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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 05/27/1997 CITY OF Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206) 859-3390TAX(206) 850-2544 James P Harris,Planning Director ° .a LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing May 27, 1997 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Steve Dowell at 7.00 p.m. on May 27, 1997, in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Dowell, Chair Brad Bell, Vice Chair Tom Brotherton Jerry Daman Ron Harmon David Malik Sharon Woodford SLAND USE &PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None. PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom. Planning Manager Linda Phillips, Planner Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board member Sharon Woodford pointed out an omission in the March 24, 1997 minutes The final vote of the recommended action to amend Section 15.04.120(A) was erroneously left out The minutes will be corrected to reflect "the motion carried". Board member Ron Harmon MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to approve the March 24, 1997 minutes with the above noted correction. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN 220 4th AVE SO I KENT W ASHINGTON 98032-5895/TEI EPHONE 206 859-33001 FAX ri d59-3314 • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 2 COMMUNICATIONS Planning Director Jim Harris identified a memo distributed to the Board members in their notebook and asked the Board to consider the procedural change. The Board concurred with Mr. Harris's recommendation. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Director Jim Harris informed the Planning Board members of the regular City Council meeting next Tuesday(June 3). He also explained that if this meeting is continued, the Board will meet on Monday, June 2. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN (F. Satterstrom/L Phillips) Planning.Manager Fred Satterstrom detailed the history of planning Kent's downtown. He explained that planning for the downtown area began some 31 years ago. He stated that Kent has a good history of developing and implementing downtown plans. The City has not implemented every aspect of each plan;however, it is very serious about implementing the developed goals and policies. k Mr Satterstrom commented that this plan is one in a succession of downtown plans Mr. Satterstrom stated that the City Council deems the downtown as an important issue and has made it the number one priority for 1997 target issues He explained that during the 1996 City Council retreat, the Council identified creating a "Home Town for Families" their highest priority target issue Also in 1996, the Council set aside $25,000 in the Capital Improvement Program to complete a downtown market analysis and the City was awarded a $150,000 Planning and Environmental Review Fund (PERF) grant from the state. The PERF grant was awarded to the City of Kent to develop an integrated downtown plan which brings GMA and SEPA together in one document called a subarea plan. Mr. Satterstrom explained that the City interviewed several consulting groups and selected MAKERS to develop the downtown plan. He explained that the planning process began in July of last year with the first community meeting on July 31st. The City also formed a Stakeholders Committee. He explained that over the last ten month period the City has held 14 community workshops and stakeholder committee meetings. He stated that there has been a very dedicated core of citizens and property owners who have followed this process There has been excellent participation for a majority of the meetings, especially the February meeting at the Commons which spilled out of the meeting room. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTIONPLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 3 Mr. Satterstrom explained that the draft Environmental Impact statement weighed three different alternatives for the downtown plan and was issued in February. The state requires a 30-day comment period for any draft EIS Based on the analysis of the three alternatives and the responses to each,the document before the Board is the resulting proposal Mr Satterstrom identified the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan and Integrated Preliminary Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and explained that the document is actually two things: 1. ACTION PLAN. A list of actions for the Board to consider and recommend to the City Council to implement the downtown vision The actions relate to land use, transportation, public facilities, design guidelines, and redevelopment. These are an important group of related actions that relate to a vision for downtown together with an implementation plan. 1 2. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT. A planned action Environmental Impact Statement. This is an integrated document which will allow future downtown proposals, either public w or private, to receive a reduced level of environmental review if consistent with the downtown plan. This is an obligation of the state grant Mr. Satterstrom explained that the Planning Board is the first stop along the way in the adoption process The Board will hold a public hearing, receive public testimony, deliberate, and make a recommendation to the City Council for their final approval. Mr Satterstrom explained that this meeting could be continued to June 2nd for further deliberations if required He explained that Linda Phillips has been the project planner and is prepared to present a brief explanation of the proposed plan and form the foundation of the