HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 04/20/1993 CITY OF ZUL22 J1 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE April 20, 1993 4 : 00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Planning Staff Other City Staff Lin Ball Tony McCarthy Jim Harris Margaret Porter Guests Fred Satterstrom GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. Satterstrom) First, Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported that the Growth Management Service Agreement from King County will be coming to the Committee on May 18, 1993 . Second, Mr. Satterstrom reported SHB 1761 passed in the Legislature that gives a one year extension for the completion of the Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act, but no extension on the development regulations were given. Fred said this will double the work. Planning Director Jim Harris requested to bring back Potential Annexation Areas to the Committee on May 18, 1993 . The action then will be forwarded to the City Council with the intent to annex resolution. METRO SUBSIDIZED BUS TICKETS - (J. Johnston) Planner Rachel Johnston stated in January 1992 , the Metro Council formed a Transit Fare Task Force to study fare issues and develop a fare structure recommendation to their full council. One of the components of the Task Force's recommendation was the allocation of subsidized tickets for human services needs. To accomplish this goal, Metro Council adopted Resolution No. 6443 which enabled them to allocate in 1993 $200, 000 for subsidized bus tickets for human services transportation. To use these tickets human services agencies would match 25% of the cost of the tickets and Metro would pay for the remaining 75% of the cost. Therefore, $200, 000 from Metro and $66, 667 from human service agencies would provide $266, 667 worth of bus tickets. Of the $200, 000, Seattle will receive $109,752 and the remaining $90,248 will be apportioned to unincorporated King County and 10 cities within the County. The allocation was based on a formula by poverty population - number of households receiving less than $15, 000 annually. According to 1990 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 20, 1993 PAGE 2 Census data, Kent has 2, 668 such households. Thus, Kent is apportioned $5,207 for subsidized bus tickets. This amount cannot be acquired by Kent as funding, but rather "set aside" as a valuated amount which Metro will disburse directly to designated human services agencies that serve low income Kent residents. The County Shelter Providers Committee of the Seattle King County Coalition for the Homeless proposed a management plan for distribution of Metro subsidized bus tickets to homeless clients. Representatives of King County and suburban cities recruited additional agencies that serve low-income individuals. Planner Johnston reported a revision to the Proposed Provider Allocation Plan with additional agencies and the allocated amounts. Staff requested that the following actions be approved: 1. Approval to allocate Kent's portion of funds ($5, 207) as proposed in the Provider Allocation Plan (Attachment B) . 2 . Forward to full City Council for consideration at its May 4th meeting, and authorization for the MAYOR to send a letter to METRO outlining Kent's approved allocation of funds. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS• SEWER EXTENSION TO CITY OF SEATAC - (L. Orr) Chair Orr mentioned that over a year ago the item of sewer extension to the City of SeaTac went to the Public Works Committee which accepted the "engineering concept" to extend the sewer across the river. Then, this item came to the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee voted to disapprove the request to extend the sewer. When the item came to the City Council, the City of SeaTac pulled the item from the agenda. Orr said the advise from our City Attorney Roger Lubovich is for this item to come back to the Planning Committee for review to reaffirm the decision. If this is still the Committee's decision, then he recommended forwarding this to the City Council for action. Chair Orr asked Jim Harris to call the City of SeaTac about the issue and Mr. Harris will report on what he finds out at the May 4 , 1993 meeting. SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES Planning Director Harris requested that this project be brought back to the Committee in late June or July 1993 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 30 p.m. PC0420.MIN CITY OF )LIF22�� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE April 20, 1993 4: 00 PM d�Q°II�7C1� Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Planning Staff Other City Staff Lin Ball Tony McCarthy Jim Harris Margaret Porter Guests Fred Satterstrom GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. Satterstrom) First, Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported that the Growth Management Service Agreement from King County will be coming to the Committee on May 18, 1993 . Second, Mr. Satterstrom reported SHB 1761 passed in the Legislature that gives a one year extension for the completion of the Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act, but no extension on the development regulations were given. Fred said this will double the work. Planning Director Jim Harris requested to bring-back Potential Annexation Areas to the Committee on May 18, 1993 . The action then will be forwarded to the City Council with the intent to annex resolution. METRO SUBSIDIZED BUS TICKETS - (J. Johnston) Planner Rachel Johnston stated in January 1992, the Metro Council formed a Transit Fare Task Force to study fare issues and develop a fare structure recommendation to their full council. One of the components of the Task Force's recommendation was the allocation of subsidized tickets for human services needs. To accomplish this goal, Metro Council adopted Resolution No. 6443 which enabled them to allocate in 1993 $200, 000 for subsidized bus tickets for human services transportation. To use these tickets human services agencies would match 25% of the cost of the tickets and Metro would pay for the remaining 75% of the cost. Therefore, $200, 000 from Metro and $66, 667 from human service agencies would provide $266, 667 worth of bus tickets. Of the $200, 000, Seattle will receive $109, 752 and the remaining $90, 248 will be apportioned to unincorporated King County and 10 cities within the County. The allocation was based on a formula by poverty population - number of households receiving less than $15, 000 annually. According to 1990 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES APRIL 20, 1993 PAGE 2 Census data, Kent has 2, 668 such households. Thus, Kent is apportioned $5,207 for subsidized bus tickets. This amount cannot be acquired by Kent as funding, but rather "set aside" as a valuated amount which Metro will disburse directly to designated human services agencies that serve low income Kent residents. The County Shelter Providers Committee of the Seattle King County Coalition for the Homeless proposed a management plan for distribution of Metro subsidized bus tickets to homeless clients. Representatives of King County and suburban cities recruited additional agencies that serve low-income individuals. Planner Johnston reported a revision to the Proposed Provider Allocation Plan with additional agencies and the allocated amounts. Staff requested that the following actions be approved: 1. Approval to allocate Kent's portion of funds ($5,207) as proposed in the Provider Allocation Plan (Attachment B) . 2 . Forward to full City Council for consideration at its May 4th meeting, and authorization for the MAYOR to send a letter to METRO outlining Kent's approved allocation of funds. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to approve the aforementioned two(2) actions. Motion carried. ADDED ITEMS• SEWER EXTENSION TO CITY OF SEATAC - (L. Orr) Chair Orr mentioned that over a year ago the item of sewer extension to the City of SeaTac went to the Public Works Committee which accepted the "engineering concept" to extend the sewer across the river. Then, this item came to the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee voted to disapprove the request to extend the sewer. When the item came to the City Council, the City of SeaTac pulled the item from the agenda. Orr said the advise from our City Attorney Roger Lubovich is for this item to come back to the Planning Committee for review to reaffirm the decision. If this is still the Committee's decision, then he recommended forwarding this to the City Council for action. Chair Orr asked Jim Harris to call the City of SeaTac about the issue and Mr. Harris will report on what he finds out at the May 4, 1993 meeting. SHORT PLAT PROCEDURES Planning Director Harris requested that this project be brought back to the Committee in late June or July 1993 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 30 p.m. PC0420.MIN