HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 10/24/1994KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 24, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Kent Morrill at 7:03 p.m. on October 24, 1994 in Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Kent Morrill, Chair Janette Nuss, Vice Chair Gwen Dahle Kenneth Dozier Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Robert MacIsaac Russ Stringham PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Raymond Ward PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Lyn Keenan, Planning Consultant NanSea Potts, Recording Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney Tim LaPorte, Engineering Supervisor APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 10, 1994 MINUTES Additions to the minutes of the October 10, 1994 Planning Commission meeting by Commissioner Nuss are as follows: Under Area I: Request for SF -3 designation for a 20 acre site between South 208th and 212th streets, east of 92nd avenue south (Ross). It was stated that several residents have spoken in opposition to higher density than SF -1 for this area. It was also pointed out that the principal from Springbrook Elementary said that upon graduation from sixth grade, these students currently must be bussed to not only one, but two separate junior high schools. The commission was also reminded of the resident who stated that if increased density occurred in this area, he would put his home up for sale and move out of the city of Kent. 1 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1994 It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the minutes of the October 10, 1994 Planning Commission meeting as amended. The motion CARRIED. ADDED AGENDA ITEMS None COMMUNICATIONS None NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None Public Hearing: Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning - #AZ -94-2 Chair Morrill introduced Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager, who said the purpose of the meeting was to designate initial annexation zoning for the Ramstead/East Hill area which was annexed into the city of Kent on July 1, 1994. He said the area is approximately 600 acres, with about 1,800 people, with approximately 50 percent single family housing. Upon annexation to the city of Kent, an interim zoning designation of R1-20 replaced King County zoning. (Single family, minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet) Mr. Satterstrom discussed the process involved to complete the annexation zoning, which includes this public hearing with the Planning Commission's recommendation, and two additional public hearings scheduled 30 days apart at City Council meetings. Mr. Satterstrom introduced Ms. Lyn Keenan, Planning Consultant, and defined her background and role in supplying the staff report which was reviewed by the Planning Commission during the Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning workshop at the last meeting. Mr. Satterstrom submitted a letter for the record from Mr. Merrick Lentz, a local architect, which concurs with staff's proposed zoning for the subject property located at 26125 114th Avenue S.E. Ms. Keenan indicated the annexation area on the map, generally defining the annexation area boundaries. She gave a general overview of the information disclosed in the staff memorandum concerning the Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning (#AZ -94-2) dated October 24, 1994. Areas discussed included identifying sensitive areas such as wetland areas, steep slopes, and drainage basins, and the ratio of single family and multifamily. Ms. Keenan described the few existing commercial land uses and indicated the proposed route of the 277th street corridor. Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning #AZ94-2 2 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1994 Ms. Keenan provided zoning background of the annexation area, stating the area was originally included in the county's Soos Creek community planning area. She referenced page 6 of the staff report which outlines the comparable Kent zoning designations to King County zoning. Ms. Keenan reviewed three alternatives for initial zoning of the Ramstead/East Hill annexation area. The alternatives are: 1) Continue the previous King County Zoning. 2) Establish the annexation area as an urban single-family neighborhood, bounded by the natural hillside (functioning as an urban separator) on the west, while acknowledging existing multi -family development. 