public hearing Planner Linda Phillips asked that the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan and Integrated Preliminary Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement be included as part of the record and marked as EXHIBIT 'A'. Ms Phillips thanked the public for their participation She explained that the purpose of this plan is to guide and encourage downtown growth and redevelopment and place the growth in a pattern that is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and policies. She explained that the Comprehensive Plan points out that the City asked for and received a designation as an urban center. The result of this designation is that as many as 2,500 additional housing units could be located in downtown Kent over the next 20 years In addition, there will be more jobs resulting in a demand for more offices and creation of new businesses Finally, the Comprehensive Plan speaks of downtown Kent as a pedestrian oriented area which is a comfortable place to live,work and find recreation. It states that people should be comfortable walking and have streets and sidewalks oriented in a manner which DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes 1 May 27. 1997 Page 4 allows them to move around between their homes,jobs, and recreation in a manner that adds to the y quality of life and the experience of being downtown. She explained that this plan seeks to create a stronger Community identity. Downtown Kent should represent something special to people and emphasize Kent's standing in the region The plan intends to emphasize civic, commercial and residential focus areas. Many of those uses will be mixed because that is the direction of the Comprehensive Plan and the zoning designations for the downtown Key entry points into downtown will be defined with a special project to develop .r Gateways. The City has received an additional $10,000 in grant money for the Gateway Design Project. The Council may decide to add Gateways to its Capital Improvement Plan and start work on this project in the next couple of years , Ms Phillips stated that commuter rail is coming to the City of Kent which may encourage a lot of residential development downtown. This has been seen in other areas and would support retail as well as other uses in the downtown area She explained that we will need to monitor the environmental impacts of growth as the redevelopment and the infill occur. That includes looking . at increased traffic,traffic circulation, impervious surfaces, storm water issues, open space, bulk and = scale of buildings, and buildings design guidelines. Ms. Phillips explained that the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan and Integrated Preliminary Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement(the"plan")is organized around seven districts: The North Frame District is the area just north of James Street and is a single family residential area. Ms Phillips stated that there is a feeling from those who live in this area that there are two distinct neighborhoods separated by Fourth Avenue. .y The plan recommends that the area east of Fourth be redesignated commercial and zoned limited office for the parcels fronting on James Street The designation would go 150 feet deep and if a lot extends further it would extend no further than a maximum of 250 feet Ms. Phillips explained that there would be zoning regulations to ensure a minimum lot size in order to discourage very small and house by house development. The development would require a private access road along the rear of the property along with a 12 foot green buffer to screen the office development from the residential neighborhood. The plan recommends opening Cloudy Street for better access to Fourth and to cul-de-sac First, Second, and Third Avenue. i I The plan also recommends redesignating the area west of Fourth commercial and zoning the area office with a mixed use overlay Ms. Phillips explained that the mixed use designation would allow • multifamily development in conjunction with office development. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 5 Other proposals for the North Core District include master planning the Commons Playfield Park to address parking issues, storm drainage, traffic related to parking, and lighting issues The Central Avenue District provides an important entry into downtown Kent and currently presents a very mixed appearance when you come into Kent. It is very difficult to know where to find the rest of downtown Kent; hence gateways are proposed for Central at Smith and Titus. The plan recommends a study to look at street scapes, signs, and all of the uses that occur along Central. The East Frame District area is found just east of Central Avenue and includes sections of both Meeker and Gowe Street. The plan recommends street scape improvements, adopting appropriate design guidelines, and constructing a pedestrian trail from Mill Creek to Memorial Park. , Ms. Phillips stated that the East Frame District is an excellent area for continued residential development. The plan considers adding a new access street into the West Frame District Ms. Phillips explained ai that currently it is very difficult to enter the West Frame area The plan recommends connecting the • Interurban Trail to the Core Districts, establishing design guidelines, and the encouraging mixed use development within the West Frame District. The South Core District is the area south of City Hall extending from SR-167. The plan recommends extending the angled parking along Saar Street to the Union Pacific Railroad. Also proposed, is to extend the Interurban bicycle trail to