HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/14/1995 CITY OF )r>\,L_C!2�� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES 97n & February 14 , 1995 6 : 00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Tom Brubaker Judy Woods Tim Clark Planning Staff Other City Staff Margaret Porter Ed White Fred Satterstrom Jim Harris NanSea Potts Other Guests Matthews Jackson Linda Phillips List Available on Request Kevin O'Neill DRAFT KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN #CPA-94-1 (L. Orr) Leona Orr, Chair of the City Council Planning Committee called the public hearing to order at 6 : 02 p.m. Chair Orr introduced the Planning Committee members, Tim Clark and Judy Woods . Chair Orr stated Dr. Woods is participating on the committee in the absence of Jon Johnson. She explained the intended procedures for the hearing, saying each person testifying will be allowed three to five minutes to speak. Also, due to the possibility of inclement weather conditions, Chair Orr said the meeting, testimony and staff response, will be closed by 9 : 00 p.m. In the event anyone does not have the opportunity to speak, the meeting will be continued to March 7, 1995, the next tentatively scheduled meeting of the Planning Committee. Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner, gave a brief staff presentation outlining the history and progress of the Comprehensive Plan since its release on July 18, 1994 . He said four addendums to the original publication have been released to the Council which include : 1) Changes to the Land Use Plan Map, 2) Policy Changes throughout the Plan, 3) Completed Capital Facilities Element and 4) Transportation Element . Two additional items are being presented tonight; Amendments to the Non-Motorized Goals and Policies of the Transportation element and the January 17, 1995 Resolution for consideration of the Meridian Annexation Area. 1 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14 , 1995 Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, explained the additional staff consideration which was required for the six square mile potential Meridian annexation area for the Comprehensive Plan. He indicated on maps technical corrections to the original resolution which are required to bring Kent' s Comprehensive Plan into conformity with existing King County zoning. Mr. Satterstrom said at such time the Meridian Annexation is completed, rezone and plan amendment action will be conducted and proper public notification will be made. Mr. Satterstrom said all testimony will be noted, categorized and responded to by staff at the next meeting. He said general questions could be addressed by staff at the conclusion of testimony. Committee member Woods MOVED that the exhibits be a part of the public record. Committee member Clark SECONDED. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Chair Orr reminded the audience that each individual will be timed, and to state their name, address and the subject element before testifying. She said no action will be taken tonight, as Mr. Johnson, the absent committee member will need to see the video tape before deliberations can begin. PUBLIC TESTIMONY Charlie Kiefer 10926 SE 274 Street, Kent WATER Mr. Kiefer read a letter which raised issues on Kent' s inadequate water supply and a proposed reservoir which was given approval by the Health Department and King County in 1987 . He submitted exhibits which indicate discrepancies in the City' s actions to secure adequate water supply. Mr. Kiefer' s fear is that unless a reservoir is built, the City' s need for water will destroy wetland areas. He recommended the Comprehensive Plan not be adopted until water issues are addressed. Rita Bailie 20607 101 Avenue SE, Kent LAND USE Ms . Bailie read a letter in support of retaining the agricultural designation for the farm area located near 277th and 78th Avenue, and voiced her opposition to the Nelson request for an industrial designation. Bob O'Bryan 20443 101 Avenue SE, Kent LAND USE Mr. O'Bryan voiced his opposition to the Nelson request for an industrial designation, saying it is time to take a firm stand against further reduction of agricultural farmlands. Ron Bennett 900 lllth Place SE, Bellevue LAND USE Mr. Bennett said he was representing a group of individuals who own land in the 222nd block of Russell Road South near the Kent Lagoon. 