HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/04/1995 MARGIE PORTER PLANNING CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES 97=10, April 4, 1995 4 : 00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Tim Clark Other City Staff Planning Staff Gary Gill Ed White James P. Harris Fred Satterstrom Guests Margaret Porter Chris Holden List Available on Request Matthews Jackson Linda Phillips Kevin O'Neill Leona Orr, Chair of the City Council Planning Committee, called the meeting to order at 4 : 05 p.m. , and introduced Planning Committee members Jon Johnson and Tim Clark. Chair Orr said another item has been added to today' s agenda. Jim Harris, Planning Director, displayed a map of the City and surrounding potential annexation areas (PAA) , indicating shaded areas which are to be removed from Kent' s PAA. Mr. Harris explained the PAA and the Meridian annexation area should be coterminous . He indicated another area in the Meridian annexation area southeast of SR 18 which was previously designated as Rural by King County, and therefore not eligible for annexation to the City of Kent and this should be removed from the PAA boundary. He indicated the general boundary of the area as the north side of South 282nd at the east side of the Green River; easterly to 132nd Avenue SE; southerly to South 288th Street and easterly to Highway 18, then northeasterly along Highway 18 to 152nd Avenue S .E. Mr. Harris said Auburn has agreed to the PAA boundary revision. Committee member Johnson MOVED to accept Planning Staff' s recommendation to delete the areas noted on the map from Kent' s Potential Planning Area. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. DRAFT RENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN #CPA-94-1 (L. ORR) Chair Orr introduced a packet of information and said each item will be discussed, with staff responding to each new item contained in the report . She said another meeting will be scheduled should the Committee fail to deliberate on each item today. However, she 1 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 said, if deliberations are concluded, the Planning Committee plans to make their recommendation to the full City Council, who may make further recommendations since a vote of four of seven is required to approve the recommendation. Chair Orr said the decisions made by the Planning Committee may not please everyone, but issues may be reviewed on a yearly basis in the form of plan amendments . Committee member Johnson said as a prior Planning Commissioner, and now, a City Council member, with experience in two Comprehensive Plans, he wished to commend the public for an excellent job in testifying and submitting exhibits to clarify their individual positions . He said this effort made the Planning Committee' s job easier. Committee member Johnson MOVED that all lands located in unincorporated King County of the Comprehensive Plan, except in the Meridian Annexation Area, retain their current county Comprehensive Plan designation. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Committee member Johnson said he offered the motion because King County recently held hearings on their Comprehensive Plan designations and zoning. He said the areas not within the City' s jurisdiction should follow current King County designations and zoning. He said since the Meridian annexation is underway, it would be redundant to make changes now, and then go through the process again at the time of the annexation. Committee member Clark said he was concerned about finding stability between prior King County zoning and new Comp Plan designations. Chair Orr added that complete and accurate County maps of the Potential Annexation Areas are not available, so adoption of inaccurate Comp Plan designations could be inconsistent with County designations . She said if, or when any areas of the county are annexed into the City, each of these areas would be individually reviewed, using the City' s policies and objectives, possibly changing some of King County' s designations . She said she felt Committee member Johnson' s motion is appropriate and is in the best interest of the City and County to adopt their plan. She said staff will try to acquire King County' s final map of Comprehensive Plan designations before the April 18, 1995 City Council meeting. Council member Clark requested the specific areas in question be identified on the map. Chair Orr said Map Site A (78th Avenue Properties) and Map Site J (240th Street and 116th Avenue) would be affected by this motion, but applies as well to any other area in unincorporated King County, not included in the Meridian annexation area. Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, asked Committee member Johnson to clarify for the record, if his motion would include the technical corrections entered into the record for the Meridian annexation area which were originally presented by staff on 2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 said, if deliberations are concluded, the Planning Committee plans to make their recommendation to the full City Council, who may make further recommendations since a vote of four of seven is required to approve the recommendation. Chair Orr said the decisions made by the Planning Committee may not please everyone, but issues may be reviewed on a yearly basis in the form of plan amendments . Committee member Johnson said as a prior Planning Commissioner, and now, a City Council member, with experience in two Comprehensive Plans, he wished to commend the public for an excellent job in testifying and submitting exhibits to clarify their individual positions . He said this effort made the Planning Committee' s job easier. Committee member Johnson MOVED that all lands located in unincorporated King County of the Comprehensive Plan, except in the Meridian Annexation Area, retain their current county Comprehensive Plan designation. