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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/04/1992 CITY OF )WO\-A JT
FEBRUARY 4, 1992 4 : 00 PM
Committee Members Present
Leona Orr, Chair
Jim Bennett
Jon Johnson
Lin Ball Tom Brubaker
Sharon Clamp Tony McCarthy
James Harris Alana McIalwain
Margaret Porter
Fred Satterstrom
Laura Yeats Quilici
Planner Laura Yeats Quilici showed the Committee the Kent Community
Forum video produced by the Planning Department and distributed an
opinionaire for the Committee members to complete. She also
explained how the forum process works. Laura explained that flyers
informing citizens of the forum were mailed to the City's 13,000
utility customers. The forum was published in the Valley Daily
News, the Kent Community Calendar, and various City departments
will also participate in the forum process. All the Committee
members were impressed with the video and felt it will generate a
lot of good feedback from citizens.
Assistant City Attorney Tom Brubaker stated more information has
been obtained from King County Records and Elections regarding
costs and timing of a special election. If the West Hill
annexation goes to referendum, the City must provide an election
within a 45-90 day window from the time the City passes the
ordinance. The City will not be able to commence the special
election process until the November election because, by law, no
special elections are allowed between the months of May and
November. May is the last month for a special election, however,
a law was recently passed establishing a Presidential Preference
primary for May 19. The special election date is May 24. If the
Legislature does not agree to coincide those two dates, the May
FEBRUARY 41 1992
special election date will be eliminated, and to schedule a special
election any time before May would not allow the City enough time
for the required notices, etc. Tom recommended the issue be sent
to Council sometime in late June or early July since Records and
Elections requires 45 days notice for a special election.
Assistant City Attorney Brubaker noted that cost will not be a
problem. He stated there are 144 registered voters in the island
area, and the approximate cost per voter is $1.25. If all 144
voted, the cost to the City would be $180. 00. If the same number
voted as in the last general election, the cost would be $108.75.
Planning Director Harris noted this item will be brought back to
the Planning Committee the second meeting in May or first meeting
of June.
Assistant City Attorney Brubaker reminded the Committee that 10% of
the registered voters who voted in the last general election can
cause the issue to go to referendum. Since 86 people voted, only
nine qualified signatures would force the City to go to election on
this issue.
Senior Planner Lin Ball reported that County Council approved
putting the $15cmillion housing levy on the ballot for March 10,
1992. This is a simple majority levy. The Suburban Cities
Association has passed a resolution endorsing the levy.
Ms. Ball distributed a copy of the Roundtable's 1992 work plan.
This year the Roundtable is again sponsoring a domestic violence
bill. Keeping in mind the financial situation facing both state
and local governments, the bill contains items which have little or
no fiscal impact, such as simplifying standardized reporting forms
and a centralized statewide data collection system. The Roundtable
has stated that 1992 will be an educational time for them to look
at the needs for youth in King County, the systems that are
currently operating, and available funding. They will then
determine what youth issues will be focused on in 1993 .
Councilmember Orr asked if the City is requiring accommodations for
recycling bins in the design of multifamily developments, as the
City will soon be faced with County mandates on how much recycling
is being done. The Engineering Department is currently working on
implementing recycling in multifamily developments. Multifamily
developments have been reluctant to recycle because they don't have
space to put the bins. Planning Director Harris stated the
FEBRUARY 4, 1992
recycling bins would have to be screened the same as trash
dumpsters. If space is a problem, the City could look at allowing
the use of one off street parking space next to the trash dumpster
area to accommodate recycling bins. Planning Manager Fred
Satterstrom stated the City can work the requirement for recycling
bins in multifamily developments into the predevelopment meeting
with developers.
Councilmember Orr stated that another councilmember has requested
colored dividing papers be placed between agenda items in the
Planning Committee agenda packet. This will make it easier to
differentiate items. Margaret Porter of the Planning Department
indicated this can easily be done.
The meeting adjourned at 4 :50 p.m.