HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/02/1992 CITY OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES v7MITDUNE 2, 1992 4: 00 PM COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER CITY STAFF Leona Orr, Chair Tom Brubaker Jim Bennett Ed Chow Jon Johnson Rob Dreblow Tony McCarthy PLANNING STAFF GUESTS Sharon Clamp Bill Doolittle Jim Harris Rae Reitan, City Historian Fred Satterstrom Linda Van Nest Margaret Porter GROWTH MANAGEMENT UPDATE - (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom stated a public hearing was held by the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) at Kent City Hall on Wednesday, May 27, 1992, to discuss the emerging countywide policies. The GMPC is still working with a July 1, 1992 deadline for adoption of the policies by the King County Council. Mr. Satterstrom indicated the possibility exists that this deadline will not be met. The City will be affected if this deadline is extended because the City is required to have its comprehensive plan in place by July 1, 1993. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 8, 1992 to discuss Kent's urban growth area. A recommendation is expected by late June. The Planning Commission began their deliberations on the wetlands ordinance on May 18 and will continue the discussion at their meeting on June 22 , 1992 . Anton Nelessen will present the results of Kent's visual preference survey at the City Council workshop on June 16, 1992 . Highlights of the Kent Community Forum results will be presented during the regular Council meeting on June 16, and the session conveners will also be recognized. HUMAN SERVICES ROUNDTABLE UPDATE No update was provided. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 2, 1992 PAGE 2 MUSEUM SERVICES AGREEMENT (J. HARRIS) Planning Director James Harris stated the City is being asked to approve the White River Historical Society Museum agreement for 1992 . The agreement does not specify a dollar amount except to say that Kent can appoint one member to the Board of Directors if Kent's level of annual funding does not fall below $2,500. That amount has been set aside in the 1992 budget. Mr. Harris recommended that Kent pay the $2 , 500 for 1992. In addition, he recommended that the City investigate the feasibility of working with Kent citizens to explore the possibility of establishing a Kent museum. City Historian Rae Reitan reported that the old timers committee has agreed to sponsor a Kent historical society. A meeting will be held on Saturday, June 30, at 11: 30 a.m. at Mom's Kitchen. At this meeting a chairman will be elected and a committee will be formed to work on constitutional by-laws. Linda Van Nest, President of the White River Historical Society, expressed her thanks for Kent's support and stated that the Society is still a regional facility and has not changed its goals for the future. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to approve the White River Historical Society Museum agreement for 1992 . Planning Director Harris clarified that the item will be placed on the consent calendar at the June 16, 1992 Council meeting. Motion carried. FEDERAL WAY PLAN UPDATE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT RESOLUTION (F. SATTERSTROM) Planning Manager Fred Satterstrom reported that King County is proposing to update the Federal Way Community Plan. He explained that there is unincorporated land that lies between Auburn and Federal Way that both cities are claiming in their urban growth area. Mr. Satterstrom presented a map showing that this planning area comes into Kent's sphere of interest in the Midway and Star Lake areas. The agreement asks for Kent's commitment to coordinate with King County in an interlocal planning process. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to initiate the Federal Way Community Plan Update. Motion carried. CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 2 , 1992 PAGE 3 WEST HILL ISLAND ANNEXATION (T. BRUBAKER) Assistant City Attorney Tom Brubaker recommended the Committee pass a motion directing him to draft a resolution announcing the City's intent to annex the West Hill Island. He presented a timeline for the annexation process and explained that if the Council passes the resolution to annex at its June 16, 1992 meeting the date for the public hearing would be set for the next Council meeting on July 7, 1992 . After taking public testimony, the Council can pass an ordinance to annex the island which will not become effective for 45 days. During the 45 day period the ordinance is subject to referendum. Since this is a small area, very few signature are needed to initiate a referendum election and it is likely that the necessary signatures will be received. The citizens will have until August 21, 1991 to initiate a petition and the election would occur either at the September 15, 1992 primary or November 3 , 1992 general election. Councilmember Johnson MOVED and Councilmember Bennett SECONDED a motion to proceed with the annexation process. Councilmember Johnson clarified that a resolution will go to the City Council on June 16, 1992 to set a public hearing on July 7, 1992 . Margaret Porter clarified that citizens of the affected area should be notified of the public hearing on July 7, and Jim Harris added individual notices should be sent to each resident. Tom Brubaker added that notification should not take place until after the Council passes the resolution on June 16. Motion carried. PROCEDURES ON WETLANDS (C. PROUD) At a prior Planning Committee meeting it was suggested that staff make a presentation to the Committee so they may better understand how wetlands in Kent are being administered. Senior Planner Carol Proud presented an inventory map of the City of Kent wetlands, the Interim Wetland Guidelines, and used as an example the review process for a single family residential permit when a sensitive area such as creeks, hillsides or wetlands are impacted. ADDED ITEMS CHESTNUT RIDGE PROPOSED ANNEXATION (J. HARRIS) Planning Director Harris informed the Committee that a ten percent annexation petition has been received from the citizens of a single family area known as Chestnut Ridge. This area lies between South 200 and 208 Street and 100 Avenue SE and the Valley Freeway. Mr. Harris stated if the Council accepts the petition the Planning department will have to do a SEPA checklist and the cost benefits CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 2, 1992 PAGE 4 of annexing the area will have to be looked at carefully in light of the present financial status of the City. WORK RELEASE PROGRAM (J. HARRIS) Planning Director James Harris read a memo received from Alana McIalwain requesting that citizens Paul Hammerschmidt and Cheryle Noble be placed on the Public Safety and Planning Committee Agendas to discuss Work Release Program. Councilwoman Orr believes there are State guidelines for how far certain undesirable uses can legally be set from certain uses such as schools, churches, etc. It was thought that possibly recent news articles about the State wanting to locate work release programs in south King County triggered the citizen's request and that their concern is not related to the regional justice center issue. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m. PC0602 .92