HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/18/1995 CITY OF MIT � CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES July 18, 1995 4 : 00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Tim Clark Planning Staff Other Guests Jim Harris Dini Duclos - South King Fred Satterstrom County Multi-Service Center NanSea Potts Dave Daniels - South King Margaret Porter County Multi-Service Center Lin Ball Linda Johnson - Kent Downtown Partnership SOUTH KING COUNTY HOUSING FORUM - L. BALL Lin Ball, Human Services Manager, introduced guest speakers Dini Duclos and Dave Daniels, of the South King County Housing Forum. She said the forum was given support last April by the City Council to explore a mechanism to address affordable housing for south King County. Ms . Ball said the purpose of today' s visit is to present information on an upcoming workshop to be held in August . Dave Daniels, Chair of the South King County Housing Forum, distributed an informational flyer detailing the conference scheduled for Wednesday, August 23 , 1995, at Federal Way' s Visitation Center, from 5 : 00 to 8 : 00 p.m. He said the workshop is intended to unite the efforts of the south King County cities to achieve affordable housing by creating a regional planning network. Mr. Daniels said the purpose of today' s visit is to ask the City of Kent to join the other south King County cities participating in the program. Discussions continued regarding the projected demand for low to moderate income housing, assessment of current affordable housing stock, and possible funding incentives to promote well-managed, safe, affordable housing. Dini Duclos, Executive Director of the South King County Multi- Service Center stressed the importance of Kent, Federal Way, Auburn sharing their housing issues, to work together for viable solutions and form the leadership to achieve affordable housing throughout south King County. Laurie Evezich answered Chair Orr' s question regarding the legal ramifications of requiring landlords to set aside a portion of CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 18 , 1995 PAGE 2 newly remodeled housing units for low income housing. She said besides for the acceptance of Section 8 certificates, she didn' t think the City could enact such a policy. Discussions followed pertaining to affordable housing development, possible incentives through State programs to encourage future affordable development . Ms . Ball said the questions and comments of today are typical of the input that would be beneficial at the workshop. Chair Orr asked the guests what they would like to see the City of Kent do to support the conference. Mr. Daniels said they would like to see a resolution supporting the conference as well as participation by elected officials . Chair Orr said she would alert the Council of the workshop tonight, but present the resolution at the August 1st full meeting of the City Council . Council member Clark MOVED to draft a resolution supporting the South King County cities in a Housing Workshop on August 23 , 1995 at Federal Way' s Visitation Center from 5 : 00 to 8 : 00 p.m. Council member Johnson SECONDED the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion CARRIED. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN KENT AND AUBURN - J. HARRIS Jim Harris, Planning Director, said this agreement is similar to other interlocal agreements, which sets the joint Potential Annexation Area (PAA) boundaries of adjacent cities . He outlined the joint proposed PAA boundary changes as submitted by the City of Auburn, and said the last agreement was in 1969 between the Cities of Kent and Auburn which defined the PAA boundary at 272nd street . He referred to a map contained in the agreement which detailed the exact boundary. He said also included within the agreement is the process necessary and responsibilities of the Cities if changes are to be made to the PAA boundary. Mr. Harris said the Law Department has not yet fully reviewed the document, although Ms . Evezich discovered one minor omission, and that possible changes would need to be made. Council member Johnson MOVED to recommend approval of the Interlocal Agreement between Kent and Auburn, with a caveat by the Law Department . Council member Clark SECONDED the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion CARRIED. ADDED AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Lubovich gave an update on the requested environmental review for the Saturday Market location. He said ground water testing is scheduled because of the industrial uses east of the market location the City intends to purchase . Linda Johnson of the Kent CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 18, 1995 PAGE 3 Downtown Partnership added that test results of surrounding sites have passed the inspection when last tested 3 years ago, and that she can supply the City copies of the results . She added that Sir Speedy and Jack in the Box had tests performed about a year ago, and no contamination was indicated. The last page of a faxed summary was distributed. Mr. Lubovich said no action from the Planning Committee was required, and that this matter will be discussed at the City Council meeting tonight . Council member Clark asked Mr. Lubovich if there is a resolution on Referendum 48, which he responded was in the packet . When asked if the issue should be discussed now, Mr. Harris interjected that it was not necessary as the emergency ordinance will be discussed at the City Council Workshop tonight . Fred Satterstrom gave an update on Growth Management . He said an appeal has been initiated by Thomas Bigford (in behalf of Jerry Marcy) on the Kent Comprehensive Plan, and gave background information concerning the appeal . He said a pre-hearing conference is scheduled for August 2, 1995 at the Growth Hearings Board. Discussions continued regarding the reason for the appeal and the City' s plan to address the appeal, including taking the issue to the Superior Court . Ms. Evezich reported on the progress concerning school impact fees. She said her contact, Mr. Fred High of the Kent School District has been on vacation, but they plan to meet shortly after his return on July 19 . She said an ordinance is being drafted, but wants to consider the results of Initiative 164 before taking the ordinance to Committee . Mr. Satterstrom added that the Planning Commission has made some recommendations that will be coming to the City Council on Accessory Housing, Development Standards for Single Family. He said a hearing is scheduled for next Monday, July 24, on East Hill Zoning Amendments, to bring the zoning into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and to expect these issues in the fall . He discussed a few of the general zoning changes, and when asked by Chair Orr what time frame was required by the Council for this issue to be heard, Mr. Satterstrom said this was required to be reviewed by the State first, which could take up to sixty days . The Planning Committee adjourned at 5 : 00 p.m.