HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 08/23/1993 CITY OF ��LSV IT KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES VWCT August 23, 1993 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Martinez at 7:00 pm on August 23 , 1993 in the Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Edward Heineman, Jr. Gwen Dahle Albert Haylor Bob MacIssac Janette Nuss PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER ABSENT: Kenneth Dozier Christopher Grant Kent Morrill Raymond Ward PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Chris Holden, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF JULY 26 , 1993 MINUTES The MOTION was made to accept the July 26, 1993 minutes as presented. The motion was SECONDED. Motion CARRIED. Under Notice of upcoming meetings, Mr. Satterstrom informed the Commissioners there will be a meeting in October concerning the proposed zoning of the new Chestnut Ridge annexed area. #ZCA-93-6 CHURCHES ALLOWED IN THE CM2 , COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING, ZONING DISTRICT. A request to amend the Zoning Code to allow churches in the CM2, Commercial Manufacturing, zoning district. Mr. Satterstrom briefly described the regulatory review process. Mr. Satterstrom outlined the request regarding changing the Zoning Code to allow churches in the CM2, Commercial Manufacturing, zone. He explained that currently the CM2 zone does not permit churches as a permitted use either under the list for permitted uses or special permitted uses. Churches are permitted in the single 1 CITY OF �0\, KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES p�r�ucaa� August 23 , 1993 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Martinez at 7: 00 pm on August 23 , 1993 in the Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Edward Heineman, Jr. Gwen Dahle Albert Haylor Bob MacIssac Janette Nuss PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER ABSENT: Kenneth Dozier Christopher Grant Kent Morrill Raymond Ward PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Chris Holden, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF JULY 26 , 1993 MINUTES The MOTION was made to accept the July 26, 1993 minutes as presented. The motion was SECONDED. Motion CARRIED. Under Notice of upcoming meetings, Mr. Satterstrom informed the Commissioners there will be a meeting in October concerning the proposed zoning of the new Chestnut Ridge annexed area. #ZCA-93-6 CHURCHES ALLOWED IN THE CM2 , COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING, ZONING DISTRICT. A request to amend the Zoning Code to allow churches in the CM2 , Commercial Manufacturing, zoning district. Mr. Satterstrom briefly described the regulatory review process. Mr. Satterstrom outlined the request regarding changing the Zoning Code to allow churches in the CM2, Commercial Manufacturing, zone. He explained that currently the CM2 zone does not permit churches as a permitted use either under the list for permitted uses or special permitted uses. Churches are permitted in the single 1 Planning Commission Minutes August 23, 1993 family zones as well as most of the commercial zones as a special use. A special use means that it is a permitted use with different development standards than the principally permitted use. The special use permit process is done administratively. Mr. Satterstrom gave a brief history of why churches were not permitted in the manufacturing zones. However, there are now changed circumstances that are indicative that churches should be allowed to operate in the CM zones. One change is that the area on South Central, south of Willis to the Green River Bridge, has been changed to CM2 which allows GC, General Commercial, uses. The GC zone permits churches as a special permit use. However, when the CM2 was changed to permit GC retail uses, it did not include churches as a special permit use. Commissioner Dahle asked what are the requirements for special permit uses. She was particularly interested in the impacts of traffic in the area. Mr. Satterstrom explained that the Transportation Division commented that traffic generated by churches have lower PM peak hour trips that any use typically found in a manufacturing zone. However, daycare or schools were not considered since those uses have different considerations and are also special permit uses. Commissioner Dahle stressed there have been problems with another church in the area in regards to traffic congestion caused by its daycare and school. She felt there should be some type of transportation restrictions placed on churches that are considering having a daycare and a school such as requesting a signal light. Chair Heineman asked if a daycare or school in a church would have to be considered on its own merits and have their own permits. Mr. Satterstrom commented daycare and schools are permitted in churches. The regulations in the Special Permit section of the Code that relate to daycare and school uses would apply. Those regulations do not, however, necessarily relate to traffic impacts. Commissioner Haylor commented that the traffic impacts would probably be less on Central that on another street especially since Central has two lanes each and a center lane for turning traffic. Larry Brown, 261 SW 41st, Renton, WA 98053 , elucidated the reasons behind the request for a church to be allowed in the commercial manufacturing zones of the City. 2 Planning Commission Minutes August 23 , 1993 Axel Shipach, 14404 SE Petrovitsky, Renton, WA, Pastor of Kingdom Life Christian Center, commented his church was currently located in a leased space in a shopping center. Pastor Shipach commented there hasn't been a conflict with the offices and church use. He remarked there are no plans to start a daycare center or a school. The members of the Church come from Kent, Renton and the surrounding areas. