HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 06/02/1997 CITY OF �222 1 VF, Jim White, Mayor Planning Department (206) 859-3390/FAX(206) 850-2544 James P Harris,Planning Director LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing June 2, 1997 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Chair Steve Dowell at 7.15 p.m on June 2, 1997, in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall, LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Steve Dowell, Chair Brad Bell, Vice Chair Tom Brotherton Ron Harmon David Malik LAND USE &PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Daman Sharon Woodford, EXCUSED PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Teresa Beener, Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board member Ron Harmon MOVED and member Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to approve the May 27, 1997 minutes as written The motion carried ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Planning Director Jim Harris reminded the Board of their June 9, 1997 Workshop at 7:00 p in in Council Chambers East of the Kent City Hall. He informed the Board that the proposed Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Ordinance will be on the agenda. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN 220 4th AVE SO 1 KENT W ASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300 I FAX#859-3334 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 2, 1997 Page 2 DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED Chair Steve Dowell asked for the four letters received since the last public hearing to be submitted as part of the record. Board member Ron Harmon MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to incorporate the following letters into the record (Exhibit `F 1-4"). Exhibit#F-1. Board member Sharon Woodford, dated May 28, 1997. Exhibit 4F-2. Alan L Gray, CPA, dated May 31, 1997. Exhibit 917-3. Mayor Jim White (response to Mr .ion D. Kay letter), dated May 29, 1997. Exhibit#17-4. Kent Downtown Partnership, dated June 2, 1997 Alan L. Gray,26857 Downing Avenue S Mr Alan Gray resides on the Westhill of Kent and owns and operates a business at 112 Railroad Avenue South Mr Gray said that he favors the downtown plan but questions the accuracy of the financial data used to compare the commuter rail station locations. He asked the Board to consider a site south of Willis. Mr. Gray questioned how the two-hour angled parking on Railroad would be monitored to allow business traffic to use the parking and deter the commuters from parking there. • Linda Johnson, Kent Downtown Partnership, 604 W. Meeker Suite 202 Ms. Linda Johnson presented a letter that outlined the Kent Downtown Partnership's comments regarding the commuter rail station The letter outlined some pros and cons for the north and south station alternatives. Ms. Johnson asked the Board not to make a recommendation on the rail station site location. Ms. Johnson commented that rezoning the North Park area to commercial would affect the existing residential area She asked for the plan to incorporate a study to look at the parking or lack of parking in all of the parks in the downtown area She asked that the letter from the Downtown Partnership be included as a part of the record. (The letter was previously submitted into record as Exhibit F-4) Frankie Keyes, 10216 SE 267th. Ms. Frankie Keyes stated that she loves the Downtown Plan. However, she feels there is too much uncertainty to select a location for the commuter rail station. She asked the Board to delay the decision recommending the adoption of the overall plan She submitted a letter from neighboring property owners (Rosa and Jerry Mezistrano) and asked that the letter be submitted into public record. (Exhibit `G'). Evelyn Nicholes, 226 First Avenue S Ms. Evelyn Nicholes asked for the Board to delay making a decision on the location of the commuter rail station She commented that downtown merchants • are dying and the Board should consider the merchant's needs Ms Nicholes would like to see the R commuter rail station in the south location. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 211997 Page 3 Ms.Nicholes suggested promoting downtown from the commuter rail station. She commented that it is time for the City to support the local merchants. Ms.Nicholes discussed promoting downtown and communicating where downtown is. Jim Bitondo, 106 E. Titus Street. Mr Jim Bitondo asked to submit a letter into record (Exhibit `H'). Mr. Bitondo remarked that the downtown plan is good but the plan should include two locations to consider for the commuter rail station He commented that there were many citizens against the north site. He suggested using a competing design approach. If the true merits of a north or south site can be detected, the best should win April DuPlantier, 310 W. Meeker. Ms. April DuPlantier stated that she is uncomfortable with tt locating the commuter rail station at the north site She suggested restoring the existing rail