3) Establish the annexation area as a single-family neighborhood with both urban and large lot densities, bounded by the natural hillside (functioning as an urban separator) on the west, while acknowledging existing multi -family development. Ms. Keenan said staff's recommendation is to approve Alternative 3, which remains consistent with Framework Goals of the Kent Comprehensive Plan, consistent with the intent of the East Hill Plan, and consistent with the character and nature of the planned residential development within the annexation area. Ms. Keenan answered questions from the commissioners. A clarification was made regarding the City of Kent's allowable minimum lot size. Ms. Keenan confirmed the minimum size to be R1-5.0 (5,000 square feet), rather than R1-7.2 (7,200 square feet). She also stated Alternative 2 provided for the maximum number of single family homes as the lot sizes are consistently Rl- 7.2 which allows more units. Chair Morrill opened the public hearing to testimony. Robert Hicks 27108 110 Avenue S. E. - Kent Mr. Hicks stated Alternative 3 appeared to be to the residents' advantage, and said he did not want to see condos, apartments or duplexes in his area. Lawrence Campbell 10024 SE 240th, #102 - Kent Mr. Campbell testified on behalf of three clients, Mr. and Mrs. Mack, Mr. Crozier, and Mr. and Mrs. Preikschat asking the commission to allow a higher density zoning designation for their property. Mr. Campbell said at the time the signatures were obtained for annexations, none of his clients were informed of the potential down -zoning of their properties. Their properties were zoned down from the previous county zoning of RD3600, comparable to Kent's MRD. Mr. Campbell favored Alternative 1, with respect to his client's best interests, allowing a MRD zoning. Ramstead/East Hill Annexanon Zoning #AZ ­94 -2 3 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1994 Ekhard Preikschat 9048 NE 41 ST, Bellevue Mr. Preikschat said he was speaking on behalf of his parents and Jim Crozier, who were unable to attend the meeting. He said due to a City of Kent sewer moratorium, his parents were unable to develop their property. Also, recently the City asked for an emergency sewer line and a sewer easement through the property. His parents complied. Mr. Preikschat explained the amount of buildable property was lost, and reiterated Mr. Campbell's request for a MRD zoning designation or a cluster housing designation. Mr. Preikschat stated the location of the property as directly south of Sequoia Jr. High, at the corner of 108th avenue and 264th street. When asked which alternative he desired, he said he preferred Alternative 1. He said the acreage lost due to the City's sewer requirements is about 1.5 acres out of 4.8 acres, leaving 3.5 acres, not including the wetlands setbacks of fifty feet. Mr. Preikschat said he would be agreeable to another alternative if an MRD zoning designation not be recommended for his property. Jim Harris, Planning Director commented regarding whether a cluster housing designation had been developed in Kent. He said it was not in Kent's Zoning Code, but after the Comprehensive Plan is finalized and depending on deliberations, cluster housing could be included in one year. Chair Morrill stated that following public testimony, Mr. Satterstrom will categorize the issues and respond. Ray Christensen 26626 104th AV SE, Kent Mr. Christensen said he lives near the holding pond and has seen the pond flooded during rain storms. He said he was fearful additional housing projects or apartment complexes will cause the pond to overflow. Glenn Button 24838 116th AV SE, Kent Mr. Button said he purchased his property 35 years ago (was 1.75 acres, now 1.6 acres due to widening of Kent Kangley) and was previous zoned as business property through King County. There was a store (The Totem Pole) on this property, which was moved directly west. Mr. Button requested to have a zoning designation of Residential/Commercial. It was suggested his lot be grandfathered as commercial. Bill Carleton 10201 SE 270th Place, Kent Mr. Carleton has owned 1.5 acres for 35 years. His concern was with future growth of the Kent area, specifically with recent activity regarding multifamily housing, roads, strip malls, wetlands and tree preservation. He stated he felt the value of single family homes would escalate, and Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning JAZ -94-z 4 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1994 Mr. Carleton was asked how he felt about the concept of mixed use, allowing businesses below and apartments on top. He said it was an interesting concept but he still preferred individual ownership. Bernadette Epstein 27519 114 AV SE, Kent Ms. Epstein expressed her concern regarding the quality of life in Kent. She told the commission she wished to keep apartment housing down, allowing children to grow up in a more rural environment. Frankie Keyes 10216 SE 267th St, Kent Mrs. Keyes asked Mr. Satterstrom, on behalf of Mrs. Doris Ramstead, what effect the proposed zoning for Mrs. Ramstead's 20 acre parcel would have on her short plat. It was indicated on the map that the subject short plat is the southern -most area of the annexation area. Ms. Keyes inquired if zoning regulations had changed so as to allow construction on property zoned residential agricultural (RA). Chair Morrill said the question would be answered by Mr. Satterstrom at the end of public testimony. When asked which alternative she would prefer, Mrs. Keyes stated either alternative 2 or 3 would be satisfactory, provided new apartments would not be allowed. She also said she would like to see up -zoning so individual property owners could build on their land. Karen Rehkop 24633 156th AV SE, Kent Ms. Rehkop is the owner four parcels which include the previously mentioned store, generally located at 11701 Kent Kangley Road and single family residences. Ms. Rehkop said she wished the property could remain commercial, but also allow the homes. She suggested a designation