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Committee member Johnson said he offered the motion because King County recently held hearings on their Comprehensive Plan designations and zoning. He said the areas not within the City' s jurisdiction should follow current King County designations and zoning. He said since the Meridian annexation is underway, it would be redundant to make changes now, and then go through the process again at the time of the annexation. Committee member Clark said he was concerned about finding stability between prior King County zoning and new Comp Plan designations . Chair Orr added that complete and accurate County maps of the Potential Annexation Areas are not available, so adoption of inaccurate Comp Plan designations could be inconsistent with County designations . She said if, or when any areas of the county are annexed into the City, each of these areas would be individually reviewed, using the City' s policies and objectives, possibly changing some of King County' s designations . She said she felt Committee member Johnson' s motion is appropriate and is in the best interest of the City and County to adopt their plan. She said staff will try to acquire King County' s final map of Comprehensive Plan designations before the April 18, 1995 City Council meeting. Council member Clark requested the specific areas in question be identified on the map. Chair Orr said Map Site A (78th Avenue Properties) and May Site J (240th Street and 116th Avenue) would be affected by this motion, but applies as well to any other area in unincorporated King County, not included in the Meridian annexation area. Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, asked Committee member Johnson to clarify for the record, if his motion would include the technical corrections entered into the record for the Meridian annexation area which were originally presented by staff on 2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 Committee member Johnson MOVED to designate the area known as the Kent Highlands as SF-3 . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. May Site D - Russell Road Adjacent to the City' s Green River Natural Resources Enhancement Area Project Committee member Johnson MOVED that Map Site D be designated Industrial . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. May Site E - Barnes Property at 2907 South 244th Street, Request for Commercial Designation. Committee member Johnson MOVED Map Site E be designated as Commercial . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Committee member Johnson said the area was better suited for a Commercial, rather than a Mixed Use Limited Multifamily or a Mobil Home Park designation. Chair Orr explained the history concerning prior zoning determinations, and reasons supporting the Barnes' request for a Commercial designation. The motion CARRIED unanimously. May Site F - 29 Acres between South 208th and 212th, East of 92 Avenue South. Committee member Johnson MOVED to designate Map Site F as SF-1 . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Committee member Clark said he was offended by the contact made by outside developers inferring that due consideration was not given to allowing a higher density for this area. Chair Orr said several letters were received which will become part of the public record. She said she supports Committee member Johnson' s motion, citing several environmental constraints in support of the SF-1 designation, and the fact that this area was zoned during the annexation process approximately one year ago. Committee member Johnson added that steep slopes, poor drainage and access to the area for emergency purposes support the SF-1 recommendation. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Map Site G - Mixed Use Designation on West Hill Committee member Johnson MOVED to change the designation to Commercial for Map Site G. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. 4 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4 , 1995 Discussion: Committee member Johnson said Commercial was a more appropriate designation for this area, and Committee member Clark stated the residents of this area were very interested and vocal against a Mixed Use designation. Chair Orr added that the Mixed Use designation was based on the light rail vote passing, and since it did not, Commercial was a more appropriate designation. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Map Site H - Corner of SE 240th Street and 116th Avenue SE - Request for Commercial Designation Committee member Johnson MOVED to retain an SF-6 designation for Map Site H. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Committee member Johnson said since recent single family development on the north side of SE 240th, he supports the need for additional single family housing on East Hill . He also stated a number of vacant commercial sites within a five minute drive from the area, and if the requested area were to become commercial, additional widening would be required on 116th Avenue, adding to the traffic congestion in the area. Committee member Clark said traffic has been a major concern of the citizens of Kent, and a commercial development already exists just one block west of the SE 240th Street and 116th Avenue intersection, with several vacancies. Chair Orr concurred with the commends and said commercial development at this site did not make sense. