HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 09/26/1994KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 26, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Janette Nuss at 7:02 p.m. on September 26, 1994 in Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Janette Nuss, Vice Chair Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Bob MacIsaac Russ Stringham Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Kent Morrill, Chair, Excused Gwen Dahle, Excused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Linda Phillips, Planner Matthews Jackson, Planner NanSea Potts, Recording Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 MINUTES It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the minutes of the September 12, 1994 Planning Commission meeting and public hearing as recorded. The motion CARRIED. ADDED AGENDA ITEMS None 1 Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1994 COMMUNICATIONS Fred Satterstrom reported additional correspondence had been received regarding the Kent Draft Comprehensive Plan. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Mr. Satterstrom reported other than Comprehensive Plan deliberations, the Ramstead annexation zoning will be scheduled during Planning Commission meetings in October. The proposed time- frame would be to hold a workshop on October 10, and the public hearing on October 24, 1994. Mr. Satterstrom asked the Commission to take this into consideration later this evening when scheduling further Comprehensive Plan deliberations. Information will be distributed prior to the October 10, 1994 meeting. REGULAR MEETING #CPA -94-1 - Continuation of Deliberations on the Kent Draft Comprehensive Plan Vice Chair Nuss opened Planning Commission deliberations on the Kent Draft Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Satterstrom introduced Kevin O'Neill, who gave a brief presentation on the Proposed Land Use Map, for consideration before addressing staff responses to testimony of the mapping items listed in Issue #14 of the staff memorandum of September 6, 1994. Mr. O'Neill outlined the ground rules staff followed in developing the proposed land use map, which included being consistent with Kent's and King County's zoning of single family designations, and not changing any of these areas to multifamily. He said the challenge was to create a land use plan that met the city's anticipated household growth, but didn't convert single family land to multifamily. Mr. O'Neill listed a variety of flexible alternatives to help meet necessary housing densities, which included using mixed use areas, the downtown area, smaller single family lot sizes, cluster housing, accessory units, and planned unit developments. Commercial and industrial growth zoning capacity appears to be adequate for the anticipated employment growth, but the plan would need to be monitored periodically. Mr. O'Neill said household growth in the unincorporated King County is difficult to predict because targets have not been adopted by the King County Council. Generally, the land use designations of SF 1-8 is being proposed until a target for this area are established or until annexed into the city. He said another important factor on the map is that the downtown area is not referred to as an "Urban Center." Fa Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1994 When asked by Commissioner MacIsaac the source of additional housing units needed for the City of Kent, Mr. O'Neill listed several ways. Developing mixed used areas presently zoned commercial, allowing easier development of cluster housing and planned unit development, and by minimizing subdivision construction standards were mentioned as possible means. By these methods, Mr. O'Neill said Kent would accommodate anticipated growth plus possibly a cushion of 25 percent. Commissioner Stringham asked if any large city lots have been converted to smaller lots and if doing so could reduce the amount of multifamily zoning required. Mr. O' Neill commented there have been some with SF -6 designations that are currently zoned R1-12, and reducing multifamily zoning by this means would be limited because of environmental constraints. Commissioner Nuss asked if a trade could be considered for people who wish higher densities with those who prefer lower densities. Mr. O'Neill said this decision would need to be considered individually, depending on the total impact to the area. Mr. Satterstrom said there are several areas in the city limits located on the East Hill that are r currently planned multifamily which the plan changes to a single family designation. