HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 08/21/1990 R; RECEIVED
AUG 3 11990
PRESENT: Jim White Marty Nizlek
Leona Orr Tony McCarthy
Steve Dowell Ed Chow
Don Wickstrom Carol Morris
Carolyn Lake John Bond
Gary Gill Hugh Cropp
Closure Requests - 45th Place S. and S. 240th Street
Nizlek commented that both these locations are on the West Hill -
the one on 240th is near the drive-in near Highline Community
College and the other is 45th Place S. off Reith Road. At both
locations, dumping, vagrancy, abandoned vehicles are the problems.
Nizlek continued he is proposing to place a Type III barricade at
each location. The barricade would have a padlock which can be
removed for emergency and maintenance situations. Nizlek referred
to a letter from one of the property owners on 45th requesting we
delay placing that barricade for ninety days as they are in the
process of selling the property. Hugh Cropp was present
representing the condominium association in this area. With
reference to the cost of placing the barricades, Wickstrom
indicated the cost of placing the barricades would probably be
recovered by the reduction in cleanup costs. Mr. Cropp added that
a big problem in the area is drug dealing. White asked if the
property owners could be given a key to allow them access and once
that property is developed, the barricade could be removed. Nizlek
commented that a problem with that is someone removing the lock and
replacing it with another which would preclude emergency access.
Orr asked if the 90 day delay would be a problem. Mr. Cropp stated
he thought they could wait. Orr added we could condition it that
if the property is not sold in 90 days, the barricade would be
placed. Carolyn Lake suggested that an access agreement be
prepared so there is some notice provided in writing to the owner
of the necessity of having it available for emergency access. The
Committee unanimously recommended placing the barricade on S. 240th
immediately, placing the barricade on 45th after a 90 day waiting
period and for an access agreement to be developed for same.
Alley Between Titusville Building and Post Office
Nizlek indicated a notice of the change had been hand delivered to
the merchants in the area and mailed to the property owners of
record. No negative comments were received from the merchants.
There was one complaint from a resident in the apartments about the
noise at night from the mail service. There was a request that
signs be installed for loading areas. Nizlek stated he would not
recommend doing that at this time. Carol Morris reviewed that when
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August 21, 1990
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drafting this ordinance, she found that the City had vacated 8 feet
to the Post Office in 1963 . At that time the City had an ownership
interest in the alley itself and was not able to vacate an
easement. Thus, the 1963 ordinance was not effective and the City
should still have ownership of this 8 feet. She suggested the
vacation ordinance be repealed. The Committee unanimously
recommended adoption of the ordinance changing the direction of the
alley to one way southbound and to repeal the 1963 ordinance.
Corridor Funding
Wickstrom indicated the financing plan he prepared for the corridor
project is based on the grants we anticipate receiving. One of the
elements of the plan is a street utility and he is seeking
direction from Council whether or not they are interested in
proceeding with its formation. Wickstrom stated if there is no
interest there would be no reason to pursue the corridor funding.
IBC has proposed an option of implementing the street utility in
conjunction with eliminating the utility tax as a separate item on
the consumers bill and having the utility absorb the tax.
Wickstrom indicated this could result in a utility rate increase.
