HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/05/1995 CITYCOF )IrAJ 2j CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES Jim White, Mayor September 5, 1995 4:00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorneys Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Tim Clark Planning Staff Fred Satterstrom Kevin ONeill Lin Ball Betsy Czark Margaret Porter Carolyn Sundvall Cyndi Wells NEW HUMAN SERVICES PLANNER- (LIN BALL) Lin Ball, Human Services Manager, introduced our new Human Services Planner, Carolyn Sundvall. She replaces Sally Gilpin,who moved to Hawaii. 1996 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK ANT ( DBGI - (BETSY CZARK) Planner Betsy Czark informed the Committee the total proposed 1996 CDBG program is estimated at $365,361. This is a 24 percent ($116,458) reduction from our 1995 CDBG funding level of$481,819. There is $170,000 more in block grant requests than we have money available. The majority of the funds will be for our Home Repair program. The summer painting program will not be funded by block grant; we have requested that General Fund pay for that program. There are two portions to this program. As reviewed and recommended by staff, the capital Planning and Administration funding portion is $317,438. As recommended by the Human Services Commission, the public (human) services funding portion is $47,923. Human Services Manager Lin Ball indicated that General Fund may not pay for the summer painting program. If this Program is not funded through the general fund, it will be deferred for a year in hopes that it may be funded in 1997. Planner Betsy Czark discussed the contingency plan for the block grant funding. 1 220 4th AVE SO /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#8593334 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 5, 1995 Lin Ball talked about the request for two staffing changes in the Home Repair program. The minor home repair specialist position would go from part-time to full-time, the Home Repair Coordinator would be upgraded to the level of similar positions in the city. There was some discussion regarding CDBG funding. There were some reductions in funding for some of the human services programs because of reduced funding and a new program has been added for the 1996 funding year, the Kent School District Futures Club. One Committee member voiced concern that some programs would rely on our funds to operate and would we be liable if funding became unavailable? Roger Lubovich and Laurie Evezich said we are covered in our contracts with the agencies. Betsy Czark discussed the contingency plan and a change or clarification in that plan. In the case that there would be additional funds available, the first increase would go to the Highline kitchen renovation, an additional $5,000 would go to the Parks Department only instead of the Parks Department and MHCP. Any funds after those two allocations would be split between Parks and MHCP to their full funding. Any additional beyond that would be allocated to the Home Repair Program. If, after Highline Community College receives its full request,there is not an additional $5,000 available for the Parks Department Tot Lot, then the Parks Project would get nothing, and MHCP would get the additional dollars. A decrease in funds would be divided between the Children's Home Society and MHCP. The minimum funding provided by the Federal Government is $5,000 for a program and since the Parks Department is not funded in the original proposal the contingency plan must fund them a minimum of$5,000, or not at all. There was discussion about Planning and Administration funds. Lin Ball requested additional funds for Administration in a budget meeting with Brent McFall so that we may continue to keep our current staff because at the Federal level the funds may be cut. There was further discussion about programs and the number of Kent residents they serve and Administration and Planning funding. Jon Johnson asked, if the General Fund allocates funding for Planning and Administration, could the funds freed up from CDBG help cover other programs. Staff replied that they could. Councilmember Clark MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED the motion to approve the proposed 1996 CDBG program including the contingency plan(as amended) and forward for adoption to the full City Council and schedule a public hearing on September 19, 1995 to consider adoption of the proposed 1996 CDBG program. Motion carried. 2 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 5, 1995 ENERGY ASSISTANCE LETTER OF SUPPORT -(L. OM A sample letter was presented that could be used to send to our elected officials requesting continued funding of this program. There was some discussion regarding deadlines in getting the letter to the officials. It was asked if it was required to go to the full City Council to request signature from the Mayor. Our City Attorney, Roger Lubovich, said it was not necessary. There was some concern because the House Appropriations Committee has recommended to cut the program totally. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Clark SECONDED a motion to bring this to the full City Council September 5, 1995 meeting to request a letter of support preferably with the Mayor's signature. Motion carried. The letter will be drawn up by tonight by the Law Department to be presented at tonight's full Council meeting as an urgent item. