HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/06/1994CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE September 6, 1994 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Leona Orr, Chair Jon Johnson Tim Clark Planning Staff Lin Ball Betsy Czark Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bob Hutchinson City Attorney's Office Laurie Evezich Other City Staff Other Guests AMENDMENT TO 1994-1996 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - (L. Ball) Human Services Manager, Lin Ball, stated that in June 1993 the City Council approved the 1994-1996 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. Lin explained it is now necessary to make two amendments in two areas of this agreement. These changes are as follows: 1. Amend the method by which the CDBG Administrative Setaside is calculated. 2. Modify the governance structure of the CDBG Consortium, replacing the Joint Policy Committee (JPC) with a new Joint Recommendations Committee (JRC). Lin noted that the change in the method of calculating the Administrative Setaside does not change the amount of funds that are available to the City, but allows for a more clear distribution of administrative costs to the Consortium. The change in the governance structure gives Cities greater representation under this new structure. The new structure changes from the 6 -member elected officials on the JPC, to a 9 -member JRC composed of either high level staff or elected officials. The modifications also conform the governance of the CDBG and the HOME Consortia, creating greater efficiency in governance. It consolidates the current Joint Policy Committee and the HOME Project Selection Committee into the new JRC. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 2 Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the 1994-1996 CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated June 21, 1993. 2. Forward this item to the full City Council for consideration at its September 20, 1994 meeting, with a recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Amendment and forward it to King County. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. AMENDMENT TO 1994-1996 HOME INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - (L. Ball) Manager Ball stated that in June 1993 the City Council approved the HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the years 1994-1996. The agreement governs the City's participation with the County and other King County cities in the distribution of federal HOME funds. It is now necessary to make an amendment to this agreement to modify the governance structure of the HOME Consortium. Specifically this amendment eliminates the HOME Project Selection Committee, replacing it with the Joint Recommendations Committee (JRC) for funding decisions, and replaces the Joint Policy Committee with the JRC for HOME program policy decisions. These modifications conform the governance of the CDBG and HOME Consortia, creating greater efficiency in governance. Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the 1994-1996 HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated June 21, 1993. 2. Forward this item to the full City Council for consideration at its September 20, 1994 meeting, with a recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Amendment and forward it to King County. Councilmember Clark MOVED and Councilmember Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 3 1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM - (B. Czark) Planner Betsy Czark informed the Committee the total proposed 1995 CDBG program is estimated at $462,282. There are two portions to this program. As reviewed and recommended by staff, the capital funding portion is $361,459. The majority of these funds are going to fund the Home Repair Program. This year there is an increase in the Home Repair budget primarily to purchase a new van. The program's ten-year old van needs replacement for safety reasons and for worker efficiency. As recommended by the Human Services Commission, the public (human) services funding portion is $58,487. Planning & Administration funds are $42,336. The total funds available for the 1995 program is an estimate based on the Federal Entitlement. In order to address potential entitlement changes resulting from the federal budget adoption later this fall, Betsy stated the City is required to include a contingency plan in its proposal. Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Approve the proposed 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and forward for adoption to the full City Council. 2. Approve the contingency plan for public services dollars as recommended by the Human Services Commission. 3. Approve option 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the contingency plan for a capital dollar increase and option 1 or 2 of the contingency plan for a capital dollar decrease. 4. Schedule a public hearing on September 20, 1994, for the full City Council to consider adoption of the proposed 1995 CDBG Program (including the contingency plans). Councilmember Clark MOVED and Councilmember Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the #1, #2, and #4 aforementioned four actions. Motion carried. The Committee had further discussion on action item #3. Staff presented four options of the contingency plan if there is an increase in capital dollar entitlement funding and presented two options if there is a decrease in capital dollar entitlement funding. If there is an increase in capital dollar entitlement funding, staff recommended Option #1 which states the entire increase will be allocated to the Nike Housing Project (KCHA). If the City receives a decrease in capital dollar entitlement funds, staff recommended that Option #1 which states that Easter Seals' funding be decreased by up to $7,425 or to a minimum funding level of $15,000. If the City receives a decreased entitlement in CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 4 excess of $7,425, staff recommended reducing Housing Unlimited's funding by a maximum of $5,000, or to a minimum funding level of $5,000. If the City receives a decreased capital entitlement in excess of $12,425, the remaining decrease shall be divided equally between all of the funded capital projects. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve Option #1 of the contingency plan for a capital dollar increase and to approve Option #1 of the contingency plan for a capital dollar decrease as recommended by staff. Motion carried. GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (Fred Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom updated the Committee on the Planning Commission hearings on the proposed Comprehensive Plan. The first hearing was held July 25, 1994, and the hearing was continued to August 8th and August 22nd. The hearing was closed on August 22, 1994. The Commission will have two regular meetings on September 12th and September 26th on land use. Fred reported the proposed plan is not an urban centers plan but a mixed use center approach, which is where centers are dispersed throughout the City. Fred reported the County -Wide Planning Policies were adopted by the King County Council on August 22, 1994. Fred briefly gave the Committee an overview of the County -Wide Planning Policies. He said this needs to be ratified by 30 per cent of jurisdictions representing 70 per cent of the population. This item will be brought to the Committee on September 20, 1994 for further discussion and action. As soon as a copy of the King County ordinance is available, copies will be sent to the Council members for their review. Also, Mr. Satterstrom reported a Land Capacity Task Force has been created to monitor cities' progress toward population and employment targets in and out of centers. The Growth Management Planning Council confirmed 14 urban centers, including Kent's. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS FOR PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris reported he will be bringing the Interlocal Agreement with Federal Way for action by the Committee regarding proposed boundaries with Federal Way. Harris stated this subject will be brought back to the Committee either at the meeting September 20 or October 18, 1994. There will also be other interlocal agreements with other adjacent cities as follows: Auburn, Renton, Des Moines, Sea Tac, and Tukwila. ADDED ITEMS The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. PC0906.MIN CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE September 6, 1994 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Leona Orr, Chair Jon Johnson Tim Clark Planning Staff Lin Ball Betsy Czark Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bob Hutchinson City Attorney's Office Laurie Evezich Other City Staff Other Guests AMENDMENT TO 1994-1996 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - (L. Ball) Human Services Manager, Lin Ball, stated that in June 1993 the City Council approved the 1994-1996 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. Lin explained it is now necessary to make two amendments in two areas of this agreement. These changes are as follows: 1. Amend the method by which the CDBG Administrative Setaside is calculated. 2. Modify the governance structure of the CDBG Consortium, replacing the Joint Policy Committee (JPC) with a new Joint Recommendations Committee (JRC). Lin noted that the change in the method of calculating the Administrative Setaside does not change the amount of funds that are available to the City, but allows for a more clear distribution of administrative costs to the Consortium. The change in the governance structure gives Cities greater representation under this new structure. The new structure changes from the 6 -member elected officials on the JPC, to a 9 -member JRC composed of either high level staff or elected officials. The modifications also conform the governance of the CDBG and the HOME Consortia, creating greater efficiency in governance. It consolidates the current Joint Policy Committee and the HOME Project Selection Committee into the new JRC. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 2 Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the 1994-1996 CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated June 21, 1993. 2. Forward this item to the full City Council for consideration at its September 20, 1994 meeting, with a recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Amendment and forward it to King County. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. AMENDMENT TO 1994-1996 HOME INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT - (L. Ball) Manager Ball stated that in June 1993 the City Council approved the HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the years 1994-1996. The agreement governs the City's participation with the County and other King County cities in the distribution of federal HOME funds. It is now necessary to make an amendment to this agreement to modify the governance structure of the HOME Consortium. Specifically this amendment eliminates the HOME Project Selection Committee, replacing it with the Joint Recommendations Committee (JRC) for funding decisions, and replaces the Joint Policy Committee with the JRC for HOME program policy decisions. These modifications conform the governance of the CDBG and HOME Consortia, creating greater efficiency in governance. Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the 1994-1996 HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated June 21, 1993. 2. Forward this item to the full City Council for consideration at its September 20, 1994 meeting, with a recommendation that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Amendment and forward it to King County. Councilmember Clark MOVED and Councilmember Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 3 1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM - (B. Czark) Planner Betsy Czark informed the Committee the total proposed 1995 CDBG program is estimated at $462,282. There are two portions to this program. As reviewed and recommended by staff, the capital funding portion is $361,459. The majority of these funds are going to fund the Home Repair Program. This year there is an increase in the Home Repair budget primarily to purchase a new van. The program's ten-year old van needs replacement for safety reasons and for worker efficiency. As recommended by the Human Services Commission, the public (human) services funding portion is $58,487. Planning & Administration funds are $42,336. The total funds available for the 1995 program is an estimate based on the Federal Entitlement. In order to address potential entitlement changes resulting from the federal budget adoption later this fall, Betsy stated the City is required to include a contingency plan in its proposal. Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Approve the proposed 1995 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and forward for adoption to the full City Council. 2. Approve the contingency plan for public services dollars as recommended by the Human Services Commission. 3. Approve option 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the contingency plan for a capital dollar increase and option 1 or 2 of the contingency plan for a capital dollar decrease. 4. Schedule a public hearing on September 20, 1994, for the full City Council to consider adoption of the proposed 1995 CDBG Program (including the contingency plans). Councilmember Clark MOVED and Councilmember Jon Johnson SECONDED a motion to approve the #1, #2, and #4 aforementioned four actions. Motion carried. The Committee had further discussion on action item #3. Staff presented four options of the contingency plan if there is an increase in capital dollar entitlement funding and presented two options if there is a decrease in capital dollar entitlement funding. If there is an increase in capital dollar entitlement funding, staff recommended Option #1 which states the entire increase will be allocated to the Nike Housing Project (KCHA). If the City receives a decrease in capital dollar entitlement funds, staff recommended that Option #1 which states that Easter Seals' funding be decreased by up to $7,425 or to a minimum funding level of $15,000. If the City receives a decreased entitlement in CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 PAGE 4 excess of $7,425, staff recommended reducing Housing Unlimited's funding by a maximum of $5,000, or to a minimum funding level of $5,000. If the City receives a decreased capital entitlement in excess of $12,425, the remaining decrease shall be divided equally between all of the funded capital projects. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Tim Clark SECONDED a motion to approve Option #1 of the contingency plan for a capital dollar increase and to approve Option ##1 of the contingency plan for a capital dollar decrease as recommended by staff. Motion carried. GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (Fred Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom updated the Committee on the Planning Commission hearings on the proposed Comprehensive Plan. The first hearing was held July 25, 1994, and the hearing was continued to August 8th and August 22nd. The hearing was closed on August 22, 1994. The Commission will have two regular meetings on September 12th and September 26th on land use. Fred reported the proposed plan is not an urban centers plan but a mixed use center approach, which is where centers are dispersed throughout the City. Fred reported the County -Wide Planning Policies were adopted by the King County Council on August 22, 1994. Fred briefly gave the Committee an overview of the County -Wide Planning Policies. He said this needs to be ratified by 30 per cent of jurisdictions representing 70 per cent of the population. This item will be brought to the Committee on September 20, 1994 for further discussion and action. As soon as a copy of the King County ordinance is available, copies will be sent to the Council members for their review. Also, Mr. Satterstrom reported a Land Capacity Task Force has been created to monitor cities' progress toward population and employment targets in and out of centers. The Growth Management Planning Council confirmed 14 urban centers, including Kent's. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS FOR PROPOSED ANNEXATIONS - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris reported he will be bringing the Interlocal Agreement with Federal Way for action by the Committee regarding proposed boundaries with Federal Way. Harris stated this subject will be brought back to the Committee either at the meeting September 20 or October 18, 1994. There will also be other interlocal agreements with other adjacent cities as follows: Auburn, Renton, Des Moines, Sea Tac, and Tukwila. ADDED ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. PC0906.MIN