HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/20/1994CITY OF LM11!2 1S dF9�II�1Th� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE September 20, 1994 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Leona Orr, Chair Jon Johnson Judy Woods Planning Staff Lin Ball Betsy Czark Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bob Hutchinson City Attorney's Office Laurie Evezich Other City Staff Other Guests GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (Fred Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom informed the Committee he would combine this item with item number three, Ratification of the County -Wide Planning Policies. BUILDING PERMITS FOR RE -ROOFING WORK - (B. Hutchinson) The Building Official, Bob Hutchinson, reported that over the past year inquiries have been made regarding the possibility and propriety of eliminating building permit requirements for re- roofing. He referenced a staff report that was in the agenda packet which summarizes the research done on this issue. Mr. Hutchinson said the State establishes the UBC as being in effect statewide and significantly limits cities' power to amend it. The UBC requires that building permits be obtained for re- roofing work. He explained the State does provide authority for cities' to amend the UBC exempting permit requirements on certain limited construction or alternation to single-family buildings, duplexes, private garages and sheds. Such exemptions are limited to exclude projects with a valuation exceeding $1500; those affecting structural components; and those reducing air and ventilation conditions. Bob stated if put into effect, such exemptions would apply only to a small, limited class of re -roofing projects. The analysis required to determine exemption eligibility would create delays for our customers well in excess of the time currently needed to obtain a re -roofing permit, as these are CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 PAGE 2 normally issued over the counter. In addition, this could create an appearance of unfairness and inconsistency, as an exempt project might well appear to the lay person to be identical to one requiring a permit. Bob reported the staff recommendation is that the existing requirements and system be retained, as the limited exemptions possible are more likely to work to the overall detriment of our customers than to their benefit. This item was for information only. RATIFICATION OF COUNTY -WIDE PLANNING POLICIES - (F. Satterstrom) Enclosed in the agenda packet was a copy of the "Recommended Amendments to King County 2012 Countywide Planning Policies Adopted by the King County Growth Management Planning Council May 25, 1994". Mr. Satterstrom passed out King County Council Ordinance No. 11446 adopting and ratifying amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies. Fred reported Ordinance No. 11146 mentions the ratification process as follows: "The King County 2012 Countywide Planning Policies adopted by this ordinance shall become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least thirty percent of the city and county governments, representing seventy percent of the population of King County according to the interlocal agreement. A city shall be deemed to have ratified the King County 2012 Countywide Planning Policies unless, with ninety days of adoption by King County, the city by legislative action disapproves the King County 2012 Countywide planning policies" (page 3). Mr. Satterstrom clarified that if the City of Kent does nothing, the City would have been assumed to have ratified it. Fred prepared and presented a three-page highlighted list (Exhibit A attached) of impacts of the Countywide Planning Policies that directs the Planning Department to do something in regards to the Department's work program for the remainder of 1994, 1995, and beyond. Other City departments' work programs are also affected but the main implementation is the Planning Department's responsibility. Planning Director Harris mentioned there is an extended work program in regards to the potential annexation areas and he is working on this. Council members raised concerns that the City of Kent adopted the 1987 Federal Manual for Wetlands in their wetlands ordinance versus the fact that the Countywide Planning Policies identify the 1989 Federal Manual for wetlands. Mr. Harris reported he sent a letter to Mr. Jim Reed in King County requesting a meeting to assist the City on the final annexation CITY OF ��� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE September 20, 1994 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Leona Orr, Chair Jon Johnson Judy Woods Planning Staff Lin Ball Betsy Czark Jim Harris Margaret Porter Bob Hutchinson City Attorney's Office Laurie Evezich Other City Staff Other Guests GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (Fred Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom informed the Committee he would combine this item with item number three, Ratification of the County -Wide Planning Policies. BUILDING PERMITS FOR RE -ROOFING WORK - (B. Hutchinson) The Building Official, Bob Hutchinson, reported that over the past year inquiries have been made regarding the possibility and propriety of eliminating building permit requirements for re- roofing. He referenced a staff report that was in the agenda packet which summarizes the research done