the core and developing a housing demonstration pilot program. The plan also suggests developing parking in the area west of the railroad between Titus and Railroad Streets Addmg parking in this area could free up the public parking lot on Second and Titus for future residential development. The North Core District contains the location proposed for the commuter rail station. A preliminary technical analysis was conducted to study traffic, environmental, and economic issues On the bans ; of the teclmical analysis and the preference of the community, the north location was recommended by both Planning Staff and the consultant group. The other recommendations for the North Core District include a safe pedestrian connection across Smith Street,the design of the commuter rail station as a visual focus and an identity for Kent, the ; support of the new Kent Market location, upgrading International Park, support of the Civic and Performing Arts Complex, improvement or installation of new sidewalks, street lights and tree grates, and traffic and pedestrian safety improvements on Smith Street between First Avenue and Central DOWNTOWNSUBAREA ACTION PLAN • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 6 Ms Phillips explained that the Historic Core is the area that started as Market town on the railroad. The improvements and changes proposed in the other districts all support the historic core and support the connections between the established downtown area and the rest of the City. The plan proposes pedestrian improvements to include the addition of more benches and pedestrian style lighting. Also being proposed is a gateway at Fourth and Meeker to lead people into the Historic Core. A historic analysis is also proposed to determine which buildings are eligible for redevelopment, which should be preserved in character,and which should be changed The Historic Core would also encourage the development of housing over retail Design guidelines are recommended for every district but are specific in character for each district. @� Overall the plan seeks to encourage residential development downtown with pilot projects and improved permit processing, encouraging town houses, condominiums, mixed use with office and retail on the first floor, and small multifamily complexes with single family appearance in character Another general overall goal is to construct traffic and pedestrian improvements to the downtown �. streets as necessary to really provide a pleasant and safe access to the commuter rail station, RJC, downtown core, and to residential areas downtown. Ms. Phillips explained that the last two section of the plan discuss phasing and monitoring. The phasing section proposes these actions to take place over a period of 20 years Board member Ron Harmon questioned the amount of office space which is currently available within the City of Kent. Ms. Phillips stated that information is not available at this time. Mr Hannon questioned whether staff had prepared an alternative that was discussed at the May 19 workshop regarding the grade separation being proposed for James Street and how it may effect the frontage properties on James Ms. Phillips reported that there was an alternative developed which was supposed to be delivered to the City and be available for this hearing; however, the City has not yet received this information from the consultant group Ms Phillips explained that the proposal Mr. Harmon was referring to was a park type development one parcel deep that would buffer the neighborhood from James Street. This would be an alternative proposal to office development. Mr Harmon questioned whether other gateways such as James and Central would be proposed at a later time. Ms. Phillips explained that all the gateways that are being proposed are currently designated in the plan Board member Sharon Woodford questioned if First, Second and Third were cul-de-sacs, whether • a light had been considered for Cloudy Assistant Transpiration Engineer Kristen Langley stated that a light is being considered for that location. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 7 t Chair Steve Dowell opened the public hearing. t Linda Johnson,Exec Dir,Kent Downtown Partnership,P.O.Box 557,Kent,WA 98032, Kent Downtown Partnership (KDP) Executive Director Linda Johnson thanked the staff and consultants for the excellent work they have done on this project Ms Johnson reported that the KDP is pleased with most of the proposed plan However, the KDP is concerned with the location selected for the commuter rail station. Ms Johnson stated that the KDP does not feel enough analysis was done on the values of the businesses that are located in those areas to actually make the statement that the Iand value of the north site is less than the south location. She remarked that the analysis was based solely on the assessed value of the parcels and did not take into consideration the businesses located on those properties Ms Johnson suggested that before a site location has been selected for either the north or south proposed commuter rail station there needs to be more analysis done on the actual value of the businesses that are located on those parcels. Ms. Johnson stated that she will be forwarding a letter from the KDP that identifies the pro's and con's for both sites. Ms. Johnson thanked the City for including the Public Market in the downtown plan She also reported that the KDP supports the location of the Performing Arts Center. Ms. Johnson asked the Board to consider an in depth look at the two possible locations of the commuter rail station before the site is selected Don Campbell, 27813 - 13th AV