2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1995 He indicated the 9 acre area on the map, and requested the zoning be changed from MA (Industrial Agriculture) , as indicated on the Land Use Map, to Ml . Bruce Barnes 13235 SE 261 Street, Kent LAND USE Mr. Barnes spoke on behalf of his father, Don Barnes, who has owned property on the West Hill of Kent since 1960 . (2907 S 244 St . ) He said due to a draftsman error during annexation of this area to the City, his father' s property was inadvertently zoned MHP (Mobile Home Park) , rather than General Commercial, King County' s zoning designation. He said a buyer is ready to purchase the land, but cannot complete the transaction due to the zoning conflict . Mr. Barnes asked that this property be rezoned properly to GC during the course of adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Gayle Harmon 20627 95 Avenue South, Kent LAND USE HOUSING Ms. Harmon spoke on two issues. She said she lives in an area commonly known as Chestnut Ridge which was annexed about a year ago. She reminded the Council that many hours of testimony and discussion had taken place to establish the original designation of SF-1, which was primarily due to traffic concerns, sensitive areas, wetlands, and other constraints . Ms. Harmon said in the period of fifteen minutes, and with very little discussion, the decision had been overturned to allow an SF-3 designation. She submitted a transcription from the tape of the meeting of October 10, 1994 . Ms . Harmon also submitted information from John Kastein, who was out of town and could not attend the meeting, which expresses his concerns of locating cluster housing and multifamily dwellings in Single Family neighborhoods . Ron Harmon 20627 95 Avenue South, Kent PROPERTY RIGHTS Mr. Harmon said he felt the property rights issues as submitted by the Planning Commission could place heavy financial burdens on the citizens of Kent . He asked they be stricken from the Comprehensive Plan. Claudia Tidball T & M Berry Farm LAND USE 27329 78th South, Kent Mrs . Tidball read a letter which asked that the Agricultural designation for the property located at 78th Avenue and 277th Street be retained. She said she opposes the request to reclassify the Nelson property to Industrial . Although her land cannot be sold to developers due to farmland preservation, she said the development of nearby farmlands and related drainage problems would destroy her farmable land. 3 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14 , 1995 Ray Frey R. Frey and Associates 1075 Bellevue Way NE #117, Bellevue LAND USE Mr. Frey said he was speaking in behalf of his client, Weight Watchers of Greater Washington State. Their property is located on James street, adjacent to the west side of highway 167. Mr. Frey said he was in favor of the Mixed Use designation as recommended by staff and the Planning Commission. He requested a simplified implementation of the Comprehensive Plan zoning designations to accelerate the development and use of the property without initiating the rezone process. Cheryl White 1512 25 Street SE, Auburn LAND USE Ms . White spoke regarding Item 5 (Nelson) , concerning the purchase of development rights. She said this farmland area is a buffer of open space between the cities of Auburn and Kent . She does not want Industrial zoning approved for this area. Iris Stripling 4610 Somerset Court, Kent HOUSING UTILITIES Ms . Stripling' s concerns related to the ability of the City to staff public safety departments which would ensure an adequate level of service . She felt the effect of continual population increases due to the amount of multifamily residences on the West Hill will negatively impact the City. She said it appears the police department is redistributing their force as the number of patrol vehicles have diminished in her neighborhood, as reflected by the increased amount of crime . She questioned: 1) How the City addresses their staffing and budgeting needs . 2) The time frame required to fill those needs . She also said her property taxes have increased by 360% in thirteen years . Miriam Helgeland League of Women Voters LAND USE 3930 S 277 Place, Auburn Ms . Helgeland spoke on behalf of the League of Women Voters of King County stating her testimony is a similar to testimony given on November 14, 1994 to the King County Council . She read a letter outlining the League' s continued involvement in Growth Management and King County' s Comprehensive Plan. She said the Act states Comprehensive Plans must be coordinated with, and consistent with plans of other counties or cities with common borders or related issues . Since the County has designated the 78th Avenue area to be Agricultural, she said it should remain as an urban separator between Kent and Auburn. The League opposes the potential change in zoning of the Nelson property from Agricultural to Industrial . Marilyn Caretti 4604 Somerset Court, Kent LAND USE Ms . Caretti read and distributed copies of a letter along with a signed petition from the citizens of West Hill . She acknowledged the areas on West Hill which were designated back to Commercial, 4 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14 , 1995 but objected to the areas which remained Mixed Use . Ms . Caretti said the term Mixed Use would allow more multifamily housing, and wants either Single Family or Commercial designations for the areas designated as Mixed Use. Outlining negative impacts to the community resulting from multifamily housing, she said 265 signatures were obtained from 274 people contacted, who are opposed to additional apartments or multifamily