HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 03/03/1992 CITY OF �An JT CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 3 , 1992 4:00 PM Committee Members Present Planning Staff Leona Orr, Chair Sharon Clamp Jim Bennett James Harris Jon Johnson Margaret Porter Fred Satterstrom Other City Staff Others Tom Brubaker Don Rust, Bagman Cafe Alana McIalwain GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom provided the Committee with an update on the current status of the following projects related to growth management: 1. Kent Community Forum This program has been very successful in getting people interested in participating in growth management. To date there have been 500 participants and 53 conveners. Groups which has been involved are the Kent Downtown Association, Kent Kiawanis, Performing Arts Task Force, Arts Commission, Human Services Commission, Community Living Agency, Parent Place Agency, East Hill Friends Association, Kent Jaycees, Kent Jr. High PTA, Kent Chamber of Commerce, the RUGG Group, Children's Therapy Organization, several City departments and various neighborhood groups. The results of the forum will be available the first week of April. 2 . Visual Preference Survey This is phase two of the community participation program. Mr. Satterstrom distributed a flyer listing the three visioning meetings to be held March 11, 12 and 14 . These meetings will produce reports and serve as a starting point for the comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan, as mandated by the Growth Management Act, is to be based on citizen input. The presenter is an internationally known urban planner and city design expert. His method is to have citizens rate slide images of various residential and commercial developments. Based on feedback, a report is written showing the preferences of the participants. The results will be presented at the third meeting on Saturday, March 14. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 3, 1992 PAGE 2 3 . Interdepartmental Committee on Growth Management This is an internal committee of staff representatives from all City departments formed by the City Administration to oversee implementation of growth management mandates. This is a monitoring group to discuss progress. 4. Planning Goals Committee A committee is being formed to develop general framework goals for the comprehensive plan. This is a two month work program, and the goals will be presented to the City Council in June or July. 5. Wetlands Ordinance The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the draft wetlands ordinance in January 1992 . There was a lot of interest, and the hearing was continued to March 9. The ordinance is very long and detailed, and it will go to the City Council in May or June. Mr. Satterstrom clarified for Councilmember Johnson that the March 1 deadline was not met, however, a letter was sent to the State Department of Community Development and included the City's interim SEPA guidelines. 6. Land Use Inventory A team of consultants has completed a comprehensive, parcel- based land use inventory which has been computerized. 7. Urban Growth Area Designation A map showing the preliminary urban growth area designations of Kent's neighboring cities was presented. By July 1, 1993 the City must be in agreement with King County on Kent's urban growth area. The urban growth area is characterized by urban growth, can accommodate population growth for 20 years, and is an area that can be serviced by public services. Once these boundaries are set, no annexation or incorporation can take place outside the urban growth area. In response to Chair Orr's questions, Mr. Satterstrom explained that King County currently is not inviting cities to propose urban growth areas to them but has been conducting technical forums to devise criteria on how to designate urban growth areas. Mr. Satterstrom suggested internal discussion begin on urban growth areas. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES MARCH 3 , 1992 PAGE 3 8. Comprehensive Plan City Planners have been successful in coordinating the land use element with the Public Works Department in the develop- ment of the City transportation plan. Mr. Satterstrom stated as development of the comprehensive plan begins, input from the Planning Committee will be vital, however, this will not occur for several months. Chair Orr also noted that the Committee should be updated frequently on the progress of growth management. ADDED ITEMS Chair Orr suggested that the instructions on the Community Forum Opinionnaire be changed from circling the answers to filling in or "X" the answer. Planning Manager Satterstrom clarified to Chair Orr that the requirement to provide recycling containers in new multifamily development has been added to the pre-development process. Since developers are being made aware of this requirement up front, there should not be any delay in obtaining permits. Chair Orr related that a citizen from the West Hill annexation area has informed her that the annexation will be voted down and wants to know what the City will do once that happens. Planning Director Harris stated if the annexation if voted down, it will be a dead subject. Don Rust suggested the Planning Committee form a task force just as the Public Works Committee did on signs so the issue of sandwich- board signs on private property can be resolved. He feels nothing is being done regarding this issue. Planning Director Harris explained the Planning Commission is scheduled to hear this issue in April. Jim Harris and Fred Satterstrom will arrange for Mr. Rust and Planning staff to meet and iron out details before the Planning Commission hearing. Planning will advise the Committee of progress on this subject at its March 17 meeting. Chair Orr stated Linda Van Ness has requested placement on the March 17, 1992 agenda. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5: 10 p.m. PC0303 .92