HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 02/10/1997 CITY OF dwc�\12012 BIT • Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206) 859-3390/FAX(206)850-2544 James P Harris,Planning Director LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing February 10, 1997 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Steve Dowell at 7.00 p.m. on February 10, 1997, in Chambers West of Kent City Hall. LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Dowell, Chair Brad Bell, Vice Chair Tom Brotherton Jerry Daman Ron Harmon David Malik Sharon Woodford LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Matthews Jackson, Planner/GIS Coordinator Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board member Sharon Woodford identified an error in the minutes. The date in the opening paragraph should be November 25, 1996 not May 29, 1996 Board member Ron Harmon MOVED to approve the minutes from the November 25, 1996 meeting with the correction as noted above and Board member David Malik SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None #ZCA-97-1 Green Raver Corridor Special Interest District 220 4th AVE SO,/KENT W ASH IN(,TON 98032-5895 I TELEPHONE (206)859-3300 f FAX#859-3334 • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 2 NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Director Jim Harris informed the Board that the next meeting will be a public hearing held on February 24, 1997, in City Council Chambers West at 7:00 p.m INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER Chair Steve Dowell introduced the new Land Use and Planning Board member Sharon Woodford. Chair Dowell requested that a letter of appreciation be written to past Board member Gloria LaBore for her hard work and dedication ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair Steve Dowell opened the floor for nominations for chair and vice chair. Planning Director Jim Harris explained that offices can be reelected for a second term Board member David Malik J nominated Steve Dowell as chair and Brad Bell for vice chair and Board member Ron Harmon seconded the nomination Ron Harmon MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to close the nominations. Motion carried Steve Dowell and Brad Bell were elected chair and vice chair. f #ZCA-97-1 GREEN RIVER CORRIDOR REGULATIONS (M. Jackson) Planner Matt Jackson explained that the planning department received a request for a regulatory review from Gary Volchok on behalf of the Benaroya Company. The request was to review section 15 08 260 of the Kent Zoning Code which relates to the Green River Corridor Special Interest District Regulations The Green River Corridor Special Interest District is generally described as two strips of land within 1000 feet of the high water mark of the Green River on either sidea Mr Jackson explained that the regulatory review process was created by the City Council to give the public an opportunity to be involved in the regulatory process The public can present suggestions for changes, deletions, or additions to the code If the Council decides that the suggestion warrants merit they can refer the item to the Land Use & Planning Board for a public hearing, hence tonight's hearing. The staff reviewed Section 15.08.260 of the Kent Zoning Code that relates to the exterior walls of buildings on nverfront lots. At this time, the regulations limit the length of exterior walls that are t parallel to or forty-five degrees (45°) of parallel to the river to a maximum length of 200 feet. The applicant has suggested that this regulation is no longer relevant based on significant changes in circumstances since the establishment of the Green River Corridor The specific regulations for development in the corridor were established by Ordinance in 1985. The • Corridor was established through the Vallek Studies which were passed in 1981. The general intent 4ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 3 F 'A. of the regulations in the Corridor were to protect the environment of the areas near the Green River, to ensure that urban development that happened within that area was compatible with the natural characteristics of the Green River, and to protect any type of recreational land (parks, open space, etc) that is located adjacent to the river Mr. Jackson explained that since the regulations were enacted the City of Kent purchased approximately 292 acres of land The City has established the area which is now known as the Kent Lagoons Project The Kent Lagoons is a regional storm water, wetlands, and habitat area Jackson stated that this area is a substantial piece of property which will be permanently protected for open space and habitat. The City has established development standards for properties which contain wetlands. Jackson stated that there is a general policy of no net loss of wetlands The City tries to protect any significant wetland and creates buffers of 25 to 50 feet around the wetland perimeter to protect their function as a wetland • The zoning on the west side of the river is agricultural. There has been no significant development in that area since these regulations went into place. The zoning and the Comprehensive Plan which the City Council passed in 1995 does not project any significant development in that area. Mr. Jackson explained that the general intent of the Corridor has been met He stated that there are only a few undeveloped properties left in the Corridor and allowing for an adjustment in our standards is merited at this time. There are environmental constraints on some of the properties in this area which limits the way you can place the buildings on the lots. Staff recommends adding the following language as subsection(a)to the Kent Zoning Code Section 15.08 260 (D)(7): Buildings on riverfront lots in the MA, MI, MI-C, M2, and M3 zoning districts may have exterior walls parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to, the river which exceed two hundred(200)feet in length,provided they are screened by a by vegetative buffer per Section 15 08 260 (D)(9)c, and adding the following language as subsection (c)to Section 15.08.260 (13)(9): Buildings on riverfront lots in industrial zoning districts which have exterior walls exceeding two hundred(200)feet in length parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of parallel to, the river, must be screened by a vegetation buffer This vegetative buffer shall be located • along the length of the property line located parallel to, or within forty-five (45) degrees of 4ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 4 parallel to, the river,for a minimum depth of twenty (20)feet in accordance with Type III, Visual Buffer landscape standards (Section 15 07 050 C) In addition, an earth berm of a minimum of forty-eight (48) inches in height must be provided for Jackson remarked that these changes