S, Kent, WA 98035, Mr. Don Campbell explained that he represents the Kent Civic and Performing Arts taskforce and their ongoing effort to locate some type of a Civic Performing Arts facility in the downtown core Mr Campbell indicated that he supports the proposed plan Mr. Campbell stated that in the market analysis the plan suggests that all funds to develop this project would come from the private sector Mr Campbell reported that realistically in order to pursue a Civic Performing Arts facility some public support would be required. He explained that this facility would serve as a destination for Kent, a hub for both day and night activities. Board member Ron Harmon questioned Mr. Campbell's views of an outdoor performing art center in conjunction with the Performing Arts Center. Mr. Campbell explained that outdoor performing • art venues in this part of the country is somewhat tricky. He stated that the facility they have looked at has much more of an indoor meeting space component. They have not spent much time looking DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN 7 • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 8 at outdoor facilities He said he likes the idea of outdoor performing arts events and the idea of expanding what has happened in Mill Creek Park and areas like it. Steve O'Connell, 722 Third AV N, Kent, WA 98032. Mr. Steve O'Connell remarked that the proposed access road for the proposed office development that fronts James Street goes directly through his property Mr. O'Connell commented that he has voiced his opposition of the access road location since the beginning. Chair Steve Dowell informed Mr. O'Connell that this is simply a proposed plan and questioned whether he had discussed with City staff why-the road was proposed. Mr O'Connell stated that he had discussed his opposition of the road from the beginning, however, he never discussed the .y purpose of the road Mr.Harmon questioned how long Mr O'Connell had resided at his current residence. Mr. O'Connell stated that he has been there for two and a half years u Paulette O'Connell, 722 Third AV N, Kent, WA 98032. Ms Paulette O'Connell stated that if First, Second, and Third are cul-de-sacs that only leaves one entrance and exit into the North Park neighborhood. She is concerned with what could happen with such limited access during emergencies. Ms O'Connell is concerned with the City's response that a light will only be considered at Cloudy. She commented that a light is definitely needed at Cloudy if it is the only entrance or exit into North Park. Chair Steve Dowell stated that this issue was discussed at the last workshop. Chair Dowell suggested opening Cole Street and asked staff to consider the possibility. J I John Dahll,805 Crest AV,Kent,WA 98032 Mr. John Dahll stated that he has resided in the City of Kent for 38 years Mr Dahll commented that he and his wife use the Common Playfield on a daily bans almost year round. They primarily use the walking and Jogging trail which covers approximately 7/10 of a mile. Mr. Dahll is concerned with the part of the plan which proposes using a portion of the Commons Playfield to develop additional parking along James Street. Mr. Dahll stated that he has attended every meeting since last July and the parking addition was added recently He commented that there are 1,550 parking spaces in the immediate area and it is unnecessary to destroy a portion of the Commons Playfield to add additional parking J, • Mr. Satterstrom explained that the parking addition was recognition of a safety issue regarding the crossing of James Street in order to get to the Commons Playfield. The parking is not intended to DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 9 replace the parking now available at the Park and Ride, RJC, or Commons. Mr Satterstrom commented that prior to any actual development of the Commons Playfield there would be a parking study. Chair Steve Dowell commented that it may worry some that the proposed parking area has been identified on a portion of the existing Commons Playfield Mr Satterstrom stated that the map could be changed to indicate that there isn't a set area designated for parking. Mr. Dahll commented that it is evident that the proposed plan is indicating parking He again stated that there is no need for additional parking. He also stated that there is no safety issue. Fred Wright, 727 Third AV N, Kent,WA 98032. Mr Fred Wright explained that he has lived at his current residence for more than 35 years Mr Wright explained that he has no problem with individuals attempting to sell their properties for development along James Street Mr Wright stated s that he strongly objects to a private access road. He objects to a single entrance and exit from North Park. He supports opening Cole Street. a Pam Newcomer, 829 Third AV N, Kent, WA 98032 Ms. Pam Newcomer presented a poster (Exhibit'B')to the Board that pictured houses in the North Park area that were well manicured and discussed a letter she had presented to the Board on May 19 (Exhibit 'C'). Ms Newcomer stated that most of the houses in the North Park area are kept in a better than average condition The houses are small and simple, similar to cottage style homes She commented that she is offended by the inference that there is poor trash living in the North Park area Ms Newcomer stated that the majority of the properties are owned by the resident. She remarked that she is a "newcomer" in the neighborhood, she's been there for ten years The neighborhood is stable. She commented that this is a great place to live Ms Newcomer conducted a independent survey(results marked as Exhibit'D') of