of community commercial would be a more suitable designation for the best use of the land. When Ms. Rehkop was asked if a designation of MRG (Garden Density, multifamily up to 16 units per acre) would be satisfactory, she said it would, if the commercial use would still be allowed. It was stated she could grandfather the commercial site. Ms. Rehkop said she was concerned that she would not be allowed to make improvements to the property. Tom Lowe 11625 SE 270th St, Kent Mr. Lowe said he felt in regards to zoning determinations, perhaps a short-term approach was being taken, and that we should consider the long-term affects of decisions made today. When asked which alternative he would like to see, he said they were basically all the same, however, overall there appeared to be a lack of integration, specifically regarding the 277th Street corridor. When asked if he had recommendations for the plan, Mr. Lowe said he felt the Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning MAZ-94-2 5 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1994 planners educated in their field were the best qualified to present important information and make planning decisions. When asked if he agreed with staff's recommendation for alternative 3, with possible modifications, he replied he still feels alternative 3 is a short term solution. Hans Freiwald 11824 SE 270th St, Kent Mr. Freiwald said he is concerned about the environmental impact created by developers who are building too many homes. He specifically mentioned the wetlands, congested traffic problems on East Hill and aircraft noise. John Kiefer 11048 SE 274th St, Kent Mr. Kiefer stated concerns regarding the marketability of his two year old home, which is located in the vicinity of the 272nd St corridor. He said he felt the multifamily units would not suffer the same financial impact as would the single family homeowner. Mr. Kiefer stated his preference for additional property he owns near the corridor at 11016 S 274th, would be a MRG zoning designation. When asked which alternative he would prefer, Mr. Kiefer stated the best alternative would include cluster housing and open space. He also said he would prefer higher density only for the buffer area next to the corridor to support transit, rather than for the entire area. Gail Shewey 11217 SE 274th Street, Kent Mr. Shewey expressed his concern for the impact to the quality of life in Kent, with regards to the 272nd/277th Street corridor project and the new school in his neighborhood. He asked the commission to consider the homeowner's needs before making zoning determinations. Mr. Shewey asked if he would still be allowed to have one grazing animal per half acre. Jeff Horn 11253 SE 267th PL, Kent Mr. Horn asked if the city was taking into consideration the need for safety provisions for children travelling to school near the proposed corridor. Chair Morrill closed public testimony and called for a five minute recess at 8:45 pm. Mr. Satterstrom thanked the attendees for coming to the public hearing, and discussed the difficulty in making zoning determinations to please all concerned. He said both he and Ms. Keenan took extensive notes of the testimony and had grouped the topics for staff's responses. The four general categories are: 1) The effect the planned 272nd/277th Street Corridor has on Land Use and Zoning, 2) The desired commercial zoning on Kent Kangley Road, east of 116th Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning 6 #AZ -94-2 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1994 Avenue, 3) The zoning request for property south of Sequoia Jr. High School, 4) The Ramstead property zoning. Mr. Satterstrom described the route of the planned 272nd/277th Street Corridor, and discussed zoning details related to the proposed corridor which passes through the Ramstead/East Hill annexation area. He stated R1-7.2 zoning was recommended by staff north of the corridor, and a more rural designation of R1-20 to the south. He also said the City and the school district worked together for access and safety in planning the corridor. Mr. Satterstrom said Mr. Tim LaPorte, Engineering Supervisor was in attendance and could assist by answering specific questions concerning the corridor. Mr. Satterstrom spoke on the Kent Kangley Road issues. He indicated the properties on the map located east of 116th Avenue, which have existing commercial/residential land uses. He said the area is currently zoned single family R1-7.2, the equivalent of the previous King County zoning. Mr. Satterstrom said commercial uses are classified as legal, non -conforming and would allow more latitude, allowing exterior improvements to the existing structure, and expansion through a conditional use permit. He stated this area is surrounded by single family zoning, and staff's recommendation is to have this area remain R1-7.2. Questions followed concerning requirements for improving and enlarging a non -conforming use property. Mr. Satterstrom said the conditional use permit process, which includes a public hearing would be required if the owner chose to expand the structure beyond the existing original grandfathered use. He explained if the building burns, providing the structure is less than fifty percent destroyed, it could be rebuilt