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS - Issue 14, Areas A through L Mr. Satterstrom explained the approach staff chose concerning specific mapping issues, and why they were brought before the Planning Commission. He capsulized comments of concern from Commissioner Heineman's memo regarding looking at detailed mapping issues at a time they were looking at the broader comprehensive plan. NOTE: Please refer to the map in the staff memorandum dated September 6, 1994. Area A - Request for multi -family designation for the James Property at 21251 94th Place Mr. Satterstrom indicated the James' property on the map, saying this property was the subject of a proposed comprehensive plan land use map amendment in 1987 which was denied. Staff's recommendation for this property, remaining consistent with neighboring property, is SF 3. Mr. Satterstrom said higher density could be achieved by use of future cluster housing provisions. It was MOVED and SECONDED to continue Area A to the next meeting. The motion CARRIED. Area B - Request for Light Manufacturing designation for Horseshoe Acres area 3 Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1994 Kevin O'Neill indicated "Horseshoe Acres" on the map, stating staff's recommendation is SF -8. Mr. O'Neill named the geographical boundaries of this area, along with a description of the variety of current uses by the property owners. Mr. O'Neill stated that King County assigned a general zoning designation, which explains the incompatible land use pattern. Due to the poor road conditions and its isolation, he said this area should not be zoned M1 or M2, but possibly a CM -1 designation would be more appropriate, should the staff recommendation be changed. Discussions followed regarding the possibility of future single family development of this area, as well as the impact industrial zoning would have on property values, taxes, and the existing single family residents of Horseshoe Acres. Mr. O'Neill said the parcels were basically large, with a lot of development potential. When asked, Mr. O'Neill was not certain how many of the light industrial owners actually live in the homes located in Horseshoe Acres, as this area is not in the city. It was MOVED and SECONDED to change the plan designation for Area B to Industrial, with a possible future consideration of Commercial Manufacturing zoning. The motion CARRIED. VOTE: Yea - Commissioners Heineman, Epperly, Nuss, Stringham, Ward, MacIsaac Nay - Commissioner Dozier — Area C - Request to designate a portion of property at 706 South Central Avenue as commercial Matt Jackson indicated the subject property on the map, showing the topographical view as well as the zoning line which dissects the parcel. Mr. Jackson said staff recommends the comp plan zoning boundary be adjusted so the entire lot is zoned CM -2. Mr. Jackson said the second parcel, just south and adjacent to the subject parcel would be designated SF -6 in its entirely. It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept staff's recommendation for Area C. The motion CARRIED. Area D - Request for property on 248th adjacent to Morrill property to be multifamily or mixed use Linda Phillips indicated the subject property on the map which has a comprehensive plan designation of SF -6. Ms. Phillips said a mixed use or multifamily is not recommended by staff. The area includes 5 large single family lots, which Ms. Phillips said could be subdivided into 5,000 square foot lots, allowing more density and affordable housing. 4 Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1994 Discussions followed regarding adjacent properties zoned multifamily, the proposed park, the school, proposed single family homes in the area, and proposed street improvements on 248th. It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept staff's recommendation for Area D. The motion CARRIED. VOTE: Yea - Commissioners Heineman, Epperly, Ward, Nuss Nay - Commissioners Dozier, Stringham, MacIsaac Area E - Request for commercial or mixed use designation for the area to the southeast of Kent -Des Moines Road and Interstate 5 Mr. O'Neill indicated the subject area, showing its proximity to I-5, Nike Manor and the Century Motel. Mr. O'Neill said the original land use designation for this area was SF -6, and gave reasons why the designation should not be zoned residential. He said the area is a transitional site or buffer, therefore staff recommended a designation of mixed use, office, or commercial, but not retail commercial. It was MOVED and SECONDED to designated Area E as commercial. The motion CARRIED. VOTE: Yea - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Ward, Heineman, Stringham, MacIsaac Nay - Commissioner Nuss Areas F, K, L - Request for Commercial designation Request to allow existing office and nursery operations to remain conforming Fred Satterstrom indicated the three subject areas on the map, (Scarcella, Tulloch and Ranniger properties) depicting the city limits boundary at 116th avenue. Mr. Satterstrom stated staff's recommendation as SF -6, indicating neighboring subdivisions. Mr. Satterstrom said there is no commercial or potential commercial zoning in the county's plan or the city's plan, as commercial nodes exist at 104th and 132nd on 240th. Mr. Satterstrom said once the subject area is annexed into the city with a single family designation, pre-existing commercial properties will be considered legal non -conforming but would require a conditional use permit through the Hearing Examiner to expand. Discussions followed concerning specific uses of the properties in the area, traffic conditions on 240th, and the "node" concept and the positioning of buffers between commercial and residential property. 