HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/17/1994. KENT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE May 17, 1994 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Leona Orr, Chair Judy Woods, Council President Tim Clark Planning Staff Jim Harris Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom City Attorney's Office Roger Lubovich Tom Brubaker Laurie Evezich Other City Staff Mayor Jim White Arthur Martin Other Quests Richard Baum Bernie Hughes GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom gave an update about the amendments to the County -Wide Planning Policies. There is a conflicting issue among Cities on the urban growth line on two different time lines. One opinion is for the urban growth line to be permanent and re -visited once every ten years. The other opinion is to re -visit this growth line every six or seven years. The GMPC is planning to give all of the nominated centers a "center designation status". This would include Kent's urban center nomination as well as the manufacturing center nomination. Mr. Satterstrom passed out the final Growth Target Ranges for population and employment. Fred explained that Kent's new Net Household Population is the same but there has been ranges added to the attachment. These ranges are between 10 or 15 percent less than the target figure and 15 percent larger than the target figure. The Net New Household Range for Kent is 6,800 to about 8,100 units. The Net New Employment is 11,500 with a range of also a plus or minus. The GMPC will be holding a couple of public hearings or meetings on this subject the week of May 23, 1994. On May 25, 1994, a meeting is scheduled to draw closure on these above mentioned issues. Fred said he will report the final decisions on these issues at the next meeting. Fred updated the Committee on the results of the video regarding the three landuse alternatives. There were about 300 total responses to the video which comprised of 20 or 30 groups. Fred reported there was CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 17, 1994 PAGE 2 a good balance of male and female participants, a good balance of all ages (from high school to retired people), and a good balance of residents versus people who work in the City of Kent. He passed out a graph which showed the mixed used alternative as the favored overall alternative. The Planning Department is discussing with the Mayor and Administration to come up with a preferred landuse alternative. This will consist of bits and pieces from all of the other alternatives. The preferred land use alternative will go to the Planning Commission and the City Council. This will also be the subject of the Environmental Impact Statement. ENERGY ASSISTANCE LETTER OF SUPPORT (L. ORR) Council Chair Orr introduced Richard Baum and Bernie Hughes from the South King County Multi -Service Center who came to the Committee requesting support of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. Councilchair Woods MOVED and Councilmember Clark SECONDED a motion to support the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and to forward this item to the Council meeting the same evening of May 17, 1994. Motion carried. HEARING EXAMINER ORDINANCE - (R. Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich explained the ordinance that was provided in the agenda packet and passed out copies of amendments he was proposing to make which are found on pages 9 and 10. The proposed ordinance repeals Chapter 12.01 of the Kent City Code relating to the Board of Adjustment and amending Chapter 2.32 relating to the Hearing Examiner. This ordinance consolidates functions by eliminating the Board of Adjustment by providing that all matters previously heard by the Board of Adjustment be heard by the City's Hearing Examiner. Councilchair Woods MOVED and Councilmember Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the revised ordinance that was in the packet including the amendments and to forward this ordinance for adoption to the Council at the May 17, 1994 City Council meeting. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. PC0517.MIN