HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/04/1993 CITY OF r"L� J1 CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE May 4, 1993 4 : 00 PM d�Y�IIC�i� Committee Members Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Roger Lubovich Planning Staff Other City Staff Jim Harris Jed Aldrich Margaret Porter Norm Angelo Fred Satterstrom Mary Berg Bob Hutchinson Tony McCarthy Alana McIalwain GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. Satterstrom) No update was given. PROPOSED SEATAC SEWER EXTENSION - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris displayed a northwest City boundary map. Mr. Harris reported Mike Knapp, Planning Director of SeaTac, said they are not pushing for what they wanted on the original request, but they are interested in proposing extension of sewers on Military Road. Director Harris recommended the City keep negotiations open with the City of SeaTac. The Committee decided to take no action until another issue is brought to the Committee by the City of SeaTac. POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREAS (PAA) - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris passed out a revised Interim Potential Annexation Area Map and explained the boundaries. Mr. Harris reported that the draft resolution simply gets the City of Kent on the record adopting an Interim Potential Annexation Area. Fire Chief Norm Angelo stated his concern about this interim period prior to annexation regarding fire districts. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to recommend approval of a resolution adopting an Interim Potential Annexation Area to be brought to the full council on May 18, 1993 . Motion carried. CHESTNUT RIDGE ANNEXATION CENSUS - (M. Porter) Administrative Assistant Margaret Porter reported that May 6, 1993 is the effective date for the City of Kent Annexation of the Chestnut Ridge Area CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 41 1993 PAGE 2 (Ordinance No. 3099) . To determine the resident population of the newly annexed territory in the City of Kent, Ms. Porter reported that Marilyn McCurtain was hired as the consultant to do this project. On Friday, May 5th, Marilyn will be calling the Margaret Porter to give the Department the definite cost of this project. Ms. McCurtain estimated the cost to be $5, 000 or less. The requirement of the ordinance is to have the census completed by June 6, 1993 and Marilyn agreed on this. ADDED ITEMS• CIVIL VIOLATIONS, ENFORCEMENT AND ABATEMENT ORDINANCE - (R. Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich mentioned that everyone present at the meeting except for Jim Harris heard the presentation on this ordinance. It was agreed Mr. Lubovich did not need to go over the entire ordinance except a few minor changes in the ordinance. The changes are on page 5, section 1. 04 . 030C(1) g, and 1. 04 . 030C(2) which is entitled the Right to a Hearing Waived. The new wording clarifies that the person responsible for the violation waives the right to a hearing before the Hearing Examiner under this chapter. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to recommend approval of the Civil Violations, Enforcement and Abatement Ordinance with the recommended changes and forward to the full council on May 18, 1993 . Motion carried. ZONING CODE ENFORCEMENT ORDINANCE - (R. Lubovich) City Attorney Roger Lubovich reported last year that the Kent Zoning Code was amended to provide for civil violation enforcement. This program was originally set up for the Planning Director to hear all reviews, appeals, etc. The new ordinance brought to the Committee amends Chapter 15. 10 of the Kent City Code relating to civil violations, enforcement of development and use regulations, providing civil penalties, abatement procedures, and collection of any necessary costs by the City to refer all violations to this new chapter (Chapter 1. 04 just adopted above) rather than the Planning Director doing administrative reviews. The violation goes through the Hearing Examiner process. since this is a change in the Zoning Code, this ordinance will be heard by the Planning Commission and then brought to the City Council for approval for their hearing on May 24 , 1993 . No action was needed by the Planning Committee. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 37 p.m. PC0504 .MIN