HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 10/27/1997 CITY OF • Jim White, Mayor = dFP9'L�9P8� Planning Department (253)859-3390/FAX(253) 850-2544 James P Harris, Planning Director LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Public Hearing October 27, 1997 The meeting of the Kent Land Use and Planning Board was called to order by Vice Chair Brad Bell at 7.05 p.m. on October 27, 1997, in Council Chambers of Kent City Hall LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Brad Bell, Vice Chair Tom Brotherton Jerry Daman Ron Harmon Sharon Woodford LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Dowell, Chair David Mahk PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Pamela Mottram, Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board member Ron Harmon MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to approve the September 22, 1997 minutes. The motion carried. ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS The City Council Planning Committee will hold a meeting November 18, 1997 at 3:30 p in. to discuss the Downtown Plan. #ZCA-97-6 CM-2 ZONING DISTRICT REGUI ATIONS #ZCA-97-70 OFFICE ZONINGI)ISTRICTREGULATIONS 2204th AVENUE SOUTH 1 KENT WASHINGION 98032-59951 1EEFPHONE ( 53)859-3300 Land Use and Planning Board Minutes • October 27, 1997 Page 2 Ron Harmon MOVED and Jerry Daman SECONDED a motion to open the Public Hearing. Motion carried #ZCA-97-6 CM-2 ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS - (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated that the Planning Department received a regulatory review from Special Interest Auto Works requesting a zoning code amendment to allow vehicle impoundment as a conditional use in the CM-2 zone. Special Interest Auto Works (an automobile repair business) is located at 248th Street, east of Highway 99 Automobiles are held on site while waiting to be repaired Special InterestAuto Works request for an impound lot would allow vehicles to be impounded,towed, and left on site for an indefinite period of time. Mr. Satterstrom stated that prospective impound lot applicants must apply for a conditional use permit in CM-2 zoning areas if the requested amendment is approved. Mr. Satterstrom stated that CM-2 zoning is located predominately in the valley floor along Central Avenue South and along Pacific Highway South at the subject site. CM-2 allows general commercial uses and allows certain heavy commercial and light industrial uses As a conditional use, a public hearing would allow the Hearing Examiner an opportunity to mitigate special circumstances that might arise where an impound lot is adjacent to other types of uses It would also • require a public hearing and notification of surrounding property owners. Troy E. Petersen, 24816 Pacific Highway South, Kent, WA as owner of Special Interest Auto Works stated an impound lot would allow them to store vehicles without the necessity of being repaired immediately. Special Interest Auto Works is currently providing towing, dispatch service and parking Mr Petersen stated that at this time Special Interest Auto Works must pay other tow companies to tow cars to their lot Special Interest Auto Works owns their own trucks and if an impound lot were approved, this would eliminate unnecessary expense payout to other towing companies. Dell W. Johnson, Kent, WA is employed by Special Interest Auto Works He stated that Special Interest Auto Works leases a lot outside Kent City limits He said that only 26 vehicles are stored on that lot at one time and only for a maximum of two days He stated that an impound lot is necessary at the Pacific Highway location in order to allow customers and insurance adjusters the convenience of looking at vehicles at one lot without the inconvenience of having to transport these people to another location. According to the Washington State Patrol "a vehicle can not be towed at a loss" and further defined by Mr Johnson as `no free tows'. Mr. Johnson stated that it is hard justifying charging customers to tow their vehicles from the Special Interest Auto Works lot at the Pacific Highway location to the leased lot Ron Harmon MOVED and Brad Bell SECONDED the motion to close the Public Hearing Motion • carried. #ZCA-97-6 CM-2 ZOVING DISTRICT REGULATIONS 4ZC4-97-7 O,OFFICE ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS 4 `• Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 27, 1997 Page 3 Ron Harmon MOVED and Tom Brotherton SECONDED a motion to accept #ZCA-97-6 CM-2 Zoning District Regulations as supported by Planning staff. Motion carried unanimously ZCA- 97-7 0. OFFICE ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS - (F. Satterstrom) Mr Satterstrom stated that the Planning Department received a regulatory review request from Camilo de Guzman and Lucy Nanola seeking an amendment to the office zoning district regulations. The request seeks to change the setback for a veterinary clinic in the office zone from" 150 feet from a residential use"to "150 feet from a residential zone ' The word change holds significant meaning in terms of definition for"uses" versus "zones". Mr. Satterstrom explained that if this amendment were approved it would mean that if there were a building used as a residence in an existing office zone, setbacks would not be measured 150 feet from the residence if the property is zoned for office or commercial, or other non-residential zoning Mr Satterstrom further stated if the wording changes from "use" to "zone" the resulting change would mean the veterinary clinic in the office zone would have to set back from any residence if the veterinary clinic is located in a residential , zone Adjacent to the property proposed for the veterinary clinic on East Hill, a single family dwelling is rented out in a residential use zone This prohibits a veterinary clinic from being located on the lot the applicant is proposing. Mr. Satterstrom stated there are built-in safeguards under existing zoning that would reduce potential for adverse impacts on adjacent residential uses, such as • Veterinary clinic buildings must be soundproof, minimizing the potential for noise. • The building must be designed by a licensed acoustical engineer. • Outdoor dog runs are not allowed. • There are no provisions for outdoor animal areas. Mr Satterstrom stated that the Planning staff is proposing to change the word"use"to"zone"in Sec. 15 04.150.3 of the Zoning Ordinance as follows "Veterinary clinics when located no closer than one hundred fifty (150) feet to any residential zone, providing the animals are housed indoors, with no outside runs, and the building is soundproofed Soundproofing must be designed by competent acoustical engineers." Tom Brotherton questioned how the setback distance would be determined for the veterinary clinic if the wording in the Zoning Ordinance changes from "use"to "zone" Mr Satterstrom stated that measurement starts from the property line not from the building. Mr. Brotherton voiced concern that #ZCA-97-6 C4/-2 ZONING DLSTRICTREGULATIOVS #ZCA-97-7 O,OFFICE ZO A7NG DISTRICT REG ULATIONS Land Use and Planning Board Minutes October 27, 1997 Page 4 changing the wording in the Zoning Code would allow for more veterinary clinics in areas where they have previously been prohibited. t Mr Satterstrom stated that some sites would not be acceptable for veterinary clinics if the 150 foot setback is retained in either the "residential use" or the "residential zone " Mr Brotherton suggested word modifications as follows: "a residential use within a residential zone" instead of"in a residential zone". There was no public representation for ZCA-97-7. Brad Bell MOVED and Ron Harmon SECONDED a motion to close the Public Hearing. The motion carried x� Ron Harmon supports Planning Staff s recommendation to amend the zoning district regulations with the modifications as suggested by Mr Brotherton. The Board members concurred. Brad Bell MOVED and Ron Harmon SECONDED a motion to approve #ZCA-97-7 O, Office Zoning District Regulations as amended to read- from"residential use"to "any residential use in any residential zone". Motion carried unanimously. 3 ADJOURNMENT Ron Harmon MOVED and Jerry Daman SECONDED a motion to adjourn. Motion carried The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, James P. Harris Secretary #ZCA-97-6 CM-2 ZOA7VG DISTRICT REGULATIONS #ZCA-97-7 O, OFFICE ZONING DISTRICT REG LILATIONS