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Map Site I - Property along SE 256th Street - Request for Commercial Committee member Johnson MOVED to keep the current King County designation for Map Site I, since this area is located within the Meridian Annexation Area. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Chair Orr said changes could be made to this area through the annexation zoning process . The motion CARRIED unanimously. NEW ISSUES SINCE MARCH 7, 1995 MEETING May Site J - Property located in the northeast corner of the intersection of SE 240th/116th Ave SE Chair Orr said this area is in the County and will retain the existing King County Comprehensive Plan designation. 5 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4 , 1995 May Site K - Orillia School Site at South 182nd and 72nd Avenue South Linda Phillips, Planner, stated the request for allowing broader retail uses, specifically drive-up windows in the M1-C zoning areas . Ms . Phillips gave information on the basis for the "C" suffix, stating the 1986 Valley Industrial Study was not included in the Comprehensive Plan Industrial Goals and Policies . Staff' s recommendation would be to include the following policy in the Comprehensive Plan: Policy LU-16 .4 - To expand retail opportunities to provide necessary personal and business services for the general industrial area, implement the recommendations of the West Valley Industrial Study regarding potential areas for expanded retail opportunities for properties within the Mi Industrial Park district. Chair Orr asked Mr. Durkan if this policy would address his question. Martin Durkan, Jr. , of 330 SW 43rd, Renton said he represents the Boeing Masabe Trust, a Boeing Family Investment Group, which purchased nine tax lots located at the old Green River Corporate Park. He said he requests the same consideration, and stated that drive-up windows relieve traffic congestion. Mr. Harris said the intent of staff is to give the broadest scope of alternatives to the policy, rather than stating each retail opportunity specifically. Committee member Johnson MOVED to retain the existing Industrial designation for Map Site K, and add the Land Use policy 16 . 4 as recommended by staff . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Man Site L - North side of James Street, from 1st to 5th Avenue Matthews Jackson, Planner said the property owners have requested by petition, a City Center or Commercial designation, stating these properties are difficult to rent for residential uses because of noise generated from James Street . Also stated was the potential of loss in value when the Regional Justice Center (RJC) is completed in 1997 . Mr. Jackson said after review of the history of this area, and downtown studies, staff' s recommendation remains SF-8 . He said further review of the impact upon completion of the RJC could be made to see if a change is warranted. Committee member Johnson MOVED to retain Map Site L as SF-8 . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. 6 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 Discussion: Committee member Johnson concurred with Mr. Jackson' s comments, saying a change in zoning now would be premature since the RJC is not built, and perhaps property values could increase. He said this area should remain as a residential neighborhood. Committee member Clark concurred and Chair Orr added that it is not the right time to expand the downtown commercial core area. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Map Site M - Residential Land located near SR 167 Mr. Satterstrom said this situation is similar to the noise complaint of previous map site. The area is 15 acres along the Valley Freeway at 222nd Street and the exhibits claim that the property in unmarketable as residential property due to the traffic noise. Mr. Satterstrom said the owners are requesting either a Commercial or Commercial Manufacturing designation, to remain consistent with properties to the south. Mr. Satterstrom said as this issue was received by staff on the last day open for testimony, and that other residents of the neighborhood would be impacted by a change from Single Family to Commercial . He suggested this issue be handled through a plan amendment process, which could be done upon completion of the overall Comprehensive Plan. Committee member Johnson MOVED to retain Map Site M as SF-6 . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Darcy Davis, of 22204 88th Avenue South, said she cannot sell her home due the freeway noise, and the Department of Transportation has concurred that the home is uninhabitable . She asked the Committee why a farm for sale located nearby can advertise as commercial property and she cannot . Chair Orr clarified staff' s position to Ms. Davis, stating briefly the major impact of this late request, and that the matter can be addressed after full consideration and due public process once the Comprehensive Plan is adopted. Chair Orr asked Ms. Davis to contact staff for the proper procedure in pursuing her request . Joan Longstrom, of 22202 88th Avenue South, said the reason this issue arrived late was due to the recent arrival of a real estate appraisal which stated the home was virtually unsalable as a residence due to noise. She explained that due to the addition of two more lanes and a turn lane, they cannot enjoy television or sitting outside. She said the State has declined any responsibility, and the only way to sell the home is to acquire a change to commercial zoning. Chair Orr explained that it is not appropriate now to make the change without fully evaluating the issue and due public process . Mr. Satterstrom explained that State guidelines on processing 7 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 comprehensive plan amendments require they are handled cumulatively on a yearly basis, and in