HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/21/1995 CITY OF r� j�2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES March 21, 1995 3 : 00 PM pFJ®II(C°�� Committee Members Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Tim Clark Planning Staff Other City Staff Jim Harris Margaret Porter Betsy Czark Other Ouests Sally Gilpin Lin Ball Judy Woods Dave Daniels 1996 LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) STRATEGIES AND FUNDING LEVELS - (S. Gilpin) Planner Sally Gilpin explained the 1996 Local Program Strategies and Funding Levels as indicated in the agenda packet . This year Policies are being called Strategies . They are for a four-year period of time (1996-99) , instead of for one year. Each year the City qualifies to receive Community Development Block Grant funds from the County to fund both capital and public services projects. The estimated amount is $372 , 089, which is $112, 661 less than the City received for its 1995 program. She said the City of Kent qualifies to receive "pass-through" funds for its 1996 CDBG program. Staff requested that the following actions be approved: 1 . Approval to accept 1996 Pass-Through funds . 2 . Allocate the maximum available to the City of Kent for Public (Human) Services ($56, 884) . 3 . Allocate the City' s fair share maximum of 1996 Pass-Through funds to Planning and Administration ($52 , 313) . 4 . Approval of the proposed 1996-1999 Local CDBG Strategies . S . Forward this recommendation to the full City Council for consideration at its April 4 , 1995 meeting. Councilmember Clark MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned five (5) actions . Motion carried. This vote was by only two Council members because Jon Johnson was late to the meeting. SEVERE WEATHER SHELTER PROGRAM UPDATE - (S. Gilpin) Planner Sally Gilpin reported that the Planning Committee in 1992 directed the Office of Housing and Human Services staff to explore CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 21, 1994 PAGE 2 viable options for sheltering homeless single men on cold weather nights in an efficient, cost effective manner. This directive was instigated by the lack of funds in Catholic Community Services (CCS) Severe Weather Shelter Program over the past few years to shelter the homeless in hotels/motels throughout the cold weather months . By December of 1993 for example, CCS' s funds had run dry. At that time the City responded by allocating an additional $1, 532 in order to provide hotel/motel vouchers to the homeless through the end of the year. The weather was extremely cold at the time and the City took appropriate emergency measures to prevent the possibility of having homeless persons dying on the streets . Sally said inn response to this directive, Human Services staff contacted local congregations and human service agencies in an effort to gain community support, understanding, and involvement with the City' s homeless problem. The Office of Housing and Human Services provided interested churches with the information and technical assistance they needed to start a "pocket shelter" modeled after successful programs in other areas of the county. As a result, two churches have implemented pocket shelters in their buildings . The shelters provide sleeping accommodations and meals to homeless single men, as well as companionship and the one on one contact they need in order to turn their lives around. The shelters are run solely by volunteers, church staff and donations . Grace Fellowship Church has been operating since January of 1994, and is open four nights a week. Seventh Day Adventist Church has been operating since Fall of 1993 and is open one day a week. These pocket shelters have lessened the cost for the CCS Severe Weather Shelter Program. She said 1994 proved to be the first year that CCS did not run short of funds and actually saved money and that $6, 028 of unexpended money was left in CCS' s 1994 Severe Weather Shelter Program. She reported the statistics below showing a comparison between CCS' s Severe Weather Shelter program in 1993 and 1994 and that CCS was able to serve more homeless Kent clients with less money: Catholic Community Services Severe Weather Shelter Program Unduplicated Kent Cost per Clients Served Bednights Bedniaht 1993 232 832 $22 . 50 1994 411 1, 237 $12 . 30 Total dollar amount CCS program spent in 1993 = $18, 532 Total budgeted to CCS program in 1993 = $17, 000 + $1, 532 (emergency allocation) Total dollar amount CCS program spent in 1994 = $17, 971 Total budgeted to CCS program in 1994 = $24, 000 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 21, 1994 PAGE 3 The question came up by Chair Orr as to how committed the churches are. Sally mentioned the biggest problem is finding two volunteers to spend the night to provide supervision. This is difficult with the volunteers commitment to their own families and jobs . Sally stated the City needs to keep our options open to other viable options since there is only two shelters operating right now and knowing that the homeless population is not going to go away. Manager Lin Ball also stated the future viability of the shelters is uncertain due to burnout . REGIONAL MECHANISM FOR ADDRESSING SOUTH KING COUNTY HOUSING ISSUES - (D. Daniels and B. Czark) Manager Lin Ball reported that the Forum has invited the City to participate with other South King County cities in exploring a regional mechanism for addressing housing issues and needs . The new chairperson of the Forum, Dave Daniels, reported that a year and a half ago the Forum came together with a group of human services providers and other interested parties to look at what was happening in