station for a historical value She commented that downtown Kent has much to offer commuters and the north location would negate this Ms DuPlantier asked the Board to consider further study on the site location. Ms. DuPlantier submitted a letter for the record (Exhibit I'). Mark Israel, 312 W. Meeker. Mr. Mark Israel congratulated the Planning staff on the downtown • plan He personally believes that the decision on the commuter rail station location should be delayed until a more detailed study can be completed. Mary Holden,201 E. Meeker°B". Ms Mary Holden commented that selecting a commuter rail station location is premature Herb Freudenthal, 201 E. Meeker "B". Mr. Herb Freudenthal congratulated the City on the downtown plan. He stated that the site location decision is premature and more study is needed before a decision is made. Mr Freudenthal stated that the overall plan should be adopted. ; Brian Nelson, 1210 E. Maclyn Street. Mr Brian Nelson stated that his questions from the May 27, 1997 meeting had not been answered Mr Nelson had previously questioned whether the west rail had been considered for the commuter rail station. Mr Nelson questioned the pedestrian focus of the plan. He counted 843 parking spaces identified in the Downtown plan for the commuter rail station,however,the plan only mentions a need for 500. He questioned the cost of operating water pumps to pump out water at the James Street crossing. Chair Dowell asked for staff to respond to Mr. Nelson's questions. Planning Director stated that planning staff will respond to his questions and get in touch with Mr Nelson after his questions can be researched. Walter Hazen, 11235 137th Avenue SE Mr. Walter Hazen asked the Board not to make any decision on residential land He feels that the City should bank this land for future development of DOWNTOWNSUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 2, 1997 Page 4 homes in the Kent area. Mr. Hazen commented that with the addition of the Kent rail station as an alternative transportation point, the demand for local housing will increase and the revitalization of older neighborhoods will take precedence Mr. Hazen remarked that studies indicate that with the addition of a commuter rail station, the demand for residential housing in the downtown area will increase. Therefore, he questions the recommendation to rezone the residential area along James. In response to Mr. Nelson's question of the west rail, Mr Hazen explained that he is a member of the Commuter Rail Coalition Board. The meandering of the western rail makes it unsuitable for the commuter tram He explained the Burlington Northern site was a strategic rail site and was built to accommodate up to five standard track beds. Mr. Hazen asked that the Board not make any decision regarding the location of the commuter rail station. He commented that the City has been trying to get bus service into the downtown area for years and locating the commuter rail station on the south site would facilitate this Adding bus service in the downtown area should be a considered a positive impact rather than a negative as the plan suggests. He commented about the historical value of the buildings that would be lost if the north site is developed. He would like to see the building preserved He favors the south site location Lee Purdy, 207 E. -,Meeker Mr Lee Purdy commented that everything he'd like considered has already been said He complimented the Downtown plan for recognizing that Central Avenue is a part of downtown. He suggested delaying the commuter rail location until better analysis can be } completed b Peggy Kay, 10203 SE 244th (home) and 315 N. Central(business) Ms Peggy Kay commented that there was not enough information gathered to accurately compare the north and the south commuter rail locations and wanted to see a bigger cost comparison before selecting a site John Kay, 10203 SE 244th (home) and 315 N. Central. Mr. John Kay questioned whether the south site was still under consideration for the commuter rail station Mr Kay suggested conducting more in depth studies before a site is selected He commented that traffic on Smith and James Streets is already atrocious. Mr Kay asked the Board to select the south site or delay the decision for more information. Q Mende Johnson, 205 First Avenue S. Ms. Mende Johnson said that the Downtown plan is good but asked that a definite decision not be made for the commuter rail station until more research can be conducted. • Linda Kapoi,207 First Avenue S. Ms Linda Kapoi stated that she favors more study on the noise and traffic impacts from the commuter rail station. J DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 2, 1997 Page 5 Morgan Llewyln, 4848 SE 274th Place. Mr. Morgan Llewyln discussed the location of the commuter rail station. Mr. Llewyln remarked that the south location would help support the vitality of the businesses in the vicinity Sherry Thompson, 326 W. Meeker. Ms. Sherry Thompson asked the Board to adopt the downtown