answering Commissioner Johnson' s question, stated a rezone process through the Hearing Examiner would probably be denied as the requested Commercial or Commercial Manufacturing designation is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Longstrom said neighboring property (Tonelli) is already zoned commercial, and the remaining five houses are all requesting the same consideration, therefore there is no one left to complain about the commercial designation. When Committee member Johnson asked staff if the Tonelli property was changed to commercial by a rezone, Mr. Satterstrom answered that it had be rezoned a long time ago, and that the area in question is the dividing line between the low-lying Tonelli CM property and the topographical area of single family housing. Committee member Johnson said although he sympathizes with the situation, he is retaining his original motion for an SF-6 designation for Map Site M. Committee member agreed, and said further changes to this area needs to be discussed. The motion CARRIED unanimously. May Site N - East side 100th Avenue SE, north of 240th Kevin O'Neill indicated the subject area on the map and gave the zoning and development history, which included a down zoning from MRM (Medium Density Multifamily) to R1-5 . 0 in 1990 . He said as there are no single family houses in this area, staff' s recommendation is to designate the area LDMF (Low Density Multifamily) , to remain consistent with existing multifamily uses . Bill Dinsdale, of 13700 SE 266th said the intent of his request was to ask that his units become conforming with a zoning of MRM designation so if the structures were destroyed, they could be rebuilt as they are today. He suggested a possible suffix could be added to prohibit construction of additional units. In response to Chair Orr' s question regarding rebuilding the apartments as they are today, Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney said that their insurance carrier determines over fifty percent of the building was destroyed, they could not rebuild the units at the MRM density. Mr. O'Neill suggested to assist Mr. Dinsdale' s issue, that during the zoning code implementation, simply eliminate a date which residential development would not be non-conforming by its density. Committee member Johnson MOVED to change Map Site N to Low Density Multifamily. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. 8 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 Map Site 0 - Property located at the SW corner of 240th Street and 120th Avenue Ms . Phillips said this area is located in King County, but located in Kent' s annexation area. She said the request was made for MRD, and that staff' s recommendation of SF1-8 be retained, consistent with current King County zoning. Committee member Johnson MOVED that Map Site O be designated SF1-8 . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Mr. Morford clarified his request for Multifamily Duplex stating the surrounding properties and noise factors which support his request for a transitional buffer of duplexes. Committee member Johnson said he felt a buffer was not particularly needed between multifamily and residential, and stated possible improvements to 240th. He said he felt SF1-8 was appropriate and Committee member Clark agreed. Chair Orr stated a resolution was recently adopted which ensured the residents of the Meridian area that the City was not annexing their area in attempt to rezone their property for future multifamily uses . The motion CARRIED unanimously. Man Site P - West side of 116th Avenue SE, north of S 259th Street Mr. Jackson indicated the two lots on the map, stating the owners request from SF-8 to Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) , or 23 units per acre . He said the reason for the request was to create a buffer between existing multifamily property. Mr. Jackson said staff' s recommendation is to retain the SF-8 designation. Tom Sharp, of 11126 SE 256th Street, said he only requested the Committee consider MDMF for a small section approximately a quarter of an acre, not the entire two lots . Mr. Satterstrom read from the letter dated March 21, 1995 from Mr. Sharp which describes the two parcel numbers, and total square footage . He said staff made their recommendation from this exhibit . Committee member Johnson asked if it was proper at this time during comprehensive plan deliberations to make changes to site specific parcels particularly when designations are made which split property. Mr. Sharp indicated the area again on the map, stating a surveyed fence line exists at the end of Sequoia Village, and extension of that line north would section off the quarter of an acre area he wishes to have redesignated. 9 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 Mr. Harris said this was not the time to deal with site specific issues, and the issue at hand is the Comprehensive Plan. Chair Orr agreed, and said perhaps a rezone or plan amendment would be a more appropriate procedure to resolve this issue. Committee member Johnson concurred. Committee member Johnson MOVED that Map Site P retain SF-8 . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Chair Orr said Committee member Johnson and Kevin O'Neill worked to formulate appropriate language to create an additional goal pertaining to property rights. The goal states : The City shall protect the rights of private property owners from arbitrary and discriminatory actions, while continuing to make land use and zoning decisions which regulate the use of land to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Kent. Committee member Johnson MOVED to add goal number four as stated in the staff report, to the Property Rights section of the Framework Goals and Policies, of the Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Committee member Johnson said the purpose of the language was to address land use decisions made for the purpose of public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Kent . The motion CARRIED unanimously. Chair Orr said she received a petition from an East Hill neighborhood requesting to retain an SF-3 (12 , 000 square foot lot) designation. She asked Mr. Satterstrom to indicate the area on a map. Mr. Satterstrom described the boundaries of the subject area as just off the Benson highway. He said the lots are located north of South 244th Street, extending south of 248th Street along 116th Avenue to 256th Street, west adjacent to the apartment complex, north to 248th Street and west to abut the commercial lots facing Benson Highway (104th) . Chair Orr stated that development is occurring at the intersection west of 116th Avenue and south of 248th Street, and asked for a motion to retain this area as SF-3 . Committee member Clark MOVED that this area retain an SF-3 designation. Committee member Johnson SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Chair Orr asked the Committee members if they recommended any changes be made to Addendum A, which reflects the Planning Commission' s recommendations . 10 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 Committee member Johnson MOVED that Map Site C (Request for Low Density Multifamily) be changed to SF-6 . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Discussion: Mr. O'Neill indicated the area on the map, stating its location as 248th and 108th Avenue SE. Committee member Johnson said it seemed appropriate that this area remain single family. Chair Orr said she agreed with the recommendation as this area has enough multifamily as reflected by the high turnover rate at the nearby school . The motion CARRIED unanimously. Committee member Johnson requested a zoning clarification by King County for the Ranniger property, Area E. Mr. Satterstrom said it was zoned Multifamily, but was not sure of the exact density. Committee member Johnson also inquired if the Planning Commission changed any King County designations while completing annexation zoning for the East Hill/Ramstead annexation area. Mr. Satterstrom said there was just one modification, the Totem Pole Grocery on Kent Kangley Road, which was designated Neighborhood Services (Commercial) from a residential designation. Committee member Johnson MOVED to accept the Planning Commission' s recommendation for the East Hill/Ramstead annexation area. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Committee member Johnson questioned staff' s SF-6 recommendation for the Zube property, (Map Site J from Addendum A) was indeed built as Multifamily. Mr. Satterstrom said it was . Chair Orr asked Ed White to discuss proposed revisions by the Chamber of Commerce, the Bicycle Advisory Board and the Transit Advisory Board relating to the Non-Motorized Goals and Policies. Mr. White explained that a group met to revise the Transportation Element Goals and Policies. Chair Orr said discussions on this issue will be continued to the City Council meeting on April 18, 1995 . Chair Orr said she had two more items she wished to raise . She said under the Parks and Recreation element, she wished to add a new policy, number 17 . 3 , which would add more flowers to Kent' s parks . Chair Orr' s preliminary language for the new policy is: "Where possible in landscaping parks, encourage the use of low maintenance flowering plants, working towards a landscape that is colorful year around. " Committee member Clark MOVED policy be added to the Parks and Recreation element, and said this was also a part of the Community Goals . Committee member Johnson SECONDED the motion. Chair Orr it CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 said she would not be offended if this element was not the correct area of the plan to include this policy, but wanted it part of the record. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Chair Orr asked the Committee to consider removal of land use policy number 10 .1, on page number 4-19, regarding the allowance of PUD' s (Planned Unit Developments) in all residential districts. She said she cannot support PUD' s in single family areas until such time it is necessary to achieve Kent' s housing goals. Committee member Johnson concurred and MOVED this policy not include single family areas. Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion. Mr. Satterstrom explained staff' s intent was to allow density bonuses and design flexibility to developers in single family zones. Chair Orr said she supports clustering for single family, detached structures of 6 units per acre, but feared the bonuses could be much higher, impacting traffic, schools and other neighborhood services. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Committee member Johnson MOVED to accept the Planning Commission' s recommendation as amended today, with the exception of the Non- Motorized Transportation Policy, which will be addressed at the April 18, 1995 City Council meeting when the plan is forwarded to the full council . Committee member Clark SECONDED the motion and added that recommendation is to approve the plan. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Chair Orr thanked everyone for their participation, and particularly the staff for their reports and support in reaching today' s decision. Mr. Harris thanked the Planning Committee for their comments, and in behalf of the staff, thanked them for their good work and the sensitive way they handled the public . Chair Orr adjourned the meeting at 6 : 12 p.m. , and thanked the Planning Committee members . 12