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dahle opined that she still had difficulty with the use being allowed without some provision being made to consider transportation impacts. Commissioner Haylor MOVED that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that churches be allowed as a special use in the CM2 zone. Commissioner Nuss SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Dahle MOVED and Commissioner Haylor SECONDED to adjourn the hearing. MOTION CARRIED. The public hearing was adjourned at 8 : 35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ja �PHairis`, Secretary 3 CITY OF ) Llf!2�� CITY OF KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT (206) 859-3390 MEMORANDUM September 27 , 1993 MEMO TO: ED HEINEMAN, VICE-CHAIR, AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS FROM: FRED N. SATTERSTROM, PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - GASOLINE SALES SIGNS IN COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS (#ZCA-93-7) Background: On June 30, 1993 , an application for regulatory review was submitted by Bruce Creager of Barghausen Consulting Engineers on behalf of the Atlantic Richfield Company. The regulatory review requests that certain modifications to the Kent sign code be made which would allow a greater signage area for convenience stores with retail gasoline sales. The Planning Commission reviewed Mr. Creager' s request at the September 13 , 1993 workshop. Based on input from staff and those present in the audience, the Planning Commission directed that the proposal be scheduled for public hearing on September 27 , 1993 . Proposed Code Amendment: As proposed by the applicant, the regulatory review request involves changes to the City' s sign regulations relating to convenience stores with gasoline sales. Several changes are proposed: 1. The request proposes to change the permitted aggregate sign area calculation from a ratio of one (1) square foot of sign area for each foot of lot frontage to one and one-half (1 1/2) square feet of sign area for each front foot of lot frontage. This change, as proposed, would affect interior lots only. 2 . The aggregate sign area for freestanding signs for convenience stores with gasoline sales would be increased from 150 square feet to 200 square feet. 3 . Also, as proposed, fuel price sign area would be included in the aggregate sign. Existing regulations exempt such signs but restrict their size to 30 square feet. MEMO TO: Ed Heineman, Vice-Chair, et al RE: #ZCA-93-7 Page 2 The proposed changes of the applicant are provided in detail in their regulatory review request dated June 30, 1993 and attached herewith. Staff Analysis• The present sign code allows a greater permitted sign area for general business uses in the commercial zones (i. e. , NCC, CC, GC, and CM zones) than it does for gasoline service stations. The ratio of sign area to lot frontage for general businesses is 1 1/2 : 1 while that of gasoline service stations is 1: 1. On interior lots, the aggregate sign area for gasoline service stations is 50% less than that of general businesses. According to the applicant, convenience stores that offer gasoline sales are at a disadvantage in terms of their ability to sign their premises. The proposed sign code amendment would eliminate the distinction between general business uses and gasoline service stations. The other proposed changes are consistent with the more fundamental change mentioned above. Allowing 200 square feet instead of 150 square feet for gasoline service stations is consistent with the allowances for other business uses. Therefore, this is not a special benefit for gasoline service stations. In addition, the inclusion of fuel price signs as part of the aggregate sign area is a step in the right direction since it brings all aspects of the signage program for gas stations into the permitting process. Staff Recommendation: The Planning Department recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council the following changes to the City' s sign code (Ch. 15 . 06) : 1. The aggregate sign area for service station signs on interior lots be increased to allow 1 1/2 square feet of sign area for each foot of lot frontage. 2 . The permitted sign area of freestanding signs be increased to 200 square feet (maximum 100 sq. ft. per side) . 3 . The size of fuel price signs be included in the calculation of aggregate sign. c zca937 rp[ _ D CITY OF KENT EPLAMMITNyGi REGULATORY REVIEW iMENiT The Kent City Council has determined that ongoing review of the City's regulatory process is in the public's best interest, The Council wants the public to be able to participate in this review, The outline on this page is intended to give the public an opportunity to write down those things that they do not like about an ordinance or regulation, The Council will then review the public's comments and, when appropriate, make changes to ordinances and regulations, 0 What ordinance or regulation do you want the Council to review? KENT CITY CODE 15.06.050 0 What is it that bothers you about this ordinance/regulation? CITY REGULATIONS ALLOW ONLY 1.0 SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA FOR EVERY LINEAL FOOT OF STREET FRONTAGE FOR CONVENIENCE STORES WITH GASOLINE SALES ON AN INTERIOR LOT. BY COMPARISON, ANY RETAIL USE WITHOUT GASOLINE SALES ON AN INTERIOR LOT IS ALLOWED 50 PERCENT MORE SIGN AREA. _ 0 What changes do you suggest to this ordinance/regulation? SEE ATTACHED PROPOSED REVISIONS 0 What significance to the Community will occur with your proposed change? THE PROPOSED CHANGE WILL ALLOW CONVENIENCE STORES THAT SELL GASOLINE THE SAME TOTAL SIGN AREA AS ANY OTHER RETAIL USE. 0 What effect, if any, will your proposed change have on related ordinances , regulations, plans and policies? SIGN REGULATIONS WILL BE MORE CONSISTENT AND FAIRER. THEY WOULD NO LONGER PENALIZE CONVENIENCE STORES DUE TO GASOLINE SALES. 