housing on West Hill . R. Jerry Rosso 4351 13th Ave South, Seattle LAND USE Mr. Rosso referenced Item H, property located North of West Meeker Street on Frager Rd. He said this 60 acre parcel was purchased by his father for use as a growing nursery and as a long term investment for retirement . Due to the decline in the soil conditions, 24 of the 60 acres are not capable of growing plant material . Therefore, he requests this property be designated Commercial rather than Agricultural . He also supports the redesignation from Agricultural to CM-1 of his neighbor, Mr. Matelich. Bob Tidball 18921 8 Avenue SW, Seattle LAND USE Mr. Tidball said he owns and operates the T & M Berry Farm on 78th Avenue South, adjacent to the Nelson property. (Item I on the Land Use Map) Mr. Tidball spoke on the bond issue and the purchase of development rights, saying it was a well planned venture with studies and workshops to protect the rights of property owners . He listed other sources for historic and farmland preservation. Mr. Tidball said he felt development of the Nelson property would lead to the development of the entire area, which would destroy his farm. Mr. Tidball showed photos of the high water table on the Nelson property, the Green River, the Mill Creek floodwater. He explained negative impacts this flooding has already produced on the Kent valley, and the impact a landfill would cause his berry farm to become a swamp. He asked the Council to reject the Nelson request for an Industrial designation, and wants it to remain Agricultural . Tim Matelich 23820 Pacific Hwy South, Kent LAND USE Mr. Matelich read a letter for the record, which was sent to the Council and Planning staff requesting a change from Agricultural to Commercial designation. As the land has been filled, it is no longer farmable and the A-1 designation prevents him from building a storage facility yard, to be secured entirely by a chain link fence. He requests a CM-1 (Commercial Manufacturing) zoning designation. 5 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1995 Melinda McBride 1716 SW Austin St, Seattle LAND USE President, Puget Sound Farm Trust Ms . McBride read a letter listing several reasons why the Puget Sound Farm Trust opposes the potential redesignation of the 78th Avenue South and 277th Street farmland areas from Agricultural to Industrial . These reasons included the value of farmlands to the community, and the negative impacts an industrial designation would create. She said the prior investment in farmlands preservation would be harmed should the Nelson property be allowed an industrial designation and future urban sprawl . Gareth Roe RW Thorpe & Assoc LAND USE 705 2nd Avenue #910, Seattle Mr. Roe spoke on behalf of the property owners collectively identified as the Tulloch/Scarcella Comprehensive Plan amendment . He said the subject property is over 21 acres, comprised of 8 parcels, located at the intersection of SE 240th and 116th Avenue SE. Due to the surrounding residential areas and existing City utilities, he has requested a Commercial designation to allow a small commercial development . He listed the prior exhibits mailed to support his request . Jack Nelson 601 West Gowe, Kent LAND USE Mr. Nelson reminded the Council of prior letters of request submitted to the Planning Committee asking for an Industrial zoning for his property, which was inherited and is jointly owned by his brother and sister. He said the land has a potential zoning of ML from the County. Mr. Nelson said they are not developers or speculators, and they wish to recoup the taxes paid and receive the industrial value for the property. Mr. Nelson refuted prior testimony pertaining to potential drainage problems and said it was not a part of the one hundred year flood plain, nor was it a wetland or sensitive area. He urged the Planning Committee also follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission to designate his property as Industrial . Chair Orr urged Mr. Nelson to submit additional comments in writing. Fred Nelson 26307 98 Avenue South, Kent LAND USE As an owner of the Nelson property, he reiterated the comments of his brother and said the property should be used for a better and higher use. He said rental income from the land over the past five years has been roughly $6, 000, while the real estate taxes have cost the family nearly $35, 000 . As landowners, Mr. Nelson said they should have rights in choosing a better and higher use . He said the Nelson family is willing to work with Mr. Tidball on drainage issues . 