HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/16/1993 CITY OF �MBIT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE March 16, 1993 4 : 00 PM dd��8IICG9P13� Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Roger Lubovich Jon Johnson Laurie Evezich Judy Woods Planning Staff Other City Staff Lin Ball Tony McCarthy Jim Harris Margaret Porter Guests Fred Satterstrom List available upon request GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom informed the Committee of the Planning Commission's recommendations on the wetlands ordinance. On March 8, 1993 , the Planning Commission held a final public hearing on the proposed wetlands ordinance reviewing the Citizens Advisory Committee's recommendations. The Citizens Advisory Committee called the wetlands draft ordinance the "Subcommittee Discussion Draft Ordinance dated January 1993" . It was assumed that the Subcommittee' s draft with revisions would be coming to the City Council. However, the Planning Commission made a motion to forward to the City Council the Subcommittee's draft as amended as well as the original draft ordinance dated September 1992 . The two draft ordinances will be forwarded to the City Council on April 20, 1993 . If neither of the two draft ordinances are approved that night, the Planning Committee council members discussed holding several workshops to do a more intensive review on these two draft ordinances, preferably, on a non-Council night with zero public input except for the last workshop. Next, Mr. Satterstrom reported on two bills in the Legislature, SHB 1761 and SHB 5230. Both would provide a one-year extension on the Growth Management Plan deadline with a six-month time extension if a City requested it and if approved by DCD for an extension on the regulation part. The Phasing bill that was before the Legislature is no longer up for consideration. At a future date, Mr. Satterstrom stated he will bring a revised Work Program back to the Committee after the two new hires come on board and things are settled internally. The update will include the issue of staffing levels and the Planning Department's ability to perform under the Growth Management Act on the mandated items. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 16, 1993 PAGE 2 SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris stated the main point on the Short Plat procedures is to streamline the process. The procedure changes would be to eliminate the Short Plat Committee, change the Appeal process so appeals will be heard by the Hearing Examiner, and add a 200' radius notification to the surrounding property owners and a public response time. When the property to be subdivided abuts parcels greater than two(2) acres in size which in turn have other properties abutting them, then the residents and owners of these additional properties shall also be notified. Action on this item will be taken on April 20, 1993 . POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREAS (PAA) - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris distributed and reviewed City of Kent Potential Annexation Area (PAA) map. He said the City Council needs to give an informal approval of the Potential Annexation map in order for Planning staff to go out into the community to talk with citizens, special interest districts, and any other interested citizens. Mr. Harris read to the Committee a section in the Model Interlocal Agreement about the public process. This agreement would need to be done by December 1993 . Mr. Harris plans on contacting citizens by working with the Public Works Department to gather public input about the potential PAA by mid May or June. STAFFING LEVELS IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT - (L. Orr) Chair Orr expressed extreme concern about the staffing levels in the Planning Department. She requested information on what would be the lowest level of staffing for the Planning Department. Chief Administrative Office Tony McCarthy distributed an E-mail memo on a plan for staffing in the Planning Department. He reported that two Planners have been authorized to be hired and for one employee to transfer into the Planning Department from the Finance Department. Mr. McCarthy said that it may be possible for the top three applicants to be hired instead of the top two depending upon where the City stands financially. The Council members present and Planning Director Jim Harris requested that the question be answered by Administration as to what is to be the ultimate size of the Planning Department. CHESTNUT RIDGE ANNEXATION - R. Lubovich City Attorney Roger Lubovich reported that the City has received the 60 percent petition to annex the Chestnut Ridge area into the City. Chair Orr MOVED and Councilmember Johnson SECONDED a motion to set a hearing date for April 6th and prepare the necessary ordinances to proceed with this annexation, subject to the Boundary Review Board' s approval. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5: 35 p.m.