HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 06/27/1994KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES June 27, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Dahle at 7:00 PM on June 27, 1994 in the Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Gwen Dahle, Chair Janette Nuss, Vice -Chair Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Kenneth Dozier Bob MacIsaac Kent Morrill Russ Stringham PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER ABSENT: Raymond Ward PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Chris Holden, Recording Secretary Commissioner Stringham challenged Chair Dahle about the Planning Commission elections that were held on February 28, 1994. Commissioner Stringham maintained that the elections were illegal. After further debate this matter was temporarily tabled. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 28, 1994 MINUTES The MOTION and SECONDED was made to accept the February 28, 1994, minutes as presented. A brief debate ensued regarding the minutes. A roll call vote was taken. Commissioners Dahle, Nuss, Heineman, and Morrill voted for approval and Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, MacIsaac and Stringham voted against. Chair Dahle pronounced the minutes were approved as written. COMMUNICATIONS: Chair Dahle stated that on July 5 at 7:00 PM a short course regarding the Planning Commission will be held. The seminar will be held at the West Hill Fire Station in Kent. EVERSON ANNEXATION #AZ -94-1 The Planning Commission will consider zoning alternatives for the Everson Annexation area located generally at 93rd Avenue S. at S. 222nd Street. The area is presently zoned R1-20, Single Family Residential, which is an interim zoning. 1 Minutes Planning Commission June 27, 1994 Mr. Harris informed the Commissioners that the public notice of the hearing was inadvertently not mailed to the property owners in the annexation area. Mr. Satterstrom mentioned it was properly noticed in the paper and the property owners were mailed an agenda and staff report. There was one person from the Everson annexation area at the hearing, but he did not intend to testify. After a brief discussion, it was decided that there would be no staff report or public testimony taken at tonight's meeting. Commissioner Nuss MOVED, it was SECONDED and APPROVED to continue the hearing to July 12, 1994 at 7:00 PM. BULK RETAIL ZONING CODE AMENDMENT #ZCA-94-2 An amendment to the Kent Zoning Code to allow "bulk retail" and/or "warehouse sales" type uses in the M1, Industrial Park, zoning district. Fred Satterstrom, Planning Department, presented the staff report. He commented that bulk retail uses typically combine with warehousing and large storage of goods with retail services. This use is presently permitted in the CC, Community Commercial, GC, General Commercial, and the GWC, Gateway Commercial, zones. This use is not permitted in any of the manufacturing zones. The M1, Industrial Park, zone does permit some retail uses. The development standards of the manufacturing zones would not need to be changed to allow bulk retail uses. Mr. Satterstrom commented that the following development standards in the M1 zone would be kept if bulk retail were allowed: the minimum lot size of one acre, the maximum site coverage of 60 percent, the setbacks, the building height, and landscaping. The only concern is parking requirements. Staff proposes that a ratio of 1:350, which would be about two or three parking spaces be 1,000 square feet. Staff is recommending amending Sections 15.04.170 A.13. and 15.04.040 B as shown below: 1. Amend Section 15. 04.170 (A) (13) of the zoning code as follows: 13. Retail uses as follows: a. b. c. F" Merchandise vending machine operators. Tires, batteries and accessories for industrial vehicles and equipment. Eating places, except drive-ins or those with drive-in or drive-through facilities. 2. Amend Section 15.05.040(B) of the Zoning Code as follows: Bulk retail stores One (1) parking space for each three hundred and fifty (350) square feet of gross floor area 2 Minutes Planning Commission June 27, 1994 Chair Dahle asked for a public comment. Ernie Patty, Andover Company, 415 Baker Boulevard, Tukwila, WA 98188, commented that bulk retail is a relatively new concept. It was in response to retail rents becoming very expensive, so retail users have relocated to warehouses. He supports the Planning Department staff's recommendation. Mr. Patty commented that the size could be a little smaller, though, because there are some users that need less warehouse space. He felt that the minimum square footage allowed should be 15,000 square feet. The parking requirement is accurate. Commissioner Morrill asked why the City was requesting a 43,000 square foot minimum? Satterstrom responded that staff researched surrounding Cities and the smallest found was around 50,000 square feet; however, the size requirement was varied. Mr. Satterstrom commented the reason the size is not lower is because the City wants to manage the amount of retail users in the manufacturing areas as well as protect the existing manufacturing users. Currently, in the City, there is a large amount of unused commercial areas. Mr. Satterstrom felt the Commission might want to add the following definition to the Zoning Code to help eliminate any non -bulk user from moving into the manufacturing zone: Bulk Retail uses are distinguished from other retail uses in that they typically combine retail sales with warehouse and storage of goods. These uses generally require large, high -ceiling buildings since they store large quantities of inventory on site. The public comment portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner Stringham MOVED that the Planning Commission approve the following language into the definition section of the Zoning Code: These uses generally require large, high -ceiling buildings since they store large quantities of inventory on site. They also require large sites since adequate parking is essential. Commissioner Epperly SECONDED. Commissioner MacIsaac MADE a friendly amendment that the following sentence be added to the beginning of the definition: Bulk retail uses are distinguished from other retail uses in that they typically combine retail sales and warehouse storage of goods. Commissioner Stringham approved the friendly amendment. Chair Dahle reiterated that it was moved that the definition as well as to have the entire language requested for the ordinance be approved as shown below: 3 Minutes Planning Commission June 27, 1994 Definition: These uses generally require large, high -ceiling buildings since they store large quantities of inventory on site. They also require large sites since adequate parking is essential. Bulk retail uses are distinguished from other retail uses in that they typically combine retail sales and warehouse storage of goods. 1. Amend Section 15.04.170(A)(13) of the zoning code as follows: 13. Retail uses as follows: a b A R" Merchandise vending machine operators. Tires, batteries and accessories for industrial vehicles and equipment. Eating places, except drive-ins or those with drive-in or drive-through facilities. 2. Amend Section 15.05.040(B) of the Zoning Code as follows: Bulk retail stores One (1) parking space for each three hundred and fifty (350) sauare feet of gross floor area MOTION PASSED. Commissioner Stringham MOVED that the Planning Commission adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the issue of the improper vote that occurred February 28. MOTION was SECONDED AND APPROVED with one NAY vote. Public Commission adjourned at 7:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, J � )ecordfing es Harris, Secretary 4