existing docks, buildings as well as allowance for repairs to be grandfathered in
Steven Crowell, 26709 148"h Avenue Southeast,Kent,WA stated that he has communicated with
Kevin Mitchell, King County's Chief Shoreline Administrator and that Mr Mitchell indicated that
Planning staff s recommendation for"F"was written and adopted in 1978 Mr Crowell said that he
supports "F"and would encourage the Board to adopt a policy to allow for grandfathering of legal,
nonconforming uses.
Mr Crowell submitted correspondence dated 12/8/98 from Mr. Greg White,Mendian area resident for
the record as Exhibit#4 Mr Crowell read from the correspondence sharing Mr White's believe that
Lake Meridian is saturated with development and that the addition of permanent boat covers should not
be allowed as they obstruct view and contribute to an overall cluttered appearance Mr Crowell stated
that Mr White indicated his opposition for expansion of dock sizes beyond current regulations and any
changes in rules governing dock positions relative to property lines He said that Mr White indicated
opposition to reducing current restrictions on shoreline development
Casey Gibbs, 14661 Southeast 267`h Street,Kent, WA stated that he created the covered boatlift flap
Mr Gibbs stated that Mr Crowell has two boat docks and one boathouse on his property He voiced
surprise that Mr. Crowell would raise opposition to the addition of more covers and felt Mr Crowell was
hypocritical Mr Gibbs said that boat covers provide protection from the rain and that boat covers do not
block views when situated correctly.
Mr Gibbs said he supports Option G to allow covered boat moorage on Lake Meridian He stated that
he opposes imposing restrictions on dock size citing low water levels as his rational Mr Gibbs stated
• that the covered boat area should be excluded from the dock length calculation
Mr. Gibbs stated that he felt it interesting that Planning staff recommends against covered moorage,
when by their own definition they are trying to be consistent with existing regulations which allows for
boat canopies or covers
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Maribelle Lackey, 14410 Southeast 2701n Place, Kent,WA said that she has lived on the lake for 23
years. She said that two years ago 78 citizens signed a petition to ban covered boat moorage. She stated
that regulations do not allow for covered boat moorage
Ms Lackey stated that a citizens advisory committee has asked that the use of a temporary boat cover be
addressed again She stated that she disapproves of this nomenclature, as it is too broad a term She
opposes boat covers as they are unattractive and create a visual barrier Ms Lackey stated that the lake
is public property and that these covers would degrade the quality of the lake She strongly voiced
opposition to any change in the code allowing for over the water structures.
Ms Lackey submitted a letter for the record dated 12/14/98 from Don and Juanita Bell,Meridian area
resident as Exhibitzit##5, indicating opposition of boat covers on Lake Meridian
Mr. Mary Olsen, 14400 Southeast 270th Place,Kent,WA stated that he has been a resident of Lake
Meridian for several years He said that covered boat moorage's should be allowed if the purpose is to
protect the boats Mr Olsen stated that the moorage do block view and are esthetically displeasing He
stated that the lake is small and that allowing for more moorage would impact the lake negatively
Mr. Olsen stated that he supports 'F". He stated that terminology in Section G iv and v needs to be
defined more accurately.
• Rita Bailie, 20607 101st Avenue Southeast,Kent,WA stated that she is the Rainier Audobon Wetland
Chair and served on the citizen's advisory committee She commended Kevin O'Neill on the diversity of
the committee and stated that Nancy Eklund was supportive and helpful Ms Bailie stated that the
committee held a field trip around Lake Meridian.
Ms.Bathe stated that the advisory committee recommended continuation of a 200-foot setback along
Kent's segment of Green River She stated that she is pleased to see water-based business, agriculture
and more passive recreational priorities in place.
Ms Bailie stated that setbacks might have to be more actively protected if the Endangered Species Act
should be enacted She said that future impervious surfaces such as parking areas within that 200-foot
area could be questioned Ms Bailie said that under the Introduction in section 14, it indicates that one
of the main purposes of the Shoreline Management Program is to "protect, preserve, and restore fish and
wildlife habitats to and adjacent to streams,rivers and lakes within the City of Kent"
Ms Bailie stated that in Europe and the U S .river corridors serve as favorite public amenities and in
well-planned river parks, you find wildlife cornucopias Ms Bathe said that through the wide use of the
Green River corridor Kent can be known for its beautiful, inviting pastoral corridor as well as its new
regional wetland She stated that rivers are natural corridors for wildlife dispersal, migration, and
Ms Bailie stated that Planning staff s adequate setbacks would make it possible for species to survive
when the endangered species act is put into affect She stated that the Green River is a shoreline of
• statewide significance as well as international significance in relation to migratory birds, many of which
are threatened.
