HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/20/1995 CITY OF �ABIT
June 20, 1995 5 : 00 PM
Committee Members Present Other City Staff
Leona Orr, Chair May Miller, Finance
Judy Woods Don Wickstrom, Public Works
Tim Clark
Planning Staff Other Guests
Jim Harris Barbara Ivanov - Kent Chamber
Fred Satterstrom of Commerce
NanSea Potts Josephine Tamayo Murray -
Linda Phillips Housing Finance Task Force
Betsy Czark Carla Okigwe - Housing
Lin Ball Finance Task Force
Kevin O'Neill Maureen Kostyack - , Housing
Finance Task Force
City Attorney' s Office Linda Johnson - Kent Downtown
Roger Lubovich Ralph Fitzthum
Laurie Evezich Jeff McLean
Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner, referenced the draft ordinance
distributed at the last Planning Committee meeting on May 16, 1995 .
He recalled the section entitled Hearing Procedures - Notice
Requirement (12 . 02 . 060) , which relates specifically to the
comprehensive plan land use plan map. Reiterating his memorandum
dated June 20, 1995 to the Planning Committee, Mr. O'Neill further
defined the intent of the term "affected area" , stating that it
does not necessarily mean a specific parcel, but could also
represent a larger area of several parcels . He said this makes the
amendment request different from a request for rezone . Mr. O'Neill
said the affected parcels may be identified by the applicant, as
well as any additional parcels contiguous to the applicant' s
property which the Planning Director determines should be included
for the potential amendment .
Councilmember Clark asked Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney,
if this process is in coordination with the Growth Management Act
(GMA) at both the state and county level . Ms . Evezich said the
Comprehensive Plan Amendments are required by the GMA, and that the
planning policies of the county were a guideline to Kent' s existing
comprehensive plan. Ms . Evezich said the county planning policies
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are already incorporated into the City' s comprehensive plan and
that the City has satisfied GMA criteria. She said proposed
amendments need to be reviewed by the Planning Department at one
time to determine the annual comprehensive plan revisions .
Jim Harris, Planning Director, said beginning in April of 1996, a
new law goes into effect (17 .24) , requiring the Planning Department
to maintain an on-going list of issues and problems raised by
developers or individuals concerning the comprehensive plan or
zoning code . He said informal requests, as well as formal
applications are to be documented and considered at the time of the
yearly processing of the proposed amendments . Mr. Harris said over
time, he thought the GMA would be modified by the Legislature to
ensure public comment is considered pertaining to revising the
comprehensive plan and zoning code .
Councilmember Clark MOVED to adopt the amendment procedures to the
Kent Comprehensive Plan. Councilmember Woods SECONDED the motion.
Discussion: The statement "and to recommend it to the full
council, and add it to the consent calendar" was added to the
motion. The motion carried.
Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, said this issue was carried
over from the previous meeting. He explained the background of
this regulatory review request, which originated as a result of an
Order of Abatement by the Hearing Examiner for a code violation for
operating an auto repair with body and engine work shop out of his
home, which is not permitted in an M1 zone. Nor is this use
allowed under the City' s Home Occupation Business License
regulations . Mr. Satterstrom outlined the procedures required for
initiating a zoning code change, which includes : submittal of the
regulatory review request form by the applicant to the staff;
staff presentation to the Planning Committee; deliberations by the
Planning Committee; with a favorable vote, it is forwarded to the
Planning Commission for further deliberation; and eventual adoption
of the issue into the zoning code.
Mr. Satterstrom said staff is not supportive of this request, due
to the applicant' s incompatible use in the manufacturing zone . He
stated several comprehensive plan land use policies which Mr.
Fitzthum' s request is in conflict . Satterstrom named other
commercial zones of CC, GC, GWC, and CM-2 where auto repair is an
allowable use.
Barbara Ivanov, Director of Kent' s Chamber of Commerce, spoke
supporting the value of preserving the manufacturing zone on the
valley floor and it' s importance not only to Kent, but to South
King County. She listed several negative impacts uses such as auto
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repair would create if located in the M1 zoning district, as well
as the value of the M1 zone as an unrenewable resource . She
explained that allowing this unpermitted use would open the door
for other non-complying uses locating to the zone, which would
depredate the zone. However, she affirmed that support services to
manufacturing uses is compatible in the district .