the residents that are directly effected by rezoning the James Street properties between First and Fourth Avenue. She was able to poll ten of the residents Eight out of ten were against the rezone, one resident was undecided, and the remaining resident was for it. She explained that most of the residents are retired and planned to live out their days in their homes. Rezoning their properties would simply deny that possibility Ms. Newcomer discussed various sections of the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan and Integrated Preliminary Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Page IV-11, E Redevelopment Target Areas, paragraph 2, "The plan's land use recommendations • are directed toward fine tuning the City's comprehensive planning framework in response to specific r' DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 10 '.k redevelopment opportunities and neighborhood protection needs " She stated that she is feeling a little bit as though the North Park neighborhood is not being protected. Page V-1, A. North Frame District, "While the overall intent of the plan is to preserve the single- family character of North Park. two busy arterials—N Fourth Avenue and James Street—intrude on residential qualities to the extent that homes on this north side of James and west side of Fourth are difficult to maintain." She stated that being on a busy arterial is not a valid reason for not P maintaining a property She remarked that there are sidewalks and curbs and that doesn't stop anyone from getting out there and mowing their lawn. Environmental Impacts: Impact A2 a The proposed bulk and scale of office/residential(Ms. Newcomer commented that during all the meetings thus far, it was discussed that there would not be any apartments or ' residential development.) development as well as the placement of buildings on the site may create impacts to homes in the existing SF-8, single family residential district, which is located north of the 4 proposed office area She commented that this statement confirms that the office development is going to impact the North Park neighborhood. Mitigation Measures: Maiigalion A2 a The replacement of driveways with shared access points and the closure of First and Third Avenues (and potentially Second Avenue) (Ms Newcomer was told that First, Second and Third Avenues would be cul-de-sacs for the neighborhood safety.) . . would improve the safety of east-west travel on James Street In order to improve safety and promote a pedestrian friendly , environment, all driveways for the proposed new office uses on James Street between First and Fourth Avenue should be oriented to anew east-west connector north of James Street Leaving Second Avenue open would relieve some of the new traffic burden on the James Street/Fourth Avenue intersection and could preserve access to James Street for both office and residential uses Ms. Newcomer stated that this would allow the office traffic into the North Park neighborhood } Mitigation A2 b Adopt design guidelines, specific to the proposed rezone area, to ensure high quality, substantial office/residential development compatible with the adjacent residential neighborhood Ms. Newcomer stated that this is a total paradox because if you put those to entities in the petri dish they separate, they are incompatible. 4 Ms.Newcomer stated that she is in favor of the green belt alternative that was discussed earlier. She also commented that she is in favor of the proposed Civic Performing Arts Center. She strongly believes this would be a true asset to the downtown area and a great experience for the citizens of h� Kent . DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN ' Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 11 Chair Dowell questioned whether the origin of the "trash" statement came from any of the members on the Land Use and Planning Board. Ms.Newcomer ensured the Board that these comments were not expressed by any of their members. Chair Dowell commented that Mr. Harmon suggested the green belt idea and this will be presented as a possible alternative to the office designation for that area. He stated that it will be very difficult for North Park residents if Cloudy is the only access road to the neighborhood. He agreed with Ms Newcomer that 99% of the area is a very nice residential area _1 Mr. Harmon requested that the materials Ms. Newcomer presented to the Board would be marked as public record (Documents were marked as Exhibits B, C, and D). Val Batey, Regional Transit Authority, 821 Second AV 4151, Seattle, WA 98104 Ms Val Batey explained that she is employed by the Regional Transit Authority. She stated that she has been working in the City of Kent for quite a few years primarily on helping to locate a commuter rail station and has been working closely with the Kent staff through this process Ms Batey explained that RTA appreciates the opportunity that they have been afforded to be involved in this process even when it was uncertain whether there would actually be a RTA. Ms. Batey explained that the RTA is looking forward to building on all of the City's hard work as they begin their process to bring commuter rail service to Kent. The first thing that the RTA would like to do is to negotiate and sign an mterlocal agreement with the City of Kent that would set the stage for the process. As far as locating and designing the station, the RTA would like to form a technical advisory committee. This would involve community and business representatives,the City of Kent staff, and local transit agency staff. The committee will work through the final decisions on siting the station