HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/02/1993 CITY OF L"L[22 1S CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE March 2, 1993 4: 00 PM ��II(41Ch� Committee Members Present Other City Staff Leona Orr, Chair Mary Berg Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Jim Bennett Gary Gill Bob Hutchinson Planning Staff Roger Lubovich Tony McCarthy Lin Ball Larry Webb Sharon Clamp Don Wickstrom Jim Harris Margaret Porter Guests Laura Yeats-Quilici Fred Satterstrom List available upon request GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported that the Planning Commission made it way through approximately one-half of the wetlands ordinance at its February 22 , 1993 meeting. The public hearing is continued to March 8, 1993 , and the ordinance may go to the full Council in April. Mr. Satterstrom also reported that the City of Snoqualmie challenged the Countywide Planning Policies arguing that the County has no right to dictate how land use decisions are made within city limits. The Central Puget Sound Hearing Board ruled that the process of creating the policies was valid, however, three policies were rejected for being too specific and intrusive. House Bill 1761 dealing with time extensions for complying with the Growth Management Act is currently before the House Local Government Committee of the State Legislature. This bill expands the deadline for approximately one year and may phase the deadlines for groups of cities. At the March 16 Planning Committee meeting, Mr. Satterstrom would like to talk more in depth about the Growth Management Act, the timelines, and the EIS requirement in relationship to the loss of Planning staff. PERMIT CENTER Tony McCarthy related that Mayor Kelleher supports his task force committee' s report. The Mayor feels something needs to happen in Building to coordinate the efforts of the different departments that CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 2, 1993 PAGE 2 function in that area. Permits need to be issued in a more timely fashion and we need to focus more on the needs of the community. Paul Morford, Chair of the Mayor' s Task Force Committee, would like to see their recommendation move on to the Council. John Naylor of Western Distribution Services said the whole State suffers from the perception that it is difficult to build projects here because of too may regulations. Former Councilmember Steve Dowell stated the Committee will get a lot of political heat and hopes they will make a decision that is best for the community. Neil Helgeland lives in the Star Lake area and stated that King County has similar problems. He wonders why permits take so long and thinks licensed professionals should be trusted and held accountable. Ron McFarland of the Red Dot Corporation would like to see a reorganization that gives customers better direction and support. Jack Bennett of Corporate Property Investors said Kent 's permit process is better than any of the surrounding communities he has dealt with. He stated staff is generally knowledgeable, responsive, consistent and accessible. Chair Orr does not believe the City is doing everything wrong, however, she thinks some improvements can be made. She noted the tremendous loss of personnel in the Planning Department, and would like to give the department heads an opportunity to implement their plan. Councilmember Bennett feels it is obvious that everything isn't working well and noted that there is a perception that customer service needs to be improved. He feels it is time to stop the debate and make a decision. Councilmember Johnson does not believe it makes sense to have the organization divided into three departments. The amount of time it takes to process minor applications is too long, and the perception of customer service needs to be improved. Councilmember Johnson MOVED that the Planning Committee recommend to the full Council that we endorse the concept of creating a new organization and meet soon with the department heads to work out the details and implement the new organization. Councilmember Bennett SECONDED the motion for discussion. He feels we should we should quit studying the issue, set a deadline and move forward. Motion carried with Councilmember Bennett opposed. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 2 , 1993 PAGE 3 INTERIM ACTIONS MANDATED BY COUNTY-WIDE PLANNING POLICIES/MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES (L. YEATS-QUILICI) At the request of the Committee at its February 16 meeting, Planner Laura Yeats-Quilici distributed and reviewed a report showing a comparison of residential densities in other jurisdictions and single family plat history from 1982 to 1992 . Councilmember Bennett MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to send this item to the Planning Commission for a more detailed discussion of the alternatives. Motion carried. ORDINANCE TO INCREASE PLANNING DEPARTMENT' S 1993 MISCELLANEOUS FEES (M. PORTER) Administrative Assistant Margaret Porter reported that as part of the 1993 budget approval process several permanent revenue enhancement proposals were adopted by the Council, one of which is to increase miscellaneous Planning Department charges by $3 , 760. The Department proposes to increase the zoning permit fee from $25. 00 to $32 . 00. Based on the issuance of 522 zoning permits in 1992 and forecasting the same for 1993 , this $7. 00 increase will raise the $3 , 760. She noted that Ordinance No. 2667 must be amended to accomplish this. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to amend Ordinance No. 2667 to increase the zoning permit fee to $32 . 00 in order to implement an increase of $3 , 760 in miscellaneous Planning Department fees as adopted in the 1993 budget. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES (CCS) EMERGENCY COLD WEATHER SHELTER (L. BALL) Human Services Manager Lin Ball reported that Catholic Community Services has notified the City that over $7, 000 of the $17 , 000 allotted in 1993 for the Emergency Severe Weather Shelter Program was expended in January 1993 due to the increase of homeless individuals and continuing cold weather. Recognizing that they would quickly run out of money if they vouchered every cold night as defined by the contract, CCS decided they needed to ration the money to make it stretch through the year. In February they have been vouchering only in extreme conditions or if there is a family with children in need of shelter. CCS would like to know if the City concurs with this action. The Human Services Commission discussed this matter at its February 25 meeting and decided that they needed the Council 's guidance in this matter. In the meantime, the Human Services Commission decided to inform CCS to _ continue to use their best judgment in rationing the funds. The Commission also wants the Council to be aware that rationing the funds CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 2 , 1993 PAGE 4 goes against Resolution 1266, which adopted the program. The Commission also pointed out that even with rationing the funds, CCS may not be able to meet the needs this Fall. The Commission is asking if the Council agrees with this recommendation. Human Services Commission Chair Susan Ramos stated the City has made a commitment to house the homeless, expecially in cold weather. The funding is an issue because we may run out now or in the Fall, and the Commission would like some guidance. The Commission felt its recommendation to allow CCS to use its judgment in rationing funds now is an immediate solution, and they feel this issue will return in the Fall when the money is depleted. Councilmember Bennett stated that under both issues the Council will be responsible enough in the fall if we should have a severe weather change. Councilmember Johnson approves of CCS ' s decision to give priority to sheltering families with children. Councilmember Bennett MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to allow CCS the flexibility to continue using its best judgement in administering the Emergency Severe Weather Shelter Program. Motion carried. This item will go to the Council on March 16, 1993 . SECTION 8 HOUSING Chair Orr reported that the Section 8 housing issued was discussed at the recent City Council retreat. However, due to the lack of support staff to pursue this issue, it was not identified as a target goal for this year. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5: 10 p.m. 930302 .PC