on this issue. Mr. Hutchinson said the State establishes the UBC as being in effect statewide and significantly limits cities' power to amend it. The UBC requires that building permits be obtained for re- roofing work. He explained the State does provide authority for cities' to amend the UBC exempting permit requirements on certain limited construction or alternation to single-family buildings, duplexes, private garages and sheds. Such exemptions are limited to exclude projects with a valuation exceeding $1500; those affecting structural components; and those reducing air and ventilation conditions. Bob stated if put into effect, such exemptions would apply only to a small, limited class of re -roofing projects. The analysis required to determine exemption eligibility would create delays for our customers well in excess of the time currently needed to obtain a re -roofing permit, as these are CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 PAGE 2 normally issued over the counter. In addition, this could create an appearance of unfairness and inconsistency, as an exempt project might well appear to the lay person to be identical to one requiring a permit. Bob reported the staff recommendation is that the existing requirements and system be retained, as the limited exemptions possible are more likely to work to the overall detriment of our customers than to their benefit. This item was for information only. RATIFICATION OF COUNTY -WIDE PLANNING POLICIES - (F. Satterstrom) Enclosed in the agenda packet was a copy of the "Recommended Amendments to King County 2012 Countywide Planning Policies Adopted by the King County Growth Management Planning Council May 25, 1994". Mr. Satterstrom passed out King County Council Ordinance No. 11446 adopting and ratifying amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies. Fred reported Ordinance No. 11146 mentions the ratification process as follows: "The King County 2012 Countywide Planning Policies adopted by this ordinance shall become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least thirty percent of the city and county governments, representing seventy percent of the population of King County according to the interlocal agreement. A city shall be deemed to have ratified the King County 2012 Countywide Planning Policies unless, with ninety days of adoption by King County, the city by legislative action disapproves the King County 2012 Countywide planning policies" (page 3). Mr. Satterstrom clarified that if the City of Kent does nothing, the City would have been assumed to have ratified it. Fred prepared and presented a three-page highlighted list (Exhibit A attached) of impacts of the Countywide Planning Policies that directs the Planning Department to do something in regards to the Department's work program for the remainder of 1994, 1995, and beyond. Other City departments' work programs are also affected but the main implementation is the Planning Department's responsibility. Planning Director Harris mentioned there is an extended work program in regards to the potential annexation areas and he is working on this. Council members raised concerns that the City of Kent adopted the 1987 Federal Manual for Wetlands in their wetlands ordinance versus the fact that the Countywide Planning Policies identify the 1989 Federal Manual for wetlands. Mr. Harris reported he sent a letter to Mr. Jim Reed in King County requesting a meeting to assist the City on the final annexation CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 PAGE 3 boundary in the Soos Creek Planning area and also help out with the details for the type of services that the City might be expected to provide there. Fred stated more discussion will occur at the next meeting regarding the urban center designation. The proposed Comprehensive Plan is not an urban center designation proposal but Fred would like to discuss the idea of keeping this designation so not to reduce the priority for transit or other regional funding. ADDED ITEMS 1995 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM - (B. Czark Planner Betsy Czark informed the Committee the proposed 1995 CDBG Program that the Planning Committee recommended for approval on September 6, 1994 needs revising. She reported one of the agencies, Grace Fellowship Church, has withdrawn its human service application. This frees up the $8,316 that was allocated to that program. Betsy reported staff recommends that this money be reallocated according to the contingency plan the Committee recommended for approval on September 6, 1994. This included two human services projects, Community Health Center and YWCA Domestic Violence Housing, are to receive $2,500 to $2,000 more, respectively, and would be funded fully. The remaining $3,753 (this figure was corrected at the meeting from the memo that was passed out) would go to King County Housing Authority's Nike Housing Community's capital project. This project replaces the roofs of Kent's valuable emergency and transitional housing serving Kent families and elderly. Staff recommended that the Planning Committee take the following action: 1. Approve the revised proposed 1995 Community Development Block Grant Program. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilchair Woods SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned action. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. PC0920 MIN