plan However, she would like the decision for the location of the commuter rail station delayed. Ms Thompson favors the south site for the commuter rail station but does not feel there is enough information Carol Schwindt,227 First Avenue S Ms Carol Schwindt asked the Board to delay the decision on the location of the commuter rail station. Ms Schwindt stated that there was not enough information to make an informed decision She prefers the south site George McIntyre, 206 E. Gowe. Mr George McIntyre implored the Board to delay the decision of where to locate the commuter rail station He stated that more information is needed to make a decision of this importance He likes the Downtown plan Donnarae Joseph, 615 W. Harrison#213. Ms Joseph explained that she is a resident of Harrison House and is here to express the opinion of the Harrison House residents She asked that the Downtown plan not include a site preference for the commuter rail at this time Ms Joseph submitted a letter signed by 65 residents of the Harrison House supporting this decision(Exhibit `J'). Garry Stewart, 404 N. Railroad. Mr. Garry Stewart would like to see the commuter rail station in the south location. Hugh Leiper, 815 Reiten Road. Mr. Hugh Leiper stated that a decision for the commuter rail station should not be based totally on cost He recommended combining the new commuter rail 3 station and a bus depot in the same location and suggested locating the new station between Smith and Gowe from Railroad to Central His plan would include a parking garage large enough to hold 1,000 automobiles Mr Leiper stated that the road separation is imperative. Lena Kost,231 First Avenue S. Ms. Lena Kost explained that she chose to locate her business in Kent because of the rate of growth She echoed what had already been said and asked the Board to reconsider the location of the commuter rail station before making a final decision. Pat Williams,317 W.Meeker. Ms.Pat Williams favors the south site for the commuter rail station. She commented that having commuters get off at the south site would require those going to the RJC to walk through the downtown core to get to the RJC She stated that this would be a good way to • promote the downtown businesses. She favors the downtown plan but would like to see the commuter rail station location decision delayed until more information is available DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 2, 1997 Page 6 Paul Hammerschmidt, 814 Fifth Avenue N. Mr. Paul Hammerschmidt commented that with all of the opposition regarding the location of the commuter rail station that issue should be separated from the downtown plan He stated that the rest of the plan should move forward. Andy Wangstad, 12047 SE 277th Place (home) and 216 Railroad Avenue N (business). Mr. Andy Wangstad asked that the Board not make a recommendation on the location of the commuter rail station until more studies can be completed. Soon Ai Park, 501 N Central Ms. Soon Ai Park stated that she has been a business owner in downtown Kent since 1992. She supports the downtown plan but would like to see more x information before a decision is made on the commuter rail station. Jim Gonnason, 307 S. Central. Mr Jim Gonnason commented that a site location for the commuter rail station should be delayed until more information is known about what the RTA will require He liked Mr Leiper's idea of a commuter rail station and a bus depot combined. He would like to see more single vehicles eliminated from the highways Don Shaffer,2070 N. 78th Street, Seattle,WA 98103 Mr. Don Shaffer asked to submit a letter into the record (Exhibit `K') Mr Shaffer stated that the proposed Performing Arts Center could act as the centerpiece for revitalization of the downtown core He suggested that the plan explore in greater detail the reality of the Center He was concerned with the proposed railway underpass and the impacts He commented that the plan did not detail the underpass. Mr. Shaffer was also concerned with the North Park area and the issue of cul-de-sacs, single street access, and the access road proposed to service the office development Mr Shaffer stated his concerns regarding the commuter rail station He questioned whether the station location had been predetermined years before the downtown plan. Mr. Shaffer showed visual displays of the proposed underpass at James Street. He discussed cost estimates from the City of Kent's Six-Year Transportation Plan and Auburn's 277th reconstruction project. He stated that an analysis of where the money is coming from for the underpassing needs to be outlined in the downtown plan. He was also concerned with the water runoff accumulating in the underpass,the general appearance of the underpass and the businesses that will be impacted He asked the Board to either select the south location for the commuter rail station or delay the process until a greater detailed analysis can be completed. Mike Keyes, 10216 SE 267th. Mr. Mike Keyes questioned the map on VI-22 of the Downtown • plan He was concerned with the cold storage facility site identified as rail station parking He = stated that relocating the cold storage business would greatly increase the relocation costs to the City. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 2, 1997 Page 7 Paul Hammerschmidt, 814 Fifth Ave N Mr Hammerschmidt questioned Mr. Shaffer's interest in the downtown Kent plan. Chair Dowell stated that everyone is allowed to speak on this issue. John Wilkins, 5201 Lakehurst Lane, Bellevue. Mr John Wilkins commented that the rail station will be relying on bus service to feed it He discussed increased traffic impacts and the need for parking to feed the commuter rail. He remarked that the bus service must be considered in the siting of the station. He liked Mr. Leiper's suggestion. Vice Chair Brad Bell MOVED and Tom Brother-ton SECONDED a motion to close the public hearing. Motion carried. Chair Steve Dowell MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to send the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan and Integrated Preliminary Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement to the City Council with the Board's recommendation of approval with the following amendments. 1. The depot locations be further studied. 2. North Park east of Fourth Avenue remain residential and west of Fourth Avenue rezoned to ' multifamily and/or mixed use 3. Elnnmate the parking oval reference on Commons Park. 4. Improve and widen Fifth Avenue and add angled parking next to the Commons Park. 5. Study the parking issue for the park on Meeker near Union Pacific. 6. Develop realistic costs in relation to the Downtown plan Board member Ron Harmon supports the recommendation to delay the selection of the site location for the commuter rail station for further study. He stated that the relocation costs need to be addressed and the true value of the businesses selected for relocation. Mr. Harmon suggested the east and west frame districts be adopted as written He supports the development of the performing art's center, summer evening outdoor events on the civic square, and the location thereof. He also supports the redevelopment of the Borden site Mr Harmon recommends mixed use designation for the North Park area north of James between Fourth and Fifth and south of Cloudy. He supports Mr Dowell's recommendation not to allow the reduction of the current Commons park for additional parking Mr. Harmon discussed the greenbelt proposal for one lot depth on the North Park properties that front James Street from Central to Fourth Avenue. Dowell accepted a friendly amendment of the original motion to recommend a mixed use r designation for the area north of James between Fourth and Fifth Avenue and south of Cloudy. A DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 2, 1997 Page 8 Board member Tom Brotherton suggested proposing the greenbelt alternative for the James Street frontage property if the north commuter rail station location is selected Chair Dowell accepted the amendment. Board member David Malik suggested adding a gateway at SR-167 and Central Avenue. Mr. Malik stated that Planning has proposed other gateway locations but would like to see one at Central and SR-167 He commented that the first impression is the last impression and when visitors come into town they should be directed to downtown Mr. Harmon suggested a longer sequence light for the crosswalk from the Lincoln park and ride and the Commons Park to help facilitate the pedestrian traffic from the parking area to the ball field Vice Chair Brad Bell stated that there is a public safety issue regarding the parking at the Commons playfield. He gave examples of how 10 and 11 year olds do not use the cross walk rather they 41 literally dart across James Street He mentioned that the City is in the process of looking for additional park property in downtown and on the easthill of Kent Bell voiced his frustration with the lack of and the quality of the financial information regarding the commuter rail station. The assessed value analysis is terribly deficient He explained that assessed values are not market values; they're political valuations. Often, the value of the businesses will be worth much more than the real estate itself He commented that there appears to be no public support for the north commuter rail location and suggested sending that message to the Council. Mr. Bell voiced his support for the performing art's center and thinks this would be a wonderful addition to downtown He stated that there is specific financial information available regarding the performing art's center and this information should be included in the Downtown plan. He supports the mixed use designation for the area north of James between Fourth and Fifth and south of Cloudy He likes the greenbelt alternative but would like to see a cost analysis before a proposal for this type of project is setforth. Mr Harmon commented that if the plan recommended the south commuter rail