Ms Bailie said that the Audubon Society supports the retainage of farmland as a major wildlife habitat
resource Ms Bailie stated that farming is a viable economic business largely neglected in Western
Washington She stated that the Audubon encourage agricultural development along the Green River as
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a valuable resource Ms Bailie said that the United States loses 1 million acres of prime farmland yearly
with most of this land located along rivers She said that many local farms are wetlands with fragile soils
and that the goal of the SMP is to minimize public access Ms Bailie stated that farms provide wintering
grounds as well as spring and summer nesting and feeding area for birds
Ms.Bailie voiced the vision of a number of individuals that 78th Avenue South should be designated as
historical district as this area of Kent originates from the turn of the century with the existence of 8 or 9
historical monuments such as barns, farm houses and an avenue of trees. Ms Bailie stated that a
historical designation would protect and enhance the enjoyment of the Green River Corridor and trail
Lee Ann Dickson, 14214 Southeast 270th Place,Kent,WA stated that the definition in Section 6.9 of
the draft states that"a definition of a pier is supported by piles above the water while docks float upon
the water" Ms Dickson stated that she would like more definitive terminology through out the
document in regards to defining piers versus docks She voiced concern over terminology in the
exemption section as well
Ms Dickson said that she would like to see grandfathering of existing piers in order to protect her pier
located directly on the property line.
• Ms Dickson stated that she did not see indications that the SMP draft addressed flooding on Lake
Meridian She stated that the lake has risen 14 to 16 inches within the past six weeks and half of her
property is under water Ms Dickson stated that she intends to have a bulkhead constructed before any
more land erosion occurs on her property due to winter flooding She noted that the nomenclature within
the SMP does not address land use in regards to erosion due to winter flooding. Ms. Dickson stated that
she opposes covered moorage on the lake
Tom Ryan, 14605 Southeast 266th,Kent,WA stated that he has lived on Lake Meridian since 1953
and that his dock is 120 feet in length in order to reach water with a depth of 5 feet Mr Ryan stated that
he has a boathouse attached to his dock, which he shares with his neighbor He stated that he opposes the
addition of more boathouses on the lake.
Brian McDonough,26441 137th Avenue Southeast, Kent,WA stated that his home does not front the
lake but that he has a ten-foot easement down to the water and that he shares a boat with his neighbor.
Mr McDonough voiced concern with 15 foot setbacks from property lines would like to see a
grandfather clause that would allow him to keep his dock as it is and repair or rebuild it as required Mr
McDonough said that he supports the use of boathouses on Lake Meridian
Robin Rausch,26430 136th Avenue Southeast, Kent, WA stated that she resides on Lake Meridian.
Ms Rausch said that she is the president of the Lake Meridian Community Association and a member of
the citizens advisory committee She said that she is representing the opinion of people whom did not
wish to attend the public hearing
Ms Rausch stated that she sent out surveys pertaining to covered moorage and setbacks to Lake
Meridian residents She said that the result of the survey indicated a need to change the SMP as it
pertains to covered moorage and dock setbacks.
Ms Rausch said the survey indicated that many people favored 5-foot setbacks and that a majority of
people supported allowing boat covers She stated that individuals who were opposed to boat covers
cited view obstructions based on the topography of the land as well as creating environmental issues
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Ms Rausch stated that residents favored grandfathering existing structures with the allowance for repair
of existing structures She stated that residents were concerned with property damage due to the high
water levels and have asked the City of Kent Engineering department to study this issue
David Malik asked Ms Rausch what city official told them about the water level problem. Ms Rausch
stated that several meetings were held with city engineers familiar with the problem She stated that the
residents were told that an ongoing study would take place and the results of this study would be passed
on to the residents Ms Rausch said that they requested pictures of the lake that would provide a
historical perspective of water levels at varying times of the year as well as recent pictures of the lake for
the purpose of comparing changes in Lake Meridian s water table.
Bonnie Harris, 26712 138th Place Southeast, Kent, WA said that she has resided on Lake Meridian for
13 years Ms Harris stated that she has pictures of the lake during the winter she moved in She stated
that the lake was frozen She stated that pictures taken during the same time of year in 1996 shows that
the lake is not frozen and the water table is much higher Ms Harris said that the lake has not been
frozen since the late 80's.
