HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/19/1995 CI'4 OF L"L21 Jim White, Mayor CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 19, 1995 4:00 p.m. Committee Members Present Ci1y Attorneys Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Tim Clark Plannina Staff Other Guests Jim Harris Fred High, Kent School District Fred Satterstrom Margaret Porter Public Notice Board Code Amendment#ZCA-95-7 (Fred Satterstrom) Planner Fred Satterstrom summarized the existing code relating to the Public Notice Board Requirement. The original code, Section 15.09.060, states the actual dollar amounts charged for the use of the signs and the City is regretting that now. The City of Kent rents a generic Public Notice Board to the applicant. The City requires a$60.00 deposit per ordinance up-front and refunds $45.00 after the sign is returned in good condition. The total cost to rent the Public Notice Board is only $15.00. An applicant, who over time will have several applications that require the use of the Public Notice Board, it behooves them to keep the sign. It costs an applicant$60.00 to keep the sign and if they need the sign four times they break even. Some applicants may use the sign even more than four times. At this time we have one applicant who is holding a sign for that reason. There is no need to continue renting the sign if they hold on to the sign. King County and other jurisdictions that require Public Notice Boards actually require a special purpose board to be made and to be specially painted for individual use. This "special" board costs hundreds of dollars, is used once and is then discarded. The problem is that the cost to replace the Public Notice Board is more than the$60.00 deposit. The original cost to reproduce the sign from the vendor we contracted with was $60.00 and now it costs closer to $100. We have been losing signs and therefore losing money. People have been keeping signs for various reasons. The prospect of getting $45 back has not been a sufficient motivator to return the signs. The Planning Staff is asking the Committee to authorize a code amendment. The Staff would like to eliminate the actual dollar amount and put in verbiage to indicate the fee should be determined by the Planning Department based on the current cost of reproduction. Seventy-five percent of the 1 220 4th AVE SO /KENT,WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#8593334 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 19, 1995 the attorney for the Kent School District, Preston, Gates, and Ellis. Their attorney said they had reached an agreement with one of the other school districts that they were attempting to develop and enter into a local agreement with. We now have an example from the other agreements to use as a model. Ms. Evezich stated she had just received the sample yesterday and has not yet had an opportunity to go over the Agreement in depth. The Interlocal Agreement does seem to address the main concern. As discussed in part of the Indemnification and Hold Harmless Section beginning on the bottom of page 3 and continuing on to page 4, "the District agrees to protect,defend indemnify,and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, and agents,from any costs, claims,judgments, or awards of damages, resulting from a challenge to the legality of Ordinance No. ,or resulting from any claim for compensation under Initiative 164 or similar legislation . . ." This is about as direct as we could look to have it. The Ordinance itself is essentially establishing a framework for the collection of the fee. The fee calculation schedule is attached to the back of the Ordinance. Mr. High explained the framework of the plan is essentially to allow the Kent School District to establish what their needs are based on the increases to any grade. This calculation will determine what impacts there are to the districts from the new development. It is the City's responsibility to collect the fee, interest, and to provide a trust fund for the safe keeping of those funds. Both the City and the School District have reporting responsibilities associated with the different responsibilities that each entity will have. The Kent School District will also provide the City of Kent a copy of its Capital Facilities Plan on an annual basis. The School District's Capital Facilities Plan will be incorporated as a sub-element of the City's Comprehensive Plan on an annual basis. This is a required element of both the Growth Management and RCW 8202. This is presented as an information item only. We could take some of your questions or concerns at this time and discuss this at another meeting. The Ordinance example handed out was primarily modeled after the impact fee ordinance that was developed in King County and it has been updated to a more contemporary version by the cities of Issaquah,Bothell, and Renton. The city of Issaquah is the one city that has a Interlocal Agreement with a School District based on this plan. Mr. Lubovich added that this particular Ordinance has been drafted basically with the Kent School District in mind however we do have a few other school districts that are affected. We will probably need to change this Ordinance to be more generic so that basically any school district that wants to participate with the Capital Facilities Plan can. We do have schools in Kent that are in the Federal Way, Renton, and Highland school districts. The Ordinance will need to be more generic to incorporate other school districts. 3 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 19, 1995 The question was addressed regarding the collection of fees in Federal Way,Renton, and Highland. The City of Renton is in the process of collecting a fee, while the City of Federal Way is already collecting a fee. The Committee decided to make comments and changes to the sample ordinance and return those changes to Laurie Evezich. The changes will be discussed at the next Planning Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 3, 1995. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. 4