would preserve the original intent of the Corridor and also allow for the flexibility that is necessary to develop the last few properties. Board member Ron Harmon questioned the area effected by this change. Jackson explained that the original request made by Mr Volchok was more site specific He clarified that the regulatory review is not a project specific review, it is a review of a regulation based on changes that have occurred since the regulation was enacted. Jackson remarked that there are other regulations which are a part of the Green River Corridor Special Interest District At this time, staff is only proposing to amend this one condition. I Board member Tom Brotherton asked staff to provide some history behind the original regulation. Mr Jackson explained that this was a combination of issues to protect the river from encroachment by a wall of industrial buildings He explained that the shoreline management acts and our shoreline i standards in the City of Kent regulate properties within 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark of the river No buildings may be placed within 200 feet of the river There was a potential for a corridor of industrial buildings and the main intent of the regulations were to place buildings in the most desirable sense in an east west configuration as opposed to a ; north south direction This was to provide open areas between buildings to protect the aesthetic quality of the river and provide access to open space. Chair Steve Dowell queried whether there was a maximum building length proposed. Jackson explained that staff is not proposing to limit the length The buildings can be greater than 200 feet in length if they provide the vegetation buffer They would have to provide that vegetation buffer to mitigate for the additional building length Vice chair Brad Bell questioned what the maximum building size could be based on the size of the property Jackson stated that Mr Volchok could better address that question He clarified that the change is merited with or without the applicant's project. t Chair Steve Dowell questioned whether there were other regulations which restricted the activity of the warehouse such as the location of parking or loading docks which side faces the river, etc Mr. Jackson explained that there is a regulation that prevents the dock high loading doors from facing the river and staff is not recommending any changes to that requirement at this time. i #ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 5 Brotherton questioned whether the screening requirement was adequate to provide a visual screen for the facility from the meandering river viewpoints. Mr Jackson explained that landscaping of a minimum of twenty (20) feet in depth in conjunction with the forty-eight inch (48") berm is an adequate visual screen Mr Harris added that the regulation would require all of the property line from the building to the river to be buffered and each building would require an individual landscape ; buffer Mr. Jackson explained that the intent is not to have a 100% site obscuring screen but rather to provide a visual relief. Chair Steve Dowell opened the public hearing Mr. Gary Volchok, 1420 Fifth Avenue#1700, Seattle,WA 98101 Mr Volchok explained that r he is representing the Benaroya Company who is attempting to attain approximately 58 acres from the 292 acres the City presently owns. He explained that the majority of this land is being used for flood control, storm water retention, wetlands, and the like. He stated that out of the 58 acres being acquired 33 acres are net usable. The other 25 acres are the • buffer zones and the existing wetlands He explained that Benaroya is not encroaching, moving, or attempting to fill any of the existing wetlands a Mr. Volchok related that he was an active participate in the development of the Valley Studies. He explained that at the time the study was written UP had owned the majority of this property The City limited the building length to no greater than 200 feet along the river to prevent a wall effect along the Green River. Volchok stated that the wetlands regulation came into effect and basically wiped out the ability to develop properties in these areas. The City then purchased 292 acres. The Benaroya company worked with the City to come up with a plan to purchase and develop 58 acres. Mr. Volchok explained that the Benaroya company is proposing to first class development The a buildings would be heavily landscaped and the road being proposed is a full four lane with a landscaped median. Chair Steve Dowell questioned the building layout Mr Volchok identified the parking for building "C"would be located in back and on the north and south. He stated that the dock high doors were located on the west side of the building. j Vice Chair Brad Bell clarified that the plans being proposed have not been approved and the Board is not taking any specific action on these individual plans 9 #ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest Distract 1 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes February 10, 1997 Page 6 Mr. Volchok explained that the Benaroya company wants to work with the City. They want to move forward on the construction and already have received a fill and grade permit for the property Board member Jerry Daman questioned what the color of the building would be. Mr. Volchok explained that Mr Benaroya likes to go with natural tones Daman commented that he is concerned with the location of the doors. Mr Harris explained that the plans will be reviewed and those issues addressed administratively. The plans could be changed a number of times yet and the Board is not deciding based on this project, but rather amending the regulation. Board member David Malik questioned whether the loading docks or parking would be facing the Green River Mr Volchok stated that the loading docks would be on the side of the river 200 feet back from the river 0 Mr. Harris again stated that the issue would be addressed administratively or through a variance procedure before the Hearing Examiner. Harmon MOVED and Daman SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion carried. a �l Harmon questioned the staff reasoning for expanding the area effected from the original request. N{ Mr. Harris explained that regulations are developed to be good for the whole and limiting an exception to one specific project is not the intent. Vice Chair Brad Bell MOVED and Malik SECONDED a motion to recommend approval of staff s recommendation as detailed above. Motion carried. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED and Sharon Woodford SECONDED a motion to adjourn. Motion carried The meeting was adjourned at 7.55 p.m Respectfully Submitted, i Ja es P Harris ecordmg Secretary • C\USERS\DOC\LANDUSE\MINUTES\PCMIN05 29 #ZCA-97-1 Green River Corridor Special Interest District