HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 01/05/1993 CITY OF ML2L� LS CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES V7yCS§- JANUARY 5, 1993 4 : 00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT PLANNING STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Lin Ball Christi Houser Sharon Clamp Jon Johnson James Harris Margaret Porter COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Fred Satterstrom Jim Bennett OTHER CITY STAFF GUESTS Norm Angelo Steve Burpee Mary Berg Howard King Bob Hutchinson Don McDaniel Alana McIalawin John Naylor Tony McCarthy Jean Parietti Don Wickstrom Raul Ramos GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom clarified that contrary to what was recently reported in the newspaper, no decision on urban centers has been made by the GMPC. A decision will be made in the spring after the EIS process is complete. In September 1992 when the countywide planning policies were ratified, there was an agreement that the suburban cities would participate with King County to designate potential annexation boundaries. In December 1992 the County began to facilitate a process for cities to define their potential annexation areas, and a number of meetings are currently being held. The wetlands subcommittee finished their work on December 30, 1992. The Planning Commission will hold a workshop to review the subcommittee's recommendations on Monday, January 11, and the topic will be discussed at either the January 25 or February 22 Planning Commission meeting. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COMMUNITY ADVOCATE CONTRACT (L. BALL) Lin Ball stated this item was brought to the Committee at its December 1, 1992 meeting. Resolution 1265 adopted on November 6, 1990 allocates 11% of criminal justice funds received through Proposition 2 funding to domestic violence community advocacy services. The resolution does not specifically address legal advocates because it was thought that the legal advocates the County was placing in the district courts would provide services to CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 51 1993 PAGE 2 City of Kent residents. However, those legal advocates only provide services to residents of unincorporated King County. Lin clarified that the new resolution does not ask for additional money, but allows the City the flexibility to also use the money for legal advocates. The City's 1993 contract with D.A.W.N, for continuing community advocacy services is $42,836. The remainder of the funds allocated in the 1993 budget for domestic violence will be used to contract for legal advocacy services. PERMIT CENTER PLAN AND ORGANIZATION Norm Angelo stated the key issue to implement a plan is what staffing levels will be available. Steve Burpee stated the Chamber feels that the plan presented by the department heads lacks specifics, and the Chamber stands by the Mayor's task force proposal. Mr. Burpee requested the Chamber be allowed 15-20 minutes at the January 19 Planning Committee meeting to present their recommendations. Chair Orr stated that the Committee needs to know from _ Administration by the January 19 meeting what staff levels to expect -for the next six- months so there will be :a clear understanding of how many staff persons will be involved. She feels this information is needled before the Committee can make a decision on this plan. Chief Administrative Officer Tony McCarthy indicated that Administration's plan is to go back to the Budget Committee the end of January and review the financial situation for year end and decide at that time if the freeze can be released. Mr. McCarthy stated Administration is asking department heads to see what they can do with less staff. Mr. McCarthy feels a decision should be made on what can be done with existing staff. Chair Orr asked that this be brought back to the January 19 meeting as an information item to hear the Chamber's suggestion and a staff plan that assumes no changes in staffing levels from today. ADDED ITEM Planning Director Harris stated that the draft proposal on the short plat process will be brought to the January 19 Planning Committee meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. 930105.PC CITY OF J Q\�M CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES V72V JANUARY 5, 1993 4: 00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT PLANNING STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Lin Ball Christi Houser Sharon Clamp Jon Johnson James Harris Margaret Porter COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Fred Satterstrom Jim Bennett OTHER CITY STAFF GUESTS Norm Angelo Steve Burpee Mary Berg Howard King Bob Hutchinson Don McDaniel Alana McIalawin John Naylor Tony McCarthy Jean Parietti Don Wickstrom Raul Ramos GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom clarified that contrary to what was recently reported in the newspaper, no decision on urban centers has been made by the GMPC. A decision will be made in the spring after the EIS process is complete. In September 1992 when the countywide planning policies were ratified, there was an agreement that the suburban cities would participate with King County to designate potential annexation boundaries. In December 1992 the County began to facilitate a process for cities to define their potential annexation areas, and a number of meetings are currently being held. The wetlands subcommittee finished their work on December 30, 1992 . The Planning Commission will hold a workshop to review the subcommittee's recommendations on Monday, January 11, and the topic will be discussed at either the January 25 or February 22 Planning Commission meeting. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COMMUNITY ADVOCATE CONTRACT (L. BALL) Lin Ball stated this item was brought to the Committee at its December 1, 1992 meeting. Resolution 1265 adopted on November 6, 1990 allocates 11% of criminal justice funds received through Proposition 2 funding to domestic violence community advocacy services. The resolution does not specifically address legal advocates because it was thought that the legal advocates the County was placing in the district courts would provide services to CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JANUARY 5, 1993 PAGE 2 City of Kent residents. However, those legal advocates only provide services to residents of unincorporated King County. Lin clarified that the new resolution does not ask for additional money, but allows the City the flexibility to also use the money for legal advocates. The City's 1993 contract with D.A.W.N. for continuing community advocacy services is $42 ,836. The remainder of the funds allocated in the 1993 budget for domestic violence will be used to contract for legal advocacy services. PERMIT CENTER PLAN AND ORGANIZATION Norm Angelo stated the key issue to implement a plan is what staffing levels will be available. Steve Burpee stated the Chamber feels that the plan presented by the department heads lacks specifics, and the Chamber stands by the Mayor's task force proposal. Mr. Burpee requested the Chamber be allowed 15-20 minutes at the January 19 Planning Committee meeting to present their recommendations. Chair Orr stated that the Committee needs to know from Administration by the January 19 meeting what staff levels to expect for the next- six months so there -will be a clear understanding of how many staff persons will be involved. She feels this information is needed before the Committee can make a decision on this plan. Chief Administrative Officer Tony McCarthy indicated that Administration's plan is to go back to the Budget Committee the end of January and review the financial situation for year end and decide at that time if the freeze can be released. Mr. McCarthy stated Administration is asking department heads to see what they can do with less staff. Mr. McCarthy feels a decision should be made on what can be done with existing staff. Chair Orr asked that this be brought back to the January 19 meeting as an information item to hear the Chamber's suggestion and a staff plan that assumes no changes in staffing levels from today. ADDED ITEM Planning Director Harris stated that the draft proposal on the short plat process will be brought to the January 19 Planning Committee meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. 930105.PC