and the design phases. The RTA plans to have a pool of prequahfied architects and planners that each City will be able to draw from when it gets to the point of designing their commuter rail station The technical advisory committee will play a very important role in that process in working through the design phases until we are ready to build The RTA's approved budget includes six million dollars for a commuter rail station in downtown Kent The RTA's adopted implementation guide shows that the construction on that station along with all the others on the Tacoma to Seattle line need to begin at the beginning of 1999 in order for RTA to live up to their commitment to start commuter rail service between Seattle and Tacoma late 1999. • Ms. Batey commented on where the RTA is at now. They have looked at downtown Kent for ; several years and even began an environmental review process on a commuter rail station they did DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN .t Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 12 not complete because the first vote failed She stated that the RTA is getting ready to begin that process again in the next week or so and hopes to have the environmental review process completed by the end of the year,moving forward with the technical advisory committee to get the design done next year RTA has communicated with the City on their basic needs for a commuter rail station as far as parking, the size of the station, and those needs have been reflected in the downtown plan Ms. Batey stated that as far as the deliberations between the north or south site, RTA feels that the north s site lends itself to the RTA's requirements more strongly She commented that RTA is concerned with the access and circulation and the disruption of a site further to the south. Ms. Batey explained that being in the early stages of environmental review, the RTA does not have 1 a final statement on the location issue; however, with all the preliminary information available they v strongly favor the location of the north site. i Mr. Harmon questioned if the adjacent park and ride that is presently used by Metro was the primarily imperative to help with the rail and the consideration of the north area Ms. Batey stated that the ideal operation would combine as many transit operations as possible in one location. The RTA believes that the easier it is to transfer between buses, express buses, and trains the better ridership they will have The RTA still needs to work with King County Metro to figure out how exactly the two services will operate together. Ms Batey stated that although they would like to see all of the services being utilized in one location they can not rule out the need for the existing park and ride lot They are anticipating that a lot of people that use the park and ride lot will switch to commuter rail and then what the demand will be on that lot in the future comes into question. j Mr. Harmon questioned whether the RTA would recommend an express bus between the sites without taking a circuitous route around the City. Ms Batey stated that that type of required transfer does not really please a lot of riders Riders would rather not take a shuttle between a park and ride lot and a station Ms. Batey remarked that riders are more likely to look for parking that is closer to the station before they would park and take a shuttle to the station. Chair Dowell questioned where Kent stood in comparison with other cities on the RTA process. Ms Batey explained that since Mayor White is on the RTA committee the City of Kent is on the top of the list; in reality everyone is pretty much at about the same place She stated that because of the hard work of the planning department the City of Kent is in really good shape Chair Dowell clarified the RTA would rather have the commuter rail and Metro close together. i • Ms. Batey explained that the preference would be to have the commuter rail station and the actual operation of the buses as close as possible In an ideal world we would discontinue the use of the DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN l • Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 13 Metro park and ride lot. All of the local transit and regional express bus meet the commuter rail ._ trains so that the transfer activities could all take place at one location. She commented that this will be a transitional process as ridership on the commuter rail is built up. Chair Dowell confirmed that RTA would prefer to have the commuter rail station and the metro park and ride lot in the same place. Garry Stewart,404 N. Railroad,Kent, WA 98032 (Business) and 26620127th AV SE (home). Mr Garry Stewart commented that during past annexation meetings the Parks Department discussed their desire to bring parks to the people and eliminate the need for people to drive to utilize them. j Mr. Stewart remarked that if the Parks Department is working on a plan to bring the parks to the people then that should eliminate the use of a portion of the Commons Park to develop parking Mr. Stewart is also concerned with the north alternative location for the commuter rail station. He commented that the analysis done by the consultant group does not represent accurate figures He stated that $125,000 to relocate businesses is grossly underestimated He also mentioned that utilizing only the assessed value of the property and not taking into consideration the businesses .