HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 07/24/1990 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 24, 1990 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Christi Houser Jon Johnson Paul Mann STAFF PRESENT: Norm Angelo Dennis Byerly Mimi Castillo Becky Fowler Jim Hansen Jim Huntington Charlie Lindsey Tony McCarthy May Miller Kelli O'Donnell Don Olson Bill Williamson Sedonia Young MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC: Lyle Price _The meeting was called to order at 4:40 pm by Chairperson Christi Houser. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS All claims for the period ending July 16, 1990 in the amount of $2 ,932, 539 .39 were approved for payment. LID 330 BOND ISSUE Finance Director McCarthy presented to the Committee the financing schedule for LID 330, 64th Ave. S. street improvements. The total cost of this LID is $4, 869, 549. 16. He informed the Committee the City owns three parcels within this LID, the two at the sewerage lagoon with a total of $815,473 . 63 and the other at the City shops with a total of $12, 733 .41 with the bond issue being a 15 year issue, the net interest cost is expected to be about 7.7 percent. The IBC recommends the lagoon parcel to be financed at this rate and a CIP budget change be made to prepay the shops parcel. This would be cost effective considering the size of the parcel and the cost of bookkeeping for 15 years. The Operations Committee moved the Bond Issue to Council with these recommendations by a vote of 3-0. CITY COUNCIL COMPUTER USE EVALUATION Assistant City Administrator Hansen asked Committee members Paul Mann and Jon Johnson to report on their use of computer/terminal for City business. They both reported that it was a useful tool in communicating with City employees. Committee member Mann noted that he was having a problem finding time to use the terminal when it wouldn't interfere with the use of the telephone. It was suggested that the installation of another telephone line or another alternative be looked at to alleviate this problem. During further discussion it was noted that using this form of written communication cut down on telephone tag, provided better documentation and allowed the Committee members to better utilize their time. It was decided that full implementation of all Council members be looked at in future meetings. LIBRARY SERVICES ALTERNATIVES Assistant City Administrator Hansen reported back on the study authorized in April to look at library services provided by King County. This study was precipitated by a KCLS proposal in 1989 to increase our contract by over $500, 000 with no apparent justification for the increase. The Georgette Group completed the study in late June. Assistant City Administrator Hansen provided the Committee with a summary of the 140 page report with the recommendation that the Council review the report and that Madeline Georgette be invited to a full Council meeting in August to answer questions. In addition, Bill Ptacek, Director of KCLS, would like to make a presentation to the Council at a meeting within the next month or so, possibly the meeting following Ms. Georgette's presentation. After discussion of the impact of the increase and possible alternatives, it was decided that both parties would be invited to address the full Council at separate meetings as a first step. RECLASSIFICATON RECOMMENDATIONS Personnel Director Olson reported to the Operations Committee the findings of Bill Ewing & Associates Reclassification Study. The report indicates that out of 110 positions seeking reclassification 72 should be reclassified. These individuals are presently working out of their classification. The cost to the City of implementing reclassification effective September 1, 1990 through the end of the year would be $44, 682 . The Public Works Department constituted the largest increase this was partially due to the Teamster Union not being evaluated previously with technical fields needing more classifications to meet work criteria. In addition, it was found that the City does offer a comparable benefits package as compared to outside jobs. Personnel Director Olson proposed three alternatives: Implement reclassification effective September 1, 1990, Implement reclassification effective January 1, 1991; Do not implement. After discussion of the impact of these alternatives Personnel Director Olson asked that the Operations Committee present these findings to the Council August 7th with it being in the City' s best interest to implement reclassification September 1, 1990. The Operations Committee recommended this to Council by a vote of 3-0. The compression factor in the non-represented portion of the Police and Fire Departments was raised by the Committee. After discussion with Fire Chief Angelo, the Committee requested that Personnel Director Olson address the compression factor with recommendations to be reported back to the Committee at their August 28th meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.