6 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1995 Patty Paterson 15331 SE Green Valley Rd, LAND USE Upper Green Valley Preservation Society, Auburn Ms. Paterson spoke as a representative of the Upper Green Valley Preservation Society. She offered to help the Nelson' s find a buyer for their farmland or coordinating government funds to adequately compensate them and retain this land as agricultural . She told the Nelson' s that they should be happy they have paid taxes at an agricultural rate, rather than commercial based taxes. She offered her assistance to help preserve the agricultural production district . Judy Taylor 15429 SE Green Valley Rd, LAND USE President, Upper Green Valley Preservation Society Ms . Taylor explained the role of the Society, and their desire to retain all agricultural farmlands in unincorporated King County, as well as in the upper Green River Valley. She recalled the radical changes in Kent during the 1960' s which destroyed a large amount of Kent' s agricultural lands. Pete Curran PO Box 140, Kent LAND USE Mr. Curran said he was representing Dr. Ranniger and Mr. Davidson, Items E and D, respectively on the revised land use map. The Ranniger site, a small medical clinic and nursery located at 240th Street and 116th Avenue, was recommended by the Planning Commission as a Neighborhood Services designation. He referred to other local nurseries which have been located within residential zones . Mr. Curran said the Davidson site, located at Jeffrey Road and the off-ramp of northbound I-5 and Kent-Des Moines Road, was recommended as Commercial by the Planning Commission. He said he agreed with the Commission' s recommendation. Walter Hazen Hazen Gallery LAND USE 315 West Meeker, Kent Mr. Hazen gave a presentation of the history of the Kent valley which depicted a continual decline in agricultural lands. His visual comparisons indicated agricultural lands in 1960 to be 15, 000 acres, 1970 was 12, 000 acres, and by 1980, only 6, 000 acres remained. Today' s map indicates only 3, 000 acres remaining as agricultural farmlands. Mr. Hazen also showed a history of Kent' s zoning maps, which also indicates the decrease of farmlands . He stressed the importance of preserving agricultural land, and that we must draw the line, now. Ethel Schiavon 2809 110th Avenue SE LAND USE Bellevue Ms. Schiavon said she has watched all of the little valleys in the area, like Issaquah, succumb to "the highest and best use" theory, and feels this has caused pressure to the farmlands . She wants the 7 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1995 sprawl to stop, and does not want the Nelson property to be zoned industrial . Tom Bigford 10042 SE 224th Street, Kent LAND USE Mr. Bigford read a letter explaining he purchased two 3/4 acre parcels located adjacent to the Nelson property, the northwest corner of 277th and 78th Avenue South. He wants these parcels zoned industrial . He said he and his broker met with the number one and number two men in charge of zoning in Factoria, who assured them if they paid $2, 800, the zoning for this property would be zoned ML. Mr. Bigford read an excerpt from the 1991 Growth Management Act, as amended in 1993, which he said states in part that agricultural land located within urban growth areas shall not be designated by a County or a City as forest, and/or agricultural land of long term commercial significance under this act unless the City or the County has enacted a program authorizing transfer or purchase of my developmental rights . Mr. Bigford said this has not happened. Bruce Harpham 2625 S 359 St, Federal Way LAND USE As a representative of Rainier Audubon, Mr. Harpham asked the City to respond to Mr. Kiefer' s water issues, and that farmland areas be protected from development for the long term quality of life . He said the agricultural lands need to remain for the sake of future generations and to preserve wildlife habitat . He said the value of Growth Management is diminished when the City can turn over decisions previously made by the County. Don Rust 12719 SE 256th, Kent LAND USE Mr. Rust said he owns a couple of parcels with homes on 256th, and lives in one of the houses . He made suggestions for consideration if and when the City annexes his area. He asked for liberalization in zoning of the property on 256th, as the county has planned for widening and making improvements to it . He asked if the City had funds, should this area be annexed, to also make the improvements which would potentially allow services to an area presently zoned R-6 by the county. Jerry Marcy 104 Pine St #411, Seattle LAND USE Mr. Marcy spoke concerning the 277th and 78th Avenue South area properties specifically listing owners, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Bigford, The Robbins Corporation, and the Johnson Family. He defended the Nelson' s land ownership and said the Nelson property would be subject to 100t on-site service water retention regulations of the County. Therefore, the Tidball concerns should not be an issue. Mr. Marcy read a section of the GMA act, and stated since the City does not have a development rights purchase or transfer program, he would initiate an action to the Growth Hearings Board, to properly enforce the Growth Management Act . He proceeded to show a drawing 8 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14 , 1995 which indicated a proposed future retractable dome Mariner' s baseball/convention center. He