Mr. Harris said Detroit Diesel is a prime example of a support
service company which is successfully integrated in the M1 zone,
opposed to Mr. Fitzthum' s personal residence which is located in
the zone, but operating a prohibited use . Mr. Harris said
allowance of this operation would erode the intent of the district,
as well as setting a precedence for further non-complying uses .
Chair Orr questioned if this issue would require a comprehensive
plan review process instead of a regulatory review, based on the
rules of the newly adopted Kent Comprehensive Plan and the Growth
Management Act .
Mr. Fitzthum asked if the Home Occupation category of the Business
License regulations could be revised to allow his use in the M1
zone, admitting he would be unable to comply with several
specifications of the Home Occupation Agreement .
Mr. Harris said the intent of the Home Occupation is for home
businesses located in residential neighborhoods and apartments, not
for businesses located in left-over homes located in manufacturing
zoning districts .
Discussions followed. Councilmember Woods said she did not want
the M1 zoning requirements to change, and that it is important to
keep the integrity of that area. Mr. Harris clarified that there
were a few isolated houses remaining in the district, and three
houses to the South were recently destroyed for future approved
development . Mr. Satterstrom added that the Hearing Examiner gave
an August 1st time frame to resolve the code violation, and perhaps
the Hearing Examiner would allow Mr. Fitzthum an extension to
locate to another location. Mr. Satterstrom said the Hearing
Examiner has put the Council in an awkward position. Chair Orr
also agreed that the zone should be preserved, and a negative
precedence would be set if this use was allowed for an extended
period of time . She suggested this item be returned to the Hearing
Examiner for a extension in time to resolve the matter.
Betsy Czark, Planner, introduced guests from the Growth Management
Planning Council Housing Finance Task Force, which was formed in
the fall of 1994 . Two of the guest speakers are members of the
Housing Finance Task Force : Josephine Tamayo Murray, Executive
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Director of Catholic Community Services; and Carla Okigwe,
Executive Director of the Seattle-King County Housing Development
Consortium. The third guest speaker, Maureen Kostyack, is staff to
the task force. Ms . Czark said the GMA required a task force be
created to develop a new county-wide funding source or sources for
affordable housing, and the guests are here today to discuss the
task force' s preliminary funding recommendation and to receive
input for an ultimate recommendation amenable to all King County
Ms . Okigwe began the briefing by stating her position on the task
force, and the mission of the task force . It is : 1) To develop a
new county-wide funding force for housing production and services .
They plan to establish this funding within 3 years. 2) To work on
participation by local governments, including appropriate public
and private financing, such that each jurisdiction contributes on
a fair share basis . 3) Objectives for housing and related
services, including measurable levels of housing production and
costs to provide necessary related service .
Ms . Okigwe said there is a substantial amount of need throughout
the County. There are about 130, 000 households in need with about
half of those households paying over half of their income for
housing. She said their goal is have the jurisdictions work
together to help meet these needs .
Josephine Tamayo Murray added that the task force is comprised of
not only government officials, but also bankers and other business
interests from the Chamber, which creates a multi-partisan approach
to assessing financing for housing needs. She said the financing
plan contains three principles for funding housing programs . They
are : 1) housing programs that are focused to address the highest
priority in the locality. 2) A comprehensive approach using a
multiple of sources . 3) A structure for distributing funds, which
uses local community input .
Ms . Murray said the first step to fund affordable housing in 1996-
1997 is to establish a shared commitment from local jurisdictions .
There are three parts to the task force' s recommendation: 1)
Local jurisdictions contributing $1 . 00 to $2 . 00 per person into a
fund; 2) creation of a dedicated revenue source through the
Legislature, such as allocation of a portion of document recording
fees and sales tax revenues; 3) voter approval for a regional levy
in 1997-98 . She said the next step is to finalize this
recommendation in July, create an action plan and steps for each
element of the recommendation, and present the plan to the Growth
Management Planning Council on September 20, 1995 .
