HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/06/1993 CITY OF dlt? BIT V�n(cmt, CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE April 6, 1993 4 :00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Planning Staff Other City Staff Lin Ball Betsy Czark Jim Harris Guests Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. Satterstrom) First, Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported SHB 1761 continues to march through the Legislature with a prognostication that it will doubtlessly pass. This bill would give a one year extension for the completion of the Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act. DCD will be developing a schedule as to when the comprehensive plans will be turned in between January 1994 and July 1994. Therefore, for some counties and cities, this will not be a true one year extension. Also, DCD has not given an extension on the development regulations. Fred will be giving a more detailed presentation on this subject when the Legislature is over. Second, Fred reminded the Committee that the Wetlands Ordinance proposal from the Planning Commission is scheduled to come to the full council on April 20, 1993 . Fred made a suggestion to the Council members to view the proposal as a simple matter with a number of options. The first option is the original Planning Commission' s recommendation. The second option is a revised recommendation as worked on by the Committee. METRO SUBSIDIZED BUS PASSES - (L. Ball) Due to some changes, this item was pulled from the agenda to be brought back to the Committee on April 20, 1993 . CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 6, 1993 PAGE 2 1994 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) LOCAL PROGRAM POLICIES AND FUNDING LEVEL - (L. Ball) Human Services Manager Lin Ball explained that the City of Kent qualifies to receive "pass-through" funds for its 1994 Community Development Block Grant Program. The 1994 funds from King County is estimated to be $359, 845, which is approximately $72,500 higher than the City's 1993 Program. Lin emphasized that this is only an estimate based on a projected 1994 federal entitlement which could change due to changes in the entitlement, program income and recaptured funds. Staff requested that the following actions be approved: 1. Approval to accept 1994 Pass-Through funds. 2 . Allocate $48, 952 to Public (Human) Services, the maximum available to the City of Kent. 3 . Allocate the City' s fair share maximum of 1994 Pass-Through funds to Planning and Administration ($31, 011) . 4 . Approval of the proposed 1994 Local Program Policies. 5. Forward these recommendations to the full City Council for consideration at its April 20, 1993 meeting. Manager Ball explained the development of Local Program Policies is an annual federal requirement for the receipt of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. It is necessary to readopt Kent's CDBG Program Policies each year. Kent's 1994 CDBG Local Program Policies are a description of our local strategies for the use of CDBG funds. These draft policies form the basis for decisions pertaining to allocation of CDBG funds in the City of Kent. Lin explained three(3) major changes to the 1993 Local Program Policies. The first one is a revision to Part III(B) - "Regional Needs", which addresses a newly established Consortium-wide public services funding pot. The new funding pot will replace the existing consortium-wide emergency shelter and one-time only regional pot. This money will be used to fund public services activities in support of the Affordable Housing requirements under the Growth Management Act (GMA) and assist the City in meeting some of its Affordable Housing human service requirements under GMA. The second change is a revision to Part IV - "Streets, Walkways, and Architectural Barriers", which eliminates reference to projects that can no longer meet the benefit criteria of the federal regulations. Specifically, Lin said the following wording has been eliminated: "projects that link residential areas to the downtown or to community CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 6, 1993 PAGE 3 facilities and services; projects that help implement or complement the Downtown Improvement Plan;" . The third change is the deletion of Part IV - "Historic Preservation, which has been deleted as a priority for funding with City CDBG dollars. The County no longer includes this as an eligible activity in its policy plan and encourages cities to also remove it as a category. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned five(5) actions. Motion carried. 1994-1996 DRAFT INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT (ICA) - (L. Ball) Human Services manager Lin Ball explained the DRAFT Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (ICA) for King County's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consortium is brought to the Committee for their review and input, prior to it going to the Joint Policy Committee (JPC) . The agreement governs the City's participation in the Community Development Block Grant Consortium, the vehicle by which Kent obtains its federal Block Grant funds. It outlines how funds are shared among Consortium members, includes requirements defined by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) , and covers the specific powers and responsibilities of the jurisdictions within the Consortium. It is necessary to adopt a new Consortium ICA every three years. Manager Ball explained the major changes in the new DRAFT ICA agreement as follows: 1. Creation of a new GMA public services set-aside fund Lin reported the existing one-time-only public services fund would be replaced with a new funding pot which would fund public service activities in support of Affordable Housing requirements under implementation of the state Growth Management Act. 2 . Change in Pass-through City Oualification Lin said the amount of money a city is eligible to receive in order to qualify for a direct pass-through of funds has been increased from $25, 000 to $50, 000. This change doesn't impact the City of Kent since we consistently receive in excess of $200, 000. Also, the ICA defines the responsibilities of a city in order to receive a direct pass-through. In order to receive its pass-through dollars, the City of Kent must agree to comply with these responsibilities. Cities which are not able to meet the requirements will have their pass-through status revoked. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 6, 1993 PAGE 4 3 . Distribution of Administrative Funds Lin reported the current ICA bases the amount of administrative funds on 7% of the City's entitlement share. The proposed ICA bases the amount on the City's proportion of low- and moderate-income persons, which is a much more equitable process and will benefit the City of Kent because of our large percentage of low- and moderate- income residents. 4. Local Policies/Local Comprehensive Plan Consistency Lin reported the new ICA requires that Consortium cities CDBG Local Program Policies be consistent with their local comprehensive plans being developed under the Growth Management Act. We already meet this requirement. 5. Non-Violent Civil Rights Demonstrations Lin reported a new requirement by HUD is that each city has to certify that it is enforcing local policies which prohibit the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies against individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and that we enforce applicable state and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of non-violent civil rights demonstrations within jurisdictions. Lin said that staff has been working with the City Attorney's office and has been assured that the City can comply with this certification since we do comply with the state laws and our Police Department has policies which address these two items. Manager Ball reported no formal action is being requested at this time on this DRAFT CDBG ICA Agreement. It is being brought to the Committee for review and input, prior to it going to the Joint Policy Committee (JPC) for approval on April 15th. The Committee did not have any concerns or changes. 1994-1996 DRAFT HOME INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT (ICA) - (L. Ball) Manager Ball explained the DRAFT HOME Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (ICA) for the King County HOME Consortium. She said this agreement covers the City of Kent's participation with the County and other King County cities in the distribution of federal HOME funds. Ball reported in 1993 the management of these funds was covered under the CDBG Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, since the same cities were participating in both programs. For the next funding cycle, the Cities of Federal Way and Bellevue have decided to join the HOME Consortium. Since these two cities are not part of the CDBG Consortium, it is necessary to create a separate ICA for HOME. The inclusion of these two cities will benefit the HOME Consortium because the Consortium will CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 6, 1993 PAGE 5 receive more dollars from the federal government, due to the larger participation of cities. Ball said this ICA is very straight forward with no "pass-through" of funds. The City's Housing and Human Services staff is involved in the drafting of policies, review of applications, and recommendations for funding. Jim Harris is currently on the HOME Working Committee which makes funding decisions. Manager Ball mentioned a mistake in the draft and passed out a new second page of the Agreement with the following word changes: "The Joint Policy Committee will adopt HOME program policies, developed by a City and County staff working group. (* The HOME project selection committee will make funding decisions. Manager Ball also pointed some other minor word changes may occur in reference to RCW 39 . 34 . on how the funds will be managed and distributed. Attorney Laurie Evezich from the Law Department will have the wording cleared up in a few days. Manager Ball reported no formal action is being requested at this time on this DRAFT HOME ICA. It is being brought to the Committee for review and input, prior to it going to the Joint Policy Committee (JPC) for approval on April 15th. The Committee did not have any concerns or changes. After approval by the JPC, the final ICA will be brought back to the Committee in May for approval and recommendation to forward to the full City Council for final approval. 1993 CDBG SUPPLEMENTAL "STIMULUS" MONEY - (L. Ball) Manager Ball expected to have more information on President Clinton's economic stimulus plan in Congress, but this item is being held up in a filibuster at this point. A big piece of this "stimulus" money is supplemental Community Development Block Grant money. Ball stated that a requirement on this supplemental money will be a tight time line. Chair Orr recommended that Manager Ball contact Judy Woods to see if a memo could be written to the City Council to be able to bend the rules in order to act on this quickly. ADDED ITEMS: Chair Orr mentioned a correction needs to be made on the March 16, 1993 minutes on Short Plat Procedures. She requested a typographical error be corrected in the minutes stating that the Short Plat Procedures be brought back to the Committee not on April 10, 1993, but the correction is April 20, 1993 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 50 p.m. PC0406.MIN