HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 07/12/1994KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 12, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Acting Chair Nuss at 7:00 PM on July 12, 1994 in the Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Janette Nuss, Vice-Chair/Acting Chair Gwen Dahle Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Kenneth Dozier Bob MacIsaac Kent Morrill Russ Stringham Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Matthews Jackson, Planner Roger Lubovich, City Attorney Chris Holden, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF JUNE 27, 1994 MINUTES A MOTION was MADE, SECONDED, and CARRIED to move the approval of the June 27, 1994 minutes to the July 25, 1994 hearing. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 28, 1994 MINUTES A MOTION was MADE, SECONDED and CARRIED to approve the February 28, 1994 minutes. COMMUNICATIONS: Acting Chair Nuss commented a letter has been received from Gwen Dahle asking to be excused from the Planning Commission hearings on July 18, 1994 and July 25, 1994. A MOTION was MADE, SECONDED, and CARRIED to approve Gwen Dahle's absence. 1 Planning Minutes July 12, Commission 1994 Commissioner Ward asked that his absences be changed to excused for the last two hearings. MOTION MADE, SECONDED and CARRIED to change Commissioner Ward's absences be changed to excused. UPCOMING MEETINGS: Mr. Harris commented that on July 20, 1994, 6:00 PM, Chambers East, there will be a meeting with Lyle Sumek. Mr. Sumek will be meeting with the Chair, Fred, and himself at 5:00 PM to discuss the agenda. Roger Lubovich clarified that a workshop is a public meeting and must be noted as such. Mr. Harris explained that the Planning Department has been advised, in the past, that a workshop does not need to be advertised in the newspaper, and there are no minutes taken. A workshop is an informal meeting. Mr. Lubovich stated that any meeting of a public body is a public meeting whether it is a workshop or not. Thus, it should be advertised as a public meeting. No public input is taken at a workshop. Acting Chair Nuss commented that on August 8 there will be a legal workshop with the Planning Commission and City Attorney to discuss procedural matters. It will start at 6:00 PM with a hearing following that information. The public hearing was opened. EVERSON ANNEXATION #AZ -94-1 A public hearing continued from June 27, 1994, to consider the zoning alternatives for the Everson Annexation area located generally at 93rd Avenue S. at S. 222nd Street. The area is presently zoned R1-20, Single Family Residential, which is the interim zoning. Matthews Jackson presented the City staff report. On January 18, 1994, Ordinance #3153 approving the annexation of 40 acres into the City was approved. Mr. Jackson gave a synopsis of the background of the annexation. He mentioned the existing land uses in the area. Mr. Jackson briefly described the topography of the site as well as the previous King County zoning. Staff has three different zoning alternatives for the area for the Planning Commission to consider and they are: E Planning Commission Minutes July 12, 1994 Zoning Alternative 1 designates the eastern four lots of the annexation area as R1-20, Single Family Residential, minimum of 20,000 square foot lots, and the remaining portion as R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, minimum of 7,200 square foot lots. The lots designated as R1-20 contain Garrison Creek and the steep slopes and ravines associated with it. This zoning designation is consistent with the zoning to the north of the annexation area which has similar topographical development limitations. The area zoned R1-7.2 has few development restrictions and therefore could maintain a higher density zoning. R1-7.2 is consistent with the City of Kent zoning abutting to the west of the area as well as the potential zoning of RS 7200 which would have become effective on December 31, 1994 if this area had remained in unincorporated King County. Zoning Alternative 2 designates the eastern four lots and the two southwesternmost as R1-20, Single Family Residential, minimum 20,000 square foot lot, and the remaining portion of the area as R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, minimum 7,200 square foot lot. Again this alternative recognizes the limitations to development caused by the Garrison Creek corridor, but it also recognizes an area of significant slope located on the southwestern corner of the site. This alternative is compatible with existing zoning in the vicinity and is consistent with previous zoning actions in other areas of the City. Zoning Alternative 3 designates the eastern four lots as well as the two southwesternmost lots as R1-12, Single Family Residential, with a 12,000 square foot minimum lot size. The remaining portion of the annexation area would be designated R1-7.2. The R1-12 zoning recognizes the development limitations located in these areas, but also allows some flexibility in lot configuration for potential new subdivision activity. Existing zoning regulations may significantly restrict the amount of buildable area in these locations, and the R1-12 zoning designations allows for more potential capacity than a lower density designation. The area zoned R1-7.2 is again consistent with City of Kent and Soos Creek Community Plan zoning designations and policies. After a comprehensive analysis, staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve Alternative 1. No comments have been received from property owners in the area. Furthermore, prior to this area being annexed into the City an approved long plat application is on file with King County. It is aproximately 9.3 acres in size. The plat has been vested to 3 Planning Commission Minutes July 12, 1994 develop and King County rules will apply for any development standards on this plat. It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the public portion of the hearing. Commissioner Stringham MOVED to adopt Alternative 3 as shown: Zoning Alternative 3 designates the eastern four lots as well as the two southwesternmost lots as R1-12, Single Family Residential, with a 12,000 square foot minimum lot size. The remaining portion of the annexation area would be designated R1-7.2. The motion was SECONDED. Discussion followed concerning the topography of the area as well as the potential development of the area. MOTION carried with Five Aye votes and 4 Nays. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON Acting Chair Nuss opened the floor for nomination for Chairperson. Kent Morrill was nominated by Ed Heineman and Russ Stringham was nominated by Robert MacIsaac. The nomainations were closed. With five ayes and four nays, Kent Morrill was elected as Chairperson. It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to close the hearing at 7:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, J es P. Harris, ecording Secretary 4 0 0 KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 12, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Acting Chair Nuss at 7:00 PM on July 12, 1994 in the Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Janette Nuss, Vice-Chair/Acting Chair Gwen Dahle Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Kenneth Dozier Bob MacIsaac Kent Morrill Russ Stringham Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER ABSENT: None PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James P. Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Matthews Jackson, Planner Roger Lubovich, City Attorney Chris Holden, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF JUNE 27, 1994 MINUTES A MOTION was MADE, SECONDED, and CARRIED to move the approval of the June 27, 1994 minutes to the July 25, 1994 hearing. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 28, 1994 MINUTES A MOTION was MADE, SECONDED and CARRIED to approve the February 28, 1994 minutes. COMMUNICATIONS: Acting Chair Nuss commented a letter has been received from Gwen Dahle asking to be excused from the Planning Commission hearings on July 18, 1994 and July 25, 1994. A MOTION was MADE, SECONDED, and CARRIED to approve Gwen Dahle's absence. 1 Planning Commission Minutes July 12, 1994 Commissioner Ward asked that his absences be changed to excused for the last two hearinigs. MOTION MADE, SECONDED and CARRIED to change Commissioner Ward's absences be changed to excused. UPCOMING MEETINGS: Mr. Harris commentethat on July 20, 1994, 6:00 PM, Chambers East, there will be a meeting with Lyle Sumek. Mr. Sumek will be meeting with the Chair, Fred, and himself at 5:00 PM to discuss the agenda. Roger Lubovich clarified that a workshop is a public meeting and must be noted as such. Mr. Harris explained that the Planning Department has been advised, in the past, that a workshop does not need to be advertised in the newspaper, and there are no minutes taken. A workshop is an informal meeting. Mr. Lubovich stated that any meeting of a public body is a public meeting whether it is a workshop or not. Thus, it should be advertised as a puiblic meeting. No public input is taken at a workshop. Acting Chair Nuss commented that on August 8 there will be a legal workshop with the Planning Commission and City Attorney to discuss procedural matters. It will start at 6:00 PM with a hearing following that information. The public hearing was opened. EVERSON ANNEXATION; #AZ -94-1 A public hearing continued from June 27, 1994, to consider the zoning alternatives for the Everson Annexation area located generally at 93rd 'Avenue S. at S. 222nd Street. The area is presently zoned R1'1-20, Single Family Residential, which is the interim zoning. Matthews Jackson presented the City staff report. On January 18, 1994, Ordinance #3153 approving the annexation of 40 acres into the City was approved. Mr. Jackson gave a synopsis of the background of the annexation. He mentioned the existing land uses in the area. Mr. Jackson briefly described the topography of the site as well as the previous King County zoning. Staff has three different zoning alternatives for the area for the Planning Commission to consider and they are: 2 W 0 M Planning Commission Minutes July 12, 1994 Zoning Alternative 1 designates the eastern four lots of the annexation area as R1-20, Single Family Residential, minimum of 20,000 square foot lots, and the remaining portion as R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, minimum of 7,200 square foot lots. The lots designated as R1-20 contain Garrison Creek and the steep slopes and ravines associated with it. This zoning designation is consistent with the zoning to the north of the annexation area which has similar topographical development limitations. The area zoned R1-7.2 has few development restrictions and therefore could maintain a higher density zoning. R1-7.2 is consistent with the City of Kent zoning abutting to the west of the area as well as the potential zoning of RS 7200 which would have become effective on December 31, 1994 if this area had remained in unincorporated King County. Zoning Alternative 2 designates the eastern four lots and the two southwesternmost as R1-20, Single Family Residential, minimum 20,000 square foot lot, and the remaining portion of the area as R1-7.2, Single Family Residential, minimum 7,200 square foot lot. Again this alternative recognizes the limitations to development caused by the Garrison Creek corridor, but it also recognizes an area of significant slope located on the southwestern corner cf the site. This alternative is compatible with existing zoning in the vicinity and is consistent with previous zoning actions in other areas of the City. Zoning Alternative 3 designates the eastern four lots as well as the two southwesternmost lots as R1-12, Single Family Residential, with a 12,000 square foot minimum lot size. The remaining portion of the annexation area would be designated R1-7.2. The R1-12 zoning recognizes the development limitations located in these areas, but also allows some flexibility in lot configuration for potential new subdivision activity. Existing zoning regulations may significantly restrict the amount of buildable area in these locations, and the R1-12 zoning designations allows for more potential capacity than a lower density designation. The area zoned R1-7.2 is again consistent with City of Kent and Soos Creek Community Plan zoning designations and policies. After a comprehensive analysis, staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve Alternative 1. No comments have been received from property owners in the area. Furthermore, prior to this area being annexed into the City an approved long plat application is on file with King County. It is aproximately 9.3 acres in size. The plat has been vested to 3 Planning Commission Minutes July 12, 1994 develop and King County rules will apply for any development standards on this plat. It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to close the public portion of the hearing. Commissioner Strincgham MOVED to adopt Alternative 3 as shown: Zoning Alternative,3 designates the eastern four lots as well as the two southwesternmost lots as R1-12, Single Family Residential, with a 12,000 square foot minimum lot size. The remaining portion of the annexation area would be designated R1-7.2. The motion was SECONDED. Discussion followed concerning the topography of the area as well as the potential development of the area. MOTION carred with Five Aye votes and 4 Nays. ELECTION OF CHAIRPgRSON Acting Chair Nuss opened the floor for nomination for Chairperson. Kent Morrill was nominated by Ed Heineman and Russ Stringham was nominated by Robert MacIsaac. The nomainations were closed. With five ayes and four nays, Kent Morrill was elected as Chairperson. It was MOVED, SECONDED AND CARRIED to close the hearing at 7:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, je s P. Harris, rding Secretary 9