Ms Harris said that when the park was remodeled, the natural drain flow was removed and the gate,
which was used for draining water from the lake, was removed. She stated that she has sustained a
. $6300 repair bill for damage to her dock as a result of the high water table She said her dock currently
floats on the water, lifting the pilings out of the water Ms Harris said when the water table decreases,
the pilings settle at different levels.
Ms.Hams stated that at the time damage occurred to her dock, Lake Meridian was regulated under King
County's SNIP She said that the City of Kent would allow her to remodel but not rebuild her dock Ms.
Harris stated that if her dock had been rebuilt, it would have been required to be within the 15-foot
easement,placing the dock in the middle of her property She stated that at this time, the old dock is
situated on the property line and even though the repairs to the piers have raised their dock by 15 feet,
the new dock is now under water Ms Hams stated that she supports grandfathering for retainage of
existing docks
Ms.Hams spoke of her concern over ecological damage to the lake from chemical run off from yards.
She stated that a sewer system runs around the lake and questioned if the storm drains could run into that
system as opposed to allowing run off into the lake Ms Harris voiced her opposition to allow covered
moorage on the lake
Bill Rausch,26430 136th Avenue Southeast,Kent,WA stated that he has lived on Lake Meridian
since 1964 He said that he supports adoption of Subsection G to allow covered moorage under certain
conditions. Mr Rausch stated that the existing regulation, which does not allow covered moorage, is
inconsistent with King County and does not reflect current use nor indicates the desires of Lake Meridian
Mr Rausch stated that when the park was redesigned the boat launch was moved further north He stated
• that a culvert system was created to allow for water run off creating higher water levels in the lake about
15 feet Mr Rausch said that vegetation blocks the culvert inhibiting the free flow of water and that
some minor engineering changes could alleviate the water problems
Steve Dowell asked Mr. Rausch if it was his impression that the County caused the level of the water to
rise in the lake as a result of putting in a culvert Mr Rausch concurred and stated that when the ei
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December 14, 1998
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residents approached the county and asked them to address this problem they did not get a positive
Ron Harmon MOVED and David Malik SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing Motion
Brad Bell complimented Mr O'Neill and Nancy Eklund for a job well done in respect to the positive
feedback on the inclusion process.
In response to citizen questions, Mr O'Neill stated that"grandfathenng"was a nomenclature for a legal
nonconforming use He stated that this issue reverts back to the state law relating to shorelines where it
defines a legal nonconforming development He proceeded to define what would be allowed under a
legal nonconforming use
Mr. O'Neill stated that if a nonconforming use were damaged to the extent of not exceeding 75%of the
overall replacement costs reconstruction would be allowed back to the original configuration Mr
O'Neill deferred to Environmental Engineer, Bill Wolinski regarding the rising water level of the lake
although this issue does not specifically refer to the Shoreline Master Program
Mr O'Neill stated a number of residents have been sensitive to view protection in respect to covered
• boat moorage so Planning staff has recommended that moorage not be allowed Mr O'Neill felt that
definitions for floats,piers and docks should be consistent as well as cross-referenced throughout the
document He stated that bulkheads would be allowed as long as they did not create more land for the
property owner and were not located waterward of the ordinary high water mark
Mr O'Neill addressed dock setbacks from property lines and stated that the 15-foot requirement is taken
directly from the County code He clarified that both the existing King County code and the current
proposal allows for docks to be built on a joint property line as long as both property owners are in
Terry Zimmerman asked Mr. O'Neill if there were any plans to correct the chemical pollution from lawn
fertilizers and upstream run off into the lake Mr O'Neill deferred to Environmental Engineer, Bill
Wolinski and stated that the Public Works department works with the Homeowner's Association in
providing environmental education regarding controlling the use of fertilizers and subsequent water run
off to the lake Mr O'Neill stated that Bill Wolinski is in charge of the environmental engineering
program, which includes flood control and storm water management. Mr O'Neill stated that since the ,
annexation, the City of Kent has worked with the County to understand what has been done in the
Mr Wolinski stated that his department has been analyzing the storm water systems and flooding
problems throughout the entire annexation area He stated that a comprehensive storm water
management plan has been drafted which addresses the water levels in Lake Meridian and is proposing
several alternatives that would address the water output
• Mr Wolinski said information would be presented to the public in early 1999 through public hearings on
the comprehensive storm water management plan. Mr Wolmski said that Kent's existing drainage
ordinances require that a storm water treatment system be created for all new developments
Nancy Ecklund addressed Steve Dowells's concerns that herbicides are not to be used within 200 feet of
the lake Ms Ecklund stated that it was her understanding that there is a distinction between herbicides
• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes
December 14, 1998
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and chemicals and language exists in the model ordinance which distinguishes between agricultural
chemicals and household chemicals.
