HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/21/1995 CITY OF J_D\2!Y M s Jim White, Mayor CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES November 21, 1995 Planning Committee Members Present: City Attorneys Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Judy Woods (City Council President) Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Tom Brubaker Planning Staff Public Works Jim Harris Gary Gill Fred Satterstrom Bill Wolinski Linda Phillips Margaret Porter Other Cif Teresa Beener Mayor Jim White Bob Hutchinson Other Craig Sears, Land Use Consulting Francis E. Leever Kenneth Dozier Sam Vass Barbara Ivanov, Kent Chamber of Commerce Elmira Forner Connie Epperly ADDED ITEMS TO THE AGENDA None. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN KENT AND KING COUNTY FOR ANNEXATIONS - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris presented the Committee with a boiler plate interlocal agreement he received from King County. Mr.Harris explained the differences between the boiler plate agreement and the proposed Interlocal agreement. The major differences in the Kent proposed agreement was the addition of a home repair section and the jurisdiction for the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA"). Mr. Harris recommended forwarding the proposal to the City Council for action on December 12. Committee member Judy Woods MOVED to send the Interlocal Agreement for Annexations between Kent and King County to other business at the City Council meeting on December 12 with any refinements that may occur as a result of ongoing negotiations. Committee member Jon Johnson SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. 220 4th AVE SO /KENT WASHINGTON 98032-5895/TELEPHONE (206)859-3300/FAX#859-3334 City Council Planning Committee Minutes November 21, 1995 STREAM BUFFER REQUIREMENTS IN THE MERIDIAN ANNEXATION AREA - DRAFT INTERIM ZONING CONTROL ORDINANCE AND REGULAR DRAFT ORDINANCE - (T. Brubaker) Mr. Tom Brubaker explained the need to preserve the existing stream buffers relating to the major streams in the Meridian annexation area. In the existing Kent zoning code there is a 50 foot setback requirement for impervious surfaces. No impervious surfaces can be constructed within 50 feet of the high water mark of major streams. However,under the existing County code there is a 100 foot buffer which prohibits changes of any kind except replanting indigenous Northwest vegetation. Mr. Brubaker requested an interim zoning control. This would preserve the same development standards within the buffer area for up to six months. Mr. Bill Wolinski from the Public Works department explained that the King County buffers were established after a lot of research. Mr. Wolinski has received calls from King County and the Muckleshoot Indian tribe questioning Kent's plan for preserving the existing buffer requirements. Committee member Woods MOVED to send the proposed Ordinance to the City Council on December 12 under the consent calendar for a public hearing and Council's approval. The motion was SECONDED by Committee member Johnson. The motion carried ADULT USE ZONING#ZCA-95-3 - (R. Lubovich) Ms. Laurie Evezich presented the Committee with a copy of the proposed Ordinance and recommended that the Ordinance be brought before the City Council for approval. The proposed Ordinance is similar to the existing adult use zoning Ordinance with the exception that the existing set back restriction of 1,000 feet from any single family or residential use is eliminated to allow for a zoning for adult use businesses in commercial areas consistent with a U. S. District Court Order from earlier this year. This would establish at least 19 locations for adult use businesses. Chair Leona Orr questioned if the proposed Ordinance would satisfy the Court Order. Ms. Evezich explained that this amendment would allow adult use business to locate in the commercial district but it has the least amount of impact on protected areas. She further explained that the Law Department is confident that this Ordinance is defensible under the First Amendment analysis. Committee member Johnson MOVED to recommend to send the proposed adult use zoning Ordinance to the City Council under other business. Committee member Woods SECONDED the motion. Motion carried. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER AND ZERO LOT LINE DEVELOPMENT ZONING CODE AND SUBDIVISION CODE AMENDMENTS #ZCA-95-2 & #SCA-95-1 (L. Phillips) Planner Linda Phillips presented the Committee with an article and some examples of cluster housing developments. The main reason for proposing cluster development is to implement the 2 City Council Planning Committee Minutes November 21, 1995 Comprehensive Plan Policy regarding providing affordable housing,saving open space,and offering flexibility. Cluster housing allows property owners and developers to utilize buildable areas on properties which might otherwise be undeveloped. This proposal does not increase the density allowed. Rather, this proposal allows the ability to cluster the total number of allowed units into a smaller portion of a larger lot. Ms. Phillips explained that the Planning Commission failed to reach a majority agreement on this issue. The two issues discussed in detail by the Planning Commission when trying to reach an agreement were: 1. The requirement for a conditional use permit. The Planning Commissioners were divided on whether the neighbors should be given an opportunity to be heard at a public hearing. Some felt it was important to give the community an opportunity to voice any concerns, while the others felt is was too complicated and unnecessary. 2. The 3,000 square foot lot size. Some of the Commissioners debated that this lot size was too small and wanted a higher minimum lot size. Ms. Phillips summarized the proposed cluster development and subdivision code amendments. Public testimony Mr. Craig Sears, 2134 NW 204th, Shoreline, WA 98177. Mr. Sears commended the City for considering clustering housing. He commented that cluster housing can help eliminate urban sprawl and allow for more affordable housing. Mr. Sears questioned where the City was in regards to the revised street and storm standards. Mr. Harris explained that Planning is unable to answer that question since those revisions would be done by the Public Works Department. Committee member Johnson questioned whether the street and storm revisions were going to be included in the cluster development Ordinance. Mr. Harris explained that the cluster development standards would be a part of the zoning code whereas street and storm standards are a separate entity and a part of the Public Works standards. Chair On suggested presenting all revisions that are effected by cluster development together. Committee member Woods commented on bringing the Planning and Public Works Departments together on these issues and address them collectively. Mr. Harris suggested a matrix in the zoning code that would show what the street standards would be in cluster developments. Chair Orr also suggested including the Fire Department in this process. 3 City Council Planning Committee Minutes November 21, 1995 Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom commented that the cluster development regulations are not dependent on the revisions of street standards. Certainly an incentive for building cluster developments is taking advantage of lower costs and revised street standards could provide for less street to build and further savings. The Committee recommended that this issue be brought back at date to be determined for further information from the Planning,Public Works and Fire Departments collectively. ADDED ITEM: DISSOLUTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION(L. Orr) Chair Orr commented that in the light of the resignation of four Planning Commission members she presented the Committee with an Ordinance to dissolve the Planning Commission and create a Land Use and Planning Board. Chair Orr recommended sending the Ordinance to tonight's City Council meeting for adoption. The Ordinance would dissolve the Planning Commission and the Planning Committee would take over the duties until such time a Land Use and Planning Board can be established. Committee member Johnson MOVED to send the Ordinance to the City Council tonight for immediate consideration. Committee member Johnson discussed his previous reign with the Planning Commission. General discussion followed. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. C\USEWDOCTCOM\MINUTESTC01121 MIN 4