HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Planning and Economic Development Committee - 11/21/1994KENT PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES November 21, 1994 The meeting of the Kent Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Kent Morrill at 7:00 p.m. on November 21, 1994 in Kent City Hall, Chambers West. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Kent Morrill, Chair Gwen Dahle Connie Epperly Edward Heineman, Jr. Robert MacIsaac Russ Stringham Raymond Ward PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Janette Nuss, Vice Chair - Excused Kenneth Dozier - Excused PLANNING STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: James Harris, Planning Director Fred Satterstrom, Planning Manager Kevin O'Neill, Senior Planner Linda Phillips, Planner NanSea Potts, Recording Secretary OTHER CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: May Miller, Finance Manager Ed White, Transportation Engineer John Hodgson, Parks Director Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 14, 1994 MINUTES It was MOVED and SECONDED to table acceptance of the minutes of the November 14, 1994 Planning Commission meeting to the November 28, 1994 meeting. The motion CARRIED. ADDED AGENDA ITEMS None COMMUNICATIONS Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 1 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1994 Commissioner Dahle asked if Commissioner Nuss had provided copies of information received during a recent meeting with planning staff. She did not. NOTICE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS None #CPA -94-1 - Continuation of Deliberations on the Kent Draft Comprehensive Plan Chair Morrill opened deliberations and introduced Fred Satterstrom who gave a brief review of the agenda. Mr. Satterstrom said tonight's meeting is a continuation of the Transportation and Capital Facilities elements. He stated other issues related to the comp plan can be discussed after completion of the Transportation and Capital Facilities discussions. Mr. Satterstrom offered a prospective time frame for finalization of comp plan deliberations. He said November 28 is the next public hearing date and December 12 could be used to finish testimony. Mr. Satterstrom stated the City of Kent could be ineligible for state grants should adoption of the plan occur after January 1, 1995. He said the plan can, and should be revisited once a year, and the commission could recommend the plan and suggest amendments after the first of the year. May Miller, Finance Manager, explained Finance Division's memo and changes made to unspecified revenue amounts from the document distributed at the previous meeting. She said these amounts were primarily generated by .25 % sales tax and real estate excise tax. Golf user fees accounted for the balance of the unspecified revenues. Ms. Miller discussed future capital expenditures and said public safety funding revisions will need to be added to the plan It was MOVED and SECONDED to accept the Capital Facilities and Transportation elements. Mr. Satterstrom asked if the motion includes the two policy revisions as referenced in the Transportation memo dated October 31, 1994. Commissioner Stringham said it would.. The motion CARRIED: Vote: Yea - Commissioners Epperly, Dahle, Morrill, Heineman, Stringham, Nay - Commissioner MacIsaac Laurie Evezich, Assistant City Attorney was introduced. Ms. Evezich gave a general overview of the duties of the Planning Commission in their role in developing the City of Kent's comprehensive plan. She reminded the commissioners their duty is to make a recommendation to the City Council based on the representations of the planning staff. Ms. Evezich confirmed the comp plan cannot be submitted to the City Council without a recommendation by the Planning Commission. However, she stated it had to remain with the Planning Commission until a recommendation one way or the other is achieved. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 2 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1994 Questions from the commissioners followed. Concerns expressed in a recent communication received from the Seattle -King County Association of Realtors, which disputes the City's method of calculating Kent's future housing capacity were raised by the Commission. Also a concern that the City does not have enough high density single family housing was raised. The ability of the City to uphold present standards and levels of service for potential annexation areas was also asked. In response to questions from the Commission, Ed White, Transforation Engineer responded that Public Works maintains an inventory of the condition of streets and sidewalks in the City. He stated since the county has lower street standards, additional funds have been requested from the City Council to assist in bringing the street up to city standard. Mr. White said the contractors are responsible for returning streets to their original condition after water and sewer projects. Ms. Miller said a cost assessment is performed as a part of the annexation process. She also said recent capital facilities allowed for future expansion as needed to supply services to future annexation areas. She said staffing needs are included in the operations area. Ms Miller said projects must be included in the comp plan to be eligible for grant funding. Councilmanic bond capacities were outlined. Mr. Satterstrom outlined alternatives to obtaining revenue should bond issues fail and grant applications are denied. Ms. Evezich said the City could be sued for not providing LOS in transportation, but since concurrency is not required for the parks, the City would probably win by a summary judgement. John Hodgson, Parks Director, discussed projected neighborhood parks and golf courses, current and future acquisitions of King County Parks assets. He also answered questions on Kent's continuous LOS and standards. He said his philosophy regarding parks is: 1) safety within our parks, 2) Preserving our assets. Ms. Miller said the City must apply revenues towards the specific enterprise source, and money cannot be deferred per state RCW. She said there is approximately $425,000 set aside in the operating budget for street maintenance and 25 % of the sales tax revenue is reserved for capital. Mr. White responded to questions on required transportation contingency pertaining to the non - motorized element, specifically bike paths. He said the City has 22 zones, and should a problem develop in a particular zone, development can continue in the other zones. Mr. Satterstrom said next week, November 28th, the public hearing will be reopened. He listed the documents which will be available. They include: two sets of Planning Commission minutes; Response to the 11 page letter submitted by the Seattle -King County Association of Realtors; An addendum map indicating changes to the comprehensive plan land use map; Policy revisions, changed or added. A completed Capital Facilities Plan will also be provided. Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 3 Planning Commission Minutes November 21, 1994 Mr. Satterstrom recommended testimony be time-limited, as before. Discussions followed regarding the time -frame for completion of the plan. Mr. Harris said it would be impossible to schedule a second meeting in December Suggestions were offered to set time limits for testimony at the public hearing. It was MOVED and SECONDED to limit the public hearing testimony to 5 minutes per person. The motion CARRIED. It was MOVED and SECONDED to continue deliberations to the November 28, 1994 public hearing. The motion CARRIED. It was MOVED and SECONDED to adjourn the meeting. The motion CARRIED. The meeting closed at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jam s . Harri ordtng Secretary Draft Kent Comprehensive Plan #CPA -94-1 4