HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 07/17/1990 RECEIVED CITY OF KENT 4I ir, 2 0 1990 SAFETY COMMITTEE CITY ADMINISTRATION MINUTES July 17, 1990 Members Present: Brad Dupleich, Public Works; Jackie Figgins, Code Enforcement; Rose Grabert, Information Services; Jan Cutting, Finance; Barbara Keohane, Corrections; Les Wong, Police Department; Jennifer Carey, Kent Commons; Lee Anderson, Golf Complex; Sedonia Young, Personnel. The City of Kent Safety Committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, July 17 at 2 : 30 in the 2nd floor conference of City Hall. The following information was discussed. JUNE - ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS: Corrections Incident: Officer was involve in restraining an unruly inmate and was injured when the officer and inmate went to the floor. On the way down the officer struck his head on the wall. Comments: This was determined to be a non-preventable accident. Fire Department Incident: While removing siding during overhaul at a fire, the employee missed the siding and hit his right lower leg with the pick portion of the axe. Comments: This was determined to be a preventable accident. Incident: Four firefighters were dispatched to crime scene. While treating a victim for a gun shot wound to the head they came in contact with his blood. The employees were later notified that the victim' s blood had tested positive for the HIV virus. Comments: This was determined to be a non-preventable accident. Incident: Firefighter had assisted in fighting a fully involved house fire. After initial extinguishment, he started coughing and exhibited difficulty in breathing. The employee was wearing full protective structural firefighting equipment, causing substantial heat generation inside of his gear. This caused heat build up and over body heating condition. Comments: This was determined to be a non-preventable accident. Parks and Recreation Division Incident: While umpiring a game for Kent Parks Youth Softball, employee was hit on the side of head by a fly ball breaking the bow of his glasses. No physical injury occurred. Comments: This was determined to be a non-preventable accident. Police Department Incident: While arresting a hostile suspect, officer suffers scrapes to the right forearm and torn cartilage in the right side rib cage, next to spine. Comments: This was determined to be a non-preventable accident. OTHER BUSINESS: - Back Care Training: Sedonia Young of the Personnel Department stated that the Back care training is scheduled for July 18, 8: 30 to 9:30 and August 15, 2:30 to 3:30. She also asked that employees be encouraged to attend. - Hazardous Waste disposal: Lee Anderson, Parks Maintenance, stated that he provided Joe Sams with a list of the herbicides, fungicides and insecticides used on the golf course. Joe will have them analyzed and get back to the City on how we should be deposing of them. Brad Dupleich, Public Works, stated that he followed up with his department on disposal of their waste. We will have a report at our next meeting on this subject. - First Aid Classes: Brad Dupleich requested that the City provide first aid classes for his department. He stated that a number of employees' certifications will be expiring in the near future. Lee Anderson requested that his department be included in the training. They suggested that the classes be scheduled in late September. - Air Quality: There was some discussion about the City providing plants for the new centennial building to improve the air quality in the new facility. - Defensive Driving Courses: Les Wong, Police Department stated that the City has discontinued its defensive driving course that employees were required to participate in as a condition of operating city vehicles. The course has been replaced with a behavior modification course. - Earth Quake preparation: Jackie F�ggens of Code enforcement stated that she had a excellent training video on how employees should prepare themselves for earth quakes at home and work. Departments that wish to borrow the video may contact her directly at 3360. The next meeting of the Safety committee is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21, 1990 in the second floor conference room of City Hall.