Maureen Kostyack emphasized the need, importance and
accomplishments of the housing programs, saying now public
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education is necessary to start small, prioritize expenditures by
using existing revenues, so as to ultimately approach the
Legislature with local progress in addressing housing, and to
request additional help.
The task force members asked the Planning Committee members for
their comments . Councilmember Clark expressed his concern
regarding the lack of understanding by the voting public of South
King County' s problems, and that they have no real sense of
community. Ms . Okigwe said according to results of a recent
county-wide survey, public approval concerning housing issues
appear to be improving.
Discussions followed concerning possible approaches to realizing
their goal considering the recent defeat of other issues, such as
the RTA. Mr. Harris raised the possibility of formation of a
coalition with another group requesting regional funds . Ms . Okigwe
asked if Kent would be interested in being included in an initial
group of cities to agree to commit to the first phase of $1-$2 per
capita. Councilmember Woods felt a request for funding at the
Housing Finance Task Force presentation at the Roundtable
discussion last week would have been good. Only a request for
cities and the Roundtable to pass a resolution in support of the
concept was discussed.
Councilmember Clark said he felt citizen groups in Kent should
approach the City Council as a community, rather than the City
asking for support of the citizens . Carla stated that such a
citizen-driven campaign is in the works . Mr. Harris asked if a
resolution was in order to be adopted by the Council endorsing the
preliminary finance recommendation concept and do what it can,
within budget constraints, to participate without necessarily
committing 1996 dollars . He said although it is not money, it was
a start .
Councilmember Woods MOVED to endorse the preliminary finance
recommendations of the King County Housing Finance Task Force.
Councilmember Clark SECONDED the motion. The motion CARRIED.
Members of the task force discussed a slide presentation they
wished the Councilmembers and citizens to view. Mr. Harris
commented that the report submitted by the task force was very
informational .
Roger Lubovich, City Attorney, read a section from a statute from
the RCW dealing with concurrency as related to the adopted Kent
Comprehensive Plan. He said according to the GMA, concurrency
requirements are applicable to Transportation Element . He said in
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Kent' s comp plan, concurrency was also adopted for water, storm
water, and sewer. He discussed the draft concurrency ordinance,
which basically states that the City requires transportation
concurrency, or mitigate the impact to obtain concurrency, as well
as for water, storm water and sewer. Mr. Lubovich said although
this issue began in Planning, it is now more of a Public Works
agenda, and should be considered by the Public Works Committee .
Mr. Lubovich said the elements of the concurrency ordinance the
Council will need to consider is the type of exemptions that will
be allowed, as outlined on page 14 of the draft .
Chair Orr asked how senior housing exemptions will be affected by
the ordinance . She said she didn' t expect an answer now, and would
wait until the Public Works Committee met . Mr. Lubovich said
regardless of the exemptions stated, there would always be an
impact . He said policy issues would need to discussed in a Public
Works workshop as there would be no development without
concurrency, and without a strategy for financing, mitigation would
be necessary, which could have a major bearing on impact fees for
Chair Orr suggested Mr. Lubovich take the draft concurrency
ordinance directly to a City Council workshop. Councilmember Woods
instructed him to call for a workshop date.
Ms . Evezich said she has contacted the City of Kent School
District, who have expressed that if Kent does adopt school impact
fee ordinance, that it resemble closely the King County impact fee
structure. She said after review of King County' s impact fees,
there are some problems, but the extent of the problems have yet to
be determined. Ms. Evezich said Mr. High would be available for a
meeting after July 19, along with their legal counsel . She said
she hopes to have a draft ordinance ready after the meeting.
Councilmember Clark said he wished he could also attend the
meeting, but he will be on vacation. He requested to obtain copies
of the minutes from the meeting.
Chair Orr said she is interested in forming a committee to review
Kent' s Downtown Plan, due to some recent controversies over uses
and the activity with the Regional Justice Center. She said she
has been working with Roger; however, she has not worked out all
the details . Chair Orr said if the Planning Committee agrees, she
will make a formal presentation to the City Council .
The Planning Committee agreed to Chair Orr' s request .