HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/21/1995 CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES February 21, 1995 4 : 00 PM �l®IICC°iP6� Committee Members Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson Tim Clark Planning Staff Other City Staff Lin Ball Mayor Jim White Betsy Czark Jim Harris Margaret Porter Other Guests James Cobb REGIONAL MECHANISM FOR ADDRESSING SOUTH KING COUNTY HOUSING ISSUES - (B. Czark) Planner Betsy Czark made a presentation to inform the Planning Committee of the efforts of a group of South County community members, called the South King County Housing Forum. The Forum has been trying to address South King County housing needs over the last year and a half . The Forum consists of church and civic groups, staff from local jurisdictions, social service agencies, nonprofit developers, rental property owners and other interested in South King County Housing issues . In many ways it is a grass roots organization that arose over concern for South King County Housing needs . She said initially its goal was to investigate South County housing needs and to educate the community and elected officials about those needs . It has evolved into attempting to build an alliance among South County communities to help create affordable and appropriate housing opportunities for everyone . While the Forum addresses housing issues for all income groups, its focus is on housing affordability for low- and moderate-income households . (For Kent, this is about 4096 of our households) . The reason for this focus is that the lower a household' s income the less likely that, unaided, the private market will meet its housing need. 1 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1995 To help fulfill its goal of education, the Forum published A Fact Book: Housing Affordability in South King County which explores the housing needs and resources in South King County. This booklet was handed out at the meeting. In its research the Forum found that there are many misconceptions regarding housing in South King County. For instance, while the "myth" is that South King County has no housing affordability problem, research shows that the affordability gap here is similar to other parts of the County. Although housing costs may be a little lower, incomes are also lower. For example, the average rent in South County, as well as Kent, is unaffordable to those making less than 50 percent of median income or $22 , 700 for a three person household. The affordability of home ownership is even worse. To purchase an average priced house in South County a household must earn at least $50, 400 . The Fact Book was presented at the Community Housing Conference on October 1 . The City of Kent was one of the many sponsors of that important event . The Conference gave momentum and direction to the groups efforts to address South King County Housing issues . At the conference a number of workshops, presentations and opportunities for dialogue were provided. A significant result of the conference was an unanimous motion by the conference participates to initiate a conversation with South King County cities to work toward an ARCH-type organization for housing education, networking, and action. The ARCH motion mentioned stands for, A Regional Coalition for Housing. It is a two-and-a-half year old Eastside organization dedicated to increasing the supply of affordable housing on the Eastside . The Eastside ARCH model consists entirely of Cities : Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Issaquah, Mercer Island, Woodinville, and King County are ARCH members . Betsy reported that out of an investigation of housing needs, resources, and issues exploring the possibility of an ARCH-type entity is what came out of the conference . ARCH was formed because it was seen as a more cost-effective and efficient use of Eastside resources to address housing needs and issues . While South County has different housing issues than the Eastside, it still has pressing housing needs and the same GMA-mandates to meet the housing needs of its low- and moderate-income households . She mentioned again the lower a household' s income the less likely that, unaided, the private market will meet its housing need. 2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1995 She stated having a regional mechanism such as an ARCH could help meet those needs more efficiently and in a more fair share manner. For instance, ARCH helps both for-profit and non-profit developers by providing a one-stop-information center and funding resource, as well as by helping cities by pooling resources to help develop common programs, regulations, and ordinances . Betsy said this item is for information only so the Committee knows what the Forum is exploring and how to create a regional mechanism as a way to effectively help meet Kent' s and South County' s housing needs . At the March 21st meeting, she hopes to return with some more information and to begin a conversation regarding this idea and perhaps bring a speaker from ARCH. Per the Growth Management Act and the areas that may be potentially annexed, Councilmember Tim Clark asked what is the impact of increasing the City' s area in terms of meeting the goal of affordable housing. Betsy responded by saying that in the Comprehensive Plan the higher densities will not be coming out of the annexation areas . They will be in the urban centers and mixed use centers or the inner area of the City. This is a broad area of ten-square miles west of 104th Avenue S .E. CONFIRMATION OF MARCH 7, 1995 MEETING - (L. Orr) The Committee pretty much confirmed that the Planning Committee will be held on March 7, 1995 at 4 : 00 - 6 : 00 p.m. to deliberate on the Comprehensive Plan. Tim Clark is going to let Jim Harris know after tonight' s Council meeting whether or not this time will be okay. Tim Clark did confirm with Jim at the Council meeting that night that March 7th is an okay date and time for deliberate on the Comprehensive Plan. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 30 p.m. mp:c :pco221 .min 3