HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/17/1995 CITY OF IZA LS CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES u�®ne��� January 17, 1995 4 : 00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson Tim Clark Planning Staff Other City Staff Margaret Porter May Miller Fred Satterstrom Jim Harris Other Guests INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN KENT AND FEDERAL WAY - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris reviewed the final draft of the Interlocal Agreement between Kent and Federal Way that was included in the agenda packet . This interlocal agreement will officially establish the Potential Annexation Area (PAA) boundary between the two cities and will fulfill the intent of the City Council and the County-wide Planning Policies . Mr. Harris addressed a few minor changes : 1) On page 3 , No. 6 , the addendum was not currently available so the City' s Law Department changed the wording to be able to create an addendum within one year of the effective date; 2) Page 5, No. 10, relating to indemnification, the City' s Law Department recommended this shorter version and stated this is all that is needed. Jim reported Federal Way' s City Council has approved this agreement . Also, a better map was prepared. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the Interlocal Agreement between Kent and Federal Way and for this item to put on the consent calendar on February 7, 1995 . Motion carried. GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reminded the Committee that a City Council Workshop will be held later this day on the 1 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 17, 1995 Comprehensive Plan. All departments will be attending and participating in the presentation. Mr. Satterstrom reported the Planning Department has received two letters from the State in the first two weeks of 1995 . He briefly reported the first letter was about the three consequences for failure to adopt a comprehensive plan on time, which is April 21, 1995 : 1 . Loss of authority to collect impact fees . 2 . The ineligibility to apply for grant funding under the Public Works Trust Fund. 3 . The ineligibility to apply for grant funding under the Centennial Clean Water Fund. Fred stated that out of 300 jurisdictions that have to plan under GMA, the City of Kent is one of 100 jurisdictions that have submitted their Plan to DCTED (Department of Community, Trade sand Economic Development) . The second letter enclosed a 17-page matrix document that needs to be filled out by the Planning Department as to how the City of Kent plans to implement their Plan. Fred reported that on February 7, 1995 the City Council will be receiving the Comprehensive Plan. He had heard the Council plans on making a motion to refer the Comprehensive Plan to the Council Planning Committee. The Planning Committee can hold a public meeting for additional public comments followed by deliberations and then present a recommendation to the full Council . 1995 PLANNING SERVICES DIVISION WORK PROGRAM - (F. Satterstrom) Mr. Satterstrom presented the work program for current planning and long-range planning for the Planning Services Division. He explained that one full-time equivalent (FTE) employee is equal to 1, 824 hours . There are 3 . 6 FTE' s in current planning and 3 . 2 FTE' s in long-range planning, a total of 6 . 8 FTE' s . The biggest number of hours in current planning is 2, 032 hours for public inf ormat ion/counter coverage, which is covered by one planner each day on a rotating basis . There is also development plan review, subdivision administration, land use permits, environmental review or SEPA, and time set aside for special projects, including the Regional Justice Center. Development plan review consists of plan review of minor development, major development and design review. Subdivision administration consists of lot line adjustments, short plats, and preliminary/final plats . Fred stated a lot of preliminary and final plats have come in from King County because of the number of annexations over the last year that has impacted the workload. 2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 17, 1995 Long-range planning includes a number of items : the Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Plan Implementation, Annexation Planning and Zoning, Special projects, Geographic Information System (GIS) , Downtown Vitalization, and the Transit Area Planning/Commuter Rail Project . In long-range planning, the number of hours put on each item is dependent upon the order of priority. He stated that the annexation planning/zoning projects will not be able to be fully done by existing staff . They will have to involve additional professional services provided through either grant funds, budgeted consulting services, or other funding mechanisms . Mr. Jim Harris, Planning Director, mentioned new projects do affect the current planning work program, which is driven by customers . For example, the RJC is expecting a permit on April 15th, the Kent School District wants a permit on April 15th for a new elementary school, and Dan Ivanoff and Birtcher Frank tells Jim that by the end of 1995 they would have built out their whole project . Jim said there can be some flexibility in long-range planning but not in current planning when customers want their permits . MERIDIAN ANNEXATION RESOLUTION - (J. Harris) Mr. Harris reported this is a resolution to let the citizens in the Meridian Annexation area that it will be a policy to retain predominately single family residential character upon annexation into the City of Kent . Mr. Satterstrom stated that a more specific plan will be brought to the Planning Committee sometime during deliberations of some updated recommendations because no one knew a year ago that this area would be potentially annexed to the City. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the Meridian Annexation Resolution. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS: Chair Orr received a letter dated January 4 , 1995 from Hugh Leiper. The Committee concurred they do not have the available time to deal with this issue right now and Chair Orr stated she would call Mr. Leiper. Also, Chair Orr asked Roger Lubovich if he had received anything from the Kent School District yet on impact fees . He stated he had received a packet last Friday, January 13 , 1995 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 55 p.m. mp:c :pcoll7 .min 3