HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 02/28/1994KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 28, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Heineman at 7:00 PM on February 28, 1994 in the Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Edward Heineman, Jr. Gwen Dahle Bob MacIssac Janette Nuss Russ Stringham PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER ABSENT: Kenneth Dozier, excused (vacation) Christopher Grant Kent Morrill Raymond Ward PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Chris Holden, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 8. 1993 MINUTES The MOTION and SECONDED was made to accept the November 8, 1993 minutes as presented. Motion CARRIED. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Harris submitted two letters to Chair Heineman. The elections for Planning Commission Chair and Vice -Chair will be held after the public hearing. Mr. Harris informed the Commissioners that there is a City Council retreat planned for March 5 and March 6. Commissioner Dahle asked if a Commissioner's retreat will be held. Mr. Harris commented one could be planned. He asked if the Commissioners would like to have a representative from the Law Department come to a workshop and talk about quasi-judicial hearings and the conducting of meetings. The Commissioners requested Mr. Harris to arrange to have the Law Department come to a workshop. 1 Planning Commission Minutes February 28, 1994 PUBLIC HEARING: #ZCA-94-1 CONVENIENCE STORES/GASOLINE SALES SIGN CODE AMENDMENT (SECTION 15.06.050 Bl Mr. Satterstrom, Planning Department, presented the staff report. He briefly reiterated the requested amendment. The Planning Commission previously heard this item in September 1993, and the sign code amendment was approved by the City Council under Ordinance 13142. Subsequently, the applicant, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, in a letter to the Planning Department, pointed out that the ordinance did not conform to their understanding of the Planning Commission's recommendation. The Law Department determined that the record is unclear and stated the sign code amendment would need to go back to the Planning Commission for action and recommendation to the City Council. The proposed changes to the sign code were attached as Exhibit A to the staff report. In addition a copy of Ordinance #3142 was attached to the staff report as Exhibit B. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the requested sign code amendments as shown in Exhibit A. Mr. Satterstrom read into the record the two requested changes: 1. Section 15.06.050(B)(3) The aggregate sign area for any corner lot shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each foot of lot frontage and the aggregate sign area for any interior lot shall not exceed one and one-half square feet for each foot of lot frontage; and the permitted signs enumerated in this subsection shall be subject to the total aggregate sign area. 2. Section 15.06.050(B)(3)(c) Fuel price signs. Fuel price signs shall be included in the aggregate sign area. No public testimony was given. Chair Heineman closed the public hearing. It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the recommended changes as shown in Exhibit A of the staff report. MOTION passed. OTHER BUSINESS Chair Heineman presented the Certificate of Russ Stringham. 2 Appointment to Planning Commission Minutes February 28, 1994 Chair Heineman read into the record the two memos regarding: A) Alcoholic Establishments B) Request to remove Commissioner Grant from Planning Commission ELECTIONS Chair Heineman stated that the election for Planning Commission Chair is now open. Commissioner Stringham felt elections should wait until more commissioners were present. However, Chair Heineman stated that he did not want to serve as Chair any longer and he wanted to have the elections held immediately. Chair Heineman called for nominations. There were two nominations: Gwen Dahle and Russ Stringham. A roll call vote was taken and Gwen Dahle was elected as Chair. Elections for Vice -Chair were called. Janette Nuss was nominated. There were no other nominations made. Janette Nuss was elected as Vice -Chair. Elections were closed. " It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn the public hearing at 7:35 PM. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, P. Harris, ing secretary 91 l a pc=2 28