Sharon Woodford asked Kevin O'Neill if it would be possible to consider covered moorage by
conditional use permit which would require a public hearing to allow surrounding neighbors to give their
opinions Mr O'Neill stated that the Shoreline Management Act and the Shoreline Master Program does
provide for a conditional use process requiring a public hearing He stated that this option is available to
the Board as a mechanism to allow residents to speak Mr O'Neill stated that one problem with this
method is that it could create contentious public hearings in front of the hearing examiner
Mr Dowell asked Kevin O'Neill the Kent's Shoreline Jurisdiction regarding associated wetlands and
how shorelines and shorelands differ Mr O'Neill stated that the definition of shorelands is taken from
the WAC and is defined as "any land within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark or any flood plains,
which are within 200 feet of the floodway He stated that for purposes of Green River,the floodway and
the riverbank are the same Steve Dowell suggested a change in verbiage to read as "all shorelands and
their associated wetlands" instead of"all associated wetlands " Kevin concurred
Mr O'Neill stated that the narrative regarding the Green River and settlements along the river does not
specifically apply to the Muckleshoots Indian Tribe and is a narrative description of the area's history
Mr O'Neill stated that the narrative is taken from the existing shoreline master program Mr O'Neill
stated that Kent has coordinated for years with the Muckleshoots Indian Tribe and their use of the Green
River for fishery purposes
Mr O'Neill stated that he believed the Muckleshoots Indians do not fish within the City of Kent's
jurisdiction. Mr. Harris stated that the indians net fish in the City of Kent along the golf course, which is
not regulated by the city Steve Dowell asked Mr Harris if the Muckleshoots Indians are referred to in
the draft of the SMP as a group that the City is mandated to confer with Mr Hams concurred
Steve Dowell stated that there seems to be confusion associated with the terminology used to define boat
covers and believes there needs to be better clarification Mr O'Neill stated that Planning staff was
relying on both the model ordinance and the existing County ordinance in putting those definitions
together Steve Dowell spoke at length on various definitions regarding moorage, docks and floats.
Kevin O'Neill stated that part of the Board's recommendation could be to clarify certain definitions and
extend deliberations to the next hearing to allow Planning staff to return with amended language for
Brad Bell informed Kevin O'Neill that as part of the recommendation, the Board would like to direct
Planning staff to reevaluate the definitions Mr O'Neill concurred and stated that staff would look at the
WAC's to assure continuity with State law terminology. He stated that they would look at the County
shoreline program, the Department of Ecology model ordinance as well as other shoreline master
programs in evaluation of terminology
Kevin O'Neill stated that after this proposal goes to the City Council it would go to the Department of
Ecology. He stated that if the Department of Ecology feels there are inconsistencies in terminology they
would give their input.
Jon Johnson stated that dock repair should be allowed at 100% and should be included as a legal
nonconforming uses as recommended by staff He stated that he supports "G" so that the City remains in
conformance with County regulations Mr Johnson stated that he supports the use of boat covers with
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December 14, 1998
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boathouses He said that he supports 5-foot setbacks
Ron Harmon stated that docks should be allowed to be rebuilt at 100% and that he supports"G"to allow
covered moorage even though he stated that both F and G have merit
Steve Dowell voiced his support of"F"with the exception of boat covers.
Brad Bell agrees with Mr Harmon and Mr Dowell that dock setbacks should be changed from 15 to 5
feet He said that he supports "F"
Sharon Woodford supports"F"as "G does not allow for view protection She stated that she approves of
5-foot setbacks.
Terry Zimmerman approves of 5-foot setbacks specifically when lot frontages are small She stated that
she supports 100%repair for docks that have been destroyed by high water She stated that she urges the
City to address the flooding issue She said that she supports "F"
David Malik supports the 5' setbacks with 100%repairs allowed on.the docks. He voiced concern with
the high water levels and the chemical pollution problems and would like the City to look at these issues.