indicated areas of properties which have not been farmed for many years, and said the highest and best use for these lands is ML. Marguerite Sutherland 5425 96 Avenue SE LAND USE Mercer Island As President of a twenty year old organization named PLAN (Preserve Land for Agriculture Now) , Ms. Sutherland refuted Mr. Marcy' s comments concerning an action by the Growth Hearings Board, saying there is no issue to the legality of the County' s development rights purchase/transfer program, as the Nelson area is within King County. She read a letter stating PLAN' s concern for the potential loss of agricultural land, and supported the continued farming of the Kent valley. She name successful farming operations in other areas . Ms . Sutherland wants the Council to reject the requests for Industrial designation for the agricultural lands near South 277th Street and 78th Avenue. Ted Knapp 612 Bellevue Way NE #201 LAND USE Bellevue Mr. Knapp spoke in favor of the Nelson request for an Industrial designation. He said he had many years experience with unprofitable agricultural lands, and the issue is more related to open space, rather than agricultural production. He urged that other non-productive areas in the valley be considered for an Industrial designation. Joan Ruhland 802 45 Street NE, Auburn LAND USE Ms. Ruhland said she recognizes Mr. Nelson and his neighbors' property rights, and that development rights should be bought . In agreement with the reasons already stated, she wants the Nelson property to remain agricultural . Bob Bauer 19805 Orilla Rd S, Kent LAND USE Mr. Bauer indicated an area on the Land Use Map from South 216th to 190th which is designated as agricultural . He showed a large area of King County adjacent to the city' s area which is open space, agricultural, wetlands. He questioned Planning' s decision to designate certain areas single family, and other areas as agricultural . He also asked the Planning Committee why Area F (Kent Higlands) zoning was being proposed for increase from SF-3 to SF-6 , as he feels it should also be designated as agricultural . Joel Ross 1662 Dahlia Lane SW, Tumwater LAND USE Mr. Ross gave a presentation to support his request to develop a 29 acre parcel located in the Chestnut Ridge annexation area. (Item G) He gave changes to information stated at prior testimony concerning the number of developable acres from 10 to 13 , and modified his 9 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 1995 request to create 60 lots in two villages. He said this would equate to an SF-2 or R1-20 . Mr. Ross exhibited a drawing of a similar project to the one he is proposing in Tumwater. He submitted a video tape of this project to the Committee. John Torrance 807 Lake Street S #101, LAND USE Kirkland Mr. Torrance entered into the record the conditional use allowance by King County for 26 acres he owns, located south of the Green River, along Central Avenue, west of the Burlington Northern tracks, North of 277th and the Monk farm. Although the property was zoned potential business park when it was purchased in 1961, he said he would work with the City in anything he does with his land. Chair Orr asked when the staff responses might be issued. Mr. Satterstrom said there were 36 verbal testimonies, in addition to all of the letters received. He said 20 of the testimonies were related to agricultural issues and 90 percent of all responses dealt with mapping issues . He said many of the remaining issues brought up tonight have already been discussed by the Planning Commission, and a record has been established. Only a few new properties were submitted. Mr. Satterstrom suggested staff be allowed two weeks to submit a report inventorying all of the sites, along with a summary of the history and staff recommendation approximately a week before the March 7th meeting. Policy issues will also be included. He requested additional written testimony by the public be accepted for one more week, through February 21, 1995 . , This would allow one more week to complete the report . Chair Orr and the Planning Committee members agreed to Mr. Satterstrom' s recommendation. Parties of record from the sign up sheet will be sent copies of the report . It was MOVED by Planning Committee member Clark, SECONDED by Planning Committee member Woods to enter into the record, all of the materials received this evening. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Chair Orr announced tentatively, the next Planning Committee meeting will be March 7, 1995 . She said she needed to consult Planning Committee member Johnson. Planning Committee member Woods asked that an inventory of letters received by the Council members be listed and entered into the public record, because they might not be able to attend a meeting. Chair Orr said this may be done at the next Planning Committee meeting or when the Committee brings forward their recommendation to the City Council . Chair Orr closed the public hearing and adjourned the meeting at 8 :58 p.m. 10