HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 05/18/1993 CITY OF dW01,122211M CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE May 18 , 1993 4 :00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney' s Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Planning Staff Other City Staff Lin Ball Brenda Jacober Jim Harris Tony McCarthy Margaret Porter Alana McIalwain Fred Satterstrom GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported the addition of a couple of new staff persons in the Planning Department that will help on Growth Management. Linda Phillips, a Planner from the City of Kirkland, will start on May 20, 1993 , and Matt Jackson, a Planner from the City of Bellingham who use to be the Department' s Planning Intern, started on May 17 , 1993 . Both of them will be helping half-time on Growth Management mandates. Also, Fred reported Kevin O'Neill has been promoted to the position of Senior Planner. He will be the Lead Planner on Growth Management. Manager Satterstrom said the new staff will be needed since the Legislature passed SHB 1751 that granted an extension for meeting the Comprehensive Plan deadline. The requirements to update the Development Regulations into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan by July 1, 1994 was not extended. Therefore, Fred said it is good the Planning Department got the staff, since the work program has doubled. Lastly, the Planning Department and other city departments that deal with Capital Facilities Planning are sponsoring a 2/3 day seminar on June 8, 1993 regarding Capital Facilities Planning under the Growth Management Act. Consultants by the name of Henderson & Young are being brought in to conduct this session. Fred asked Chair Orr to invite City Council members to attend this seminar. Manager Satterstrom handed out a sample agenda as to the topics that possibly will be covered. HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE - J. Harris) First, Human Services Manager Lin Ball reported the Roundtable's main project for 1993 is the Healthy Families Project, which is the child abuse and neglect project. This project is modeled after the Hawaii Healthy Start Program. This project targets High Risk Families by CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 18, 1993 PAGE 2 providing intensive home services for parents of newborn babies who are identified at risk. The targeting of high risk newborns occurs at the hospital with screening of records and interviewing those identified at the hospital on a voluntary basis. The program will teach good parenting skills and also help to hook up those families to needed outside resources as needed. Manager ball reported the first step of the planning effort involves the design of the regional framework policies. The second step will entail detailed implementation planning for two pilot sites. Ms. Ball stated the Hawaii model has successfully shown that families can survive and thrive without falling into a pattern of child abuse if they are given support early on. The success of the Hawaii project has been so great that there are 46 other states that are looking at adopting a similar type of model. Secondly, Ball reported the biggest victory for human services was the passage of Health Care Reform, which will require that all residents be covered with a package of essential benefits by July, 1999. This project legislation will serve as a model for the rest of the country. Also, Ms. Ball reported many victories passed in the Legislative. The Roundtable sponsored bill for Domestic Violence with three provisions passed. The Criminal Justice Funding with the Legislature agreeing to permanently fund criminal justice assistance including making permanent the 1/10 of one percent sales tax authority for criminal justice without going back to the voters and new incentive provisions passed. The change in distribution of the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax in which 1/3 will go to pay for public health department services and by 1995 Cities will no longer have to pay for public health. This is a savings of $530, 000 based on the 1993 figure. On Housing, the $50 million in the Housing Trust Fund was renewed in the capital budget. A Housing Policy Act was passed which had no funding attached but had directives to encourage the development and preservation of affordable housing and especially to assist special needs groups. Lin reported the last bill that passed with no funding attached calls for statewide coordinated planning for a healthy families program. Thirdly, Lin reported the Roundtable focused their retreat in March around the integration of human services in all areas of Growth Management Planning. The Roundtable feels it is crucial to integrate the physical and social environments. Lin stated the City of Kent has made this commitment from the beginning in its Comprehensive Planning effort under GMA. The Roundtable is working on a process to work with Growth Management Planning Council to discuss ways to promote connections between growth management and human services planning. The Growth Management Planning Council staff has suggested that the Roundtable request authorization to prepare a proposed amendment to the countywide planning policy section that discusses "human and community services" in September 1993 . CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MAY 18, 1993 PAGE 3 1992-93 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT (GMA) GRANT - SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH KING COUNTY (F. Satterstrom) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported the Growth Management Act provides funding to cities and counties that are required to plan under the Act, such as Kent. GMA funds are distributed to the City of Kent through King County. This agreement is between the City of Kent and King County for the distribution of these funds for the 1992-93 period. He explained the service agreement is an updated version of the 1991-92 agreement which the City and County signed in March 1992 . Satterstrom reported the funding level for Kent in the 1992-93 agreement is $34,242, approximately $22,000 less than one year ago. He said, overall, growth management funding from the state is down 54% since funding first became available in 1990. Manager Satterstrom gave an explanation of the three attachments: Attachment 1 - Countywide Planning Policies Work Program, Attachment 2 - Funding Allocations/King County Cities, and Attachment 3 - Proposed GMA Process. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Chair Orr SECONDED a motion to recommend approval of 1992-93 Growth Management Act (GMA) Grant Service Agreement with King County to be brought to the full council on June 1, 1993 by resolution. Motion carried. Staff was asked to call Jim Bennett to receive his approval so the item could be placed under the consent calendar. ADDED ITEMS: MIDWAY DRIVE-IN TO USE FOR EVENT PRESENTATION - (J. Harris) Planning Director Jim Harris reported the parties involved were invited to the Committee meeting and that no application for a Temporary Use Permit has been submitted yet. He explained the permit requires a zoning variance would need to be granted in advance by the city council for such location. If and when an application is received, Mr. Harris then suggested that this item be reviewed by the Public Safety and the Planning Committees before forwarding this item onto the City Council, but to not do anything until this happens. Chair Orr and Councilmember Johnson agreed. Assistant Attorney Laurie Evezich mentioned she tried to call the parties involved. DISCUSSION OF NEW MEETING TIME Chair Orr suggested perhaps meeting once per month instead of twice per month. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 :50 p.m. PC0518.MIN