0 Have you reviewed your concern with a City staff member? YES 0 Do you have any general comments you wish to make (can be about the or- dinance/regulation you want changed or about anything else to do_with ordinances/regulations or the permit process )? SEE ATTACHED NAME BRUCE CREAGER, BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ADDRESS 18215 72ND AVENUE SOUTH KENT, WA 98032 RHONE NO. 251-6222 10/85 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO KENT CITY CODE SECTION 15.06.050.B 15.06 050.13 3. Automobile service station signs. The aggregate sign area for any corner lot shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each foot of lot frontage and the aggregate sign area for any interior lot shall not exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet for each foot of lot frontage, and the permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area a. Freestanding signs. One (1) freestanding lighted double-faced identification sign, not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet for the total of all faces, with no such face exceeding serer one hundred (100) square feet, is permitted. Such sign shall not exceed a height of thirty (30) feet If on a corner lot, two (2) monument signs not exceeding sixty (60) one hundred (100) square feet per sign for the total of all faces are permitted. Such monument signs shall not exceed a height of fifteen (15) feet. Freestanding signs shall be lighted during business hours only b. Additional signs Three (3) additional signs shall be permitted subject to the following restrictions- the total area of all signs, graphics or other advertising shall not be more than ten (10) percent of the building facade to which they are attached or on which they are displayed. c Fuel price signs Fuel price signs shall be e3Eempt ffe included 1n the aggregate sign area ) square feet total (Proposed additions are underlined. Proposed deletions are lined-through.) Page 1 of 1 2712 002 [BKC/tbl CITY OF J_Q\,210!1 1J_,r KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES V79VT August 23 , 1993 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Martinez at 7: 00 pm on August 23, 1993 in the Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Edward Heineman, Jr. Gwen Dahle Albert Haylor Bob MacIssac Janette Nuss PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER ABSENT: Kenneth Dozier Christopher Grant Kent Morrill Raymond Ward PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Chris Holden, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF JULY 26, 1993 MINUTES The MOTION was made to accept the July 26, 1993 minutes as presented. The motion was SECONDED. Motion CARRIED. Under Notice of upcoming meetings, Mr. Satterstrom informed the Commissioners there will be a meeting in October concerning the proposed zoning of the new Chestnut Ridge annexed area. #ZCA-93-6 CHURCHES ALLOWED IN THE CM2 , COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING, ZONING DISTRICT. A request to amend the Zoning Code to allow churches in the CM2, Commercial Manufacturing, zoning district. Mr. Satterstrom briefly described the regulatory review process. Mr. Satterstrom outlined the request regarding changing the Zoning Code to allow churches in the CM2, Commercial Manufacturing, zone. He explained that currently the CM2 zone does not permit churches as a permitted use either under the list for permitted uses or special permitted uses. Churches are permitted in the single 1 Planning Commission Minutes August 23 , 1993 family zones as well as most of the commercial zones as a special use. A special use means that it is a permitted use with different development standards than the principally permitted use. The special use permit process is done administratively. Mr. Satterstrom gave a brief history of why churches were not permitted in the manufacturing zones. However, there are now changed circumstances that are indicative that churches should be allowed to operate in the CM zones. One change is that the area on South Central, south of Willis to the Green River Bridge, has been changed to CM2 which allows GC, General Commercial, uses. The GC zone permits churches as a special permit use. However, when the CM2 was changed to permit GC retail uses, it did not include churches as a special permit use. Commissioner Dahle asked what are the requirements for special permit uses. She was particularly interested in the impacts of traffic in the area. Mr. Satterstrom explained that the Transportation Division commented that traffic generated by churches have lower PM peak hour trips that any use typically found in a manufacturing zone. However, daycare or schools were not considered since those uses have different considerations and are also special permit uses. Commissioner Dahle stressed there have been problems with another church in the area in regards to traffic congestion caused by its daycare and school. She felt there should be some type of transportation restrictions placed on churches that are considering having a daycare and a school such as requesting a signal light. Chair Heineman asked if a daycare or school in a church would have to be considered on its own merits and have their own permits. Mr. Satterstrom commented daycare and schools are permitted in churches. The regulations in the Special Permit section of the Code that relate to daycare and school uses would apply. Those regulations do not, however, necessarily relate to traffic impacts. Commissioner Haylor commented that the traffic impacts would probably be less on Central that on another street especially since Central has two lanes each and a center lane for turning traffic. Larry Brown, 261 SW 41st, Renton, WA 98053 , elucidated the reasons behind the request for a church to be allowed in the commercial manufacturing zones of the City. 2 Planning Commission Minutes August 23 , 1993 Axel Shipach, 14404 SE Petrovitsky, Renton, WA, Pastor of Kingdom Life Christian Center, commented his church was currently located in a leased space in a shopping center. Pastor Shipach commented there hasn't been a conflict with the offices and church use. He remarked there are no plans to start a daycare center or a school. The members of the Church come from Kent, Renton and the surrounding areas. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Dahle opined that she still had difficulty with the use being allowed without some provision being made to consider transportation impacts. Commissioner Haylor MOVED that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that churches be allowed as a special use in the CM2 zone. Commissioner Nuss SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Dahle MOVED and Commissioner Haylor SECONDED to adjourn the hearing. MOTION CARRIED. The public hearing was adjourned at 8: 35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ja �PHairis', Secretary 3