Another option would be to use CIP funds. White asked what the
ramifications of reworking the CIP would be. McCarthy stated
currently we are spending 60-70% of the CIP on debt service. If
another million were dedicated to road improvements then other
capital projects currently in the five year plan would probably be
deferred quite a few years. Wickstrom stated when he developed his
proposed financing plan he tried to put it together independent of
existing capital improvement program. There are still a lot of
other capital needs other than the corridors. White asked how our
utility rates compared to other cities. Wickstrom stated the water
rates are probably in the upper 90% but we have not had a rate
increase since 1984 . Sewer rates are in the 50-75 percentile. We
have not had a sewer rate increase of City fees since 1980. We
have, however, passed along Metro's increases each year. Gill
stated the other water districts and municipalities are slowly
catching up to our water rates. White expressed concern over how
much more we can tax the citizens. McCarthy stated he had spoken
with the Mayor recently on this issue. His position is not to have
a tax increase but he would not be opposed to a revenue neutral
tax. McCarthy continued that what IBC is proposing is some revenue
neutral solution. Currently an average household might have water,
sewer and drainage charges for a year of about $700 with $24 a year
in utility tax. If the utility funds pay the utility tax instead
of the customer, then that relates to a tax savings of $24 a year
for the citizen. Implementing a street utility could assess each
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household $2 per month or $24 a year thus creating a revenue
neutral tax assuming we did not need to raise the utility rates to
cover the utility funds paying the tax. McCarthy emphasized that
they have not had an opportuity to study the utility rate issue
sufficiently at this point to be able to determine if a rate
increase would be necessary. While large companies such as Boeing
would be paying a pretty hefty street utility fee, McCarthy stated
it is his understanding that Boeing wrote the legislation. They
are concerned that the businesses and the households pay the same.
White stated he felt that discussion of this should take place with
the whole council in a workshop setting and give notice to the
major employers of what we are discussing. White added that this
may be time to consider a change in priorities on the corridor
projects and give the 196th higher priority since there is a window
for applying for State funding. Dowell asked if SCATBD were
approved would the citizens be paying twice. Wickstrom stated they
would be paying for different projects and SCATBD would only be
able to raise money by a voter approved issue. The SCATBD is
probably two years from that point and there is still a legal issue
relating to the ability to tax. Carolyn Lake asked if it would be
beneficial to our TIB funding applications to have a Resolution
stating Council intends to hold a workshop to discuss the utility.
Wickstrom responded that TIB requires us to certify the balance of
the project funds within a year of application. We will not make
application until we at least have a Council resolution of intent
to proceed with formation of the utility. White asked for an
estimate of what the homeowner would be looking at as opposed to
the business community. Wickstrom stated that the same $2 the
street utility can assess can be used for mass transit type
facilities and can preempt the City from its use. If Metro
implements its mass transit program, we will have to credit the
businesses what they pay Metro. Another option available to Metro
is a sales tax. The Committee asked this be brought before a
workshop as quickly as possible. Chow stated they are considering
the workshop for September 4 for this issue.
Other Items
White stated he has been approached by one or two merchants
regarding parking limits on Meeker. He has asked them to put
together a letter for this Committee.
White stated some of the neighbors are concerned about the debris
on the property at the end of Gowe where the "Job Corps" office is.
Carolyn Lake stated that Carol Proud of the Planning Department is
working on that as a code enforcement issue. White asked that she
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contact some of the neighbors to let them know we are working on
the problem.
Another area is south of Willis between Railroad and South Central.
There is an open field behind the restaurant and cars travel back
and forth creating a dust problem. He questioned what Committee
should deal with the issue.
White stated he has noted that the budget requests the last two
years have included an item for bottled water for City Hall. He
was questioning whether there is a problem with the City' s water
supply. Wickstrom stated it is not the water supply but a matter
of internal plumbing of the building. Our water does affect
galvanized pipes and if these pipes are old the water can be
affected. Galvanized pipes are not used in current construction
techniques. Wickstrom added we are addressing the pH in our new
treatment facility for the 212th Street well.
Kensington Avenue Storm
Wickstrom stated we have requested proposals for this small storm
drainage improvement project. Wickstrom explained this project is
to address the flooding problem we had on Kensington near
Farrington Court. The water overtopped the drainage channel and
flooded a residence. Scoccolo Construction submitted the low bid of
$14, 098.94. In order to be able to move along on this Wickstrom
stated he would like to take the award to Council as an added item
to the agenda for tonight's meeting. The Committee unanimously
concurred with the request.
Safeco Classic
Gill informed the Committee we had received a request from the
Safeco Classic Committee to allow them to place signs in the right
of way to direct people to the event. We will be working with them
to determine locations.