HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/19/1994. KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE April 19, 1994 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Leona Orr, Chair Jon Johnson Tim Clark Plannina Staff Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bob Hutchinson Rachel Johnston GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (J. Harris) City Attorney's Office Roger Lubovich Other City Staff Other Ouests Bob McIssac Paul Morford Planning Director Jim Harris reported that the video is done and is very well done. Jim Thissell is the same narrator as the first video. If individuals want to view the video who are not in a group, people can do so on Thursday, April 21, 1994 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. Jim reported the Puget Sound Growth Management Planning Council is scheduled to make a decision on urban centers in late May. Jim last heard they are likely to nominate all 14 of the urban centers who have been nominated. On the Capital Facilities Plan, Jim mentioned this might come to a Council Workshop on May 10, 1994. Mayor Jim White is coming up with his proposal on the level of service, and is working with Brent on this. Hopefully the Council Workshop date will be confirmed at the April 19, 1994 Council meeting. The Planning Commission is meeting about every Monday night in workshops on the elements of the Comprehensive Plan. SEATTLE RING COUNTY HEALTH CONTRACT MONITORING REPORT FOR 1991-1992 Planner Rachel Johnston gave a report on the above mentioned report. She said the purpose of the analysis is to identify those Public Health CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 19, 1994 PAGE 2 Services provided to Kent in 1991-92 and explain the cost of the services. The Health Department provides two types of health services to Kent residents - Personal and Environmental services. Both Personal and Environmental Health Services are categorized as either Basic or Optional Services. The City is charged for basic services only. Optional services are paid by King County and "other" funds contributed (generated by fees, contracts and grants). Rachel reported Kent only pays a portion of the Basic services. The balance is paid by "OTHER" funds. There are two Public Health sites in Kent - Personal Health Services site is located at 615 West Gowe and Environmental Health Services is located 1401 Central Avenue South. The City's assessment for any given year is based on the cost of services provided two years prior. The City's 1993 Assessment for Health Services was approximately $530,000 (this amount was determined by the cost of services provided to Kent residents in 1991). Rachel stated the 1994 Assessment was approximately $636,000 and this amount was based on the services in 1992. In 1992, the City contributed approximately $117,000 (24%) more for the same Personal Health services provided in 1991. This increase can be attributed to the increase in the cost of delivering health services and in some cases the decrease of amount of available other funds. She also reported in 1992 8% more Kent residents received Personal Health Services than in 1991. Also, 13% more service units were provided in 1992 than in 1991. Although the City paid a greater amount for Basic Personal Health Services in 1992, The City paid less per unit in some areas: WIC (13% decrease), Family Health (18%), and Refugee Health (7%). These decreases were attributed to the increase in other funds contributed. Regarding Environmental Health Services, the City received 4% more service units in 1992 than in 1991 but paid approximately $11,000 (31%) less in 1992 for the same services provided in 1991. The Health Department projects that the City's contribution to Basic Environmental Health Services will continue to decrease because the fees for these services will continue to increase; therefore, passing the savings to the City. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 19, 1994 PAGE 3 Rachel concluded that in the future, the City will no longer contract with the County Public Health Services. When Washington State's new Health Care Reform Act is implemented, the State will take approximately 2.95% of the City's motor vehicle excise tax and give directly to the Public Health Department to provide health services to local residents. This shift is scheduled to occur in July of 1995 but is anticipated that the shift will not actually occur until January 1996. Preliminary review of the new system indicates that cities will pay less for health care through the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax System. Although we are expected to save money, there are concerns that there may be a reduction in services because the County will receive less dollars under the new system. But the new managed Health Care Program may free up some of the dollars currently spent through public health. This may narrow the gap in services. These concerns are currently being examined in order to prepare for the shift. PERMIT AND PLAN REVIEW FEES - RESOLUTION (R. Luboviah) City Attorney Roger Lubovich briefly gave a history report on Resolution 1371 that passed last year by the Operations Committee and the Council. There is a desire now to clarify the language set forth in this resolution with regard to the application of basic plans to single family dwellings and to clarify other matters relating to basic plans. There were some questions as to the specific facts on the background of this resolution. Much discussion occurred between the Committee members and Paul Morford. This item was deferred to the next meeting, May 3, 1994, for further discussion and hopefully for the Council members to make a decision on what the new language would be if the n a revised resolution. ADDED ITEMS Chair Orr announced that the Planning unscheduled meeting the first Tuesday, May Planning Department's Centennial Building The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. PC0419.MIN Committee will hold an 31 1994 at 4:00 P.M. in the Conference room.