HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety (Committee) - 06/19/1990 Ed Chow Administration CITY OF KENT r R E C E ► V E D SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES G I990 June 19, 1990 CITY ADMINISTRATION Members Present: Brad Dupleich, Public Works; Geri Hanby, Parks Maintenance; Barbara Keohane, Corrections Facility; Lee Anderson, Golf Complex; Jennifer Carey, Kent Commons; Sedonia Young, Personnel ; Sue Viseth, Personnel . Also Present: Joe Sams, Scott Wetzel Services, Loss Control Technician The City of Kent Safety Committee met on Tuesday, June 19 at 2:30 p.m. in the Second Floor Conference room of City Hall . The following information was discussed. CENTENNIAL CENTER: Jim Hansen, Assistant City Administrator addressed the Committee regarding concern over environmental health issues pertaining to the new Centennial Center building. Mr. Hansen explained that the City would be leasing approximately 26,000 sq. ft. of office space from the developer of the Centennial Building for a 10-year period. He further explained that the Engineering, Planning and Code Enforcement Divisions would be housed in the new building to form a permit center. Mr. Hansen read a letter to the Committee that he had received from an employee in the Planning Department who had expressed concern over the construction materials being used in the new building, i .e. , particle board, glues, etc. The employee currently suffers hypersensitivity to certain chemicals found in new buildings as well as in some office furniture and carpeting. Mr. Hansen advised the Committee that he had requested the developer respond to these concerns. Mr. Hansen then read the response from the developer who assured that every precaution was being taken to assure that the new building meets all state safety requirements and codes. There will be no smoking in the common areas and city leased offices of the new building. Mr. Hansen further advised that the City has already made other arrangements for the employee in the Planning Department to remain at the City Hall facility until such time as it can be determined that the employee suffers no hypersensitivity in the new building. MAY - ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS: Finance Department Employee was vacuum cleaning, bent down to edge vacuum and struck her head on wooden shelf cutting a two-inch cut on forehead which began to bleed. The Committee determined that this was a preventable accident. Fire Department While touring the fire station, the employee was in the attic and hit her head on a low hanging sprinkler head. The Committee determined that this was a preventable accident. Employee felt soreness and stiffness in hands and rib, condition existing and developing over a number of weeks, severe pain in right middle finger for several weeks. On 5/3/90 no abrasions. The Committee was unable to make a determination regarding this incident due to lack of information. Police Department Employee had crossed street from south side to north side of street and slipped in muddy area at edge of street near drive way of library parking lot in front of the construction site was on her way to work carrying purse, lunch and umbrella, landed on her knee and twisted her ankle and back. This incident was not considered a bona fide on-the-job injury as the employee had not yet arrived at work. OTHER BUSINESS: - Update on smoking in the workplace: Sedonia Young of the Personnel Department advised the Committee that a new smoking policy was being implemented on July 1. The new policy addresses smoking in the City Hall facility. The new policy would no longer allow smoking anywhere in the City Hail facility. There was some concern voiced by Committee members that this policy does not address other outlining annexed areas of the City, i .e. , Kent Commons, Golf Course, Maintenance Shop, etc. - Back training for City Hall : Sedonia Young of the Personnel Department advised the Committee that tentative dates have been set for back training of City Hall employees. Tentative dates are July 18 in the morning and August 15 in the afternoon. Sue Viseth advised the Committee that back training had already taken place at the City Maintenance facility during the month of June. The training will be conducted by Joe Sams, Loss Control Technician from Scott Wetzel Services. - Dept. of Agriculture inspection: Lee Anderson, Golf Complex Maintenance Superintendent, addressed the Committee regarding a recent inspection of the Golf Complex facility by the Department of Agriculture. Mr. Anderson advised the Committee that during the course of the inspection three minor violations were noted. The written violations were given to Joe Sams of Scott Wetzel Services for further review and recommendation. There was discussion amongst Safety Committee members regarding the disposition of hazardous waste material , i .e. , pesticides, herbicides, etc. Joe Sams will work with Mr. Anderson regarding this issue and make a recommendation to the Committee at a future meeting. Drinking water for City employees: Sedonia Young read a letter from the City Administrator regarding the bottled water issue at City Hall . City Administrator, Ed Chow, informed the Safety Committee that the bottled water issue would be addressed in the 1991 budget process. Other business: Sue Viseth advised the Committee that this was her last meeting as Chair of the Safety Committee until her return from leave in September. Sedonia Young will serve as Chair of the Committee in her absence. Ms. Viseth recommended that all Safety Committee members be contacted by phone the day of the meeting to assure their attendance. The next meeting of the Safety Committee is schedule for Tuesday, July 17, 1990 in the Second Floor Conference of City Hall . 2674W-29W