HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/16/1993 CITY OF ���� CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES November 16, 1993 4 : 00 PM Committee Members Present City Attorney's Office Leona Orr, Chair Laurie Evezich Jon Johnson Planning Staff Other City Staff Lin Ball Jim Harris Kevin O'Neill Margaret Porter Other Guests GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (K. O'Neill) Senior Planner Kevin O'Neill stated that the Planning Department was hoping to have the Growth Management Service Agreement from King County in time for this meeting. Unfortunately, this Agreement did not get here in time for this meeting. This will need to be brought to the City Council on December 2 , 1993 because King County is requesting approval on this Service Agreement and to be returned to the County by December 10, 1993 . Chair Orr suggested a special meeting could be held on December 2 , 1993 to act on this item if necessary. Mr. O'Neill mentioned three meetings were held on the Comprehensive Plan and scoping for the EIS which were held October 20, October 21, and October 27 , 1993 with about 60 people who responded. The same displays will be set up at the Town Hall meeting on November 18 to get more responses. Kevin reminded the Committee members of the workshop scheduled for November 30, 1993 with Henderson, Young & Company between 5: 00 - 9: 00 p.m. HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE (L. Ball) Lin Ball updated the Committee on the Healthy Families Project, which is a home visitation program for prevention of child abuse and neglect. Auburn was selected as the south county site and is scheduled to open in late January. Seattle' s planned opening date is in the spring. Both Auburn and Seattle are assisting in funding the sites. The model for the two pilot sites will consist of screening all parents and CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1993 PAGE 2 newborn babies whose mothers both live in selected zip code areas and deliver their babies at selected hospitals. All new births within the pilot project areas will be screened, not just those thought to be at risk. The premise of universal visits is that all new parents need support. The value base of the program is family support and to build on the strengths of the family. Seattle-King County Department of Public Health will administer the project, and Children' s Home Society will be the local lead partner for the Auburn pilot site. The overall goal of the project is: 1. Foster healthy families and the growth and development of young children; and 2 . Prevent child abuse and neglect. Lin also reported the grant application to Meyers Memorial Trust for funding of the two sites was turned down but Auburn does have the County Children and Families Commission money. This will not affect the start-up timing, but will affect the implementation of the entire model, level of service, and the evaluation piece. Other funding options are being explored. Lin also reported on the Domestic Violence Children's Project which implements a portion of the 1990 Regional Comprehensive Domestic Violence Plan. The Roundtable is facilitating a process to develop a regional model for integration and delivery of services for children of domestic violence. The needs of children affected by domestic violence was recognized as a high priority in the regional plan. There is a growing realization that children in violent homes are severely harmed, either physically or emotionally. It is estimated that 30-40 percent of children in violent homes have been sexually or physically abused. Witnessing violence also has significant affects on children. The impacts on children are enormous; and the issues affecting these children are extensive: - Emotional, physical abuse, sexual abuse, school problems, abusive to others; health problems; substance abuse; trouble with law; gangs; suicide. - Children in volent homes may come to believe that violence is an appropriate way to resolve conflict and to maintain power and control over other people. The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive, regional array of services to meet the needs of children affected by domestic violence. A draft model for service array has been developed that includes a broad range of services. Money is allocated in the 1994 work program to further develop this program, prepare a detailed work plan, and begin to implement some of the priorities. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1993 PAGE 3 Lin also passed out the Human Services Roundtable Proposed Goals for 1994 Work Program for the Committee to review. UPDATE ON VISIONING CONCEPT - (L. Orr) Chair Orr suggested to postpone the discussion of this item until the next regular meeting since Jim Bennett had requested this item be added. ADDED ITEMS: None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 : 30 p.m. PC01116.MIN