HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/14/1994KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - November 14, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Kent Morrill at 7:00 p.m. on November 14, 1994 in Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Kent Morrill, Chair Janette Nuss, Vice Chair Gwen Dahle Kenneth Dozier Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Robert MacIsaac Russ Stringham PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Raymond Ward PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Linda Phillips, Planner Matthews Jackson, Planner Betzy Czark, Planner NanSea Potts, Recording Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Brent McFall, Director of Operations May Miller, Finance Manager Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director Gary Gill, City Engineer Mary Berg, Assistant Fire Chief Mary Ann Kern, Police Helen Wickstrom, Parks APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 24, 1994 MINUTES It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the minutes of the October 24, 1994 Planning Commission meeting. The motion CARRIED. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 1 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 1994 ADDED AGENDA ITEMS None COMMUNICATIONS Jim Harris, Planning Director said communications were received, but they would be entered into the record at the public hearing, scheduled for November 28, 1994. Commissioner Nuss said communications were received from parties Kastien, Nelson and Meyer. Mr. Harris stated these were the same communications. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS Commissioner Nuss introduced Betsy Czark, Planner, who provided information concerning an upcoming event on Thursday, November 17 at 10:30 a.m. at the Maple Lane apartments. Ms. Czark said the event will be the kick-off for the Washington State Housing Justice campaign, which educates people on housing needs, expand funding and resources to meet the needs Since the apartments were purchased by the South King County Multi -service Center, she said they will be Kent's newest low income housing. State and County dignitaries are expected to attend. Mr. Harris announced two upcoming meetings. Tomorrow evening, November 15, at 7:00 p in., the City Council will meet to hear an annexation proposal from the citizens of the Meridian area (18,000 persons, 5.9 square miles) which would increase the population of the City of Kent to approximately 65,000 persons, spanning an area of 25 square miles. Mr. Harris also announced City Council's final meeting for 1994 will be December 13, 1994. REGULAR MEETING #CPA -94-1 - Continuation of Deliberations on the Kent Draft Comprehensive Plan Chair Morrill opened deliberations and introduced Fred Satterstrom who gave a brief review of the agenda. Mr. Satterstrom said the issues to be discussed would include Transportation and Capital Facilities elements, and remaining Land Use map issues. Also to be included is the State's review of Kent's Draft Comprehensive Plan and staff's response to their review. Due to the quantity of material, Mr. Satterstrom listed the staff reports relating to each topic on the agenda. Linda Phillips, Planner, gave an overview of the Capital Facilities element outlining materials used in compiling the report. She reviewed areas of the plan which included a revised spreadsheet and graph which summarizes the plan, and a capital facilities project list. May Miller, Finance Manager, was introduced. She reviewed the process involved in creating and balancing the capital facilities plan. Ms. Miller explained that the capital facilities plan is Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-I 2 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 1994 difficult to predict, and the State allows revisions to be made. The City proposes to update the plan each spring. Randy Young, consultant from Henderson, Young and Company gave an overview of the Growth Management Act (GMA) process and how the Kent's Capital Facilities Plan was formed. He discussed the challenge of aligning Kent's level of service (LOS) to revenues. He also discussed the concurrency requirements pertaining to water and sewer, storm water and roads. Mr. Young read the proposed list of capital facility projects and how they balance with the plan. Questions asked by the Commissioners included why Parks had more revenues allocated than for Police and Fire. Also asked was why the plan shows a 300% increase in the Public Safety capital facilities costs for 1995. Also asked was the source of revenues to support newly annexed areas, and who currently supplies fire service to the areas located in Kent's potential annexation areas. A comment was made saying the City's first obligation should be to meet the needs of the citizens and that parks were a secondary priority. Brent McFall, Director of Operations responded to the questions stating public safety facility needs were not as great as they are for Parks. Also, the increase for 1995 for public safety included the installation of emergency power for two fire stations. Mr. McFall stated revenues accompany the newly annexed areas, and the City of Kent Fire Department is currently under contract to support needs of the potential annexation areas Commissioners questioned the term "unspecified revenue" from the capital facilities report, and felt the source of these revenues must be delineated before approving the plan. Mr. Young explained that except for golf course user fees, the balance of the revenues listed as unspecified revenues are bond issues, which require a vote by the citizens. It was asked if that meant the Planning Commission would be required to ask the voters to approve bond issues to make the plan complete. When asked if the City of Kent has money in reserve for purchasing land for parks, Ms. Miller said there is $450,000 in reserve for this year, and $480,000 for 1995. She said when property becomes available, reserve funds are used, then repaid. Ms. Miller also responded to the question regarding general obligation bond amounts, saying usually several areas are included in the referendum. Mr. Young said the GMA does not require all sources of revenue be specified, and that bond revenues are allowed as a part of the plan. Don Wickstrom, Public Works Director was introduced. He reviewed the costs and details of Transportation Capital Improvement projects as outlined in the staff memo. He said the transportation plan will need to be refined on a yearly basis, and discussed other funding sources such as prospective grants and LID'S. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 3 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 1994 Mr. Wickstrom said funds have been allocated for an inter -city bus transportation system. He stated $200,000 over the next two years is available, and with additional consideration after the rail reallocations. There was no response by the Commissioners when Chair Morrill asked for a motion to accept the Capital Facilities and Transportation elements. Therefore, a special meeting of the Planning Commission was scheduled to continue deliberations on these elements on Monday, November 21, 1994 The Commissioners requested that specific revenue sources be stated in the plan. It was MOVED and SECONDED to continue the deliberations of the Capital Facilities and Transportation elements to Monday, November 21, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. in Chambers West. The motion CARRIED: Vote: Yea - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Dahle, Morrill, Heineman, Stringham, MacIsaac Nay- Commissioner Nuss (Unable to attend) Mr. Harris asked the Commissioners to specify all the questions they have so all of the issues can be addressed at the next meeting. Commissioners agreed a balance of funding sources, dollar amounts, as well as projects were needed before the elements could be considered complete. Chair Morrill reminded the Commission that these are planning documents, and adjustments can and will be made. Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager reviewed the remaining deferred land use issues, referencing staff memo dated September 6, and November 14, 1994. He reiterated staff's proposal of zoning designation SF 6 for the Ranniger property (116th and 240th SE), stating possible options to alleviate the need for a conditional use permit. Chair Morrill introduced Commissioner Dozier who distributed a zoning code proposal. He read: A proposed new zoning code for the City of Kent, Washington to allow existing conforming and non -conforming business to continue to operate, remodel, expand and completely rebuild if destroyed, without a conditional use permit or special permits of any kind, when a new annexation action to the City of Kent occurs. Also the above shall apply to any action taken because of area -wide rezone's by the Federal, State, County or City government. This would include any parcel of property where any type of business activity licensed by the State Department of Revenue, or a combination of business activities from one type to another have operated for a period of 7 years or more without public complaints and a violation notice from Code Enforcement agencies. Example - hardware store 4 years, appliance sales and repair 3 years, etc. for a total of 7 years. The City of Kent would not be allowed to down -zone any property, business or residential, unless requested by the property owner. The City of Kent would not be Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 4 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 1994 allowed to assess any fees from property owners related to this zoning code in connection with an annexation by the City of Kent. This would be retroactive to January 1st, 1994. It was MOVED and SECONDED to submit this proposal to the City Council as a new zoning code amendment. Mr. Harris expressed concern for the proposal, saying the topic of business is the Comprehensive Plan He said this proposal is an amendment to the zoning code and should be addressed as an advisory recommendation to the City Council after study and consideration. When Commissioner Dozier asked when the proper time would be for his proposal, Mr. Harris stated at such time the comprehensive plan is implemented and zoning code changes are considered. Mr. Harris assured this issue, as well as other zoning issues will be brought back as they are part of the record. Commissioner Dozier wished to go on record saying "Any property with an existing business with a zoning that might be down -zoned; that anyone who has come before us during 1994, they would be eligible for rezoning if we should be able to implement a new zoning code, or a revised one." Mr. Harris reiterated that zoning issues should not be discussed at this time. The motion was restated for clarification. The motioned FAILED. Vote: Yea - Commissioner Dozier. Nay - Commissioners Dahle, Epperly, Nuss, Morrill, Heineman, Stringham, MacIsaac. Discussions followed regarding Mr. Ranniger's property and applying a possible zoning designation of Neighborhood Convenience Commercial (NCC). It was decided to put aside specific zoning issues until the zoning code is amended. Mr. Satterstrom said the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map does not include an NCC designation, but policy intent statements exist which could allow for limited commercial uses in residential areas through a future rezone process and/or a text amendment through the Planning Commission and City Council. It was MOVED and SECONDED to create and apply a plan designation of Neighborhood Convenience Commercial and revisit the Ranniger property zoning at a later date. The motion CARRIED. Vote: Yea - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Morrill, Heineman, Stringham, MacIsaac. Nay - Commissioners Nuss, Dahle Commissioner MacIsaac wished to be on record stating he agreed with the intent of Commissioner Dozier's motion and said he strongly supports the ideas and subject matter. He felt it should be addressed at a later date, with substantial deliberation and legal input. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-I 5 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 1994 Mr. Satterstrom presented the Preikschat/Crozier property issues stating these were resolved at the Ramstead Annexation Zoning hearing meeting on October 24, 1994. Mr. Satterstrom showed a revised map depicting the comp plan designations for the Ramstead annexation area, which are consistent with the zoning as recommended by the Planning Commission on October 24, 1994. The MRD designation is now LDMF (Low Density Multi Family), with a maximum density of 10 units per acre. It was MOVED and SECONDED to adopt the plan designations as recommended. The motion CARRIED unanimously. Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner, reviewed the State's comments on Kent's comprehensive plan, which were submitted by various State agencies. He referred to his memo dated November 14, 1994 which outlined proposed changes to the plan. He said these changes will bring Kent's comprehensive plan more in conformance with the GMA. The State's comments were related to the Capital Facilities and Transportation elements, Land Use, Historic Preservation, Natural Resources, and Agricultural Lands. The Police Department also recommended amendments to emphasize public safety. Upon completion of the review, Mr. O'Neill responded to questions concerning Kent's vacancy rate, average housing density, and whether specific organizations should be listed in the plan. It was stated that with so few comments from the State agencies, the Planning Department had done a good job preparing the plan. Mr. Harris explained there was quite a difference between the vacancy rate and new housing targets. He said statistics were inaccurate by naming Kent as the second higher vacancy rate in the state, as they included the entire area west of 116th avenue to Des Moines. Chair Morrill said on behalf of the Planning Commission, it was the general opinion that Kent has enough multi -family units, and they would probably speak against promoting more units in the City of Kent. It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept Mr. O'Neill's report. Commissioner Stringham requested a friendly amendment regarding LU -19, which changes the wording from "Coordinate with developers, citizens, private landowners, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe... " to "Coordinate with applicable individuals and entities." The motion CARRIED. - Unanimous Mr. Satterstrom asked the Planning Commission to confirm the reopening of the public hearing on the Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan on November 28, 1994. It was MOVED and SECONDED to reopen the public hearing on November 28, 1994. The motion CARRIED. - Unanimous It was MOVED and SECONDED to close the meeting. The motion CARRIED. The meeting closed at 9:25 p.m. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 6 Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 1994 Respectfully submitted, — 1& 410 7 s P. arris Reckdi6g Secretary Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1