• Brad Bell stated that he agrees with Mr. Johnson in that he does not see any problem with someone
building an attractive boat- house as long as it did not obstruct a homeowner's view on Lake Meridian
Brad Bell stated that those owners who have boat houses and docks should be grandfathered. He
supports 5-foot setbacks for docks as well as 100 %repair due to the lake's water level problems
Assistant City Attorney Laurie Evezich clarified with Mr Bell that he was referring to legal
nonconforming use when he voiced support of grandfathering Mr Bell concurred.
Mr. Dowell acknowledged Planning staff for their hard work in creating the SMP proposal and thanked
City Council member Sandy Amodt for coming to the public hearing to study this issue
Fred Satterstrom asked the Board to include the areas that lay within Kent's potential annexation area in
their recommendation to Council regarding the Green River He asked the Board to include in their
motion-the 200 foot Urban River Resource designation and that it be applied to the entire 200 feet on
both sides of the Green River throughout the PAA (Potential Annexation Area) Mr Satterstrom stated
that if the Board includes the potential annexation areas, Planning would not have to come back to the
Board for amendments to the Shoreline Management Program every time a portion of the river is
Brad Bell stated that he is concerned that a request is being made after a public hearing where the general
public has not had a chance to respond so he does not approve of this request for inclusion of the PAA
Mr Satterstrom stated that appropriate notification was mailed throughout the stem of the river and
recipients could have attended the public hearing if they desired
• Steve Dowell stated that he recalled the "Urban Growth Area was referred to in the proposal in narrative
form but not on the map, which should cover the area that Fred Satterstrom, was referring to
Terry Zimmerman asked Assistant City Attorney,Laurie Evezich to clarify legal issues associated with
this issue Laurie Evezich asked Brad Bell to reiterate the Board's concerns Brad Bell stated that
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December 14, 1998
Page 15
information provided by the Planning staff was confusing regarding inclusion of the PAA as there was a
narrative included in the proposal but not indicated on the map.
Mr Bell stated that staff has requested a change in their recommendation after the public hearing took
place. Mr Bell stated that the public would have no chance to respond to that issue Brad Bell stated
that as chair,he voiced his objection to this change, as it is the information is not provided with the basic
material Mr Bell stated that if the information has been provided, there is no reason to change anything
at this time.
Ms Evezich said that her understanding of staff s request is that they are not requesting a change to their
recommendation,but asking to incorporate a modification to their recommendation Ms Evezich stated
that she did not believe this would be a substantive change and asked to hear Fred Satterstrom's
Mr Satterstrom explained that the request is a clarification of the difference between the text and the
map He stated that the only areas left in unincorporated King County that Planning could add through
annexation is the shoreline along the Green River Mr Satterstrom stated that when Planning staff
generated the map that was provided to the consultant, staff had anticipated that the consultant would
change the map to show the 200-foot within the PAA but that it just showed the 200 foot area inside the
City limits of Kent.
• Mr. Satterstrom said that he is requesting that the Board include the shorelines along the PAA of the
Green River within the Urban River Resource Designation in their recommendation.
Ms Evezich stated that it is within the Board's authority to make this clarification for the record She
stated that she believes proper notification went out to the public on the areas to be designated.
Terry Zimmerman indicated her concerns to Ms Evezich about regulating the PAA when this area is
currently under King County's jurisdiction Ms Evezich stated that policies could be adopted for PAA's
under the Growth Management Act
Brad Bell MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED a motion to adopt staff s recommendation of
Section F for#CPA-98-4/SMP-98-1 Shoreline Master Program with the following changes and
• to change the setback for the docks from 15 feet to 5 feet and
• to change the dock repair threshold from 75% to 100% and
• to allow the map change in regards to the potential annexation area and the 200 foot Green River
issue and
• to direct staff to work on the definitions.
Motion carried unanimously.
Kevin O'Neill asked Brad Bell in terms of the repair threshold from 75%to 100% to clarify if it is the
Board's recommendation that the threshold be changed for every shoreline environment or lust Lake
Meridian Brad Bell clarified that this would pertain solely to Lake Meridian
Brad Bell announced that this is his last meeting as Chair and that Mr Ron Harmon will take over as
chair January 1, 1999 He thanked the Board members and Planning staff for their support in allowing
him to be their leader and thanked Ms Evezich for her direction He thanked the audience for their
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December 14, 1998
Page 16
patience in setting through a very lengthy meeting.
Ron Harmon MOVED and Terry Zimmerman SECONDED a motion to adjourn Motion carried The
meeting adjourned at 11 15 p in
Respectfully Submitted,
James P Harris