South County and how to support a regional-wide program. This program is not intended to take anything away from those jurisdictions but a way to support South County. The resounding vote at the October 1, 1994 Housing Conference was that a major region-wide program is needed. He reported 40% of the population in Kent is low and moderate income individuals . Community wide, Mr. Daniels stated 250 of the people in Kent are spending 30% of their income on housing. Dave said the purpose of the Forum is to find out if the communities and cities want to be involved with the development of this program. He mentioned a follow-up Summit is being planned in August of the communities leadership as well as planning individuals to summarize the needs and expectations of communities . He said there is a regional funding operation going on where the County is looking at funding availabilities for housing that is in the region and how they might develop that funding, bring it to the table, and then distribute the that funding back into the community or into the County itself . Staff requested that the following actions be approved: 1 . The Planning Committee recommends that the City of Kent participate with other South King County cities in exploring a regional mechanism to address South County Housing needs and issues . 2 . Forward this item to the City Council on April 4th for consideration by the full Council . Councilmember Clark MOVED and Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two (2) actions . Motion carried. (All three council members were present . ) CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 21, 1994 PAGE 4 NORTHWEST POTENTIAL ANNEXATION BOUNDARY BETWEEN TUKWILA AND KENT - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris presented a map on a suggested change to Kent' s potential annexation area boundary as it affects the northwest area of the City. He said the City of SeaTac is proposing to annex an area lying adjacent to Kent' s existing City boundary along South 204th Street and referenced the attached map in the agenda packet . This annexation is called the City of SeaTac - Coluccio Annexation. Kent and Tukwila are protesting this annexation and will testify at a Boundary Review Board hearing, scheduled for April 19 , 1995, to consider protests filed with the Board by Kent and Tukwila. This proposed annexation is located in Kent' s, Tukwila' s and SeaTac' s Potential Annexation area. Kent' s Potential Annexation area extends northerly from South 204th Street to approximately South 190th Street (extended) and westerly to the existing SeaTac City boundary. In the memo in the agenda packet, Mr. Harris stated that property owners north of South 204th are oriented to either SeaTac or Tukwila and desire to develop business parks or other industrial type uses and Kent' s City Council is on record not to extend sewer service into the Potential Annexation area, staff recommends that Kent pull its Potential Annexation Boundary southerly to South 204th Street in a line extending westerly from the Green River to Orillia Road. This new line will almost totally coincide with Kent' s current City boundary. He said this action will not jeopardize the proposed 192/196 Street Corridor project, which will be located along the South 200th Street right-of-way, since Tukwila, which is the most likely city to ultimately annex the area north of South 204th Street, is a strong advocate of the corridor project . Councilmember Clark MOVED and Johnson SECONDED a motion to pull Kent' s Potential Annexation Boundary southerly to South 204th Street in a line extending westerly from the Green River to Orillia Road. Motion carried. STATUS ON SCHOOL IMPACT FEEDS - (R. Lubovich) Since King County has an impact fee ordinance in place, and the Meridian annexation would result in loss of funding to the Kent School District since the City of Kent currently has no such impact fee ordinance, City Attorney Roger Lubovich brought a resolution to the Committee for their review. The resolution gives the Council the opportunity to decide on whether they want the Law Department to proceed in the preparation of a school impact fee ordinance and to present it for the Council' s consideration. Roger said this ordinance is extremely complicated and requires a lot of time to prepare so it would be helpful to know the Council' s direction. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 21, 1994 PAGE 5 Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the resolution and to forward the recommendation to the full Council on April 4 , 1995 . (Consent Calendar) Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS MORATORIUM RELATING TO LAND USE AND ZONING OF ADULT ENTERTAINMENT - EXTENSION FOR SIX MONTHS OR UNTIL ZONING IS IN PLACE - (R. Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich reported to the Committee that the Council passed an emergency ordinance (Ordinance No. 3185) on September 20, 1994 imposing a moratorium on the issuance of permits and on the acceptance of applications for permits for adult entertainment businesses . Roger stated this ordinance is expiring and he requesting the Committee approve setting a hearing date at the next Council meeting and present an ordinance very similar to the original ordinance . Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Clark SECONDED a motion to set a hearing date at the next Council meeting and to present a revised ordinance to the Council relating to imposing a moratorium on the issuance of permits and on the acceptance of applications for permits for adult entertainment businesses . Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3 :50 p.m. PC0321 .MIN