5 Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1994 Commissioner Dozier stated he wished to go on record as saying he felt established commercial property owners are not given adequate consideration for their wishes for their property, and should be allowed to expand without involving the Hearing Examiner. Discussions continued with regards to permitting doctor's offices in residential areas. Mr. Satterstrom stated Kent has a zoning designation of NCC (Neighborhood Convenience Commercial) which allows commercial and office type uses in neighborhoods. He said there is only one area on West Hill zoned NCC. It was MOVED and SECONDED to continue Areas F, K, and L to the next meeting. The motion CARRIED. Area G - Kent Highlands Landfill property Mr. Jackson indicated the Kent Highland area on the map, stating it is a very large parcel owned by the City of Seattle. Due to slopes and other environmental factors, staff's recommendation is SF -3 for the Kentview area north of the landfill site of 200 acres, and SF -1 for the 150 acre landfill site. Discussions followed concerning safety factors, possible odor at the site, and the viability of considering higher density usage for this area, perhaps SF -6. Jim Harris, Planning Director told the history behind the Kent Highlands landfill area stating the City of Seattle also bought the surrounding area as the outcome of litigation where the City of Seattle was charged with contaminating the property. It was MOVED and SECONDED to change the comprehensive plan recommendation from SF -3 - to SF -6. The motion CARRIED. Vote: Yea - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Ward, Stringham, MacIsaac Nay - Commissioners Nuss, Heineman Area H - Request for multifamily designation at 108th Avenue SE and SE 264th Street Linda Phillips indicated the subject area on the map, stating it is undeveloped property located in King County and currently zoned multifamily. Ms. Phillips reviewed staff recommendation but was not aware if the property was originally purchased as multifamily, with the expectation of the owner to develop the property for multifamily use. It was MOVED and SECONDED to continue Area H to the next meeting. The motion CARRIED. R Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1994 Area I - Request for SF -3 dgnation for a 29 acre between South 208th and 212th Street east of 92nd Avenue South Kevin O'Neill indicated the subject area on the map, and explained staff's recommendation of SF -1 for the comprehensive plan_ lair. O'Neill reviewed the extreme environmental factors of the Chestnut Ridge area, and suggested possible density alternatives should the Commission choose to amend the designation for this area. It was MOVED and SECONDED to continue Area I to the next meeting. The motion CARRIED. Vice Chair Nuss opened discussion for continuance of the comprehensive plan deliberations and the Ramstead annexation zoning hearing. Fred Satterstrom announced that October's Planning Commission agendas would be rather full in consideration of the Ramstead annexation zoning hearings as it involves about 400 acres and 1800 people. Mr. Satterstrom, with Chair Morrill's approval, proposed the following schedule: October 10, 1994 Follow-up on Land Use Issues Limited Agenda - Transportation Issues from the public hearings and the Goals and Policies for the Capital Facilities Element Workshop - Ramstead Annexation Zoning October 24, 1994 Public Hearing - Ramstead Annexation Zoning Finish Transportation and Capital Facilities (Provided the Capital Facilities element has been reviewed by the City Council) November 14, 1994 Remaining Issues from previous meetings Discussion on the remaining elements November 28, 1994 Final Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing December 12, 1994 Additional time to review elements before recommendation to the City Council It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the proposed schedule. The motion CARRIED FA Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 1994 It was MOVED and SECONDED to continue the meeting to October 10, 1994. The motion CARRIED. It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion CARRIED. Vice Chair Nuss adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jam P. Harris ' R ording Secretary E:3