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR MERIDIAN ANNEXATION AREA& DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY TO PROCESS -(Kevin O'Neill) Planner Kevin O'Neill presented an explanation of this item at the meeting. He said under the direction of the Mayor, the Meridian Annexation area Zoning will be completed at the time the Annexation goes into effect,which is planned for January 1, 1996. The Planning Commission and City Council will be conducting public hearings on the pre-annexation zoning this fall. The Council ordinance is related to procedures on how to amend the Comprehensive Plan. The amendment process will occur once each calendar year. The Growth Management Act allows a provision that in emergency situations amendments can be processed more than once per calendar year. The Growth Management Act requires that all zoning decisions be consistent with the comprehensive plan. The zoning proposed for the Meridian annexation area will be for the most part similar to the Land Use Plan Map as indicated in the Comprehensive Plan. There could be certain changes with regard to land use designations. Kevin said that the staff anticipates the need to prepare proposed amendments to the Land Use Plan Map for review along with the zoning for the Meridian Annexation area. The best way to do this is by resolution declaring an emergency to allow staff to process a Comprehensive Plan amendment separate from other Comprehensive Plan amendments. Staff requests that this recommendation be forwarded to the full City Council. There was some discussion about having one of the two public hearings in the Meridian area. Chair Orr suggested that per the second "special" meeting be the one held in the Meridian area. 3 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 5, 1995 Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom took a moment to go over the proposed timelines with the Planning Committee: Planning Commission September 25th and 26th October 2nd\Recommendation City Council October 17th November 21 st After looking at the timelines, Chair Orr said that it would not be feasible to hold a meeting in the annexation area as non-annexation subjects would also be discussed. She suggested that we hold a "special" meeting the week after the last meeting in November for this item(November 28, 1995). Fred Satterstrom added that the City will be holding two open houses in the Meridian annexation area on November 8th and 9th. City Attorney Roger Lubovich stated that public hearings must be held within the city limits. Planner Kevin O'Neill stated that a decision regarding this timeline must be made by October 3rd, which is when the City Council would set the dates for the two hearings. Mr. O'Neill then asked that the Planning Committee make a recommendation to the City Council that an emergency be declared by resolution to pursue a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the Meridian annexation area. Councilmember Clark MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve a declaration of emergency by resolution to pursue a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the Meridian annexation area in conjunction with the initial annexation zoning. MOTION CARRIED. ADDED ITEMS SCHOOL IMPACT FEES L. Evezich The City of Kent is going to meet informally with Fred High of the Kent School District on the 7th at 1:30, a proposed draft ordinance was sent for his review prior to the meeting. The ordinance was drafted as close to the existing ordinance in King County. Concerns that we have are that the school district lies in four different jurisdictions and although King County does not currently entertain interlocal agreements with other jurisdictions when collecting fees on behalf of the Kent School District as long as they are still in unincorporated King County. When other jurisdictions are involved an interlocal agreement is required by their ordinance. Our proposed ordinance could require an interlocal agreement to serve only not that purpose but also to protect the City in the event 4 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 5, 1995 of a legal challenge to the manner in which or the amount of fee collected for a particular type of development. Assistant City Attorney Laurie Evezich said we hope to be able to discuss this once or twice prior to your next meeting in September and we have requested that this be put on the September 19, 1995 meeting agenda as an information item so that we can create a draft ordinance. Roger Lubovich said it must be acted on in November in order to be effective before the end of the year, so we will be bringing that to the September 19, 1995 meeting to get some direction on policy issues like whether or not we impose impact fees on the development stages as well as the building permit stage. ADULT USE ZONING (R. Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich said adult entertainment zoning has been sent out of the Planning Commission and Roger has asked that the Council consider scheduling this matter. The moratorium has been extended once, and it expires October 3, 1995, which is the council meeting date in October. Roger has requested a recommendation for an extension to cover what we think we need for our planning stages in this issue and have the zoning issue scheduled. Councilchair Orr asked if it would be better to take action today regarding the moratorium instead of waiting until the expiration date and risking a lag-time. Roger said an emergency ordinance is effective immediately. Councilchair Orr said to bring the request for an extension to September 19th meeting then the Committe will send it to the October 3, 1995 meeting. Roger said the latest we would have the zoning issue itself would be in December hopefully and then it would take effect in January 1996. Councilchair Orr said that the Committee can take action today to send to the Council on September 19th an extension of the moratorium until January 15,1995. Or we can bring it to the Committee on the 19th,make a recommendation then,and go to Council on October 3rd, bearing in mind that that is the same day that the moratorium expires. City Attorney Roger Lubovich advised that we should be scheduling a hearing on the 19th of September. Councilmember Clark MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to send to the Full City Council September 19, 1995 public hearing a request for approval an extension of the expiration date on the Adult Use Zoning Moratorium. MOTION CARRIED. There was some further discussion about adding this item to tonight's consent calendar. Councilchair On said it would be added as other business. There was some discussion about having two Planning Committee meetings in October because of the volume of items to be heard. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm. 5