� located on the properties and the value thereof is a misrepresentation of the cost comparison between the proposed locations. Mr Stewart commented that Burdic Feed is going to be a difficult business to relocate. He mentioned that Burdic would need a rail site and an EPA approved grain elevator will be expensive to build. He also discussed the difficulty of relocating Tork Lift Central Mr. Stewart commented that parking may better be accommodated in another location. Mr Stewart commented on figure VI-5 on page VI-23 regarding the widening of Pioneer Street to accommodate the bus travel He stated that additional businesses will need to be relocated to accommodate the street widening Vice Chair Brad Bell questioned what Mr Stewart thought would be a more realistic figure to purchase the real estate property and relocate the businesses to accommodate a commuter rail station. Mr Stewart explained that he had only looked into the cost of relocating his own business Vice Chair Bell asked then based on the relationship of the assessed value of his property and the actual true fair market value of his real estate and business what would that percentage represent. Mr Stewart stated that is roughly half Vice Chair Bell clarified that it would be necessary to pay roughly twice the assessed value to relocate him Mr Stewart confirmed that and stated that the City is responsible for helping Mr Stewart find a location He commented that he is an easy business to relocate. j DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN si 1 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 14 Mr Bell questioned whether that would be the same for his neighbors. Mr Stewart commented that the roofing companies would also be easy to relocate ; however, Burdic Feed and Tork Lift Central will be a lot more difficult to relocate. Alden Eld, P. O. Box 866, Oregon City, OR 97045 Mr Alden Eld commented that the plan is very good overall. He explained that he is not a newcomer to the North Park area. He has owned property in the North Park area for 26 years including property on Fourth and James. He explained that when he originally purchased the property the property was zoned for high density multifamily development. The property has since been rezoned to single family residential He commented that the James Street issue should have been addressed at that time He mentioned that at one time he owned as many as seven houses in the North Park area all of which have now been converted into single family ownership houses. Mr. Eld stated that he in no way intends to disrupt the North Park area He has been waiting for 26 years to be able to develop the lot that faces on James Street He said that he could not build on the lot he stated that he has offered to build a house if someone would live in it the next six years right there on James Street He explained that he has been trying to rezone the parcel and that the proposal was turned down pending the outcome of the downtown subarea action plan recommendations He supports the plan's recommendation for the area fronting James Street and believes that it is a workable compromise for North Park residents. Mr. Eld mentioned his concern with adding the James Street green belt alternative for consideration at this late date. He commented that it seems unfair to take another alternative under consideration since the concept has never before been discussed during a public meeting and was not ready for presentation at tonight's hearing Since he is in favor of the original proposal for this area, it doesn't seem fair he's not given an opportunity to review the alternative and comment on it 3¢ He remarked that when the idea was discussed to cul-de sac First, Second, and Third Avenues, Cole Street was to be opened up He commented that the City should make the effort to purchase the properties necessary to open Cole Street and give the North Park residents two viable access roads He stated that he is opposed to leaving Second Avenue open. Mr. Harmon questioned Mr Eld's involvement with James Street and how many lots he owned. Mr Eld stated that he owns three lots that face James Street Mr. Harmon asked if Mr Eld would be involved in any of the lots that are two and three back Mr. Eld stated that he owns lot number • two and three on Fourth Avenue. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 15 4 Mr Harmon explained the origin of the proposed green belt alternative. He explained that because of the proposed grade separation being considered for James Street that would leave a large retaining wall on James Street starting as far back as Third Avenue and compromise any office building that would be on James Street Chair Dowell commented that the grade separation on James would be as great as 25 feet and would limit access to the office buildings to the private access road that will be constructed behind the buildings. There would be no access from James Hugh Leiper, 815 Reiten Road, Kent, WA 98031. Mr. Hugh Leiper explained that he is a Commercial Real Estate Consultant and Developer and has been in the business for 41 years in many different capacities He had an opportunity in his earlier years to travel to over 100 different cities and complete a market analysis to determine where the cities started, where they were going and where their potential future growth was. Mr. Leiper commented that Kent is in a stage of national prominence. It is the fifth largest in the United States in terms of square footage of warehouse and manufacturing Mr. Leiper stated that ithe industry in the Valley is looking for a downtown core and Kent does not have it. The city usually is the one who goes after industry but in Kent's situation it is the reverse. Mr Leiper suggested that Kent should redefine what it was trying to do, which is to produce a focal point for the community so that the