station there might of been much testimony against the south site. He suggested an elevated walkway to eliminate the ; need to dash across the street. He supports the angled parking on Fifth as long as it correlates into 6 the mixed use area „ Mr Malik suggested adding a drop-off and pickup area at the Commons Park. Mr Dowell "- commented that this was a good suggestion. • Mr. Brotherton commented regarding the access out of the north area of North Park. The question was asked about whether to open Cloudy or Cole for emergency vehicle access or just better access DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 2, 1997 Page 9 to the area. Chair Dowell suggested a recommendation to relook at the traffic patterns in the North Park area for consideration of opening either Cloudy or Cole Mr Brotherton suggested the fire department doing a study on access times to see if there is sufficient access during rush hour traffic. Vice Chair Bell stated that he would agree with the removal of the parking area at the Commons park if we directed the Council to provide a drop-off and pickup area. Planning Director Jim Harris thanked the public for their participation in this process. He explained that there has been tremendous turn out and a lot of public input Mr Harris explained that the Board is the hearing body for these types of land use plans and the recommendation made by the Board is very important to the Council. Mr. Harris stated that he was concerned with a plan recommendation that does not include a rail station location The Council will receive a plan with a hole in it because the commuter rail station at the north site was an integral part of the plan as a whole Mr Harris asked the Board to consider further deliberations regarding the north site location and the impacts of delaying this decision Mr. Harris fears that the Council is going to receive the recommendation and they will be inclined to delay the site selection also He commented that the RTA depot is one of the biggest decisions being made by Kent. Mr Harris commented that he hasn't heard any discussion that Kent does not want the RTA station located in Kent. The public has come to some kind of agreement that the site should not be located at the north site However,the Downtown plan centers on the City shifting to the north Borden will someday leave the area and the site will redevelop. 9 Mr Harris understands the public's interest He explained that a lot of study will need to done on how to site the depot He suggested that the recommendation from the Board could reflect that either location would be a viable choice The depot location has to be placed south of James and north of Willis. The plan recommends the north location, however, the public prefers the south location Mr Harris hopes that the message sent to the Council is that the RTA is a valid and viable part of the downtown plan and the downtown. �za Chair Dowell MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to amend the original motion to reflect that the Board strongly recommend the depot locations both north and south be further studied. Motion carried. y • Mr. David Malik discussed looking at the cost of putting the commuter rail station in the north location and questioned the selling of the park and ride and purchasing the Borden site for a combined commuter rail station and bus depot. DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN Land Use and Planning Board Minutes June 2, 1997 Page 10 Mr. Brotherton questioned whether the plan could be recommended without a site recommendation x for the commuter rail station Chair Dowell commented that it didn't seem feasible. Chair Dowell restated the motion to send the Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan and Integrated Preliminary Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement with the Board's recommendation of approval to the City Council with the following amendments: 1. Strongly recommend that the depot location both north and south be further studied 2. North Park east of Fourth Avenue will remain single family residential and the area north of James between Fourth and Fifth and south of Cloudy Street will be designated as mixed use. 3. Eliminate the Commons parking as indicated on the plan and recommend angled parking with a wider and improved Fifth Avenue. The angled parking would be located on the west side of Fifth next to Commons Park. 4. Recommend a study of the parking for the park on Meeker near Union Pacific railroad. 5. Develop realistic costs in relation to the plan 6. Consider an additional Gateway location at Central and SR-167. 7. Add a safe place for a drop-off/pick-up location at Commons park This should be located on Fifth Avenue within the angled parking. 8. Study traffic patterns in the North Park area to consider safety and access. Motion carried unanimously. Vice Chair Brad Bell MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, kretary is U\D0C\LANDUSE\MINUTES\P1)MTG6 02 DOWNTOWN SUBAREA ACTION PLAN