to the prior specifications. He offered to check the City of Kent Zoning Code regulations as they relate to non -conforming properties. A clarification for the term "conversion" was requested. Mr. Satterstrom said he believed when the corridor is finished, and heavy traffic is on 116th, further land use considerations quite possibly will be made for the intersection at 116th and Kent Kangley Road. Ms. Keenan discussed the previous county zoning related to the properties south of S.E. 264th Street, east of 108th Avenue, and explained staff's zoning recommendation for this area as single family R1-7.2 zoning rather than MRD. She explained the zoning of surrounding properties, confirming staff's recommendation. It was asked if staff had made considerations since the property owners were agreeable to the city of Kent's requests for easements. Ms. Keenan said perhaps an R1-5.0 or a future cluster housing designation would allow the densities requested by the property owners, still keeping the zoning in the single family category. It was noted that King County zoning had split the lots; the top part was designated MRD, the bottom portion was zoned single family residential. Ms. Keenan answered that a wetlands is located south west of the property. Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning NAZ-94-2 7 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1994 Mr. Harris commented that staff does not have the right to imply that possible higher density zoning trade-offs would be allowed to secure easements for sewers or roads from the public. He said zoning changes can be made after due consideration and through the normal application process. Ms. Keenan responded to the question concerning the RA zoning determination for the area owned by Mrs. Doris Ramstead, saying one unit per acre is allowed under this designation, consistent with King County. She further explained the topography and staff's recommendation for RA, rather than considering an R1-20 zoning designation. Tim LaPorte, Engineering Supervisor answered questions concerning the provision of sound buffers for the areas south of the proposed 272nd/277th corridor. He said none were identified in the Environmental Impact Statement, and that King County approved five plats along 116th which did not provide noise buffers. Mr. LaPorte said the City of Kent has been notifying new home buyers in that area of the proposed corridor. Mr. Satterstrom read from section 15.08.100 of the Kent Zoning Code relating to non- conforming uses. He said as long as a structure is not being enlarged or structurally altered, improvements would be allowed by authorization of the Planning Director. Therefore, expansion with structural changes would require a conditional use permit, necessitating a hearing by the Hearing Examiner. When asked if adding heating to a structure would be allowed as an improvement, Mr. Satterstrom stated it would be allowed. Also, Mr. Satterstrom said replacing a wall would be allowed, but building a new wall would require a conditional use permit. Comments were made by the Commissioners, and individual preferences to the alternatives were given. It was suggested to develop a compromise between alternative 2 and 3, which would allow higher density for the property south of the Jr. High, as indicated on Figure 2 in the staff report. Chair Morrill said he felt it was the consensus of the commission to allow higher density zoning south of the Junior High School, recommending MRD (Multifamily Residential Duplex). Mr. Satterstrom was asked to explain the difference between MRD and an R1-5.0 zoning designation. He said if it were all flat land, and all developable, an MRD designation would allow ten units per acre, and an R1-5.0 would allow about 8 units per acre. Discussions followed regarding possible building constraints as wetlands and slopes, and the importance of protecting these areas. Mr. Harris stated he felt King County originally buffered the blueberry patch, which is a vast wetlands, and the school with multifamily zoning. He said if a line needed to be drawn to separate the multifamily area, and the line should remain consistent with King County's. &&mead/East Hill Annexation Zoning #AZ -94-2 8 Planning Commission Minutes October 24, 1994 It was MOVED and SECONDED to approve alternative 3 with the area south of the Sequoia Jr. High school changed to R1-5.0. A friendly amendment was added to include preservation of the wetlands. The motion FAILED. VOTE: Yea - Commissioners Dahle, Nuss, Heineman. Nay - Commissioners Dozier, Epperly, Stringham, MacIsaac, Morrill It was MOVED and SECONDED to adopt alternative 3 with the same area designated as MRD, with the same friendly amendment. The motion CARRIED. VOTE: Yea - Commissioners Nuss, Morrill, Epperly, Dozier, Stringham, MacIsaac. Nay - Commissioner Dahle CONTINUED DELIBERATION - KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN #CPA -94-1 Chair Morrill said that in light of the late hour, deliberations on the Kent Comprehensive Plan will continue at the next meeting, November 14, 1994. It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. The motion CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, James . Harris Reco ing Secretary Ramstead/East Hill Annexation Zoning 9 #AZ -94-2