community and the downtown can survive the next hundred years He stated that the downtown is already over a hundred years old The goal now is to continue to make downtown survive and be a "real" city a His suggestion to make Kent into a"real" city is to add a mall within the downtown area Mr. Leiper ' discussed situations where other malls have been built and now are thriving communities. Mr Leiper would like to see a three story mall developed between Smith and Gowe and First to Fourth Avenue less the library. Mr. Leiper's plan suggest that two parking facilities be constructed. Mr Leiper stated that he has two companies already interested in investing in this development. Mr.Leiper's plan would encourage the historic core on First Avenue and suggests pedestrian oriented improvements. He suggests relocating current merchants onto First Avenue and maintain their current rental rate Paul Hammerschmidt,814 Fifth AV N,Kent,WA 98032. Mr. Paul Hammerschmidt's house is adjacent to the Commons Playfield and he has lived in his home for almost ten years. He is • concerned with the width of Fifth Avenue and the impact the Commons Playfield has on his DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN s Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 16 neighborhood. He explained a recent situation in which his three year old son was nearly run down in his own driveway Mr. Hammerschmidt stated that the proposed changes adequately address all concerned parties' and their issues for the North Park area. He explained that he is not a part of the North Park neighborhood. He stated that North Park is a true neighborhood where people interact. He explained that all the homes along Fifth Avenue face the playfield and there is no interaction He explained that the plan as presented protects the "true" North Park area. He believes that it is imperative that First, Second, and Third Avenue be cul-de-sacs,that Cole be opened up, and that the single family housing area be maintained He supports the plan's Land Use Recommendations Al-A6 starting on page IV-1 of the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan and Integrated Preliminary Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Chair Dowell questioned whether the police have been involved with the speeding issue on Fifth and Cloudy Mr. Hammerschmidt explained that there is an officer placed on Cloudy during the day He explained that during the height of baseball or soccer season there is no less than 3,000 people on the playfield and it seems as though 2,999 want to park in his driveway. Mr. Harmon commented that Mr Hammerschmidt's support for the proposal means that his family would have to relocate. Mr Hammerschmidt commented that he would like to relocate in Kent He would like to raise his son in a safer environment. Brian Nelson, 1210 E. Maelyo Street, Kent, WA 98031 Mr. Brian Nelson is concerned that 1 downtown is turning into a parking lot with over 800 parking stalls depicted in figure IV-2 of the plan Mr Nelson does not believe the commuter rail will be successful and is concerned that too much faith is being put into the success of this system He is concerned with the unrealistic expectation Burdic Feed would be able to relocate He is concerned with the proposed grade „ separation on James Street that could cause potential storm drainage problems when the road is 25 feet below the railroad crossing. Mr Nelson commented that the south commuter rail station seems to necessitate fewer disruptions since there is more vacant land at the south end. He questioned whether the existing west rail line had been considered for the commuter rail The rail line is near the existing Lincoln park and nde and wanted to know why this had not been considered. Fred Wright, 727 Third AV N, Kent,WA 98032. Mr Wright asked for clarification of Mr Eld's statement regarding access into the North Park residential areas from the private access road `< DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN 1 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes May 27, 1997 Page 17 servicing the office development on James. Mr. Eld stated that it was not the plan to access the neighborhoods from the business access road. Jon D. Kay, Tork Lift Central, 10203 SE 244th, Kent, WA 98032. Mr. Jon Kay read his prepared statement that was submitted for record as Exhibit'E'. Mr. Kay stated that his business runs through to Railroad Avenue and is directly effected by the north site location for the commuter rail station Mr Kay strongly opposes relocating his business He explained that if they are forced to relocate some 200 tons of machmerv, some 40 machines in all, would have to be moved, rewired, re-leveled and sited in. He stated that the cost to relocate seems astronomical a i Peggy Kay, 10203 SE 244th, Kent, WA 98032 Ms. Peggy Kay stated that she had discussed relocating their business with a developer today who gave them a ball park figure for lust the building and the property of 14 million She explained that this cost does not include down time or the cost to move the machinery. a John Dahll,805 Crest AV,Kent,WA 98032 Mr Dahil commented that he likes Burdic Feed and would hate to see their business go He stated that the original owner opened Burdic Feed in 1897 and Burdic Feed is a worthwhile historical building. Vice Chair Brad Bell MOVED and Board member Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing Chair Dowell requested an amendment to the motion to continue the public hearing until June 2nd The motion carried as amended. Respectfully Submitted, rris4Se P Ha ry C\USERS\DOC\LANDUSE\MINUTES\PCMINOS 29 5 DOWNTOWNSUBAREA ACTION PLAN